Chapter 517

Ah Hu has long heard of Silent Blessing Liu's Flying Up in the group, and now he has experienced it for himself. Where is Liu's Flying Up, it is simply Liu's Ascension!

Ahu has been a demon for so many years, living in the deep mountains and old forests for a long time, this indescribable sense of pleasure is a brand new version that he has never experienced before.

It is no exaggeration to say that this blessing is more exciting than the animal world passed to it before the silence.

"Brother Shen, send it to me again! It's so exciting."

Ah Hu looked like he couldn't stop, he no longer had the majesty and arrogance of being the king of the forest.

Silently smiled, and patted Ah Hu on the head again, "There will be opportunities in the future, let's get busy with business now!"

Ahu stuck out his big bright red tongue, licked its sharp white teeth, and muttered reluctantly, "Well, let's talk about business first, or the thirteen group masters will deduct my ration again."

"Deduct rations?!"

Ah Hu turned around and led the way, while explaining, "Hey! Didn't you listen to the handsome little brother? The thirteenth group leader controls my ration life and death!"

Shen Mo recalled it slightly, as if he had actually heard Hua Yingjun talk about it, but Shen Mo was busy studying the internal structure of Liu Xiaoci's doll at the time, so he didn't take it seriously to remember.

Hua Yingjun was holding the mobile phone at the time, gloating and teasing: "Hey, that little girl Thirteen is deducting Ah Hu's ration again, tsk tsk, brother, tell me, do all the members in our group have something in her hands?" , Look at the arrangement of each of these is clear... However, I am very curious, Ahu is obviously a big tiger, why does he like to eat Cerebellar Axe brand cat food, the world is really big, there are all kinds of surprises."

Silently laughed awkwardly, "Still eating your Cerebellar Ax brand cat food?!"

Ah Hu's huge tiger head clicked, and when he heard the brand of cat food, a stud was left in his bloody mouth, "Hey! That's right! This brand of rations is very exciting. The texture, taste, and shape are all very exciting." , I heard from the owner of Thirteen Groups that this ration store is supported by my tiger."

One tiger raises one company!

Great, my ahu.You can really eat!Simply a business savior!
As Ah Hu spoke, he brought Shen Mo and the others to the temporary camp at the foot of Taibai Mountain.

Since the discovery of the secret realm of Taibai Mountain, it has been completely isolated by the Super Bureau. If you want to enter the secret realm ruins, you can only enter from the cave behind the station.

At first glance, the cave is extremely narrow and can only allow one person to pass through, but as it goes deeper, the space inside becomes more and more spacious until it reaches a naturally formed cave, which immediately gives people a sense of openness.

This place is as isolated from the world as if it were a paradise. If Ah Hu hadn’t accidentally broken into here after chasing a hare, no one would have imagined that there is such a large cave inside Taibai Mountain, and there is also a bronze iron gate that is ten meters high. .

The iron gate is the entrance to the secret realm, and the palm-sized secret order groove on it is the only way to enter the secret realm.

hum!Mo Mo opened his mind power, and the projection of the entire cave appeared in his mind. He saw a sentry at every ten steps, and a post at every hundred steps, with super bureau logistics personnel densely packed in it, monitoring all abnormalities in the cave.

Mo Mo frowned slightly, and said to Ah Hu, "You arranged so many people?"

Ah Hu nodded and said, "Hey! That's right, the thirteenth group leader asked me to strengthen the guards, so I called in people from outside and asked them to watch the bronze door tightly, to see who can stand in front of so many people's eyes break in."

Shen Shen shook his head and denied, "Let them all go out, it is enough for us to stay."

Ah Hu: (_?)
What the hell! ?Wouldn't it be good for them to stay?As the saying goes, more people are more powerful, two pairs of eyes are naturally more powerful than one pair of eyes!

Shen Shen shook his head and explained, "There are too many people, and it is easier for the enemy to sneak in. In this cave, what we have to do is to seek refinement, not to count. If there are too many people, it will be disadvantageous to us."

