Chapter 515

That's right!What Silence is about to do is to shoot down the departing plane.

Although he has never shot down a plane in his life, he is confident that he will catch up with the helicopter in the sky with the power of the shrinking talisman, shoot it down, and regain the secret order of Tianshan.

But how could Jiang Wuye of Ghost King Sect stand still and watch Silence masturbate.

When he saw Silence ignited and shrunk into an inch talisman, he knew the intention of Silence. As soon as he thought about it, his whole body was full of ghosts and evil spirits, and countless ghost-faced skeletons swarmed out from behind him, charging with endless resentment and hatred. to silence.

These ghost-faced skeletons seem to have some kind of predictive ability, and they all twisted towards the foothold behind the silence.

When Shen Mo had just stabilized his figure and was about to cast the ground shrinking talisman again, he was already surrounded by ghost-faced skeletons.

Um? !How did they know I would be here? !

Mo Mo frowned slightly, not daring to be careless, immediately revealed the disaster battle axe, blessed the weapon with a blessing, the milky white halo swung away the ghost-faced skull, and gave himself some buffer time.

But it is hopeless to try to shrink the ground again and catch up with the flying plane.

Silence snorted coldly, secretly thinking that he could only start with Jiang Wuye, to find out where the Tianshan secret order was sent and who was taking the Tianshan secret order.

Together with the fighting spirit, the silent spiritual power poured out like a tide, and the body of the holy light burst into dazzling brilliance, instantly purifying the surrounding ghost-faced skeletons and burning them into countless powders.

huh? !A trace of shock flashed across Jiang Wuye's thin and cold face, he didn't expect the ghost-faced skeleton he enslaved to be wiped out so easily by silence.

And the scorching white light emanating from Shen Mo's body made him inexplicably afraid, and even the ghost king kept in captivity in his body was throbbing.

This guy's ability restrains me!
Ghost King Zong Jiang Wuye immediately realized this problem, but he had no choice. Who asked him to volunteer to take on the task of escorting the secret order. If he handed over the secret order to Dongfang Guoxing of Yipintang, he would have fled Yanjing now. Molested the little female ghost in the ghost king's cave at home.

Damn it!If he had known that he would encounter such an outlier as Mo Mo, Jiang Wuye wouldn't be brave.

But it's too late to say anything now.Jiang Wuye had to face the silence, or... there was another way.

Confessions are lenient!from silence? !

huh? !His ghost king Zong Jiang Wuye is not a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death.He didn't believe that the supreme ghost king he raised in captivity couldn't devour the human being Silence.

Jiang Wuye circulated his own ghost energy again, and the ghost kings raised in his body were summoned one by one.

Mother and child Rakshasa ghosts, mother and child are of the same body, the little ghost disturbs people's mind, and the big ghost has boundless power.

Headless Chest Cracker, headed by the chest, full of resentment, bloodthirsty and greedy, never satisfied.

The wandering ghost with a human face and a spider body is an evil spirit formed by a silver woman who wandered thousands of people and died of injustice, and then practiced for 49 days with the poisonous blood of the black widow.

Pig head evil, a monster with a pig head and a human body, likes to eat people's hearts, and is good at using bone-scraping steel knives.

In an instant, Jiang Wuye summoned four ghosts at the level of ghost kings, each of which was very powerful, and it was by no means an existence that ordinary people could deal with.

Shen Mo looked at the four ghost kings in front of him, a little curious. With the strength of these four ghost kings, Jiang Wuye was actually no match for sword repair Duan Feiwen.

Either Jiang Wuye let the water go, or Duan Feiwen's strength was terrifying.

This thought only flashed in Shen Mo's mind, because this issue is still no longer important at this moment, what is important is to extract the whereabouts of the Tianshan secret order from Jiang Wuye as soon as possible.

Shen Mo showed his disaster battle axe, and the milky white halo became more and more dazzling with the urging of the body of the holy light, which made the four ghost kings quite afraid.

And Shen Mo blessed himself with an angelic blessing, and the blooming angel wings were like a divine mansion descending into the world, invincible.

Jiang Wuye frowned fiercely, and Shen Mo's appearance was almost the same as that of an angel in the Western church. Combined with the blinding holy light, Jiang Wuye mistakenly believed that Mo Mo was a member of the church.

"You are from the church!?"

Silence did not answer.

"My Ghost King Zong has a very good personal relationship with Pope Pittman of the West District..."

Hand over the hammer!What does your relationship have to do with me?Don't think I look like an angel, I belong to the church.

Have you asked about the disaster, Yaqi Orochi, and battle ax in my hand? !
hum!The calamity battle ax was raised high, and the Mountain Collapsing Strike was launched immediately, falling with great force, piercing the void, like a falling stone from the sky, unstoppable.

boom!I saw Zhushousha erupting with a bang, and the bone-scraping steel knife blocked the sky, resisting the silent collapse of the mountain.

