The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 511 Charm 1 Blood

Chapter 511 Charm First Blood
Silently shielded the obscene words in his ears, his mind sank into his mind, and he stretched out the power of his mind and eyes, condensing into a thread as thick as a finger and probing towards Ye Lilo.

The silk thread is like a dragon traveling nine days, flying across the sky, passing through the defensive shield of King Kong's angry eyes, and sinking into Ye Li's lost eyebrows.

"Lost, it's me."

Ye Limi, who was using corpse energy to activate the Vajra's Angry Eye Talisman, was slightly taken aback, thinking anxiously, "Silence, how did you get into my body?"

Silence: \(“▔□▔)/\(“▔▔)/\(“▔▔)/
Speak well, I am communicating with you with the power of my heart and eyes, why she meowed into your body, can you be more serious, compete, be more serious.

Ye Li lost: "Then why are you here?"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, why?Of course, he directed Ye Limi to use high-level talismans!

Seeing Ye Limi lose such a contempt for the high-level talisman that he worked so hard to refine, Mo Mo feels uncomfortable in his heart!

Originally, one high-level talisman could beat Zhang Pengju, but his master Nuqing didn't even know him, but Ye Limi lost the power of the high-level talisman, so it was not too bad to play three high-level talismans as low-level talismans Silence the talisman master.

"Don't talk, listen to me."

Silence stopped Ye Lilo, and directed.

"Heart and mind are united, use the luck talisman, hold the talisman and borrow the power of heaven and earth, and urge it."

Ye Limi lost a point from Shen Mo, and immediately realized that, as a spirit corpse that is rare in a thousand years, her spiritual intelligence is extremely high.

I saw the corpse aura surging around Ye Lilo's body suddenly introverted, looking back from the outside to the inside, the Vajra Wrath Eye Talisman flew up in the air, and under the control of her mind, it burst into dazzling golden light.

Zhang Pengju was controlling the yin and yang blood corpse, and a warning of extreme danger suddenly rose in his heart. He didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately controlled the blood corpse to retreat.

In the next second, Jin Guangzhong burst out a vajra palm composed of countless inscriptions, connected to a thick arm, and a glaring vajra descended on the field.

King Kong glared and shouted loudly, like thunder from nine heavens, resounding through the arena, and ripple-like air waves spread out, instantly spreading the blood corpses of Yin and Yang into it.

puff puff!

There were two explosions, and the blood corpse of Yin-Yang stagnated suddenly, bursting out dazzling blood flowers. After struggling for a breath, it fell powerlessly to the ground.

And as the yin and yang blood corpse fell down, Zhang Pengju's hands bulged with blue veins, his veins swelled, and the secret technique backfired, causing blood to seep out of his pores, and soon he passed out with a mouthful of old blood.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and by the time everyone reacted, the game was over, and the winner of this game was naturally the unscathed Yeli Lost.

The audience in the audience was in an uproar and exclaimed again and again.

"So strong! Is this the power of advanced talismans?"

"What kind of talisman is this? It can actually summon Angry-eyed King Kong to assist in combat... This is simply cheating!"

"The people who refine these talismans are by no means unknown people. They must have been made by some talisman master, but I have never heard of any master who has a spirit corpse. There must be something wrong here. A well-known story..."

Withdrawing his mind, Mo Mo still ignored the passersby around him, stood up directly, and prepared to leave the arena.

But at the moment when he just got up, he suddenly found a pair of sharp eyes staring at him, which made him feel embarrassed.

Because the person who stared at Shen Mo was actually a beautiful woman like a flower.

Her beauty is not as cute as Ma Shisan, nor is she subdued by Liu Xiaoci's passion, nor is she as ice-clear as Ye Lilo. Her beauty is simple, pure, spotless, as if not The celestial maiden, who was touched by the secular world, descended to the mortal world and traveled around the world.

who is she? !

Spring City Tan Yulan.

Silence found the woman's information from the information collected by Ma Sicheng, who was one of the four people Nan Nan had warned before.

Mo Mo once cast a glance at the woman from a distance, and didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now that she has a closer look, she is immediately overwhelmed by the woman's temperament.

This is a woman that Silence has never met.

"Tan Yulan!"


The two pronounced each other's name almost in unison.

"you know me?"

The two spoke at the same time again. This invisible tacit understanding or coincidence made them look at each other and smile, tacit understanding.

Invisibly, Shen Mo felt that the distance between himself and Tan Yulan had been shortened a lot, like an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years, and like a bosom friend whom he hadn't seen in a hundred years, whom he hated seeing each other too late.

hum!The lucky cat on the silent waist trembled slightly, sending Nannan's warning.

