The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 507 I advise you to be kind

Chapter 507 I advise you to be kind

Ma Shisan stared at Shen Mo with sharp eyes.

"You want to plot against Shan Linghuo!"

"How is it possible?! I am silent but I am a good person!"

After Shen Mo said this, he immediately drew Ma Shisan's contempt.

"Your definition of a good person is too broad!"

Ma Shisan curled his lips, and warned seriously, "Silence, the head of Longhu Mountain is notoriously protective of the calf, you'd better not provoke Shan Linghuo, if something happens to her in your hands, Long Huo People in Hushan will not let you go."

Mo Mo and Ye Li lost a look at each other, then turned their heads and patted Zashiki boy Nannan on his waist, and said perfunctorily, "Master Ma Qun, don't worry, I'm not a person who has no sense of proportion. I believe in good and bad, good and bad, if There is a life-and-death crisis, and the first person to run is definitely me."

Ma Shisan:

You are the only person I know who plays Shameless so righteously.

"Everyone who should warn you has warned you, so you can do it yourself."

After Ma Shisan finished speaking, he turned and left angrily, as if he didn't want to stay with Shen Mo for a second.

After Ma Shisan left, Ye Li lost and asked in a low voice, "Mu Shisan, Shisan is right. Longhushan is indeed very defensive. How about we change our target?"

"Why have you heard about Longhu Mountain?"

Ye Li lost his way and replied, "There is a wild wolf spirit named Wolf Howling in the thirteenth group, who bullied a girl in a nightclub some time ago, who knows that the girl's brother is the ninth disciple just accepted by the head of Longhu Mountain... The news reached the head of Longhu Mountain, guess what the other party did?"

Shen Shen shook his head, how could he guess that, he is not a god.

"The head of Longhu Mountain gave the nine disciples a stack of high-level talismans, and asked the third disciple to accompany them to seek revenge, and directly kill the suspected wolves who were beaten by wild wolves!"

hiss!Is it so cruel?

"Not only that, but luckily the wild wolf spirit didn't dare to fight back at that time, so he saved his life. Do you know what the order the third disciple received was?"

Ye Li lost his appetite for silence for a while, and bared his lips and said, "If the wild wolf spirit dares to fight back, he will kill the Qumao Zhibi directly. The Langhao brush in Longhu Mountain is famous. This happened in Thirteen There was a lot of trouble in the group, but after all, it was the wolf spirit who made the mistake first, and our group leader had no choice but to let it go."

The silence is clear, the head of Longhu Mountain is really a famous calf protector.

But with this alone, can Silence be fooled?Hehe, the silence is not intimidating.

Isn't it obvious at a glance whether the behavior of protecting the calf of the head of Longhushan is more important than silently advancing the hope of advanced talisman skills?
Besides, Silence didn't really want to do something to anger Shan Linghuo, but to use the name of Niutoushan Talisman Master to exchange experience with Shan Linghuo.

This is the past that is both emotional and reasonable.

"Lost, you can rest assured that I will take care of things, nothing will happen tonight's actions."

Ye Li lost his mind for a moment, then strengthened his belief, "Okay! I believe in you, we will bury Shan Linghuo tonight!"

silence :=

Shan Linghuo will not be buried, I have a better way to deal with her.

"Is there any way simpler and more direct than burying it?"

"Let's talk tonight!"

When the moon is dark and the wind is high, when wolves come and go.

Shen Mo and Ye Li lost squatting outside the wall of the hotel in the scenic area arranged by the conference, sneaking around and doing no good.

"Have you found out which room Shan Linghuo is in?"

"Ma Sicheng gave me all the check-in information of the contestants. Let me check."

Ye Li lost his way and rummaged through the printed backup files, and soon found Shan Linghuo's information.

[Shan Linghuo, room No. [-], Tianzi, Tiandi Hotel. 】

Now that Shan Linghuo's room number has been found, there is a problem.

Shen Mo and Ye Li lost how to lead Shan Linghuo out of her room.

If you do it in the hotel, the movement is too loud, and it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, it is the safest way to lead Shan Linghuo to the grove in the back mountain.

Ye Li lost the backup file and suggested, "Why don't I go in and trick her out? Just say there's something interesting to take her to play with?"


Your method and excuse are too hasty!Did Yenching University teach you this? !
Ye Limi lost his lower lip lightly, exposing his pointed zombie tiger teeth, "They mainly study me... No, they study the history of the Yuan Dynasty, but they didn't actually teach me anything."

