The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 513 Mar's Condition

Chapter 513 Mar's Condition

Shrunk to an inch!
Bei Sandao Luo'an's eyes widened sharply, greed and desire were written on the side of the thick mine face, he wanted to get the shrinking talisman in Shen Mo's hand, not only because he was Uncle Lame's big disciple, but The combination of the "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch Talisman" and his sword skills can make his sword skills reach the pinnacle.

Just imagine, Luo'an who used the three swords of the nose combined with the teleportation ability of the ground-shrinking talisman, who else in the world can block his sword.

"Junior Brother Shen, let you use Master's Extinction again. After this knife, I am the only one who is qualified to use his old man's secret technique."

Under the influence of Abi Sandao, Bei Sandao Luo'an is full of hostility. Under the influence of A Bi San Dao, he looks like a ghost walking in the world, a walking corpse, exuding a disgusting stench and corruption. Endless jealousy turned into a monstrous resentment. With the help of Dao Hell, Resentful Ghost and Li Soul, it reached its peak.

A nose three swords!

One knife is called jealousy!
Suddenly, the space around Silent became as thick as a quagmire, as if countless ferocious ghost hands wanted to restrain him in place, tore open his clothes, tore his skin, and drained every power in his body. , every piece of flesh and blood, every piece of tissue was devoured to fill up the never-ending jealousy.

Abi's Jealousy Sword is the jealousy of Abi Dao's thousands of ghosts and souls, guided by Bei Sandao's inner true thoughts. It is greedy, despicable, and never satisfied... even if it is Silence is torn to pieces, but it can't weaken its jealousy.

Facing the knife silently, with a thought, the ground-to-inch talisman in his hand instantly ignited, turning into Taoist talisman power and flowing into his body, the feeling of being restrained by space instantly became much weaker, and immediately, he stepped out , is to disappear in the mire abyss.

"Quack! I knew you would be like this!"

Bei San Dao Luo An shouted loudly, as if he had expected that his jealous sword would not be able to trap Shen Mo. At the moment Shen Mo cast the talisman, he was brewing a second knife, and just when Shen Mo escaped from the abyss of jealousy, Luo An's The second knife came.

A nose three swords!

Two swords are named resentment!
The mountain-like venom formed a torrential wave, and with the huge sword in Luo An's hand slashing fiercely, as if there was no limit of time and space, it suddenly fell on Shen Mo's body, causing his mind to suffer a severe trauma.

Resentment, resentment of injustice in this world.

Complain, blame the mortal world for being unclean.

Sorrow, complain that the world is not fair.

Silence's heart was instantly soaked in thousands of resentments, from the inside out, it was about to become a walking dead who only knew resentment.

But at the moment when Shen Mo's mind was about to fall, the power of purification instantly ignited, forming a white vortex from under his feet, covering his whole body, turning into waves of warm currents that soaked his body and mind.

What are you complaining about? !What is there to complain about?

Nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, if you feel sorry for yourself every day, then life will be so boring.

With the help of the power of purification, silent thoughts instantly become enlightened, and all grievances disappear in an instant, turning into nothingness.

Bei Sandao Luo'an's resentment knife only entangled in silence for a moment, and was wiped out by the power of purification.

Seeing Bei San Dao Luo'an's expression was serious, he didn't dare to underestimate silence any longer, and using his mental strength, he was about to unleash the most powerful and vicious strike of Abi San Dao, which even he couldn't fully control, it was the most unconscionable one knife.

A nose three swords!

The three swords are called anger!
Anger is the purest and most powerful force in Avici Hell, because compared with jealousy and resentment, anger is enough to annihilate the former and become a tool to push power to its peak.

The giant sword pierced through the void, like a dimensional slash that tore apart space, unstoppably slashed towards Shen Mo, Luo An's eyes became abnormal, scarlet filled his eye sockets, his mind was already wrapped in anger, reduced to real The walking dead, the ghosts and monsters of the world.

Facing the angry knife, Mo Mo knew that he was irresistible, and once again ignited an inch-shrinking talisman, trying to avoid the angry knife's slash, but Luo'an after the berserk transformation was too fast, the giant in his hand The sword keeps slashing and slashing out huge sword aura, closely following Silence, no matter where he flees, the sword aura will follow there, just like the fire of anger is ignited, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't get rid of its grip on you Bondage and entanglement.

