Chapter 514

Is there any relationship between the secret place of Taibai Mountain and Tianshan Mountain? !

Mo Mo's heart sank slightly. The news he got from Ma Shisan was that if he wanted to enter the secret realm of Taibai Mountain, he must have the secret order of Taibai Mountain.

The Taibai Mountain Secret Realm is a mysterious place that no one knows, and everything inside is unknown.

Now it seems that the secret realm of Taibai Mountain is not as simple as they know, and it already has an inseparable relationship with Tianshan Mountain.

After pondering in silence for a while, he echoed, "Then you are talking about the relationship between this secret place of Taibai Mountain and your Tianshan Mountain?"

Maer's face was slightly happy, and he said through voice transmission, "The secret place of Taibai Mountain is actually the other palace in Tianshan Mountain."

Tianshan other palace? !
This way of unfolding is a bit strange.

Mo Mo asked curiously, "This is interesting news, but it's a bit far-fetched for you to ask me to help you become a Tianshan Saintess based on this news alone!"

Maer continued to explain, "My Ma Ling told me that even if I try my best, I can't be your opponent, so I must stop here, I won't be able to get the Taibai secret order, but it will allow me to become the saint of Tianshan The thing is in the other palace in Tianshan, so I want you to help me get that thing."

"Something that can make Tianshan recognize your status as a saint?"

"Yes, apart from that thing, there are many other treasures in the other palaces of the Tianshan Mountains. They will definitely not let you down."

Silently smiled, "This deal is not bad, but you are so sure that I can win the game?"

Mal nodded, "My horse spirit has the power to know the heavens and the earth. Although it can't pry into fate, it's still possible to see who wins and who loses."

Tsk tsk, this little girl has already planned everything.

That being the case, Mo Mo reluctantly agreed to the other party.

"Okay! I promise you, but I also have a condition, I need to know what that thing is?"

Maer lingered for a while, and finally let go, and said, "Holy Maiden Order! The Holy Maiden Order that records the secret technique of Tianshan Mountain. As long as I bring the Holy Maiden Order back to Tianshan, Grandma Tianshan will recognize my identity as a saint."

Silence's thoughts raced around, integrating all the information collected before, and gradually converging into a new piece of information.

Inner Mongolia Sanbao Ma'er was favored by Tianshan's grandma, and she was exceptionally promoted as a candidate for the saint.

And now Grandma Tianshan asked Ma Er to participate in the Supernatural Exchange Conference to seize the secret order of Tianshan, and wanted to enter the other palace of Tianshan to obtain the order of the saint from inside.

No!Rather than saying it is the order of the saint, it is better to say that it is the secret technique that is not transmitted in Tianshan recorded in the order of the saint.

If the facts are as Maar said, then the appearance of the Tianshan envoy Zamaharza is more reasonable.

Before the silence, he was very surprised. Since Tianshan sent Mar, why did he send Zamaharza who is stronger than her to compete.

Now it seems that Grandma Tianshan is determined to win the secret order of Tianshan Mountain, and Marr is also the key to entering the secret realm of Tianshan Mountain.

This little girl was not only exceptionally promoted as a candidate for the saint because of her talent, she must have other secrets that are not known to ordinary people.

This secret is probably only known to Grandma Tianshan, and it is closely related to the secret realm of Tianshan.

He took Mal's deal.

【Ding!Trigger the branch plot: Tianshan Palace. 】

[The secret place of Taibai Mountain is actually the other palace of Tianshan Mountain, which hides the old grievances and secrets of the Tianshan School a hundred years ago. 】

[Task 10000: Obtain the secret order of Tianshan Mountain.Task reward: Paladin's exclusive skill - Hammer of Repentance.Aura value: [-]]

[Hammer of Repentance: Concentrate the sacred power to form the Hammer of Holy Light to bombard the enemy, causing a lot of light attribute damage to the enemy and making the enemy fall into a state of repentance. 】

[Confession status: Sinner!Repent of your sins!Let go of your mind and feel the baptism from the Holy Light! 】

[Task [-]: Triggered after completing Task [-]. 】

Mo Mo frowned, overjoyed in his heart, he never expected that he could trigger a side storyline from Mal, and what surprised him even more was that the rewards for the side storyline this time were quite generous.

The first task alone has [-] aura points, as well as the skill reward of Hammer of Repentance.

It is not a loss at all to accept this task silently!

"Good! Happy cooperation!"

Shen Mo readily agreed to Maer's condition, and after receiving Shen Mo's promise, the latter directly raised his hand and said to the referee, "Referee, I surrender!"

