The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 504 The Cold Wind Blows Dangerous Four

Chapter 504 The Cold Wind Blows the Dangerous Four
Ma Shisan was very depressed, very depressed, so depressed that he exploded on the spot.

Although she led everyone away from Silence and Yeli Lost, she never took her eyes off them for a moment.

What Ma Shisan wants to see is the picture of Shen Mo being madly exported by Ye Li, but the development of the plot makes Ma Shisan unexpected.

Mo Mo kept holding Ye Li Lost's hand, and even pressed the other's hand to his chest, as if he was playing hooligans and was not afraid of big troubles. What was even more surprising was that Ye Li Lost didn't resist, and even had an expression of great enjoyment .

In the end, when Shen Mo and Ye Li lost their faces, Ma Shisan knew that the hole she had buried so hard was so easily filled by Shen Mo.

Pooh!Zombies are really unreliable!It was filled in so casually!

Moreover, there must be an ulterior secret between them.

Boom boom boom!
Ma Shisan was about to try it out, but a loud bell rang in his ears. It was originally the bell for horse races in the racecourse, but now it is used as the bell for the opening ceremony of the conference.

In the center of the platform at the venue, Ma Jianguo, who was formally dressed, changed his previous image of a salesman, exuding the aura of a boss from head to toe, scanning the audience with sharp eyes, pointing the country like a hero, and waving his hands domineeringly.

"Welcome everyone to participate in this supernatural exchange conference. I am Ma Jianguo, the president of this conference."

There was a lot of applause from the audience. Shen Mo noticed that most of the people applauding were internal personnel of the Super Bureau and the young people of the Ma family, while people from other organizations did not give Ma Jianguo any face.

In the eyes of others, they came here to seize the secret order of Taibai Mountain, not to see Ma Jianguo.

Ma Jianguo seemed to be aware of this, laughed awkwardly, and went straight to the point, "Hahaha, it seems that everyone can't wait to start the competition! I understand everyone's feelings, so I won't waste your time."

Ma Jianguo waved his hand and announced, "Then, let's get started!"

"Please give each contestant one by one to draw their own number plates from the carton."

Following the arrangement of the staff, everyone lined up in a long queue according to the sign-in number, and drew lots in turn.

Because Shen Mo was the latest to sign in, he was at the end of the line. After he received his number, most of the people knew the order of the game.

Silently check the number in your hand [Jia Chou Xuanwu]

The number of the game is determined according to the heavenly stems and earthly branches and the Sifang beast. The silent number represents the second duel of the first round. The Sifang beast represents four contestants entering the arena at the same time, but only one contestant can win.

There are three competition venues, representing three rounds of competition at the same time.

Silently thinking about Zashiki Doji Nannan on his waist.

"Nannan, are you sure this number is the luckiest?"

Nannan: "Boss, don't you feel relieved when I do things? You will know how good I am to you when you are on the field."

Shen Mo nodded, Nan Nan had never disappointed Mo Mo in terms of luck.

"Shen Mo, which game are you in?" Ye Li lost his number early, and when he saw Mo Mo come out of the queue, he immediately stepped forward to ask.

"What about you at the front?"

Ye Li was lost in comparing the numbers, and felt relieved, "Fortunately, we are not in the same game. I am Bingyin Suzaku, the third round of the third round."

According to the numbers of the two, they will not meet until the semifinals.

This is obviously the credit of Nan Nan, and Nan Nan's luck is more than that.

Ten minutes later, the latest information from Ma Sicheng showed that the four unknown players that Shen Mo was worried about were all assigned to the second-ranked arena, and they would not be able to face Shen Mo and Ye Li.

In this round of silence, only four people needed his attention.

Longhushan single spirit fire!

Liu Yunshe Guo Zang!
Suizhou charter woman Xian Feiyan!

Inner Mongolia Sanbao Mar!

In addition to the names and backgrounds of the four people, Ma Sicheng also collected the abilities and strengths of the four people, which was of great help to Silence.

Shan Linghuo of Longhu Mountain is proficient in the way of talismans. It is rumored that she has already started to practice Zhengyilu, one of the three mountain talismans. It is a secret technique that only the head and acting head of Longhu Mountain can practice. peer.

Guo Zang of Liuyun Society practiced the secret method of saying what the Dharma follows. It is said that this method came from Buddhism [Miaohui Tongnvjing], which was passed down by Xuanzang, an eminent monk in Tang Dynasty, after returning from his journey to the west. Dharma Realm.