He nodded silently, knowing that he could not rely on hundreds of years old zombies to solve the current problem, "Let me do it!"

hum!Silence made a move with one hand, calling out the demon soul of dog egg in his waist.

"Wow! What a cute puppy... Wait, you don't want to use it to draw out a single spirit fire!"

Ye Limi lost, but clearly remembered that a certain monster in the thirteen groups said that some talismans in Longhushan needed the flesh and blood materials of monsters or demon souls as talismans.

Silence is going to use Goudan's demon soul as bait!
"Silence, isn't this too dangerous? As far as Goudan's demon soul is concerned, it is very difficult for it to escape the pursuit of Shan Linghuo."

Silence did not answer, and there was movement in his hands again.

A series of talismans were shot on Goudan's demon soul, Nine Bulls and Two Tigers Talisman, Wind and Lightning Charm, Vajra Body Protection Talisman, Shrinking Earth to an Inch Talisman, and even luck-enhancing fortune-telling talisman were all shot on Goudan. dog head.

In the blink of an eye, the ordinary dog ​​egg turned into a talisman dog full of talismans.

Lost Yeri: (`ω)ゞ

Suddenly, a strong desire to be slapped by Silence with a talisman also rose in her heart.

In Ye Li's lost eyes, Goudan's ability has been greatly improved with the addition of the power of the talisman. In theory, he should be able to escape from Shan Linghuo's hands.

But the question is, will Shan Linghuo chase Goudan to the grove?

"She will!"

Mo Mo is very determined. As a person from Longhushan, Shan Linghuo's obsession with talismans is much deeper than Mo Mo's. As long as he sees the talismans on Goudan, Shan Linghuo can't help being tempted and wants to know Goudan's heels.

As long as she is not a fool, she will definitely be able to see Goudan's appearance. It is because someone used a talisman to attract her attention, so she will follow Goudan to the grove to meet the person behind Goudan.

After making up his mind, he silently patted Goudan on the head, and told him, "Go to room No. [-], Tianzi, and lure out the people inside. It's the girl who used the talisman you saw during the day."

woof woof!Goudan understood, nodded Goudan's head, and it turned into a stream of light, passing through the wall, looking for Shan Linghuo.

"Let's go! Let's wait for her in the grove."

Shen Mo and Ye Li lost their figures and flickered, and went straight to the small forest in the back mountain.

Not long after the two left, several figures rushed out of the Tiandi Hotel. The first one was naturally the dog egg with a talisman, followed by Longhushan Dan Linghuo.

Surprisingly, there was another person behind Shan Linghuo, who was Guo Zang of the Liuyun Society who was wrapped in gauze like a mummy and was extremely inconvenient to move around.

It turned out that during the battle in the afternoon, Shan Linghuo accidentally injured Guo Zang of the Liuyun Society. Out of good intentions, Shan Linghuo went to Guo Zang's room in the Liuyun Society and wanted to use the special burn ointment from Longhushan to help him heal his wounds. At the moment when she handed the plaster to Guo Zang, she was caught by a talisman dog spirit that broke in.

When Shan Linghuo saw Goudan, he was really attracted by the talisman on it, and recognized the shrinking land-to-inch talisman on Goudan.

"It's Niutoushan's Land Shrinking Talisman!"

Guo Zang endured the stinging pain in his body. Although he has been cured by super-special medicine, it is still difficult to recover in a short time.

"Shrinking the ground into an inch talisman! The secret technique of the super poor Taoist, hasn't the old man passed away?"

"I heard from the elders that the lame Taoist has passed on the secret technique to a young man named Silence."

"So, this dog soul is silent?"

Shan Linghuo nodded, confirming Guo Zang's guess.

"Then it wants to?"

"Silence wants to see me."

Shan Linghuo muttered very firmly, as a practitioner of the way of talismans, he naturally understood the intention of silence.

It seems that the battle in the afternoon attracted Shen Mo's attention to Shan Linghuo.

"Since the invitation has been sent, let's go and meet you!"

"I am coming too!"

Shan Linghuo looked at Guo Zang who was wrapped into a mummy, leaving only his mouth, nose and ears, "You are not able to move, so you should stay here to recuperate."

"It's okay, I didn't ask... Hiss!" Guo Zang just wanted to get up, but his injury was affected, and he grinned in pain.

But Guo Zang still held back, forced himself to stand up, and began to recite words in his mouth.


With the addition of the word cool, the pain on Guo Zang's body has been relieved a lot.

"It's late at night, although there is no danger, one more person is more secure."

Seeing that Guo Zang insisted on following, Shan Linghuo nodded in tacit agreement.