Mo Mo raised the calamity battle ax in his hand, condensed his fists, and resisted the unavoidable slash. Immediately, he only felt a tingling in the tiger's mouth, and anger eroded into his body along the calamity battle ax like a raging fire, wanting to fight again affect his mind.

hum!The power of purification!
Shen Mo once again relied on the power of purification to eliminate the influence of anger on him, and his eyes fell directly on Kitasandao Luo'an.

Luo'an has fallen into madness, he sacrificed his sanity to Abi Hell, in exchange for endless power, just to kill Silence and seize his secret skills.

Why!poor person must have something mean.

The three swords of Abi are the real reason why Uncle Lai and Luo An severed the relationship between master and apprentice. The three swords of Abi are too evil. Practitioners are immersed in the influence of Abi Hell every day, and sooner or later they will become jealous , Anger, the walking dead driven by resentment.

Then let Shen Mo give him a blessing!

hum!The ground-to-inch talisman ignited a crimson flame, wrapped the silence again, escaped the slash of the angry knife, and appeared next to Bei Sandao Luo'an the next moment.

Beisandao Luoan:? ? ?
Silence: Come, let me give you a blessing.

hum!With the power of milky white purification, as the fist energy passed through the barrier formed by anger, under the gaze of Luo An's scarlet eyes, the milky white halo instantly enveloped him, as if bathing in warm spring water, which made people say no It's fun.

hiss? !Aw~~~
From Luo An's throat came the groan of a wild beast being tamed, just like a wildfire meeting several weeks of torrential rain, extinguishing all the anger and mania in his heart, and his lost sanity gradually took over again. The giant sword also became heavy and stagnant, just after the last ray of anger was removed by the power of purification.

Luo An woke up!

His eyes widened, he stared at Shen Mo in a daze and absentmindedly, looking at Mo Mo who was unharmed, even a little wanting to laugh, he panicked.

He knew he had lost, but he didn't expect to lose so badly.

Even though he had already used the most powerful Abi's Fury Knife, he didn't even hurt a single hair of the other party, and was broken by the other party, which made him feel indescribably calm now, just like Wan Li On a clear morning, a sparrow soars across the sky, quiet, peaceful... Fascinating, it hasn't been so peaceful for a long time.

Luo'an knew that this was not the power of shrinking the ground into an inch talisman, but another power that silenced himself, which was infinitely stronger than the three swords of the nose.

bang!The giant sword in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, and fell powerlessly along with his body.

"I lost! Ah Bi San Dao, I lost! What kind of move did you use?"

Shrugged silently, "I just gave you a blessing."


Luo'an had a feeling of being teased, but he savored the feeling just now, that feeling was really very much like being blessed by someone.

"How long have you practiced this blessing?"

Silence: "Not too long, just a while."

Luo'an was a little distracted. Over the years, he was obsessed with the practice of Abi Three Swords, thinking that Abi Three Swords was the most powerful secret skill in the world, but he never expected that he would lose to Yifa Blessing.

"This blessing, can you teach me?"

Shen Shen shook his head, "You can't learn my blessing."

Kitasando Luoan:····

He stood up slowly, but instead of picking up the huge sword on the ground, he bowed deeply to Shen Mo, and then prepared to leave gracefully.

"Huh? Is this gone?"

Luo An couldn't help being stunned and stopped.

"Leave your Ah Bi San Dao! It shouldn't appear in the world."

Luo An pondered for a moment, then let out a long sigh, took out an old book of secret techniques from his bosom, and threw it to Shen Mo.

"It's yours. From now on, there will be no Beisan Dao in this world."

"Where are you going?"

"I want to find a place where no one is quiet, maybe I will understand it for a lifetime."

Mo Mo was a little surprised, did he live the suspicious life that Luo An gave blessings to?

Why is his mental quality so poor?It's no wonder that Uncle Lame is extremely demanding of psychological quality when assessing silence. It turns out that there are lessons learned from the past.

"Brother Luo, if you really see through the mortal world, why not join the Super Bureau and serve the people."

Shen Mo made this proposal not only because the Super Bureau has always been short of manpower, but mainly because he didn't want to see Luo'an become a wild man in the mountains and waste all his skills in vain.

After all, in addition to practicing A Bi San Dao, Luo An is also Uncle Lai's big disciple. He is proficient in all kinds of talismans on Niutoushan, subduing demons and eliminating demons, exorcising demons and catching ghosts is not weaker than Uncle Lai himself.

Hearing the silent invitation, Luo An stopped for a long time, and shook his head helplessly, "I am used to being free by myself, and I don't want to be restricted by the system, so forget it. If I change my mind in the future, I will come to find you to join the Super Bureau."

