Chapter 512
Um? !who is he?

Mo Mo turned around and stared at the mighty Wuhan Zi who could only be described as rough and mad with surprised eyes, especially the huge blunt sword that was half a person tall on the back of the man, which made his rough and mad look even more domineering and manic .

The man noticed the silent surprise, and laughed heartily on his bearded face, "Haha, blame me for not introducing myself first, my name is Luo'an."

safe! ?
Shen Mo frowned, Bei Sandao was safe? !Is that Kitasandao Luoan who is about to fight Ye Limisuo?

How did he find it.

Shen Mo still has unread materials in his hand, so he doesn't know much about Kitasandao's situation.

"Are you wondering why I came to you?"


Why does this guy give people the feeling of not being a prophet, like a roundworm in someone else's stomach, who knows what he eats.

"You have to ask Ma Sicheng beside you."

Mo Mo and Ye Li lost their eyes and couldn't help looking at Ma Sicheng, how did Bei Sandao Luo'an get involved with Ma Sicheng?
Ma Sicheng was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't know why he provoked Luo'an.

But Mo Mo thought for a while, and then he had the answer,

It must be that Ma Sicheng was not professional enough when investigating the information, which attracted Bei Sandao Luo'an's attention, which made Luo'an follow Ma Sicheng to find silence.

With Bei San Dao Luo'an's strength, if he followed Ma Sicheng, the latter would have no way of noticing.

"I originally thought that the handicap of the game was just a game for gamblers, but I didn't expect that there was such a big fish hanging behind... Hehe, Yancheng Moment, it really lives up to its reputation, it can play!"

Mo Mo frowned slightly, not only could he hear the sour sarcasm in Luo An's words, but also a trace of jealousy mixed in, as if Luo An had known Mo Mo a long time ago.

But the problem is that Shen Mo doesn't know Luo An at all!Where did he come from sour radish.

"You don't even know who I am?!" Bei Sandao Luo'an's round eyes swelled, and he looked extremely angry, "Damn it, this is really too bad, I'm going to hack you to death..."

silence:? ? ?
He became more and more confused, looking at Kitasando as if he was looking at the second idiot.

Just when Luo'an was about to erupt, Ma Sicheng quickly came to Shen Mo's side and explained in a low voice.

"Beishan Dao Luo'an used to be the big disciple of a poor Taoist."

silence:? ? ?
Lame uncle's first disciple? !How come Silence has never heard of Uncle Lame?I have never heard of the existence of this person from Yuzihui's mouth.

But Ma Sicheng's reminder solved Shen Mo's doubts, why Luo'an had such an attitude towards Shen Mo, and why the air was filled with the smell of sour radish.

It turns out that everything stems from jealousy!
Bei Sandao Luo'an was jealous of Shen Mo and became the heir of Uncle Lame, inheriting the method of shrinking the land to an inch.

"Senior brother, be safe and don't be impatient!" Shen Mo clasped his fists at Luo An, after all, Luo An was Uncle Lame's disciple, no matter what the reason was, he cut off the master-student relationship with Uncle Lame, and Mo Mo called him a senior brother, which was considered a waste of face.

"Hmph! You finally know the existence of my senior brother. Since that's the case, I won't go looking for you on purpose, so I will hand over the master's secret skills to the smallest size!"

Ok? !

The air around Shen Mo suddenly quieted down, Ye Limi lost and Ma Sicheng looked at Shen Mo in unison, waiting for how he would deal with Bei Sandao Luo'an's persecution.

From Ye Limi's and Ma Sicheng's point of view, the poor Taoist has passed away, and this should be a drama where brothers from the same sect fight each other in order to inherit the secret skills.

Hey, this is something to watch.

Ye Li lost his way because he liked watching Silence lecture others, while Ma Sicheng wanted to see the so-called miraculous skill of shrinking the ground into an inch.

As for Shen Mo's attitude towards Luo An, there is only sneer and contempt.

Kitasando is safe!The first time he knew that Uncle Lai passed the secret technique of shrinking the ground to an inch to Shen Mo, he didn't come to make trouble for Mo Mo, but after knowing the news of Uncle Lai's death, he had the courage to ask Mo Mo for the secret technique.

The reasons for this are self-evident,

Bei Sandao Luo'an seems to be rough and straightforward, but he is actually a vulgar bastard who bullies the weak and fears the hard.

No wonder Uncle Lame would sever the master-student relationship with him.

"Brother, wait a moment. I need to make a call first."

Shen Mo withdrew the clasping salute, and took out the mobile phone in his pocket.

Bei Sandao Luo'an sneered.

"Do you want to find foreign aid? Call! This is a matter between our brothers and sisters. Unless you call the underworld to find your master, no one can help you."

hey-hey!I still need to go to the underworld to find a master?His old man is living in Niutoushan for the elderly.If you didn't want him to be free for a while, how would you dare to jump here? !