Xian Feiyan, the charterer of Suizhou, is endowed with supernatural powers and can communicate with the spirits of all things. She practices the family secret art of universal psychic body mantra, which can summon spirits from the upper body, borrow the power of spirits, and perform spirit deeds.

Inner Mongolia Three Treasures Mar, and his parents are collectively called Inner Mongolia Three Treasures, they are the descendants of Tianshan Mountain, and they practice the Tianshan Immortal Kungfu, Maer is very talented, at a young age, he practiced the Tianshan Immortality Kung Fu to the point where even the Tianshan Grandma was amazed. He even made an exception and recruited her to Tianshan to participate in the election of Tianshan's saint.She came this time because she wanted to obtain the secret decree of Taibai Mountain, to get a chance, and to increase her bargaining chip for the title of saint.

Although the four of them were not a fatal threat to Shen Mo, they were a bit tricky and troublesome when fighting.

In order to prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter, it would be safer to write down their information silently.

After the draw is over, the game officially begins.

The first match of the first round was a duel between four passers-by. Except for the vajra horizontal kung fu used by the winner, which was a little brilliant, the others were all mediocre.

Immediately, it was the second silent game.

When Shen Mo walked on the field, he finally understood why Nan Nan said [you will know how good I am to you when you play]

Because Silence's opponents are actually three girls.

An intellectual beauty with a devil figure, a fierce daughter with all the attribute points added to her chest, and a timid and fledgling little girl.

Such an opponent... Nan Nan really took good care of Silence!

What's even more surprising is that as soon as the three of them came on stage, they fought hard because of a silent sentence.

Silence just asked casually, "Which one of you will fight me first?"

The three of them pinched each other in order to fight for the right to fight Silence first.

The sky was dark, the blood flowed like a river, and fierce lights appeared frequently...
Having used the flesh and blood of the Dragon God, Silence who has the body of the Dragon God has a natural affinity and lethality for women of various attributes. It is reasonable for the three of them to behave like this.

When the little girl among the three won by a slight margin, Mo Mo defeated her opponent with just one punch and easily won the match.

The onlookers booed for a while. From their point of view, Mo Mo, the little boy, won the match entirely by his own looks. If he met three mighty and majestic men, he might even be able to poop. was typed out.

Mo Mo doesn't care about everyone's evaluation. Before meeting a real opponent, he will not show his true strength at all. Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is the most advantageous way to fight.

This is not a silent show, who made him have more cards!
Next, after a few more games, Mo Mo waited for the duel between Tianshan Maer and Suizhou renter Xian Feiyan.

Both of them are geniuses with extraordinary talents, and their backgrounds are not to give way. Coupled with their extraordinary beauty, they naturally attract the attention of many men.

As a man, silence is naturally among them.

He opened up the power of his mind and eyes, projected the process of the game into his mind, and recorded the means and skills of the two. No matter who wins this victory, they will become opponents after silence.

Let's talk about Tianshan Ma'er's one-handed Tianshan Melting Snow Palm, which made Xian Feiyan lose every battle. In terms of fighting skills, Xian Feiyan was obviously not Ma'er's opponent.

But Xian Feiyan didn't need to hone her fighting skills at all. She only saw her own talent and the family secret technique of the universal psychic spell. A dark ghost rose behind her and merged with her body.

Spirit upper body!
No!To be precise, the secret technique performed by Xian Feiyan is more advanced than that of the upper body of the spirit. It can perfectly combine the power of itself and the spirit body to exert super powerful combat power.

But under Shen Mo's perception, what Xian Feiyan summoned was actually an unknown general in gilded battle armor. The general attacked him. Xian Feiyan's original mediocre fighting skills suddenly rose to the level of a master. At a loss.

"To be able to integrate the fighting skills of the spirit body into several bodies is really a brilliant secret technique."

Silent was secretly amazed. Although he has the ability to read the doll's memory, it still takes a long time to hone and adapt to obtain the fighting skills in the doll's memory. Mantra, you can get everything in the spirit body.

Tianshan Maer's pressure increased sharply, her beautiful eyes were slightly fixed, she used her strength, and shouted, "Tianshan is not old!"

Under the eyes of the mind, the pure white snow-like aura surged in Maer's body, like a snow mountain collapsing for thousands of years, unstoppable, and like a place of extreme ice that has never changed, two completely different forces caused Maer's palm to change drastically, Although it is still the Tianshan Snow Melting Palm, its realm and level are instantly elevated.

