The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 505 Ice Soul Silver Needle

Chapter 505 Ice Soul Silver Needle
What's so weird about the battle between the rebooting master and the cold wind?

Ma Sicheng took out his Huawei M30, turned on the extremely clear video, and played it for Shen Mo and the others.

In the venue of the second round of the competition, the rebooting master with a disillusioned face was facing the cold wind as cold as ice.

Following the referee's order, the master of rebooting quickly held the Buddha's seal, and displayed the Lingjue Temple's unique learning of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Sutra, preparing to pull the cold wind into the seven emotions and six desires array, so as to have a good experience.

But just when the Buddhist formation was about to be completed, the movements of the rebooting master stopped abruptly, his wide-open eyeballs were filled with astonishment, and he passed out directly under the gaze of everyone.

And the cold wind blew from beginning to end, without even moving a single finger.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and no one knows what just happened?The rebooting master passed out in such a strange way.

After a moment of astonishment, the referee announced that the cold wind had won.

This immediately detonated the venue, and everyone was talking about the cold wind blowing. I don't know what method he used to beat the champion's seed player in seconds.

After the video was broadcast, there was silence all around, and everyone didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

"what's the situation!"

Ma Shisan widened his eyes, exclaimed, clicked on the video again, and replayed the screen again, but still found nothing.

"How is this possible? Although the monk's cultivation is not perfect, it's impossible to lose so casually! Could there be a shady plot here? The monk was bribed by the cold wind?"

"Impossible! I have investigated the character of the monk who is abstaining from sex. It is impossible for a monk to do such a thing." Ma Sicheng denied it with absolute certainty.

"Then what do you mean? Did you see the cold wind blowing your hand? He didn't move at all!"

Ma Shisan pointed at the figure blown by the cold wind, with a dazed expression on his face. What happened was so weird that even with Ma Shisan's eyesight, he couldn't see the clue.

Ma Sicheng's face was serious, he was silent for a moment, and looked at the silence. When he was at a loss, he instinctively pinned his hope on the silence.

Since Mo Mo can see that the cold wind is blowing extraordinary, then he must know something that everyone doesn't know.

Ma Shisan also reacted, quickly looked at Shen Mo, and asked, "Shen Mo, what do you see?"

Shen Mo didn't answer, but clicked on Ma Sicheng's mobile phone video again, when the rebooting master's expression suddenly changed, he immediately paused the video, pointed his finger at rebooting's chest, and asked, "What is this?"

Um! ?

Everyone looked sideways and stared at the chest of the rebooting master with wide eyes.

"Nothing!" Ma Shisan was puzzled.

"There are oil stains on the cassock?" Ma Sicheng asked tentatively.

"It seems that there is a thin and long thing..."

As a Zombie King-level zombie, Ye Li lost his eyesight more than Ma Shisan, so he really saw some clues.

Thin and long? !
Ma Shisan's pink face flushed slightly, and he muttered in his heart, "Ye Lilo, what did you learn at Yenching University? Why do you look more and more like Shen Mo?"

Where is the thin and long thing on the chest of the rebooting master...
Huh~? !Oh hoo? !
Ma Shisan's expression turned serious, she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

what is this? !!

Ma Shisan pointed to a bright spot on the video, which seemed to be thinner than a hair.

"Hair strands?"

"White line?"

"Thin needles?"

Shaking his head silently, he said firmly, "Ice Soul Silver Needle!"

Ma Shisan was the first to jump out to object, "Ice Soul Silver Needle?! I still have Jiuyin White Bone Claw, do you think this is Tianlong Babu?"

Ye Li was lost and surprised, "Sister Thirteen is talking about a book?"

Ma Shisan's face was flushed. It was really embarrassing to be ridiculed by a zombie from the Yuan Dynasty about contemporary common sense. She fooled, "That's not important. The important thing is how could this thing be the ice soul silver needle."

Shen Mo didn't refute, but with a thought, he slowly raised his palm, and under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, a thin and long transparent ice needle was condensed.

Puff!The ice needle shot straight through the void, pierced through the glass of the restaurant in the scenic spot, and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

hiss!Ma Shisan gasped, even though she didn't want to admit it anymore, the facts speak louder than words.

The method Silence used just now is exactly the same as the method used in the video.

The rebooting master was really defeated by Bingpo Silver Needle, which simply refreshed everyone's three views!

The Ice Soul Silver Needle reappears in the rivers and lakes, which is about to cause a bloody storm...

ah!Pooh!You got the wrong script!You thought you were writing martial arts novels?

Mo Mo corrected, "To be exact, it's not the Bingpo Silver Needle, but I think it's more appropriate to call it that name."

Ma Shisan pulled his face, "Then what exactly is it?"

Silently patted the thousand-year-old extreme ice and snow on his waist, and called out the snow girl Ji Nai who lived in it, "Jin Nai, please explain to everyone."

The white snow flashed, and Jinai, who was wearing a snow-white printed kimono, appeared in front of everyone, and made a playful face, explaining, "This is actually a thorn of ice, but it is so slender that it looks like It is thin and long like a needle, and it is indeed very appropriate to call it the Bingpo Silver Needle."

Frost Spike! ?

Ma Shisan pointed to the needle in the video that was thinner than a hair, you call this a thorn? !
In order to condense the ice so slender and extremely tough, the operator must have such fine control and control over the ice.

Is that something humans can do?

"This really works!"

Mo Mo pointed to the cold wind in the video and said, "He is that person."

As a member of the Xuenv family, Ji Nai, coupled with the amplified bloodline of the Millennium Extreme Ice and Snow, managed to condense the Ice Soul Silver Needle, and judging from the way the cold wind blows, he is no better than Ji Nai in terms of the power of ice. Nacha, even stronger and purer.

The cold wind blows!A ruthless man who is proficient in the power of ice and good at using ice needles.

In layman's terms, the cold wind blows, a man playing with needles.

Such an enemy is really tricky to deal with, ordinary people can't defend against the attack of the Bingpo Silver Needle at all, and the cold wind blows the strange way of throwing the silver needle, making it even more difficult to defend against.

The rebooting master fell into his hands, and he didn't complain at all.

As the silence unraveled the doubts, everyone who had understood the ability of the cold wind blowing, not only did not become relaxed, but became more worried.

Ma Shisan: "Too strong! Silence, how sure are you of defeating him?"

Ma Sicheng: "Brother Shen, don't panic, I'll keep an eye on him for you to see if I can find out his weakness."

Ye Li lost: "Such a difficult opponent, even if I meet it, it will be difficult to win. What should I do if I am met earlier by Shen Mo."

Everyone's worries, in Shen Mo's view, are a bit funny.

Since Silence can see the ability of the cold wind blowing, and can let Xuenv Ji Nai use the opponent's methods, he naturally has the confidence to deal with the cold wind blowing ice soul silver needle.

But now it's good, Silence didn't panic, but they did.

Silence smiled and said, "Don't panic! Soldiers will block you, and water will cover you. Let's wait until he wins the second round. After all, there are four dangerous people, and there are three more in the second round!"

Everyone understands that the Lord of Silence doesn't panic, why are they panicking!
Ye Li lost: "Then what shall we do next?"

Silence: "After dinner, go to watch the game in the afternoon. Tonight, don't we have something to do!"

Ye Lilo's eyes lit up, and he laughed again and again.

Ma Shisan and the others had expressions of embarrassment again, when did this person hook up with each other, and they developed so fast.

The world is really big, full of surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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