The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 516 Bless Ah Hu

Chapter 516 Bless Ah Hu

With a thought in silence, he used the power of his mind and eyes to pull Jiang Wuye's remnant soul out of his body, and then searched for information about the Tianshan secret order in his remnant soul.

After a while, Mo Mo really found extremely critical information.

Ghost King Zong and Yipintang conspired for this change. They took advantage of Ma Jianguo's trust in Yipintang Dongfang Guoxing, and took advantage of Ma Jianguo's unpreparedness to snatch the Tianshan secret order from him.

Then Jiang Wuye and Dongfang Guoxing fled separately, and Jiang Wuye was responsible for handing over the secret order of Tianshan Mountain to the helicopter that had been waiting in the dense forest for a long time, and sent it to Taibai Mountain overnight.

Someone will respond there. After receiving the secret order from Tianshan Mountain, they will immediately break into the entrance of the secret realm guarded by the Super Bureau, force their way into the secret realm, and seize the treasures within.

To be exact, the so-called treasure is the Order of the Holy Maiden of Tianshan Mountain.

Yipintang and Guiwangzong also want to seize the Holy Maiden Order? !

That's right!

The origin of this also starts with the establishment of Yipintang and Ghost King Sect. Yipintang and Ghost King Sect are both organizations founded by Tianshan rebels. After the existence of the Tianshan Inheritance Supreme Treasure Saintess Order.

Yipintang and Guiwangzong jointly planned this conspiracy, with the purpose of obtaining the Order of the Holy Maiden before Tianshan, and then counterattacking Tianshan.

This is the will left by the ancestors of the two organizations. Even if they knew that doing so would offend Chaoju and even the vast majority of practitioners, they carried out this plan without hesitation.

Silence after knowing the cause and effect was heavy-hearted. Obviously, this was a planned, organized and premeditated conspiracy, and the plan had already completed the most difficult task of capturing the secret order of Tianshan.

Now all that is left is to get the secret order and enter the secret realm.

Time is running out, Shen Mo must rush to Taibai Mountain as soon as possible to prevent Yipintang and Ghost King Zong people from entering the secret realm first.

Just as Shen Mo withdrew his mind and was about to meet up with Ma Shisan and organize his people to rush to Taibai Mountain as soon as possible, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and immediately found the four ghost kings floating in mid-air in a daze.

Because Jiang Wuye's soul scattered and fell, the four ghost kings lost their master's enslavement, and they stood there like puppets without souls, at a loss for what to do.

Mo Mo frowned slightly, he was very happy to see this kind of windfall.

So Mo Mo walked towards the four ghost kings, and probed into them with the power of his mind.

【Ding!Found mother and child Rakshasa ghost*1]

【Ding!Discovered a wandering ghost with a human face and a spider body*1]

【Ding!Found headless chest cracker*1]

【Ding!Found pig head evil*1]

Four reminders in succession did not disappoint Shen Mo, the four major ghost kings could all be included in the puppet making panel, giving them new puppet bodies.

This is really good news for Silence.

hum!Mo Mo swept away his thoughts, and immediately put the four ghost kings into the puppet making panel. When the rest of the puppet materials are collected, they can be refined into new dolls and become Mo Mo's loyal subordinates.

After settling Jiang Wuye's funeral, he silently clicked on his feet and turned into a stream of light to return to the meeting.

When Shen Mo saw Ma Shisan again, she was organizing her staff and preparing to go to Taibai Mountain.

"Silence, you came just in time, you must go to Taibai Mountain and your party."

He nodded silently, even if Ma Shisan refused to let him go, he must.

"If Silence goes, I will go too!"

Seeing that Shen Mo had just returned and was about to take a helicopter to Mount Taibai, Ye Li lost his way, so he recommended himself.

Ma Shisan asked this, but shook his head helplessly, "Lost, you can't go this time."

"Why?" Ye Li was puzzled.

Ma Shisan did not explain, because explaining is not her style, she only looked at Shen Mo, "This time, you will also be accompanied by Zamaharza from Tianshan Mountain, and Mal, the specific situation, they I'll tell you on the plane."

Silence looked at the helicopter that was about to take off, and Zamaharza and Mal were already sitting inside.

Obviously, Mar and Zamaharza already knew about Yipintang and Ghost King Zong's heels.

A battle between the Tianshan faction and the Tianshan rebels over the ownership of the Holy Maiden Order is about to kick off.

"Lost, you are waiting for me in Yanjing. I have resolved the matter of Taibai Mountain. I will definitely come back to see you as soon as possible."