Mo Mo came to a secluded place, called out the phone's address book, found Uncle Lame's number, and called.

After a while of beeps, the uncle's voice rang on the phone.

"Amo, shouldn't you be attending the Supernatural Communication Conference? How can you call me?"

"Uncle Lame, here's the situation... A man named Bei Sandao Luo'an wants to get your old man's secret technique of shrinking the ground to an inch from me. Do you think I will give it? Or not?"

" a big fuck"

Silence: ( ̄□ ̄;)

Immediately, Uncle Lame's five-minute fancy greeting rang from the other end of the phone, going up to the ancestors and ancestors of Beisandao Luo'an, and down to the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Beisandao Luo'an, interspersed with various trendy jokes.

It was an eye-opener for Mo Mo, and he couldn't help but wonder how Uncle Lame was resting in Niutoushan during this period of time, did he join some unknown unscrupulous street abuse group? !Like Bao Longxing in Nine Pins of Sesame Officials, has he studied in Lichun Academy?

"Uncle, your tone..."

"Don't care what I say, you just need to remember, beat this bastard until he doesn't even recognize his mother."

"Okay! This is simple..." Silence will naturally satisfy Uncle Lai's request, but he is very curious, what happened between Uncle Lai and Luo An?That's why lame uncle hates Luo'an so much.

"If it's convenient, can you always tell me how Luo'an offended you?"

"You have the ability to talk, ask yourself."

Uncle Lame hung up on Shen Mo's phone, and threw the question to Shen Mo again.

Tsk tsk, since Uncle Lame has put down his words, Mo Mo of course puts away his phone, and has a good chat with Beisandao Luo'an, to communicate the feelings between the brothers and sisters.

Shen Mo turned around and turned back, Luo An was still waiting, seeing Shen Mo coming back alone, he taunted.

"Why are you the only one who called?"

Shen Mo smiled and shook his head, "Who still calls people these days! Everyone has changed to Weixin @, and besides, there is no need to call people when dealing with you."

"Huh! Don't be ashamed of your big words. Don't think that you have the right to talk to me like you have obtained the inheritance of the master. My Beisandao Luo'an name is not for nothing."

"Stop talking nonsense, follow me to the grove!"

"Small forest? If you have the ability, do it here!"

Mo Mo stared at Bei Sandao Luo'an again with the eyes of the second idiot, "Do it here, don't you want to give up the qualification for the competition, the emergency team of the super game will not joke with you."

Bei Sandao Luo'an snorted coldly, "Then Xiao Shulin, let you see how powerful I, Bei Sandao Luo'an is."

So, silent, Ye Li was lost, Ma Sicheng, Bei Sandao Luoan, who was already like a fool, went to the grove where Shan Linghuo had met before.

Ten minutes later, the four arrived at their destination.

"Come on! Brother Shen, let me see what you have learned from the master?"

Bei Sandao Luo'an exploded impressively, pulled out the half-person-high giant sword behind him, held it in his hand, and pulled out a huge version of the sword flower, giving people the illusion of lifting weight lightly, as if what he was holding in his hand was just a prop giant sword , rather than a half-human tall giant sword.

If it wasn't for the formation of sword aura during the rotation of the giant sword, which cut the ground with sword marks, Mo Mo would have almost believed it.

From this point of view, Bei Sandao Luo'an's strength is really not simple!

But what surprised Shen Mo was that the swordsmanship and swordsmanship used by Beisandao Luoan were not the skills of Uncle Lame, so where did he learn the swordsmanship from? !

"Brother Luo's swordsmanship is extraordinary, but our Niutoushan doesn't have such great swordsmanship!"

"Hey! Niutoushan naturally does not have such powerful swordsmanship. My swordsmanship does not come from the master, but my luck. Because of this chance, the master severed the relationship between master and apprentice... But then It doesn't matter, the important thing is that his old man has gone, as his first disciple, I have the right to inherit his secret technique, and when I defeat you, you can hand over the secret technique."

Mo Mo frowned slightly, Uncle Lame cut off his master-student relationship with Luo An because he got a chance? !

impossible!Lame uncle is not such a person.

Because Shen Mo also has its own opportunity, but Uncle Lame has never asked about Mo Mo's opportunity, and still chooses to pass his secret skills to Shen Mo.

Therefore, Shen Mo knew very well that Uncle Lame severed the master-student relationship with Luo An not because Luo An got the opportunity to practice swordsmanship, but because there was something else hidden.

The Beisandao Luo'an obviously wanted to use this to disturb Silence's mind.

The silence that sees through everything has no intention of destroying Luo An, but just went down the donkey road, "Uncle lame is not the kind of person you said at all."

