The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 510 Yin Yang Blood Corpse

Chapter 510 Yin Yang Blood Corpse

The atmosphere in Tianzi No. [-] room of Tiandi Hotel suddenly became serious. Ye Li's lost and sharp eyes sent a chill down Zhang Pengju's spine and made him wake up all of a sudden.

It's over!Too excited to say the wrong thing.

Zhang Pengju quickly apologized.

"Brother! I'm sorry, you understand me, I was just joking."

Silently waved his hands, he didn't go into details. After all, asking Zhang Peng to lift it up was not to scare him, but to have a serious business.

"Let's talk about business first," Shen Mo introduced to Ye Limi, "He is Zhang Pengju, your opponent today."

Ye Limi let out a cold snort, still brooding over the molestation just now, even knowing that Zhang Pengju came from Xiangxi's line of exorcising corpses, he still couldn't erase the bad first impression.

Zhang Pengju's mind was active, and when he rolled his eyes, he immediately realized why Shen Mo was looking for him now.

Is this the rhythm of a match-fixing match?

Zhang Pengju was in a bit of a dilemma. He came here this time because Taoist Nuqing forced Zhuangzai Xiangxi to drive corpses to gain his reputation.

As long as his opponent is anyone, it is understandable to lose, but his opponent is a strange zombie like Ye Limi.

If Zhang Pengju loses to Ye Limi, then when he returns to Xiangxi, he will be imprisoned in the dark and cold corpse room by Daoist Nu Qing.

Zhang Pengju sighed in his heart, why is his life so hard?I thought that I was successful in academics and could pretend to be better at the exchange meeting, but now it is better than not pretending to be a stepping stone for others.

Zhang Pengju couldn't help looking at Shen Mo, and asked with a bitter face, "Brother, you didn't ask me to come here to let me release water during the game, did you!?"

Nodding silently, although Pengju is a little skinny, his mind is still good, and he can see problems very thoroughly.

Zhang Pengju saw that Mo Mo agreed, and almost cried out, "Brother, stop! I can't afford to lose this game."

oh? !Why can't you afford to lose?
"To tell you the truth, I was forced to come here by my master. Although he doesn't expect me to get a good ranking, I can't lose to Zombie... this beauty! If we lose to After losing this beauty, how can I spend my life in Xiangxi from now on?"

Thinking about it silently, it is indeed the case. With Daoist Nuqing's personality, if Zhang Pengju loses to Ye Limi, it will definitely be difficult for him to go back.

But just let Ye Li lose such a strong combat power and lose to the mediocre Zhang Pengju? !

Mo Mo felt a little unwilling in his heart, pondered for a while, and took into account the feelings of Daoist Nu Qing and Zhang Pengju, so he could only settle for the next best thing, do as he pleases, each according to his ability!

"Pengju, I understand your difficulties, so today's competition will be played according to their own abilities!"

Zhang Pengju was taken aback for a moment. These words were not in Shen Mo's style. Although he had only been in contact with Mo Mo for a short time, he clearly knew what kind of person Mo Mo was.

He is a hero who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals!

How could such a person give up his plan so easily?

uh-huh? !Zhang Pengju's eyes were fixed, and Shen Mo took out three talismans from his arms, handed them to Ye Lilo, and explained.

"Lost, these talismans of mine are not orthodox Taoist talismans, so your corpse aura can also trigger them. Take it, it may be useful in the competition."

Zhang Pengju looked at the talisman, and his eyes almost fell out. As a descendant of the lineage of exorcising corpses in Xiangxi, he naturally dabbled in talisman.

what did he seeHe actually saw three high-level talismans, and the three talismans were filled with an extremely terrifying aura, each of which had great power.

Mo Mo continued to introduce, "These three talismans are the Divine Power Possession Talisman, the Vajra Angry Eye Talisman, and the Wind Walking Talisman, which can communicate with the power of heaven and earth, increase your strength, speed, defense, and your zombie body He was strong enough to win this game."

Ye Li lost his heart and was overjoyed. He quickly put away the three talismans, and gave Zhang Peng a high-spirited look, as if to say, little thief, wait for me.

Zhang Pengju: `(+﹏+)'

Brother, I won't take you to play like this.

Zhang Pengju pinched the only dozen or so exorcising talismans in his pocket. In terms of talisman levels, these talismans could barely be regarded as intermediate-level talismans.

Even if Zhang Pengju's secret technique of expelling corpses specializes in defeating zombies, it cannot make up for the huge gap between the talismans.

With these three high-level talismans, Ye Li lost, Zhang Pengju's wish to win the competition had become a luxury.

"Brother, it's too difficult for me!"