Ye Limi was still a little bit reluctant, but still chose to obey Shen Mo's arrangement, "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back, this time, don't make me wait too long."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, "I will definitely not let you wait too long."

After saying goodbye to Ye Limi, Shen Mo stepped into the helicopter and started his journey as the first batch of special commissioners to support Taibai Mountain.

Ye Li lost her eyes watching the silent plane leave with complicated emotions in her heart. When the helicopter disappeared into the sky and turned into a small black spot, she turned her face away with resentment and stared at Ma Shisan, "Ten Third sister, why don't you let me go?"

Only then did Ma Shisan let go and said, "I just got the news from Zaha Marza that the so-called secret place of Taibai Mountain is actually another courtyard in Tianshan Mountain. This is a life-and-death battle between Tianshan Mountain and Tianshan traitors. The degree of danger is immeasurable."

Ye Li lost his heart anxiously, "Since it's so dangerous, why don't you let me help?"

"Are you sure that you follow to help, not to cause trouble? In Tianshan's Secret Art of Immortality, there is a way to resist corpses. If you are manipulated by a corpse master in Yipintang, isn't it adding to the chaos of silence! If you If you really want to help Shen Mo, you should be like me, quietly waiting for him to come back in Yanjing."

Ye Li was lost in silence, she realized that she couldn't refute Ma Shisan's words, in the final analysis, she was not strong enough, not good enough.

Ye Li lost her heart and said fiercely, no matter what, she must work hard to cultivate and become stronger than now, so strong that she would not drag Shen Mo down, and even have the ability to help Shen Mo.

She knew in her heart that if she couldn't keep up with Silence's footsteps, she would definitely become a burden to Silence in the future, or disappear in the world of Silence.

"Silence, you promised to accompany me to eat delicious food and visit beautiful places in the world. I know that this not only requires you to fulfill your promise, but also requires my continuous efforts to prove that your fulfillment is worthwhile."

Ye Li got lost and turned to leave. She wanted to practice in closed doors so that she could perfectly inherit her father's body and acquire more powerful power.

Ma Shisan looked lost at Ye Li who had left, and remained silent, also starting to deal with the follow-up issues of the supernatural exchange conference.

Because Ma Jianguo's guarded Tianshan secret decree was seized, this exchange meeting naturally could not continue.

She has to help her father deal with the disputes caused by him, commonly known as wiping his ass.

Let's talk about Shen Mo getting on the plane, Mal and Zamaharza nodded to him, and as the plane took off, the three communicated with each other about the current situation through the plane.

"Special Commissioner Shen, let's make a long story short. This mutation was planned by Tianshan traitors Yipintang and Guiwangzong. Their purpose is to snatch the saint's order in Tianshan's other courtyard. Therefore, we Tianshan made a request to Chaoju, and hope you can help us Let's solve this crisis together, if the Order of the Holy Maiden falls into their hands, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous."

Nodding silently, these are all the information he knew from Jiang Wuye, is there anything else besides these?

Maer: "Grandma Tianshan won't take revenge on them after she gets the Order of the Holy Maiden, but after they get the Order of the Holy Maiden, they will definitely choose to turn against Tianshan. Therefore, the Order of the Holy Maiden must return to Tianshan."

Mo Mo doesn't take it seriously, he doesn't care about the issue of the Holy Maiden Order in his heart, he only cares about the issue of the Tianshan Secret Order at the moment, if the Tianshan Secret Order is obtained first.

His record of undefeated side missions has been broken!
This is by no means the ending that Shen Mo wants to see, so he must increase his winning chips.

"Zamaharza, do you know enough about Yipintang and Ghost King Sect?"

Zamaharza looked straight, and did not hide his secrets, "Dongfang Guoxing of Yipintang is the current head of the Dongfang family. They also cultivated Tianshan's old skills, and according to Tianshan's grandma, their Dongfang family also stole Tianshan. The secret art of the sect, this art is called First Grade Snow Lotus Furying Quartet. It is an extremely powerful method of supernatural powers, taking advantage of the right time and place, and can even induce the avalanche of mighty heaven with one's own power."

Speaking of this, Zamaharza paused for a moment, showing a look of extreme fear, which shows that this grade of snow lotus is extremely powerful.

As for where the power is, it can only be truly realized by letting Shen Mo see it.

Silently remembered Dongfang Guoxing's ability, but heard Zamaharza continue.

"There is also Jiang Wuye of the Ghost King Sect. His ancestors stole a secret technique called the Supreme Ghost King Sacrifice recorded in the Tianshan Immortal Art. It can summon the Supreme Ghost King from endless ghosts and creatures, and drive the ghost king to kill The enemy is very strange."