"Hey, what kind of person is Master? Does Junior Brother Shen know better than me? Let me tell you this! I know what Master is like best. You were obviously deceived by him."


Shen Mo put on an unsteady expression, shook his head again and again, denying Luo An's arguments, "Uncle Lame will never lie to me..."

hum!Just when Shen Mo was distracted, the giant sword in Luo An's hand moved!
A terrifying sword energy as thick as a man's waist swept out, hitting Shen Mo's waist directly. If this blow hits, most people will definitely be cut in half.

And Shen Mo is obviously not an ordinary person. He has seen through everything a long time ago, and he is already ready to deal with it.

I saw Shen Mo still kept his flustered and unsteady look, and with a slight shake of his wrist, Calamity · Yamata no Orochi · Tomahawk suddenly appeared in his hand, and as the skill of Fist Mastery was triggered, a terrifying fist of one person's height followed. It shot out and directly collided with Luo'an's sword energy.

The latter resisted for only one-tenth of a second before being torn apart by Silence's fist and shattered into powder.

Bei Sandao Luoan's face changed suddenly, and he instinctively raised the giant sword in his hand to block the silent fist, but just before the fist and the giant sword collided, Luo'an felt extremely uneasy , The keen intuition of death made him withdraw abruptly, dodging suddenly, and in a panic, his fist slashed across his shoulder, directly bringing down a large piece of flesh and blood.

hiss!Bei Sandao Luo'an only felt a numbness in his shoulders, and when he looked down, he saw blood gushing out and bones piled up.

The excruciating pain then broke out, causing cold sweat to rain on the forehead, and the veins popping up.

"How is it possible?! How can you know sword energy! Master, it is impossible for him to know sword energy... Could it be that he is hiding something for himself!"

Shen Mo put the calamity battle ax that was one person tall on his shoulder, and said contemptuously, "First of all, this is not sword energy, it should be called fist energy, and moreover, my fist energy does not come from uncle lame, but my own. Chance. So, as I said before, Uncle Lame is not that kind of person at all. Your tricks of distracting the enemy will not work for me."

Bei Sandao Luo'an snorted coldly, tapped several big acupuncture points all over his body to stop the bleeding from the wound on his shoulder, then took out a small jade bottle from his pocket, and filled his wound with medicinal powder.

Tut tut!Shen Mo shook his head, this healing method was too primitive and sloppy.

Even if it is coated with medicinal powder, it cannot be used for a short period of time. For Beisandao Luoan, who uses a giant sword, his strength will definitely drop sharply.

Mo Mo showed his calamity battle ax again, pointing directly at Luo An, "You are already injured, so, shall we still fight? As long as you kowtow to admit your mistake to Uncle Lame, I will pretend that I have never seen you."

Bei Sandao Luo'an sneered, and said proudly, "Junior Brother Shen, do you think my name Bei Sandao Luo'an is just called casually? Then let you take a look at my Abi Sandao!"

A Bi San Dao? !
What it is?Sword skills? !

Wait a minute, isn't the Three Swords of Ah Bi the most powerful move in Dominating the World practiced by Yi Dao Gui Hai?

Silent thoughts turned to Luo, and Luo'an's giant sword has been operating and condensed according to some mysterious rules, converging into a dark abyss crack like nine seclusions, entrenched on the giant sword.

Perceived by the power of Shen Mo's mind and eyes, countless lone souls, resentful ghosts, ghosts and ghosts want to struggle out of the cracks and descend to the human world. Through them, it seems that they can peep into the boundless Abi Hell.

hiss!There was a chill down Silent's back, and he was shocked and desperate by the terrifying aura emanating from Avici Hell. If Avici Hell were to descend on the human world, it would be a disaster at the level of a nuclear explosion.

Never expected that Kitasandao Luoan's swordsmanship could open the gap between Avichi Hell and the human world, and make the horror of Avii Hell unfold before the eyes of human beings.

Such a powerful swordsmanship is no longer a swordsmanship that Mo Mo can understand.

No wonder Uncle Lame would sever the master-student relationship with Luo'an, this Abi Three Swords is definitely not the swordsmanship of a normal company.

If you are always in the company of hell, you are either a Buddha or a demon.

Luo'an is obviously the latter.

Silence's eyes were fixed sharply, his whole body exploded with energy, and with a flick of his wrist, the Calamity Battle Ax disappeared, replaced by a yellow-brown talisman.

【Shrink the ground into an inch symbol】

"Senior Brother Luo, let us see whether Uncle Lame's Shrinking the Earth into an Inch Talisman is the best, or your Abi Three Sabers are the best."

 Bell is here to wish everyone a happy new year, a happy year of the rat, you are the best rat, the most prosperous rat, and the most excited rat.

(End of this chapter)

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