Silently smiled, and patted Zhang Pengju on the shoulder, "The purpose of your coming is to gain the reputation of the Xiangxi lineage. As long as you show the power of the secret technique of driving corpses in the competition, even if you lose to Ye Lilo, no one will win you." A small glimpse of the lineage of Xiangxi."


"Really, Ye Limi is a corpse king-level spirit corpse. Even without my help, it is understandable for you to lose."

"A corpse king-level spirit corpse?! My God, there really are such top-quality spirit corpses in this world, brother, yours..."

Did Zhang Pengju want to ask again to change hands?Fortunately, he immediately stopped talking, and changed his words, "Your luck is really very prosperous. My little brother admires you all over the place, and my admiration for you is like the Yellow River bursting its embankment, and it is like the water of the Yangtze River, flowing endlessly..."

This was one of Zhang Pengju's usual flattery.

"Forget the polite words! Let's leave this matter as it is. See you on the field later. Oh, yes, there is one more small matter."

Zhang Pengju: "Brother, talk to me if you have something to do."

"I've met Daoist Nu Qing before, he has the corpse aura from refining corpses, but you don't, why?"

When Zhang Pengju heard this, he immediately became interested, and said proudly, "Because I practice the yin and yang art of resisting corpses very well!"

"What kind of clever method?!"

Zhang Pengyu hesitated for a moment, a little twitchy, but still opened his mouth to explain, "yin and yang are in harmony, soul and body communicate."

Silence couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "It's so strong. I really admire it!"

Zhang Pengju: ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3
Ye Li lost his eyes when looking at Zhang Pengju, his eyes became weird.

After finishing talking with Zhang Pengju, Shen Mo went to the first round alone, because today's match was about to start.

And Ye Li lost and Zhang Pengju went to the third round, and their match was also held in the morning.

The first round.

Silence VS Single Spirit Fire.

Shen Mo stood in the middle of the arena early and waited for Shan Linghuo's arrival, but to Shen Mo's surprise but expected, Shan Linghuo did not come to compete at all, but directly chose not to play and abstain.

After three no-show confirmations, the referee had no choice but to declare Silence to advance directly.

Shen Shen became the first player to advance directly because his opponent did not play.

The melon-eaters around looked stunned. Most of them came to watch Shan Linghuo in Longhu Mountain, but they never expected that Shan Linghuo didn't even appear on the stage, and ended the game directly.

"Shadow! There must be a shady here. Shan Linghuo will never run away without a fight."

"Silence must have used some kind of conspiracy against Shan Linghuo to prevent Shan Linghuo from being there."

"We demanded a rematch and strictly investigated the silence."

"Yes, there must be a dark transaction that cannot be seen."

Facing the criticism from the crowd, he silently sneered and shouted, "Come on! Those who are not satisfied with this ending come down and challenge me one-on-one!"

"Hit and hit, who is afraid of whom? See if I don't kill you."

"If you're so arrogant, teach him a lesson."

"Let's go together and get him."


Ma Shisan's voice resounded impressively, and the Ma family's nine-character mantra, urged by spiritual power, made everyone's eardrums buzz and their bodies froze.

"This is an exchange meeting. Do the troublemakers want to try my iron fist?"

The melon-eating crowd immediately silenced. They all knew Ma Shisan, the Super Bureau, and the great reputation of this Eternal Violence Rooster. So, as soon as Ma Shisan appeared, they would all be wilted.

Ma Shisan glanced around, saw that no one dared to speak, and shouted sharply, "Continue the game!"

Shen Mo in the middle of the arena smiled knowingly, raised his head, and walked towards the exit in a rambunctious manner, looking very underwhelmed.

There is no way, who let him have someone above him.

When Shen Mo left the arena, he met Ma Sicheng who had been waiting at the exit for a long time. He brought two pieces of news this time.

First, they made a lot of money in the handicap. Just the first day of the game allowed them to earn a net profit of 500 million.Turnover is as high as [-] million.

This is not only because the participating members have strong financial resources and are not short of money at all, but the main reason is that many dark horses have been killed one after another in the competition.

For example, in the match between Shen Mo and Shan Linghuo just now, many people thought that Shan Linghuo beat Shen Mo, and most of them bought Shan Linghuo to win, but they never thought that Shan Linghuo didn't play at all, so you are not angry.

Furthermore, the dangerous four that Shen Mo had paid attention to before also became the big black horse in the handicap, defeating four popular players one after another, and advanced to the next round.

The second news that Ma Sicheng brought was the information about the four dangerous people.

Except for Zamaharza, the emissary of the Tianshan Mountains known before, the remaining three are Heijiang Hanlongmen Lengfengchui, Cantonese Ghost King Zongjiang Wuye, and Chuncheng Tan Yulan.

