Chapter 506

The first round.

When Shen Mo and others arrived, they happened to encounter the battle between Longhushan Shan Linghuo and Liuyunshe Guo Zang.

The strength of the two is equal, and it is naturally difficult to distinguish the winner for a while.

I saw Shan Linghuo's body floating in the breeze, and countless scarlet talismans floating in the air to surround it, and under the urging of her pale golden aura, ripples were emitted.

The power of silent mind is opened, as the descendant of Uncle Niutoushan, his eyesight is naturally extraordinary in the way of talismans.

He quickly realized that Shan Linghuo should have used some kind of wind attribute speed-up talisman to increase his speed, as well as a vajra talisman for body protection.

And those floating crimson talismans are high-level talismans recorded in Zheng Yilu, and each one is priceless.

If converted into soft sister coins, the value of each talisman is calculated in [-] units.

This is no exaggeration, because all the materials needed to make talismans are priceless. Even if you spend a lot of money to collect the materials, the subsequent refining techniques and refining process will be a great test Focusing on the ability of the talisman master, pouring into the talisman master's hard work.

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Shan Linghuo's talisman has great reference value for Shen Mo. If he can get Shan Linghuo's guidance, Silence's middle-level talisman may be upgraded to the realm of high-level talisman.

On the other hand, Guo Zang of Liuyun Club seemed to be able to deal with Shan Linghuo's talisman attack with ease.

I saw Guo Zang holding a yin-yang feng shui fan, and a navy blue gown that was windless and automatic. , or block it directly.

The blazing talisman of Shan Linghuo came, and Guo Zang gave a loud shout【冷】

The hot blazing fireball was extinguished in an instant, turning into little sparks and disappearing.

The falling stone talisman condenses a huge boulder and hits it, Guo Zang shouts [broken]

The huge boulder taller than a person shattered and turned into countless powders, annihilated and dissipated.

"Liuyun Society's ability to speak freely is really powerful, Shan Linghuo, a little girl, is probably going to lose."

Ma Shisan expressed her opinion. In her opinion, Shan Linghuo could not do anything to Guo Zang.

"No!" Ye Li lost retorted, "I think Guo Zang will lose."

Ma Shisan: "Lost, do you see anything different?"

"I'm not sure, but my intuition tells me that Guo Zang will lose."

Ma Shisan chuckled, feeling that this kind of thing is reliable?Judging from the current situation, Shan Linghuo is not Guo Zang's opponent at all. As long as Guo Zang launches an offensive, he will definitely break Shan Linghuo's talisman array.

"Guo Zang is going to lose!"

Just when neither of the two could convince the other, they muttered in a low voice, bringing everyone's attention to the arena again.

Guo Zang breathed out a fragrant fragrance, and said several times in succession, which were "disease", "strength", and "break".

Disease, represents speed; force, represents strength; broken, intended to break.

In an instant, Guo Zang turned into a flash of thunder, and with all his strength, he swung the yin-yang feng shui fan in his hand and pointed at the talisman array of Shan Linghuo. It was like a firecracker bursting, and the talismans were shattered with the tip of the fan, invisible The air wave formed a vortex to block between the two.

The moment Guo Zang's fan was about to touch Shan Linghuo's chest, a sudden change occurred.

I saw the crimson talisman floating behind Shan Linghuo trembled slightly, bursting out with dazzling red light, the power of the talisman exploded, like the Yellow River bursting its embankment, unstoppable, the scalding fire wave poured down like the fire from heaven, and instantly submerged Guo Zang .

The flames flickered, and a figure suddenly entered the silent projection of the mind, directly lifted Guo Zang out of the flames, and threw it aside.

Ma Jianguo!
In the scorching fire, Ma Jianguo was independent and unaffected by the flames. Even the clothes on his body were unscathed under a bundle of stellar energy. It was obvious that Ma Jianguo was here to save people.

"You still need Zheng Yilu's Skyfire Talisman in the competition between juniors? Didn't your lord tell you about the power of this thing?"

Snapped!Ma Jianguo's aura erupted, and the body guard's qi stirred, directly extinguishing the blazing fire, and everything returned to nothingness.

Shan Linghuo quickly withdrew his spiritual power, bowed and apologized, "Sorry, I couldn't control it."

Ma Jianguo waved his hand, "Forget it, you won this match, but remember in the future, if you want to make a big move during the sparring, say hello in advance, don't let the other party not know how they lost."

Shan Linghuo repeatedly claimed that she did not dare to disobey Ma Jianguo, because the other party was in front of her, exposed to the sky fire and was unscathed, and only by virtue of her aura, the sky fire was blown away. With such combat power, even her parents and seniors did not Few people can do it so easily.

"Sister Thirteen, your old man is really amazing."

Ye Li lost his mind and admired again and again, but he forgot the disagreement with Ma Shisan just now.

Ma Shisan smiled awkwardly. He didn't expect that Shan Linghuo would hide a sky fire talisman in the talisman. The sky fire talisman was the top ten most powerful talisman in the Zhengyi talisman. A talisman master like Shan Linghuo had no ability to control this talisman at all. .

Just like a child driving a Bentley supercar, accidents will happen if he is not careful.

Therefore, Ma Shisan thought that Shan Linghuo didn't have this talisman at all, and even if he did, he didn't dare to use it here, because it would be a matter of killing people.

If Ma Jianguo hadn't acted in time just now, Guo Zang would have already explained.


Ye Li lost his instinct and guessed that Guo Zang would lose, while Shen Mo knew that Guo Zang would come out. Could it be that he already knew that Shan Linghuo would use the Skyfire Talisman? !

Ma Shisan couldn't help looking at Shen Mo, but he saw Shen Mo in a daze.

Shen Mo has already put his mind into the phantom of his mind, and the battle just now has been very fruitful for him.

First of all, it is naturally the various talismans of Shan Linghuo. Although I don’t know their talisman-making techniques, it is also beneficial to observe the talismans, and then there is the sky fire talisman. New World Gate.

If the middle-level talismans only use the power inside the talisman, then the high-level talisman has already begun to use the power of the talisman to communicate with the power of heaven and earth.

This is a qualitative leap, and it is also a gap that is difficult for Silence to bridge now.

In the end, it is the words of Guo Zang of the Liuyun Society.

This door comes from the Buddhist "Miaohui Tongnvjing", which is said to be a secret technique passed down by Tang Xuanzang, which really surprised Shen Mo.

Under the perception of the power of the mind and eyes, every word Guo Zang uttered is aura sprayed out of his mouth in a mysterious way. The so-called words follow the law and every word is respectful, which are actually different applications of aura.

For Shen Mo, who has mastered the foundation of Master Huanhai's Lingboquan and has a strong control over aura, as long as he knows how aura works and spends some time, he can master this secret skill and carry it forward.

But Shen Mo didn't plan to practice this secret technique. On the one hand, he didn't want to lose people's tongue and become a gangster with the secret technique of seizing people. On the other hand, this secret technique was incomplete and had great flaws.

It's just too much effort.

For Shen Mo, having the kung fu to control the aura and follow the words, it is not as simple and rude as a shot of a spirit pill.

The Violent Spirit Pill is designed to treat all kinds of bells and whistles.

Just like when the Sky Fire Talisman was lowered just now, no matter what you say, it is also the result of being burned to slag.

Mo Mo made a decision in his heart, tonight, he and Ye Li lost a good plan.

Um? !Shen Mo came back to his senses, but saw Ma Shisan staring at him with a pair of eyes.

"Is there something wrong with the owner of the horse group?"

"Your eyes tell me that you have bad intentions for Shan Lingguang."

(End of this chapter)

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