The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 502 Shen·Beginning in chaos and finally abandoning·Silence

Chapter 502 Shen·Beginning in chaos and finally abandoning·Silence
Friends from Group 21 are here too!

Although Shen Mo is very active in the group, he has never met the group members, and the group members have never seen Mo Mo himself, and now he finally appeared.

Ma Shisan called everyone and introduced him.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looking like a middle school chemistry teacher is Zhucheng Liu Huaqing.

With wavy curls and Korean trendy clothes, Cai Xukun from the border town is dressed up.

The mighty man is Wulitu Wumujijijiergla Bayanertai from Inner Mongolia, everyone calls him Taertai.

Tang suit Tang suit, full of ancient rhyme is Haojing Li Yang.

Wearing a pitch-black magic-weave mask and wearing a tight fit is Wo Shikang who has never spoken in the group.

Apart from Shen Shen who participated alone, 21 groups plus group leader Ma Shisan, a total of six people came to maintain the law and order of the conference.

Together with the three groups of Wang Meng's people, there are a total of 12 people.

Mo Mo met the group of friends who used to chat with each other, and naturally chatted with them. After some business bragging, everyone quickly became acquainted, and, as the representative contestants of the 21 groups, everyone congratulated Mo Mo and hoped that he would Win the championship and win the Secret Order of the Taibai Mountain Secret Realm.

Silence is not modest, so it is natural to accept it. In his own opinion, the victory this time must be himself.

"Brother Shen, don't take it lightly! There are many amazing talents among the contestants this time, so we must treat it with caution."

Liu Huaqing in the border town has always been steady and good at analysis. He told Shen Mo what he knew, "Look at that girl with perfect measurements and good looks, don't underestimate her because she is young, she is the great-grandson of the old master Longhushan The women's single spirit fire, with the secret technique of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, has already achieved great success."

The silent eyes fell, as if seeing a golden light from the girl's body, which was extremely dazzling.

This girl is really not simple.

"Have you seen those two people on your left? They are Zhang San Li Si from the Northeast. They have a mixed nickname, and they use a family-inherited secret technique. They work together and are extremely difficult to deal with."

Trick? !Can this thing also be used against the enemy?
Ma Shisan added from the side, "Conjuring tricks are spells based on the principle of the five elements' auras generating and restraining each other. They actually belong to the lineage of warlocks."

Nodding silently, remembering the appearance of the two of them.

"Although no three and no four are facing trouble, you should not lose with your means. You should be most careful about those two people."

Ma Shisan pointed to the two people who were chatting in the center of the venue, "Zhuge Dali! Abstinence monk!"

The handsome and wise man in a suit and leather shoes is Zhuge Dali. As a descendant of Marquis Wu, he uses strange secret techniques and uses the power of yin and yang, eight trigrams and five elements to fight against the enemy.

He looks like a barbaric monk, and the tall and burly monk is a monk who is abstaining from sex. As a candidate for the presidency of Lingjue Temple, it is said that he has already realized the state of presiding in the Sutra of Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

Shen Mo looked at the two of them, and with his extraordinary hearing ability, he could naturally hear what they were talking about.

Zhuge Dali: "Master Rebooting, I heard that you have seen through emotions and desires, and you are not involved in the world. Why are you interested in participating in the exchange meeting? Could it be that monks are also interested in the Taibai Secret Realm?"

Little monk who quits sex: "I have quit sex, and I have admired the reputation of Marquis Wu for a long time. This time I came here not on purpose, but to preside over the experience of the little monk. It is said that if I don't go to hell, whoever will go to hell, this little monk is just duckweed."

Zhuge Dali: "Then it's time to learn the Sutra of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires from the master of rebooting."

The little monk who quit sex: "The little monk also asks Brother Dali's Wuhou Qimen."

The two men pinched each other before the game started, and the eavesdropping silence could clearly perceive the strong smell of gunpowder between the two.

According to what Ma Shisan and Liu Huaqing said, Mo Mo had a certain score in his heart, and he had a general understanding of the enemy he was about to face.

hum!The lucky cat on the waist trembled slightly, conveying new information to Shen Mo.

"Boss, don't listen to their nonsense. According to my calculations, the opponents they talk about are all bad guys. You should really be careful of those few people."