"Brother Luo is always welcome."

Watching Bei Sandao Luoan leave, his silent heart finally sank.

Mo Mo gained quite a lot from this battle. With Luo An's departure, Ye Li lost the next match and won without standing, and Mo Mo also got the practice secret book of A Bi San Dao from Luo An.

Although Mo Mo himself has no plans to practice sword skills, isn't it delicious to hold this level of sword skills in his hands?
Every brick has its use, and Abi Sandao will come in handy sooner or later.

Shen Mo took out the gossip Yin-Yang sword pouch from his personal warehouse, put away the secret technique of A Bi San Dao, and then brought Ye Li Lost and Ma Sicheng back to the competition arena, because Shen Mo's afternoon game is about to start.

Silence VS Inner Mongolia Sanbao Mar.

On the way, Shen Mo opened the information collected by Ma Sicheng, and got to know the information about Mar and the information of the remaining eight people.

Mal!The seed qualifier for this year's Saintess of Tianshan, a talented player who is not old in Tianshan, if she was born in Tianshan, her current strength is definitely stronger than Zamaharza, the envoy of Tianshan.

Even so, Maer is also an extremely difficult opponent. The Tianshan Melting Snow Palm, which was urged by Tianshan's old skills, made her successfully advance to the top 16, which is the most powerful proof.

According to the information collected by Ma Sicheng, Maer probably inherited two grassland secret arts from his parents.

【Spirit Equestrianism】【Grassland Roar】

When Shen Mo heard these two names for the first time, his expression was like this: \(“▔□▔)/\(“▔▔)/\(“▔▔)/
The so-called imperial equestrianism should be to summon grassland horse spirits to bless a few bodies, so that oneself can obtain the ability of horse spirits.

The grassland roar is a skill of summoning spirits. It is said that a master of profound knowledge can directly call out the enemy's soul out of the body and drive it at will.

Facing this kind of enemy, Mo Mo must not only be careful of the opponent's Tianshan Melting Snow Palm, but also be careful of her Grassland Flat Roar, the attack at the soul level is the most difficult to deal with.

When Silence came to the arena, Mar had been waiting for a long time.

"Silence VS Mal, let's go!"

Following the referee's order, the audience around them were instantly ignited. They all shouted Ma'er's name, because Ma'er's previous battles showed the demeanor of the Tianshan saint. People only dare to look at it from afar but not dare to blaspheme, coupled with her natural beauty and beautiful posture, it pushed her popularity to the peak.

Compared to Maer's popularity, Silence is inconspicuous, and even dubbed the name of Shady Shen by others. Shan Linghuo's retreat without a fight made most people think that Silence entered the top 16 through conspiracy. .

"Mar, use your Tianshan Snowmelt Palm to teach Shady Shen a good lesson, and let him stop in the round of 16."

"Holy Maiden, come on, we support you."

Hearing the voice in his ear, Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "You have so many fans! I'm going to lose before I even make a move."

Maer smiled shyly, like snow falling into the mortal world, not touching fireworks, and using some kind of secret technique to transmit voice, "You can fool them, but you can't fool me. You are very powerful, and I am not your opponent."

silence:? ? ?
How does this little girl know?Where did she see it?
Maer laughed and said, "My Ma Ling told me that she sensed a terrifying aura from you, even Grandma Tianshan is no different, so you are pretending that you are weak, but you are actually very strong That kind of person... well, in Chinese, it should be called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."


This little girl is really thorough!Ma Ling's perception is one aspect, but her own guess is [-]% or [-]% right.

It seems that Tianshan's grandma chose her as a saint not only because of her excellent talent, but also because of her understanding.

Shen Mo shrugged helplessly, "Since you know everything, why do we still need to fight? You surrender yourself?"

Mal shook his head, "I can surrender, but I can't just surrender, you have to promise me one condition."

Silence was quite curious, "Let's listen to it, but you have to know that you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

"No, I have!" Mal said firmly, "The reason why you hide your strength is definitely not for me, so the longer you hide your true strength, the higher your winning rate will be, so you If you want to expose your strength now, you still agree to my small conditions."

Silence for a while, "Tell me your conditions."

"Help me become a Tianshan Saintess!"

Mo Mo was a little surprised, more surprised, how could Maer think that he had the ability to help her become the saint of Tianshan?

"Don't rush to refuse, because I will tell you that the secret order of Taibai Mountain you are fighting for has a lot to do with Tianshan Mountain. Is this news enough to arouse your interest?"

(End of this chapter)

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