Nodding silently, Jiang Wuye has experienced the Supreme Ghost King before. If the dimension of the devil's hand is not a little higher than the Supreme Ghost King, he may have been in the hands of the Supreme Ghost King and become one of its millions of dead souls. one of.

"There's no need to mention Jiang Wuye."

Zamaharza: ? ? ?

Mal:? ? ?
Why?Could it be that?
Zamaharza asked incredulously, "Have you fought against Jiang Wuye?"

Nodding silently, "Although I caught up with Jiang Wuye, he has already been sent away by a secret order. I have no choice but to kill him and find out a lot of things from his remnant soul."

Zamaharza and Maer looked at each other, tacitly exclaimed, Shen Mo was able to kill Jiang Wuye under the power of the Supreme Ghost King.

This means that Shen Mo has a terrifying strength far surpassing Jiang Wuye and even the Supreme Ghost King.

The information predicted by Marling's horse spirit before was indeed correct.

Maer felt a little rejoiced in her heart, rejoiced at the choice she had made and the concession she had made.

But Zamaharza is worried in his heart. If such a powerful existence of Silence is a friend, everything will be fine. If it is an enemy, he will be panicked by anyone. He only hopes that there will be no more disturbances in this calamity.

The helicopter quickly cut through the sky and headed towards Taibai Mountain. After four hours, everyone finally arrived at Taibai Mountain.

The driver landed at the landing point that had been built long ago, and the silent group rushed down impatiently.

Because according to the time, the Tianshan Secret Order had already arrived at Taibai Mountain, but Yipintang and Ghost King Sect hadn't launched an attack on the secret realm yet, but it obviously wouldn't keep Shen Mo and others waiting for long.

In line with the basic principle that late comes change, attacks by Yipintang and Ghost King Zong could happen at any time.

As soon as Shen Mo got off the plane, at a glance, he saw the temporary base of the Super Bureau and the special commissioner of the Super Bureau receiving Shen Mo outside the base.

A giant tiger with patterns half as tall as a man was waiting for the arrival of Shen Mo and the others, surrounded by two super bureau support staff.

That's right!This tiger is not Biehu, it is the Taibai Mountain Ahu in the 21st group. He is a purebred Northeast tiger. He is very powerful and fierce. In addition, most of his cultivation base is used to temper His own tiger body, just from the appearance, is simply daunting and enviable.

What a handsome tiger fur coat!

Pooh!Shaking his head silently, he dispelled the improper thoughts that popped up in his mind. Ordinary big Siberian tigers are national-level protected animals. A top-quality Siberian tiger like Ah Hu is a unique and rare species. connected together.

Seeing Shen Mo, Ah Hu immediately recognized Mo Mo. It walked vigorously, let out a deep growl, and rushed to Mo Mo's side in a hurry.

"Hey! Brother Silence, we finally meet, brother, I miss you so much."

Ahu's accent has a strong Northeast dialect flavor, but his friendship with Shen Mo is extremely sincere. The younger generation in the 21 groups have a good relationship with Ahu, and they are willing to be with Ahu when he is most boring. , send videos with it to relieve boredom.

Mo Mo also packaged and passed to Ahu a set of documentaries about the hero and the lioness of the African world, so that he could learn to watch and emulate, which shows how deep the friendship between this person and the tiger is.

"Ah Hu, I finally met you, Ben Hu, you are much more handsome and mighty than in the video!"

Silently patted Ah Hu's furry head, and gave it a blessing as promised.

Such a move frightened the two logistics staff behind Ah Hu.

There is an old saying that a tiger's butt cannot be touched, but for a tiger, its butt can be touched, but its head must not be touched.

The two logistics staff often help Ahu to trim the hair on the back of his buttocks or scratch it, but none of them dare to touch Ahu's head, because the last guy who touched Ahu's head has already paid for it. Painful price.

But now, Shen Mo not only touched Ahu's head, but also made a loud bang on Ahu's head, this joke is getting bigger!

Just when the two thought Shen Mo would be bitten and crippled by Ah Hu, Ah Hu was uncharacteristically enjoying himself.

"Meow~~ roar!"

The holy light of blessing enveloped Ah Hu, making it immersed in an unimaginable experience.

Logistician: "???"

What about the mighty tiger?How did you degenerate like this!Are you worthy of everyone's awe of you?
Ah Hu looked obedient and meowed, and praised, "Brother Mo Mo, your blessings are really amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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