Zama Harza, the envoy of Tianshan Mountain, is proficient in the secret arts of Tianshan Mountain, and is stronger than Ma'er in the Three Treasures of Inner Mongolia.

The cold wind blows from the cold dragon gate in Heijiang, and the power of the ice is unfathomable. With the silver needle of ice soul in one hand, the gods and ghosts are unpredictable and extremely difficult to deal with.

Zong Jiang Wuye, the king of ghosts in Canton, exorcises ghosts and conjures up souls. He is sneaky and evil. He has at least one ghost king-level ghost in his hand.

Tan Yulan in Chuncheng is a Taoism formed from a thousand-year-old magnolia tree in Chuncheng.

After reading the intelligence of the four in Shen Mo, his brows could not help but frown. This information is not right!

According to Nan Nan's warning, it would be extremely dangerous for Shen Mo to meet any of the four.

But judging from the information in hand, only the Tianshan envoy Zamaharza deserves Silence's attention. The abilities and means of the other three people are not the existence of Silence and fear.

Although the ice soul silver needle of the cold wind is difficult to deal with, Mo Mo has the magical protection of the dragon god's reverse scale armor, coupled with the newly upgraded high-level talisman, it can definitely be defeated with some effort.

For Shen Mo, Jiang Wuye's technique of exorcising ghosts and conjuring souls is like a son meeting a father. No matter how powerful a ghost is, it cannot withstand the baptism of the holy light.

Not to mention Tan Yulan, as Shen Mo, who has the title of a ruthless planter, dealing with Tan Yulan who is a master of plants and trees is simply not easy.

However, this ending is wrong!The good and the bad are unpredictable, extremely dangerous?It doesn't look dangerous at all!

Could it be that Nannan's prediction was wrong? !

Impossible, Nannan has never made a mistake in so many predictions.

Then there is only one possibility, the information Ma Sicheng has is false.

The strength shown by the dangerous four is not their real strength, they still have stronger hole cards hidden, and they are pretending to be pigs and tigers like silence.

hey-hey!Silence sneered, the four of them wanted to plot against me, it was not that simple, now that they knew their true strength, they would naturally be on guard in the ensuing battle.

Besides, Mo Mo also has cards in his hand.

Passed the information in his hand to Ma Sicheng, told him to continue to keep an eye on the dangerous four, and then rushed to the scene of the third round of competition.

Judging from the time, it should be the match between Ye Lisuo and Zhang Pengju, so I went silently to see how powerful the secret technique of the Xiangxi Exorcism Lineage is.

When Shen Mo rushed to the third round, the battle between Ye Limi and Zhang Pengju had entered a fierce stage.

I saw Ye Li lost his body agitated with corpse aura, his white and tender skin was flushed, and his face that could be broken by bullets was covered with fragrant sweat (the spirit corpse retains some human signs), and the three high-level talismans behind him flew across the sky to communicate with the world With the power, it resisted the violent attack of the two savage corpses.

Zhang Peng raised his hand to pinch the secret spell, and his left and right hands each controlled a barbarian corpse, constantly bombarding the defensive shield formed by King Kong's angry eyes.

These two savage corpses are yin-yang blood corpses refined by Zhang Pengju using the secret technique of expelling corpses. Relying on the yin-yang power of yin-yang eyes and the integration of soul and body, the yin-yang blood corpses have become his left and right arms, and the two savage corpses are different from each other. Yu Changshi is a special species with yin and yang powers. Together, he is no worse than Ye Limi, the corpse king.

Shen Mo saw it, but shook his head helplessly. Although he handed the three high-level talismans to Ye Limi, Ye Limi's fighting instinct and skills were so good that she didn't hand over the high-level talismans at all. Otherwise, Zhang Pengju's two barbarian corpses would not be her opponents at all.

The result of this game is unpredictable!
Mo Mo chose a good seat to sit down and watched.

The audience around them had already exploded.

"Wow! What an amazing girl! She uses high-level talismans? Take out three at a time, she must have a mine at home!"

"I don't know if there is a mine, but the elders in her family must love her very much, otherwise they would not be willing to give her three high-level talismans. You see, before Longhushan single spirit fire, she only had one high-level talisman. "

"Are you only looking at the talisman? Is your focus wrong? Haven't you seen the beautiful face of Ye Lilo? She is simply too beautiful, like a goddess descending to earth."

"No matter your size, haven't you seen the strong corpse aura? Judging from the old man's countless experience in reading corpses, she is not a human being, and should be a top-quality spirit corpse that is rare in a thousand years."

"What about the spirit corpse, as long as it looks good, I'm willing to be a dog."

Silence: (● ̄() ̄●)
What kind of goods are these!

(End of this chapter)

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