The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 508 Communication Makes Me Happy

Chapter 508 Communication Makes Me Happy
Wang Wang Wang!
Goudan's voice had already rang in Shen Mo and Ye Li's lost ears. The two looked at each other, and through the shadow of the whirling tree, Goudan could vaguely be seen.

"Here we come! Here we go! The dog is here!"

Ye Li lost the boulder in her heart finally let go, she pulled the hem of Shen Mo's clothes, she looked like a coquettish middle school girl, even though she was a few hundred years old stiff.

"I saw it. Calm down, Shan Linghuo has also arrived."

Shen Mo stabilized Ye Lilo, showed his unfathomable temperament, and was about to start his own performance.

The dog egg has arrived, squatting at Shen Mo's feet sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail, while Shan Linghuo also landed not far away, looking up and down at Shen Mo and Ye Li lost.

He is silent? !He looks pretty handsome.

This is Shan Linghuo's first impression of Silence. After all, he is a man who has eaten dragon meat, so it is not an exaggeration to say this.

But when Shan Linghuo's eyes fell on Ye Limi's body, he frowned, because the corpse aura on Ye Limi's body was as huge as the water of a great river, thick and abnormal, rolling endlessly, such a vision, It has been proved that Yeli Lost is not a human being, but a zombie that has been bred for many years, and can even be called the corpse king.

The descendant of Niutoushan actually mixed with the corpse king, and lured Longhushan Shan Linghuo into the grove in the middle of the night.

Shan Linghuo suddenly realized that she was too reckless to follow out so easily, but now that the arrow is on the line, she has no way out.

No matter what is the purpose of Silence and Yeli Lost?She had to face this dead body.

Guo Zang of the Liuyun Society also arrived a step late. Because of his injuries, he did not fall steadily like Shan Linghuo, but was affected by the bandages. With his knee joints restricted, he directly knelt on the ground. In front of Shen Mo and Ye Li lost.

Shan Linghuo's heart skipped a beat. When good or bad was unknown, she was actually carrying an oil bottle. Now her side was weaker by three points!

She is so difficult!
"When we met for the first time, I just knelt down and gave a big gift. It really surprised me."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised slightly, teasing the other party.

Guo Zang's face naturally couldn't hold back, but fortunately, his face was wrapped in bandages, and others couldn't tell the truth, so he stood up bravely, cast a glance at Shan Linghuo, and replied, "I'm just here to accompany Miss Shan to the Dog Talisman. About, I never expected to travel long distances and enter the dense forest at night. I can only blame my health, inconvenient movement, loss of demeanor, and the joy of the villain."

A contract with a dog? !
Shen Mo frowned slightly, Guo Zang of Liuyun Society seemed to be explaining the reason for kneeling, but in fact he was mocking Shen Mo for not being a gentleman, seducing beautiful women at night, plotting evil, and even laughing at others.

If it's really a cultural person who scolds people, they don't use dirty words at all.

"Haha, what you said makes sense. It was indeed my recklessness. I would like to apologize to you two here." Shen Mo laughed, instead of being angry, he said generously, "Your injuries should be caused by being injured during the day. Injured by the Heavenly Fire Talisman."

"Yes, I accidentally injured Guo Zang." Shan Linghuo interjected, his gaze never leaving Mo Mo and Ye Lilo, and his heart was already secretly on guard.

"Come on, let me add a blessing to you."

Single Spirit Fire: (_?)
Guo Zang: o_O???
Ma Shisan hiding in a corner: ╮(ω)╭

Guo Zang was puzzled, "What do you mean by blessing? Are you laughing at my current appearance?"

Shaking his head silently, "Although your appearance is indeed funny, I don't mean to laugh at it. After all, I have lived like you before. And the blessing I said is to help you heal your injuries."

Silently speaking, he slowly raised his palm, and a slowly healing milky white halo emerged, exuding a serene and warm atmosphere.

Shan Linghuo and Guo Zang were not ignorant, so they could naturally see the effect of the milky white halo. They looked at each other, and the latter hesitated for a moment, then staggered towards silence.

hum!The milky white halo hit his body, Guo Zang seemed to be in a hot spring, his whole body was indescribably comfortable and comfortable, and the burnt body under the bandage was like ants scratching his body, which made him moan uncontrollably.

Silent night, cold wind.It was instantly ignited by Guo Zang's moan.

In this regard, silence is expected, hehe.Ye Li Lost was quite curious, and felt itchy in his heart.Shan Linghuo's expression was complicated, and he couldn't bear to look directly at him.Guo Zang himself was naturally very happy, forgetting about himself.

In just a few breaths, the pain of burning to death that had tortured Guo Zang for a long time was gone forever, and he recovered under the slow healing process.