"Boss, are you out of your mind? You didn't know you were tricked?"

Shocked in Shen Mo's heart, he quickly blessed himself with the power of purification, and as the milky white halo swept over his mind, Mo Mo looked at Tan Yulan again, and became less cordial.

Although Tan Yulan is still as beautiful as a goddess, there is already a gap between the two of them.

Silently restrained his mind, he didn't dare to be careless, if it wasn't for Nan Nan's warning just now, he had already been charmed by Tan Yulan, and he couldn't imagine what would happen after that.

According to the information collected by Ma Sicheng, Tan Yulan is the essence of a thousand-year-old magnolia tree, very good at manipulating human emotions and minds.

Therefore, the eye contact and brief conversation just now were Tan Yulan's use of her ability to charm silence.

She actually seduced me!

It was a success for her to meow!
Mo Mo felt a little angry in his heart, thinking that no charm could seduce him since Mo Mo obtained the magic purification skill. He never expected that his first blood would be broken like this.

hateful!Give me back my blood!

As soon as Shen Mo thought about it, he directly wore the title of ruthless plant controller on his body, and the ability of plant controller instantly appeared in his mind.

[Activate the special effect skill: Ruthless planter. 】

The spiritual power in Shen Mo's body was submerged into the title, and transformed into invisible ripple power by some mysterious rune law, spreading out from his feet and heading straight to Tan Yulan.

hum!Tan Yulan, who was originally calm, changed her color slightly, showing a hint of surprise on her face, and the pure monster energy burst out loudly, forming a barrier of monster energy to isolate the silent ripple power.

hiss!Surprised by silence, how is this possible? !
The ruthless plant controller can't control Tan Yulan who is a plant essence.

This simply refreshed Shen Mo's understanding of Tan Yulan, how she managed not to be affected by the title.

At the same time, Tan Yulan inside the demonic energy barrier was also shocked. She had clearly bewitched Shen Mo's mind just now, but in the next second, Mo Mo's mind recovered and launched a counterattack against herself. The invisible ripples actually made her calm His mind stirred up ripples, as if about to be broken by silence.

How can this be? !
There is actually a human being who can ignore the charm of his own talent, and in turn charm himself, and what is even more frightening is that this person is still a man.

Both Shen Mo and Tan Yulan were astonished and compared each other in a panic, but both of them acted as stable as old dogs, without changing their faces.

"Chuncheng Tan Yulan, your charm technique is nothing more than that."

"Yancheng is silent, your ability is not as good as the rumors."



Both of them snorted coldly, then passed by each other without saying anything more.

Silence is because he doesn't want to continue to entangle with her, so as not to fall into her tricks again.

Tan Yulan couldn't figure out the trump card of silence, and she was afraid in her heart, so she didn't dare to touch it too much.

The two gave each other a step in such a tacit understanding, and they went down as soon as they should.

It wasn't until after Silence left that Tan Yulan calmed down and prepared to charm the next seed player. Her purpose was actually very simple, that is, to charm those dangerous enemies before the match, and when they met on the field, they would be able to securely occupy opportunity.

But Tan Yulan never expected that she would suffer from Shen Mo.

This man is not simple, he has material on him.

After Shen Mo left the field, he immediately communicated with Nan Nan.

"Nannan, it's fortunate that you reminded me just now, otherwise I would be finished."

"Boss, be careful in the future. Not all charms have traces to follow. Like the charm of the tree demon just now, the temptation is invisible and it is difficult to guard against."

Nodding silently, remembering this lesson, and then asked, "You also see that she is a tree demon? But I am surprised that with my ability to control plants ruthlessly, I can't control Tan Yulan who is a tree demon."

Nan Nan explained, "Boss, your ability is to control some dryads with no or low intelligence. For a dryad like Tan Yulan who plays tricks on people's hearts, you are already pretty good if you are not controlled by her."

Silence came to a sudden, no wonder I couldn't control it, it turned out that I had encountered a tough bone.

Tan Yulan is one of the dryads who specializes in charm, so it is extremely difficult for Shen Mo to charm her in the opposite direction.

This is why Tan Yulan will become an opponent that Nan Nan fears.

The Millennium Dryad, who is good at charm, is indeed difficult to deal with.

But is silence easy to deal with?He also has a mimic form which is the Millennium Tongtian Willow.

If two people meet, it will be tentacle to tentacle, and see who is tightly entangled.

Or Silence can use the ability of the ruthless planter to deal with Tan Yulan. Although the ruthless planter cannot control Tan Yulan, his ability to summon demonic plants to fight has many possibilities worth trying.

call!Shen Mo took off the title of ruthless plant controller, Ye Limi lost the victory and walked out of the field, and naturally the injured Zhang Pengju was walking with her.