The mother and child Rakshasa ghosts immediately flew out from the left and right, and strangled Shen Mo.

"Huh!" Shen Mo shouted loudly and activated his fist qi proficiency, and the fiery holy light turned into two huge palms under the urging of the fist qi, and suddenly captured the mother and child Rakshasa ghost.

The ghost energy and the holy light surged, burning the ghost bodies of the mother and child Rakshasa ghosts, causing them to struggle and twist in the holy light, screaming in pain.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the headless chest splitting ghost immediately used its supernatural powers. The chest with countless jagged teeth split open, blood-red tongues shot out from the bloody giant mouth, and it split into two red snakes in the air. Hold the wrist of Shengguang holding the mother and child Rakshasa ghost.

The bloody tongue was twisted, and it actually broke the holy light, saving the mother and child Rakshasa ghost.

But these two bloody tongues are obviously useless.

Just when Shen Mo was surprised, Nan Nan's warning sounded from behind. It turned out that the wandering ghost with a human face and spider body had taken the opportunity to sneak behind Shen Mo, spreading her sharp claws like steel knives, and wanted to kill Mo Mo from behind. strangle live.

But Mo Mo is the one who will be attacked by surprise. The holy light on his body squirmed for a while, and under the urging of his fist proficiency, it formed a holy light thorn like a spear, and it stabbed out loudly, colliding with the human-faced spider-body wandering ghost together.

Puff!Forehead? !
Accompanied by the puffing sound of the holy light piercing through the object, and the silver cry of the wandering ghost, the silent mind froze.

Um? !This sound is wrong!There are tricks.

As soon as Mo Mo thought about it, he immediately added a wave of purification power to himself. Immediately, the stagnation of the mind disappeared instantly, and then he used the power of his mind to check the changes of the wandering ghost.

But it turned out that she was not stabbed by the holy light thorn at all, but turned into countless fist-sized human-faced spiders in the air, crawled along the holy light thorn to Shen Mo's body, and made strange ripple-like screams, infecting Mo Mo's mind , causing him to lose his mind in an instant.

What a terrible vagabond!
The attack was actually a mind attack. If it wasn't for the protective magic skill of purification, Mo Mo would have already caught her way.

These four ghost kings have different supernatural powers, and their combat power is doubled when they cooperate with each other, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

Looking at the ghost king Zong Jiang Wuye again, he didn't just sit and watch silently fighting with the four ghost kings, but knelt on the ground, constantly chanting something, and countless ghosts weeping and resentment rose from his feet, gradually condensing into a strange ghost. Array.

Is this the rhythm of amplifying moves! ?
Shen Mo realized that he couldn't delay any longer. Although he didn't know what Jiang Wuye was doing, he decided to stop Jiang Wuye's ceremony based on the basic principle that making the enemy feel uncomfortable is his own comfort.

boom!I saw Shen Mo suddenly inserted the disaster battle ax in his hand, and the mind drive was activated instantly. The iconic blue light of the blue boxing holy envoy appeared on his fists, and the holy light fusion of the holy knight was also attached. , causing the blue fist to glow with a dazzling white halo, as if scorching the sun.

Holy Light Convergence!Driven by ideas!
The power of the holy knight's holy light and the power of the holy envoy of the blue boxing are perfectly combined at this moment, and they burst out with amazing and powerful power.

Welcome to the baptism of new fighting boxing!

Silently shouted, his figure suddenly disappeared in front of the four ghost kings, and when they reacted, they had already appeared beside Jiang Wuye.

Immediately, Jiang Wuye's body was bombarded by fists falling like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

At first, the Blue Fist and the Holy Light impacted on the ghost energy, bursting out like a wave of air when the bomb exploded, but as the silent fists became faster and denser, the ghost energy on Jiang Wuye's body became thinner and thinner , until it was unable to support him to condense the Yin Formation, the fist finally landed on him.


Jiang Wuye swore that he had never seen such a fast punch in his life.

It never occurred to him that the seemingly ordinary fist could actually break through the ghostly aura that protects his body and cause him to suffer such terrible suffering.

This feeling is even more terrifying than ghosts devouring bodies.

Jiang Wuye panicked, he knew that he could not escape the disaster of silence.

That being the case, don't let the silence get better!

Jiang Wuye felt ruthless in his heart, and immediately bit the tip of his tongue, hot blood spurted out, filling his mouth, and immediately, he chanted the unfinished secret text in his heart.

[Supreme ghost king!I sacrifice you with my blood, please descend into the world and kill the person in front of you! 】

Jiang Wuye originally planned to use his own ghost energy as a sacrifice to summon the supreme ghost king to kill Mo Mo, but now it seems that he can only sacrifice his own blood essence to summon the ghost king to kill Mo Mo.