Guo Zang came back to his senses from the groans, he hurriedly unwrapped the bandages on his body, the previous scars were gone, only the new skin that could be broken by blowing bullets remained.

"Oh my god! It's amazing!"

Guo Zang cried out instinctively, even a well-informed man was shocked by the effect of this blessing.

Never expected that Silence has such powerful means.

Shan Linghuo's eyes also widened. Their most powerful pill in Longhu Mountain was not as effective as this blessing, and even the top-quality healing pill produced by Niutoushan Yuzihui couldn't compare with it.

"What kind of secret technique is this?"

Shan Linghuo and Guo Zang asked in unison.

Shrugged silently, with a look of not wanting to make a fuss, "It's not a secret technique, it's just a more practical craft."

Shan Linghuo: Do ​​you call this level of secret art a craft? !

Guo Zang: Sorry to bother you.There is a gap between us.

Ma Shisan hiding in a corner: You just have to make fun of it!Are you capable?Such a wave, sooner or later someone will be caught and studied.

"Okay!" Shen Mo interrupted the skeptical life of the two, and said straight to the point, "Let's talk about business!"

Shan Linghuo and Guo Zang immediately restrained their minds. Silence must have brought them here not to heal Guo Zang, but there must be a more important purpose.

"I don't know what Senior Brother Shen wants from me?"

Shan Linghuo saw that Mo Mo had healed Guo Zang's injury, so he also unconsciously drew closer in addressing him.

Among the same generation, those who are masters are the first, and it is not an exaggeration to call the silent senior brother.

"Actually, it's nothing wrong," Mo Mo's wrist flicked, and a gossip Yin-Yang sword pouch appeared in his hand. He put one hand into it, and after a while of groping, the pens, inks, papers and inkstones needed for making talismans were placed on the ground one by one.

"Sister Shan, I just want to share with you the way of talismans."

Shan Linghuo:? ? ?

That's why you lured me out in the middle of the night? !Is it okay to communicate during the day?

Guo Zang:···

It hurt me all the way, just for this, wouldn't it work at another time?Hey, for the sake of your healing my injury, I admit it.

Ma Shisan: Are you sneaking around just to study? !Why is such a good thing so mysterious?

Ye Li lost: Huh? !Is this a better way than burying it?
None of the people present could figure out the nature of silence.

Only Shen Mo knows that he is not only trying to break through the middle-level talismans to high-level, but also hiding his strength for the next game.

Communicate with each other, learn from each other, and improve the way of talismans.

Show your strength and defeat the single spirit fire.

According to Nan Nan's prediction for tomorrow's match, there is a [-]% chance that she will meet Shan Linghuo. At that time, she will naturally retreat without a fight. Before the semi-finals, no one will know Shen Mo's true strength.

This is called hiding the sky and crossing the sea, hiding the needle in the embroidery without revealing the truth.

In layman's terms, it's called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Senior Brother Shen, it's okay to communicate with each other, but our Dragon and Tiger Gate has strict rules, and many secret techniques cannot be passed on to the outside world. I'm afraid it will be of limited help to your way of talismans."

Shan Linghuo told Shen Mo very bluntly about his situation.

Silently waved his hand, saying that it doesn't matter, with his mind and eyes, as long as he is familiar with Longhushan's running talisman style, and even more comprehend and comprehend the few high-level talismans hidden in his chest by Shan Linghuo, although he can't reproduce it. The high-level talismans of Longhu Mountain should theoretically be able to push the intermediate talismans to the realm of high-level talismans.

Even if it can't be achieved, it can increase one's talisman background and accumulate energy for the next burst.

"Junior Sister Shan, let me see the talismans of your Dragon and Tiger Mountain. They are full of vigor and aura. Come! Come! Come! Draw a few basic ones for me to observe."

Single Spirit Fire:···
You are the most shameless person among those who are so righteous and confident in stealing the theory.

Shan Linghuo did not refuse to remain silent either. After all, Longhu Mountain had many well-known low-level talismans. These were not secret arts, and they were most suitable for communication and learning.

Communication and learning are naturally mutual. After Shan Linghuo demonstrated the Longhu Mountain talisman, it was naturally time to demonstrate the Niutoushan talisman silently.

call!I saw Shan Linghuo concentrating his energy and concentrating on it, turning his body away from the lower abdomen of his dantian and rushing towards his arms, the floating arms and wrists seemed to have some kind of mystery hidden in it.

clatter!Between the arms and wrists, the spiritual energy was sucked up, and the brush on the ground flew up into the air, and fell into Shan Linghuo's slender and snow-white left hand.

Whoa!She is also left-handed.

