The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 501 Heroes See the Same Thing

Chapter 501 Heroes See the Same Thing

As for the fact that Ma Shisan's father is the president of this exchange meeting, Shen Mo knew it, but he never expected that Ma Shisan's father would appear in front of him in such an appearance.

Seeing this middle-aged man walking towards him while selling candied haws, Shen Mo felt that his cognition had gone a little bit wrong.

If it weren't for the projection of the power of the mind and eyes, Ma Shisan's father had a terrifying amount of aura, Shen Mo almost believed that the other party was really just an uncle selling candied haws.

But how could a dignified chairman of the conference become a hawker selling candied haws at the entrance of the scenic spot.

Personal hobby? !Or is there another meaning? !
"Haha! Shisan, you are finally here, come and eat a candied haws!"

Ma Jianguo's tough voice sounded, and he took a candied haws from the big stick and handed it to Ma Shisan.

"I don't want to eat! Why do you always like to do things like this regardless of the occasion, isn't it shameful!" Ma Shisan turned his head, with a look of extreme resistance.

"How did you talk to Dad, believe it or not, I'll beat you! Take it! Eat!"

Ma Jianguo's face looked like he loved his daughter very much, but what he said made Shen Mo's spine shudder.

The way the father and daughter of the Ma family unfolded is a bit different!

"Huh!" Ma Shisan snorted coldly, as if he was afraid of Ma Jianguo's iron fist, he took the candied haws silently, took a bite angrily, under the rendering of Ma Shisan's loli appearance, the ordinary candied haws also It has become more delicious.

"Just keep silent! Come, eat one too!"

As Ma Jianguo said, he also handed one to Shen Mo. Seeing that Ma Shisan was scared, the latter would naturally not reject Ma Jianguo's kindness.

But as soon as Shen Mo's hand received the stick of candied haws, he felt an extremely domineering aura, rushing along the candied haws into his body, along his arms to the lower abdomen of Dantian, making Shen Mo's body stagnate.

hum!The power of purification was activated in an instant, directly purifying Ma Jianguo's aura into nothingness. Shen Mo, who regained control of his body, did not fight back, because he did not perceive any hostility. The action just now was just Ma Jianguo's investigation of Shen Mo's strength.

"Thank you!"

Silence remained unchanged, pretending that nothing happened, took the candied haws, and took a big bite of one. It was very sweet in the mouth, soft and sweet to the bite, with a slightly sour aftertaste. It was a good candied haws.

Ma Jianguo was a little surprised. He originally wanted to find out the details of Shen Mo, but the aura that had just entered Shen Mo's body lost his perception in an instant, as if there was no news.

As the head of the Ma family, he knew what this meant.

Silence's strength has reached the point where he can't detect it, it's simply unfathomable!

"Haha! It really is the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead. Shisan has taken a fancy to you, you really have inherited my vision!"

Ma Jianguo laughed and wanted to pat Ma Shisan's head. This is something Shen Mo often does with Nan Nan, which shows that Ma Jianguo is also a senior lolicon.

Ma Shisan wanted to avoid it, but her body was very honest. Perhaps, she didn't reject her father's head-touching, but she was dishonest in her mouth.

"Father! Can you maintain some minimum respect for me in front of my subordinates?"

Ma Jianguo had long been used to his daughter's arrogant nature, so he didn't care too much, but greeted him silently, "Have you finished buying the tickets?"

"Ma Sicheng went to buy it."

"Okay! Thirteen! You will take Shen Mo to the back mountain to sign in in a while. Most of the contestants have already arrived, but there are still a few old friends who have not come. I will wait here for a while and then go to host the opening ceremony."

The silence was clear, and he finally knew why Ma Jianguo was pretending to be a candied haws seller here. He was reviewing the participants of the conference!
ginger!Sure enough, it is still old and spicy!
But in fact, Ma Jianguo is not just for this. One of the most important reasons is that Ma Shisan liked to eat candied haws the most when she was a child, but since she was injured, she has not eaten candied haws for many years, because she cannot The body of a loli makes her particularly repulsed by things from the loli period.