Huh? !

The referee looked confused. From his point of view, the two of them just stared at each other for a while, why did they suddenly surrender?
Is it...

Everyone couldn't help but looked at Shen Mo, who was excited because of the triggering of the side plot at the moment. It looked like the silver smile and wandering after the success of the conspiracy.

"Shadow! It's shady again. I don't know what method this Silence used to force Mal to surrender. It's simply too abominable. We strongly urge the organizers to disqualify Silence from the competition and strictly investigate Silence's shady behavior."

"That's right, I'm angry. Last time, Shan Linghuo withdrew from the competition. This time, it was Mal who surrendered. This is not a competition, it's simply a stinky regular entertainment program."

"Regular competition, strict investigation and silence, we need justice!"

Facing the denunciation of the masses, the referee was also in a dilemma.

Like Shen Shen, he is a special commissioner of the Super Bureau, and it stands to reason that some things will pass by turning a blind eye.

But if silence caused public outrage like this, it could not be resolved so hastily.

The referee straightened his face and announced on the spot, "According to the normal game process, it is a normal operation for the players to surrender, and there is no problem. But considering everyone's emotions and requirements, we can investigate the reasons for this game and give everyone A fair answer, please stabilize your emotions and stay calm."

Faced with the referee's verdict, the crowd finally calmed down a bit, but they just suppressed their inner grievances and waited for a reasonable explanation from the conference.

But Shen Mo himself shrugged indifferently, the so-called body is not afraid of the shadow slanting, he does not do anything wrong, so he is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

In this competition, it really wasn't his tricks, but Mal's tricks!
When Shen Mo left the arena, Ye Li lost a long time ago waiting for him outside.

Because Shen Mo defeated Bei Sandao Luo'an, Ye Li lost the same victory without a fight.

As a result, the two successfully advanced to the quarterfinals, getting closer and closer to obtaining the secret order of Tianshan.

When the sky gradually darkened, Ma Sicheng brought new game information.

Silence VS Zhuge Dali, Ye Li Lost vs Han Longmen Cold Wind Blowing, Sword Cultivator Duan Feiwen VS Modu Ji Quan, Chuncheng Tan Yulan vs Bajiquan Ningda.

Shen Mo frowned after reading the new battle table, Tianshan envoy Zamaharza actually lost to Zhuge Dali? !

This means that the Tianshan lineage has no access to the Tianshan secret order, and the only way to obtain the Tianshan secret order is to rely on Silence alone.

At the end of today's game, Shen Mo and Ye Li Lost did not continue the Xiaoshu plan last night, because after Shen Mo came out of the field, there were people following Mo Mo, who seemed to be paparazzi, closely watching Mo Mo's every move, investigating Is silence cheating in this game.

Ever since, Shen Mo can only get lost with Ye Li and Ma ShiSanZhai who came later.

If you want to ask them what the three of them are doing in the house, of course it is a three-person fight against the landlord.

When Ye Lilo was studying at Yenching University, apart from reading books, reading newspapers, and sleeping when he was bored, he would study how to fight landlords with a few graduate students.

Now that I have free time, I naturally want to show it off.

But Ye Limi never imagined that Mo Mo, a big coin with the power of mind and eyes, has no secrets to him about fighting landlords and playing mahjong. Anyway, it is a game of gambling or the like.

As long as he puts his mind to it, Shen Mo can know the cards of Ye Limi and Ma Shisan. After some planning, he will win nine times out of ten.

One night, the suspicion between Ye Limi and Ma Shisan was brought to life.

"Silence, you must have borrowed Nannan's luck." Ma Shisan thought in a broken voice.

"Hee hee, if I help the boss bless his luck, he will have a big spring in his hand anyway, sister Thirteen, you are thinking too much."

Ye Li lost his way and said, "That's right, if Nan Nan helps, you can see the cards of Mu Mo at a glance. I can only say that Mo Mo's cards are very good, anyway, I am convinced."

Just as the three of them were joking, the silent door was suddenly pushed open, and Ma Sicheng rushed in anxiously, "Sister Thirteen, something is wrong, something serious happened."

"What's up?!"

Ma Shisan quickly stood up and greeted him.

"Uncle Ma was injured, and the secret order of Taibai Mountain was also taken away."

hiss!The purpose of this competition is to compete for the secret order. Now, the competition has only reached the top 8, and someone can't sit still and seize the secret order!

Shen Mo is very angry now, because one of his side missions is to obtain the secret order. If the secret order is taken away by an unknown person and used, wouldn't his side mission fail?
That's [-] aura points, and the paladin's exclusive skill Hammer of Repentance!