Starting with a pen, Shan Linghuo's temperament changed dramatically, like a learned scholar who has been immersed in the sea for decades, planning a strategy from afar, pointing to the country with a pen, and the momentum has been established, and immediately her right hand became a sign finger, with a slight pick, a Zhang Huangfu floated up and floated in front of him. The pen condensed spiritual power and reached the yellow talisman. It flowed like clouds and flowing water, as if it had been practiced tens of thousands of times, and the talisman was formed in a few breaths.

The power of silent mind is completely released, and every move of Shan Linghuo, even the most subtle changes, is in the bottom of his heart. There is only one purpose, which is to achieve 100% re-engraving, so as to improve his experience in talismans.

【Ding!You have observed the primary talisman and purification amulet.The experience value of intermediate talismans has been increased. 】

A talisman? !
The silent expression was a bit weird, how could Shan Linghuo be such an unpopular little talisman, didn't this kind of talisman die along with the Qing Dynasty?

Could it be that... Shan Linghuo is upright and serious on the surface, but he is actually a big black train in his heart? !
"This cleansing talisman is the primary talisman we usually use most often."

When did body purification become a daily talisman? !Longhushan's Fufeng is very slippery!
Shan Linghuo noticed the strange look on Silence, and said in surprise, "Senior Brother Shen, is there anything you don't understand about the amulet? If there is something you don't understand, I can teach you."

Don't!Silence doesn't have any interest in body cleansing, and doesn't need to get into the details of body cleansing.

Shan Linghuo continued, "Although the body purification talisman is an elementary talisman, its execution is exquisite, and it has extremely high requirements for the subtle operation of the brushwork. Generally, it is difficult for apprentices who have just glimpsed the way of talisman to become a talisman, but it is a matter of practice. The Talisman of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Talisman."

The corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and he wanted to complain again, but Guo Zang interrupted his thoughts.

"Miss Shan, this amulet happens to be what I need, how about you help me?"

Shan Linghuo looked at Shen Mo, and seeing that he had no objection, he nodded, "Come on, I'll cleanse you."


You two are so good at playing!

But while waiting silently for the end of the century, Shan Linghuo drove away the talisman with one hand, and the amulet turned into a yellow light and enveloped Guo Zang. Then, the dust and filth on Guo Zang's body was wiped away, and he became extremely clean .

Silently, he thought about the problem more complicated.

It turns out that this net is not that net!

cough cough!Shen Mo coughed dryly, and praised, "Junior Sister Shan's talisman foundation is really solid, if that's the case, let me show it."

hum!Shen Mo took the brush from Shan Linghuo's hand, and with a thought, it became a Nine Bulls Two Tigers Talisman.

When the symbol was completed, it was like a tiger howling and a cow mooing, echoing around and lingering in the ears.

Shan Linghuo's eyes widened immediately. As a talisman cultivator, she naturally saw more than others. The talisman that Silence just formed is definitely not a primary talisman, and it can make a talisman achieve a vision. This talisman already has an advanced level. The rhyme of the talisman is at least the best among the middle-level talismans.

Shen Mo actually drew such a heavy talisman in a few breaths, his understanding and perception of the way of talismans has surpassed that of Shan Linghuo by a few streets.

"This is the Nine Bulls and Two Tigers Talisman, which allows the user to temporarily gain the power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers."

Shan Linghuo swallowed subconsciously, her eyes were like those of a lonely woman who has been hungry and thirsty for many years, she saw the young and strong young man, she hurriedly took the Nine Bulls and Two Tigers Talisman, observed and admired for a while, and couldn't stop praising the Silent Talisman skills superb.

"Senior Brother Shen, I didn't expect your talisman skills to be so advanced. I really admire you, Junior Sister."

"If you like, I can teach you!"

Shan Linghuo frowned and said happily, "Really?"

certainly!The Nine Bulls and Two Tigers Talisman is a primary talisman that Shen Mo learned from Uncle Nine. After being inherited by Uncle Lame, he was upgraded to an intermediate talisman. Therefore, the Nine Bulls and Two Tigers Talisman has no school restrictions.

As long as you want to learn and keep quiet and want to teach, then there is no problem.

Shan Linghuo was so happy that he almost flew up on the spot, "Thank you, brother, I really don't know how to thank you."

Silently waved his hands, "It would be too far-fetched for my own people to say thank you. How about you teach me more talismans? Although I have a teacher, I am a monk halfway through, and my energy is limited, so I only learned a little bit."

Shan Linghuo said with a smile, "Brother, you are too self-effacing. If your talisman is placed in Longhu Mountain, it will definitely be the head of the new generation. But in order to thank you for your generosity, I will put it in Longhu Mountain. There are also some intermediate talismans for you to demonstrate. As for the advanced talismans, you know me, and my talisman skills can't make talismans."

Nodding silently, that's enough, as long as you have these talismans as a foundation, accumulate experience, and upgrade things, it's all right.

Communication really makes people happy.

(End of this chapter)

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