The victory did not make Ye Limi feel happy. On the contrary, he felt slightly sorry for Zhang Pengju's injury. After all, this fight was won entirely by relying on the high-level silent talisman.

And Zhang Pengju also looked helpless. Not only did he lose the game, but even the yin and yang blood corpse he had painstakingly refined was seriously injured. His own hands also suffered backlash, and he was unable to practice for a period of time.

Why!Zhang Pengju sighed, why is his life so hard.

Mo Mo saw Zhang Pengju's helplessness, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him, "Pengju, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, don't be discouraged."

Zhang Pengju:...
Brother, what you said sounds good, but my heart is really bitter. I lost this battle...huh? !
Zhang Pengju's eyes lit up, and he saw the silent palm change, and countless tendrils condensed into an emerald green wooden bowl, about the size of a palm, and handed it to Zhang Pengju.

Just when Zhang Pengju was surprised, Shen Mo's wrist flicked, and he took out a piece of raw meat glistening with blood, and crimson blood dripped down Mo Mo's fingers.

"Why are you standing still, pick it up!"

Zhang Pengju was startled, and quickly caught the blood dripping from the raw meat with a wooden bowl, and soon there was a small half of the bowl.

Waiting for the blood to stop dripping, Shen Mo put away the raw meat, and then poured the blood on his hand into the wooden bowl.

"Brother, what are you doing? Although the price of pork has increased recently, the price of pork blood is still relatively stable."

Silently glared at Zhang Pengju, "You know a hammer. This is dragon blood. Although it is a little less, it is enough for your Yin-Yang blood corpses to recover their injuries and improve their quality by a level."

Mo Mo cleaned his palms, raised another hair to heal slowly, and helped Zhang Pengju heal his injuries.

"Although you lost this game, if you call me big brother, I won't let you suffer."

Zhang Pengju felt his injury recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and looked at the dragon's blood in the bowl, almost moved to tears.

Although the eldest brother is not a good person, he is still good to him.

"Thank you bro."

Shen Mo nodded, it was considered to be the end of the cause and effect. Generally speaking, Shen Mo was still worried that after knowing what he had done, Mo Qing would come to teach him as an elder.

Although Daoist Nuqing couldn't beat Shen Mo, as an elder of the same generation as Uncle Lame, Mo Mo respected him.

After finishing the morning game, after noon, you will be able to know who are the top 16 players.

Then according to the arrangement of the conference, the round of 16 will be held in the afternoon.

Shen Shen and Ye Li lost their way to the staff cafeteria to solve the problem of lunch.

During this period, Ye Li lost all the time pestering Shen Mo, wanting to get some dragon blood from him to try something new, but was directly rejected by Shen Mo.

Because Ye Limi lost the corpse aura inherited from his father, the Tatar General, and hadn't fully grasped it, taking dragon's blood rashly was harmful rather than beneficial.

When Ye Li Lost really mastered the power of the Corpse King, will Dragon Blood lose Ye Li Lost without her? !

Knowing the reason, Ye Li lost as if he had great motivation, and worked hard to refine his own corpse energy, wanting to master his own power as soon as possible, and then drink the dragon's blood in Shen Mo's hand.

Silence also didn't expect that for mere dragon's blood, it could actually arouse Ye Li's lost desire to practice.

The brain circuit of the hundred-year-old corpse is indeed different from that of ordinary people.

After noon, the list of the top 16 came out.

Silence VS Inner Mongolia Sanbao Maer, Ye Li Lost vs Beisandao Luo'an, Zhuge Dali vs Tianshan Envoy Zamaharza, Hanlongmen Lengfeng vs Wudang Huoyun Taoist, Ghost King Zong Jiang Wuye vs Jianxiu Duan Feiwen, Chuncheng Tan Yulan vs Yipintang Co., Ltd. Dongfang Guoxing, Northeast Jinjia Jin Haotai vs Bajiquan Ningda, Huowenmen Diao Yuan vs Modu Jiquan.

After reading the list, apart from the few people Shen Mo knew before, there were 8 more people whose names Shen Mo had never heard of.

So Mo Mo contacted Ma Sicheng, hoping to get information about the remaining eight people from him.

Although I don't know who I will be my opponent in the future, it is still very useful to know myself, know my enemy, and win every battle.

Ten minutes later, Shen Mo got a file about the eight people, and just about to check it, someone came to him.

"It turns out that the person behind Ma Sicheng is you! Yancheng is silent!"

(End of this chapter)

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