Shen Mo was slightly startled, there was a powerful opponent that Ma Shisan and Liu Huaqing didn't know about.

According to Nan Nan, Silence locked four people in the crowd.

"Whoever meets one of these four people will face a great crisis."

Silently recorded the appearance of the four, and tentatively asked Ma Shisan and Liu Huaqing.

"Do you know these people?"

Both Ma Shisan and Liu Huaqing shook their heads, "Should they be the rising stars of some faction, what? Are they very strong?"

hey-hey!Sure enough, the basic information of the Super Bureau is unreliable, and Ma Sicheng has to collect the latest information to determine the identities and strengths of the four.

"I do know one."

Mrs. Er from Inner Mongolia interjected, "Those who wear Mongolian clothes like me should be envoys from Tianshan Mountain. People from Tianshan Mountain never go down the mountain. I didn't expect them to come to this conference."

Ma Shisan was stunned, "Er Tai, now that you said that, I remembered that the symbol on his body is indeed the seal of snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain."

Tianshan messenger? !

Keep this person in mind.

Ma Shisan realized something, and suggested, "How about I go to the registration point of the conference and check who the remaining three people are?"

Shen Shen shook his head, "Don't bother, hasn't Sicheng already checked it? Besides, the information that can be found at the registration point is only their names, and any more is a sect."

Mo Mo originally wanted to use his Investigator Ring to probe the information of the remaining three people, but in order not to attract the attention of the three people, he still held back his desire to spy.

The meeting is about to start, and those who should know will know it, and there is no need to risk the attention and vigilance of the three people.

Just as Shen Mo and others were talking, a figure suddenly stepped out from the crowd, quietly touched Shen Mo, raised his arm, and planned to slap Shen Mo severely.

Snapped!Mo Mo instinctively blocked the other party's attack, and just wanted to fight back, but was stunned by the appearance of the person who came.

is her!How could it be her!
Yerry is lost!

Ye Lilo, who was studied at Yenching University, why did she appear at the conference, and why did she slap silently? !
Silent eyes glanced up and down Ye Lilo's body. She had shed the Yuan Dynasty costume and replaced it with a modern dress. The tight-fitting jeans wrapped her round thighs tightly, showing the beauty of perfect lines. The upper body of the white printed T-shirt , becoming three-dimensional and straight on the chest, the graceful neck and the clearly visible collarbone are still so fascinating, the reddish cheeks are printed on the snow-white face, blown can break, the whole person is still like a bird blown by the wind Butterflies are like light and transparent ice and snow.

"You liar! I'm going to kill you!"

Ye Li lost and cursed fiercely, love and hatred were mixed and mixed, making it unpredictable.

Silence was dazed and at a loss.

How did he become such a liar?He did nothing!

hey-hey!Ma Shisan had a smirk on her face, as if she had foreseen this happening a long time ago, she winked at everyone and muttered.

"Ahem! This is a romantic debt owed by Mo Mo, everyone, don't watch the excitement, what should you do, let them solve it themselves, let's go! Let's go!"

Silence is bitter in my heart, what should I do if you are scattered like this?I don't even know what happened!
Ma Shisan looked triumphant, and patted Shen Mo on the shoulder, "You can do it for yourself! Of course, don't affect the subsequent games!"

Depend on!Shen Mo had a keen intuition that Ma Shisan smelled a conspiracy, and this was the surprise that Ma Shisan said!
This is the hole that Ma Shisan left for silence.

"Miss Lost, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us!"

Ye Li lost his face red and angry, "Let go of me, you hurt me."

Only then did Shen Mo realize that his strength value was close to [-]. For Ye Limisuo, who was a zombie, it would be difficult to bear without the blessing of corpse energy.

"Okay, I can let go, but let's talk about it in advance, and talk about it if you have something to say."

"Hey!" Ye Li lost his head slightly, agreeing.

But as soon as Shen Mo let go, Ye Li lost his head and wanted to slap Shen Mo again, but was caught by Mo Mo again.

"Miss Lost, why don't you count what you say. How did I offend you!"

After Ye Li lost his mind, he became more and more angry, " don't even know where you are wrong? You are a big liar."

Silence: ∠(д`)
Ye Li lost, what did I lie to you?

(End of this chapter)

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