The reason why Goudan was able to find Shan Linghuo in Guo Zang's room was entirely because of his keen sense of smell, and he followed the smell of blood all the way to find it.

Ever since, there was the scene that just happened.

Let’s say that Shan Linghuo and Guo Zang followed Goudan all the way, stop and go, stop and go... The main reason is that Guo Zang’s body really can’t withstand such a fast running around, and the burns on his body haven’t fully recovered yet. Healing, so every once in a while, I have to add the word [Shuang] to myself.

Shan Linghuo wanted to say something, but seeing Guo Zang insisted so much, she finally didn't say it.

Man, what an incomprehensible creature.

Shen Mo and Ye Li Lost soon arrived at the place agreed with Goudan. There was no one around here, and the remote location was very suitable for the next thing to do.

"Why hasn't Goudan come here? Could it be because he was caught by Shan Linghuo?"

Ye Li lost and looked worriedly at the direction the two came from, feeling apprehensive.

"Don't worry, with Shan Linghuo's ability, he still doesn't have the ability to catch the dog egg holding the Earth Shrinking Talisman. They should be there soon."

As expected by the silence, there was a throbbing in the direction the two came from, and the sound of footsteps came quickly.

"Here we come...but more than one, two, no! Three."

Mo Mo and Ye Li lost some surprises, but it was also expected. After all, Tiandi Hotel is only that big, and it is naturally extremely difficult to lure Shan Linghuo here alone without anyone noticing. As long as there is some action, it is bound to attract some curious people to follow.

hum!Silence opened the power of the mind and went to investigate.

The one in the front is naturally the dog egg with a talisman, and the one behind is Shan Linghuo.

Silence continued to look back, his brows could not help but frown, and he asked in surprise at first glance, "Who is this mummy?"

He subconsciously looked at his personal warehouse to make sure that his pharaoh's shroud was still there, and then penetrated the bandage to determine the real body of the "mummy".

Guo Zang!

Why is he here? !It's all hurt like this, so you still want to follow?What a lot of perseverance and courage!Picture what?Figure Dan Linghuo's explosive measurements?
Mo Mo couldn't believe it, after all, as Guo Zang of the Liuyun Society, he would never lack a woman with a three-dimensional figure.

So, what is he plotting?
hiss!Guo Zang grinned in pain, and added the word [Shuang] to himself to relieve the pain.

He is in pain!
To be honest, he didn't want to follow Shan Linghuo to chase Goudan to the grove in the middle of the night, but he had no choice, and he had no choice.

Shan Linghuo injured him during the day, and went to his room to give medicine at night. If something happened to Shan Linghuo and Goudan, the people in Longhushan would definitely think of Guo Zang immediately and interrogate Guo Zangdan. The fire thing.

At that time, the people in Longhushan know that Guo Zang knows about Goudan, then he will be finished.

The head of Longhu Mountain is notorious for protecting the calf, and Shan Linghuo is his favorite great-granddaughter. If he protects the calf, no one can bear it.

Why!Even though Guo Zang knew that his injury needed rest, he still had to choose to explore the grove at night with Shan Linghuo.

"When I see that guy called Silence, I have to make him suffer. If he doesn't come sooner or later, I have to come while Shan Linghuo is in my room."

Besides Shan Linghuo and Guo Zang, the power of silent mind also sensed one person.

This person is none other than Ma Shisan, the leader of Group 21.

Why did she follow?

Needless to say?Shen Mo and Ye Li lost their performance during the day, no one could see that they wanted to make trouble, so, as Ma Shisan, the leader of the 21st group of the Logistics Mobility Department, and Shen Mo's immediate boss, she had to choose to leave her warm bed, Squatting in the corner in the middle of the night, staring at Shen Mo and Ye Li Lost, to see what they are trying to do.

Sure enough, Shen Mo didn't hear Ma Shisan's warning at all, and still led Shan Linghuo to the grove, and also brought the injured Guo Zang over.

This is killing two birds with one stone, offending Longhushan and Liuyunshe together!
Although she really wanted to fight, she, Ma Shisan, had never been afraid of anyone, but this kind of thing that obviously didn't need to happen had to happen, and she, Ma Shisan, was really upset!
"Silence, if you do something that crosses the line, I...although I can't beat you, I won't make you feel better. And Yeli lost, why are you messing around with Silence, sooner or later you will be like me , was pitted miserably by him."

Ma Shisan let out a long sigh, and muttered in a low voice, "Silence! I advise you to be kind!"

(End of this chapter)

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