Ma Jianguo did this because he hoped that his daughter would get rid of the knot in her mind.

It's a pity that Ma Jianguo, a rough man, always handles the details too simply and rudely, often self-defeating and counterproductive, which has created the current alternative relationship between the Ma family and his daughter.

It's really hard work for a single father to take care of his daughter!

After Ma Sicheng bought the tickets, everyone entered the scenic spot. Under the leadership of Ma Shisan, they did not go to the tourist-intensive scenic spots, but rushed towards the undeveloped area of ​​the back mountain. The mountains became less and less, until at last there were only a few of them left.

When Shen Mo thought that he would be taken to a deserted place, he turned over the top of the back mountain and finally saw the competition venue at the foot of the mountain.

【Tiandi Elite Equestrian Club】

That's right!The previous equestrian venue has been temporarily remodeled, and it has become the competition venue this time, just like the ancient Roman Colosseum. The oval auditorium surrounds the sandy field, and the conference staff and participants come and go. It is very lively .

Compared with the previous scenic spots, this place has become an extraordinary battlefield isolated from the world.

"We have arrived!"

Ma Shisan came to the sign-in point of the contestants with silence, and after signing in, he was waiting in the field area for the start of the conference.

During this period, Ma Sicheng has gone to collect information, or to find his own customers.

However, Mo Mo originally wanted to use the power of his mind and eyes to investigate the surrounding situation, but was blocked by an invisible force, and he couldn't use the power of his mind and eyes to the extreme.

According to Zhang Fugui, the Zhongshan God of Tongtian Demon Realm, some kind of formation has been set up here, the purpose is to guard against snoopers like Mo Mo who have the ability to detect, but fortunately, it is not affected by the large formation on the battlefield, otherwise Silence capabilities will also be limited.

The waiting time was originally boring, but Shen Mo didn't expect that he would meet an acquaintance here.

Wang Meng!

The group leader of the third group, a muscular man who was repeatedly trampled by Silence in the dragon god's reverse scale armor during the Buddha's evil burial mission.

In addition to Wang Meng, there are several familiar faces from the second group, as well as new faces, probably newcomers who have just joined the third group.

"Master Ma Qun, Brother Shen, you are finally here."

Wang Meng greeted Ma Shisan familiarly, and looked at Ma Shisan with some trepidation.

Because during the Buddha's evil burial mission, Wang Meng mistakenly believed that Shen Mo had captured Ma Shisan's dragon spirit, so as soon as he returned to Yanjing, he spread Ma Shisan's scandal. Go to the Sanqun office, hang Wang Meng up and play wildly. If not for the pleading of a group of group leaders, Wang Meng might have been reincarnated as a grandson.

Until now, Ma Shisan has not given Wang Meng any good looks.

As the culprit, Shen Mo asked in a low voice with a dazed expression on his face.

"Brother Wang Meng, when did you offend Ma Qunzhu? She looked at you as if she wanted to peel you off."

Wang Meng was shocked, the regret in his heart, it's because you didn't explain clearly at that time, so I misunderstood! ?Who knew that besides the Ma family, there would be someone with the power of the dragon god in this world.

"You still have the nerve to say, I was tricked by you! But it's over, at least my life is saved. In the future, it's better not to provoke Ma Qunzhu."

"I agree with your idea very much!"

"Well! Heroes see the same thing."

Ma Shisan didn't know what the two of them were muttering about, but with their pissing nature, it wasn't a good thing, so he said angrily, "Wang Meng, why are you the only three groups here, what about the other groups?"

Wang Meng replied, "One group received a temporary mission to support Africa. The evil spirits there have been raging recently and have requested international assistance. The jurisdictions of other groups are also very busy. This time, only three groups of us received the mission to maintain order on the scene. And your 21st group. Speaking of which, Master Ma, where are your people?"

"Aren't they there!"

Ma Shisan pointed to a small group that looked like passers-by.

Silence followed Ma Shisan's fingers, and he finally saw the friends from Group 21.

(End of this chapter)

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