Although the spirit Xian Feiyan summoned was powerful, it was difficult to parry such a weird palm style, and after a few rounds, he was defeated.

Winner - Tianshan Maer.

Silently, she was speechless, Xian Feiyan didn't show her full strength, and there was an extremely powerful spirit in her body, but it was a pity that she was defeated by Mal before she could summon it.

Similarly, Maer didn't show his real strength. The Tianshan Snowmelting Palm is just Tianshan's introductory palm technique. With the eyesight of Silent New Fighting Fist, he can see it clearly. He has even memorized the moves of Tianshan Melting Snow Palm and used it Not too bad either.

Shen Mo watched a few more duels, and it was noon. Looking at the following battle list, there was no battle worthy of attention.

Hence, Shen Mo called Ye Li Mimi and asked her out for lunch, which was also fulfilling his promise.

Scenic staff restaurant (temporarily borrowed by Super Bureau).

Both Shen Mo and Ye Li Lost are special commissioners of the Super Bureau, so they have the right to enter the staff cafeteria to solve the lunch problem.

As for the contestants, they can only go to expensive and unpalatable restaurants in the scenic area to solve the problem of the Wu Zang Temple.

Shen Mo ordered a set meal A for herself, while Ye Limi ordered a duck blood vermicelli soup, no vermicelli, no soup, the whole chef was taken aback.

Looking at Ye Limi's bowl full of duck blood, he chatted silently and awkwardly, "Is there only blood in your menu?"

Ye Li lost his head and asked, "Isn't it natural for zombies to suck blood?"

"Then how can I take you to taste all the delicacies in the world?"

Ye Li lost his smile and said, "Don't worry! Blood sucking is only a physiological need, and other things can be eaten, but there are a little side effects..."

"What side effects?"

Silence is quite curious.

Ye Li lost his way to Shen Mo's ear and whispered, "Do you know that horses never leave the barrel?"

Huh! ~Silence suddenly found that the set meal A in front of him was no longer delicious.

It turns out that zombies have to go to the toilet too!

Silence thought that zombies were nothing but food.

"You say that, I feel somewhat guilty."

Ye Li lost his way with a smile, "I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? Are you going back on your word?"

"That's not true, it's just that your physique affects the rhythm of foodies. Once you eat, you have to stop for a day."

"Isn't that better? The time you spend with me will be longer."

"Time is not a problem... After all, how about your opponent?"

Ye Li lost his way and said seriously, "The opponent I met was so strong, if it wasn't for my zombie body's super resistance, I would have been eliminated in the first match."

Um! ?Encountered a hard stubble in the first game?who is it?

"He's a bull-nosed Taoist priest, and he speaks aggressively. If the group leader didn't let me bite people before I came, I would have to bite him to death."

Silently comforted, "Calm down! Calm down! Little zombies, don't kill this one or the other, the marks are too obvious."

Ye Li lost his eyeballs and turned, "Yes, don't bite, we will bury it instead. This way, no one will notice. Do you have a goal?"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, "Yes!"

"When will you do it!"

"Let's go at night! The moon is dark and the wind is high, so it's easy to do things!"

Shen Mo and Ye Li lost a knowing.

"What are you two laughing at?"

Ma Shisan's voice sounded from behind Shen Mo, she had noticed Shen Mo and Ye Li's loss, but she had been hiding in a corner to observe, seeing this person chatting so happily and looking like a gangster, it was great This aroused Ma Shisan's curiosity.

"We're chatting..." Ye Li lost his instinct to say it, but was stopped by silence.

"Hush! The less people know about this, the better."

Ye Li lost his head repeatedly, picked a piece of duck blood and put it into his mouth, covered his mouth, and chewed carefully.

Ma Shisan:? ? ?

You really already have a leg.What tricks are you trying to hide from me?
"Silence, this game is very important, don't mess around."

"We are not fooling around, everything is for victory!"

Ma Shisan: I believe you ghost!
A stinky shameless, a zombie, what good can you do if you mix together.

Just as the atmosphere became more and more solemn, Ma Sicheng brought new information.

This time the intel is about one of the dangerous four.

"Brother Shen, what a surprise! The rebooting master was actually given a second! The person who seconded him is one of the four people you want me to pay attention to. How did you see that he is not simple? It's really amazing."

Who is the one who instantly kills the rebooting master? !

The cold wind blows dangerous four people.

cold wind blowing? !What a strange name.

And his battle with the rebooting master is even more strange, even a little horrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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