Compared with his own life, it is more cost-effective to lose some blood essence and reduce a few years of lifespan than to be killed silently.

hum!After Jiang Wuye finished reading the last secret text, a bottomless black vortex like an abyss rose from under his feet, and a hideous and terrifying ghost face twisted out of it, accompanied by a creepy roar Come to the world.

Supreme Ghost King!

The secret technique of the Ghost King Zongzhen Zongzong, the secret technique of summoning the ghost king of hell that only the suzerain can practice.

Facing the arrival of the supreme ghost king, Mo Mo only felt that his own holy light stagnated, and it shattered at the second the breath released by the other party, and he was defeated.

Between life and death, Shen Mo immediately unfolded a ground-shrinking talisman to distance himself from the Supreme Ghost King.

Looking at Jiang Wuye under the Supreme Ghost King, he suddenly changed from a middle-aged appearance to a senile white-haired old man. It seems that the lifespan he spent summoning the Supreme Ghost King was greater than expected.

Jiang Wuye had no choice!Originally, he only wanted to consume five or six years of his lifespan, calling out the ghost hands or feet of the supreme ghost king, and slapping him to death in silence.

But I never expected that if I accidentally consume too much, it is like playing a game and rushing to make money and go bankrupt.

He regretted it, but he had no choice but to let the Supreme Ghost King kill Shen Mo immediately to help him out of the predicament. When he escaped from Yanjing, he still hoped to restore some of his lifespan with the help of some secret techniques, and he could still spend the night at that time Ye Sheng Xiao, the ghost days accompanied by Yan Yan.

"What a powerful ghost king!"

The silent eyes moved away from the old Jiang Wuye, and immediately fell on the supreme ghost king. This ghost king summoned from nowhere, compared with the previous four ghost kings, the latter were not comparable at all.

The ghostly aura on his body is like substance, and his gestures exude a desperate and terrifying pressure, which can make people dizzy.

"Boss, you are not its opponent. You are not in the same dimension at all,"

Nodding silently, why doesn't he know that the monster in front of him has been cultivating for so many years, how could he, a fledgling man, be able to compare with him? !
But silently he doesn't panic, because he has plenty of cards.

hum!As soon as Silence thought about it, the angel wings behind her instantly turned into powder and dissipated.

In Jiang Wuye's view, silence is the rhythm of giving up resistance when seeing no hope of survival.

But the silent movement did not stop, but raised his hand again, muttering in a low voice.

Silence: (ΘдΘ;)
It's like countless innocent souls whispering there, and it's like the abyss is calling there.

When all the secret words reached an indelible moment, Silence shouted loudly.

"Devil's Hand!"

After being blessed by the devil's whisper, the devil's hand has a terrifying power far beyond Silence's imagination.

I saw an endless abyss suddenly blooming under Shen Mo's feet, as if the gates of the world and hell were opened together, and countless demon powers poured out like a tsunami, pouring into Mo Mo's surroundings. At the same time, a huge ferocious land was enough to The huge palm that was difficult to attach, which shocked the people present, slowly stretched out, lifting the silence, and looked down at the Supreme Ghost King and Jiang Wuye.

In contrast to the hand of the devil, the supreme ghost king is like a younger brother who has just been weaned and met his elder brother who was born many years earlier.

The supreme ghost king's aura softened, his ghostly aura swayed, and his strange complexion was extremely complicated, making it hard to figure out.

But Silence can recognize a look, that is [counseling]

The supreme ghost king is cowardly!

It couldn't be more cowardly at the moment when the devil's hand descended!

I saw the ghost body of the supreme ghost king trembled, like a mouse whose tail was stepped on by someone, and jumped up, without the courage to look back, and directly avoided the space it came over.

In the eyes of the Supreme Ghost King, its life is obviously more important than the lifespan that Jiang Wuye sacrificed.

The gray-haired Jiang Wuye stared in disbelief at the escape of the Supreme Ghost King, and the residual ghost aura of the Supreme Ghost King in the air, trampling his last hope under his feet wantonly.

The Supreme Ghost King escaped just like that!He didn't even have the courage to fight the opponent, so he ran away so casually!

The longevity that Jiang Wuye sacrificed was just in vain.

He sat powerlessly on the ground, his eyes were lifeless, and his vitality was lax.

Before Shen Mo could manipulate the devil's hand to attack Jiang Wuye, the latter missed a single breath and died on the spot.

Sometimes, the death of the human heart is more terrifying than the death of the body.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, secretly thinking that Jiang Wuye can't die, if you die, where can I find the secret order of Tianshan.

As soon as the silent thought moved, he immediately manipulated the devil's hand to come to Jiang Wuye's corpse, and with the power of his mind and eyes, he locked his remnant soul.

From this point of view, the only way to find the whereabouts of the Tianshan secret order is from Jiang Wuye's remnant soul.

(End of this chapter)

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