Coupled with the rewards of follow-up tasks, it is simply an incalculable loss!

no!Get him!No matter who stole the secret order, he must be dealt with!

Mo Mo rushed out, and Ma ShiSan rushed to the scene of the incident one step ahead. Ma ShiSan looked at Mo Mo's back and felt inexplicably in his heart that he didn't expect his father to have an accident, Mo Mo was more anxious than her daughter.

Ye Li lost his poker, followed closely behind Ma Shisan, and rushed to the scene of the incident.

Conference Temporary Office!
Two logistics personnel from Super Bureau are treating Ma Jianguo's injuries. He is seriously injured. Fortunately, the timely treatment has stabilized his injuries and saved his life.

Silence came, and without further ado, he came directly to Ma Jianguo's side, covered him with a slow healing shot, and healed his injury.

The logistics staff on the side didn't know Shen Mo and hurriedly blocked him.

"Who are you? The patient's injury has just stabilized, so you can't touch it without authorization."

"It's all right! Let him come."

The sound of Ma Shisan's voice stunned the two logistics personnel. When they looked at Ma Jianguo again, the unconscious Ma Jiaguo had already woken up and coughed up the blood in his throat. get up.

" is this possible? The patient was in a critical condition just now, why did he suddenly recover?"

"What kind of secret technique is this? It actually has such a miraculous healing effect."

Silence ignored the exclamation of the two support staff, and hurriedly asked Ma Jianguo, "President Ma, who attacked you just now?"

Ma Jianguo realized the seriousness of the problem and dared not neglect, and immediately replied, "Ghost King Zong Jiang Wuye and Dongfang Guoxing of Yipintang Co., Ltd."

Jiang Wuye and Dongfang Guoxing, both of whom were eliminated in the round of 16, could it be that they had no hope for the secret order, so they joined forces to snatch the secret order, or there was something hidden in it.

When Ma Shisan heard the names of these two people, he immediately ordered, "Govern the Super Bureau, arrest Jiang Wuye and Dongfang Guoxing, and notify the Taibai Mountain secret site to strengthen the guard and wait for reinforcements."

Mo Mo and Ma Shisan looked at each other, both of them understood the other party's intentions.

"Silence, you should be able to catch up if you go after it now, and I will handle the rest."

"it is good!"

Shen Mo nodded, and immediately prepared to hunt down Jiang Wuye and Dongfang Guoxing. With the guidance of Zashiki Doji Nannan and the help of the power of mind and eyes, tracking and tracing has always been Shen Mo's strong point.

Ye Li lost his way and wanted to follow Shen Mo, but considering that her speed could not match Shen Mo's shrinking into an inch, he had no choice but to give up.

Ever since, Mo Mo was alone, taking Zashiki Doji Nannan, Yuki Nai, and Goudan to chase after the two escaped.

"Nannan, where did they escape?"

Nan Nan flashed a red light in the lucky cat, and immediately responded, "Boss, they still run separately."


It was embarrassing for him to aim.

Silence is still alone!How to chase two people.

Wait, there is no need to chase two people at all, you just need to chase the secret order of Tianshan Mountain.

"Nannan, feel who took away the secret order of Tianshan Mountain."

hum!After a few breaths, Nan Nan had the answer.

"Left! Not far away, you can catch up with your speed."

Mo Mo exploded under his feet, and immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed to the left, and several inch-shrinking talismans ignited beside Mo Mo, bursting into crimson brilliance, and his speed reached its peak in an instant.

Silence only felt that everything around him became blurred, like a fast-flowing river, constantly receding behind him, and the crackling sound in his ears rushed into his eardrums. If Silence's Dragon God's body was not strong enough, it might be difficult to resist.

About 10 minutes later, Mo Mo finally caught up with the person who stole the Tianshan secret order.

He is none other than Jiang Wuye of Ghost King Sect.

Jiang Wuye, who was dressed in a black robe, stood quietly on an old tree tooth, watching a helicopter pass by rapidly. He was very surprised by the appearance of silence, but he quickly realized it.

"The silence of the super bureau, you can catch up? It seems that the poor Taoist of Niutoushan is really extraordinary."

Jiang Wuye yelled with a strange smile, "It's a pity that you came a step late, and the secret order has already been sent away by me."

Silent stared at the helicopter that was about to go away, and once again ignited a ground-to-inch amulet. If nothing else happened, he wanted to shoot down the plane.

In layman's terms, it's flying.

(End of this chapter)

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