Suddenly, Ah Hu nodded again and again, and immediately ordered the two logistics personnel behind him to call everyone to evacuate the cave, leaving only Silence, Zamaharza, Mal, Ahu, and the two logistics personnel.

Let’s talk about the arrangement between Silence and Ah Hu, Zamaharza and Ma’er were already attracted by the bronze door in the cave, and the two subconsciously approached the bronze door, staring at the bronze seal and secret text on it.

Mo Mo noticed the abnormality of the two of them, stepped up to them, and asked, "Do you know the secret text above?"

Mal: "I know! This is the text of Tianshan Mountain, but I have only been on the mountain for a short time, so I don't know it all. Brother Zama should know more than I do."

Zamaharza: "The writing on it is indeed the secret text of the Tianshan Mountains. It probably means the bronze gate of the snow mountain, and those who hold the order can enter."

"So simple?!"

Silently staring at the secret text, he couldn't trust Zamaharza's words.

hum!The zashiki boy Nannan who was silent on his waist trembled slightly, "Boss, he's lying."

Even if Nan Nan doesn't expose this, the silence can tell.

Zamaharza must be hiding extremely important information.

Mo Mo then sent a sound transmission to Maer with the power of mind and eye, and asked, "Apart from this, what else did you see?"

Maer hesitated for a while, and replied truthfully, "Bronze gates on the snow mountain, those who hold orders enter; those who are destined will have a chance, and those who are not destined will be unpredictable."

Oh ho! ?
Is this the information Zamaharza concealed? !No!There is no need to keep silent about the last two sentences.

Could it be...
"Boss, she's lying too!"

have to!These two guys from Tianshan didn't have a single word of truth out of their mouths.

In silence and helplessness, he could only investigate the secrets of the bronze gate by himself. With a thought, he activated the ring of the investigator, and his mental power turned into a stream of light and touched the bronze gate.

【Ding!Discover the Snow Mountain Bronze Gate. 】

【The Bronze Gate of the Snow Mountain, those who bear the order enter; those who are destined will die, and those who are not destined will undoubtedly die. 】

There is something wrong with this translation method!
If it weren't for the fact that the Investigator's Ring never made a mistake, Mo Mo almost wanted to drop the ring.

Entering with an order, life and death are unpredictable for those who are destined, and death for those who are not. What kind of ghost setting is this? !The person who built the bronze man must be an old pervert!

Maer explained solemnly, "It is rumored that the Tianshan Bieyuan was built by the first Tianshan Grandma who founded the Tianshan Sect. She has a weird temper and is difficult for ordinary people to understand, so she built the Tianshan Bieyuan for herself in her later years. Behind the Bronze Gate."

Zamaharza echoed, "As descendants of Tianshan Mountain, we shouldn't disturb grandma's peace, but now the situation is critical. Knowing that there are many dangers behind the bronze gate, we have no choice but to go upstream."

Silence sneered, and thought in his heart, don't talk so much, if you want to go in, you must first have the secret order of Tianshan.
Shen Mo withdrew his thoughts, and said to Ah Hu, "People from Yipintang and Ghost King Sect will come at any time, get ready to fight!"

Ah Hu let out a low growl, eager to try, "Roar! No problem, the thirteen group leaders have already said, those people from the Ghost King Sect are at my disposal, my big mouth is already hungry and thirsty!"

Um?Ah Hu is very interested in those people from the Ghost King Sect?

With a thought in silence, he immediately remembered the innate demon ability that Ahu had introduced before.

Play for the tiger!

The so-called being a tiger's minion means that Ah Hu has the ability to enslave the souls of the people he kills or defeats. These souls will become Ah Hu's ghosts and be used by Ah Hu.

Silence is naturally very familiar with this ability. The Yata no Orochi doll that he refined in Tokyo before, the original material of the bird dama has this ability. The stronger the demon power is, the stronger the demon power is three points than Ahu's talent.

Therefore, for Ah Hu, the ghost king sect who manipulates ghosts has become its sweet pastry, wishing that the other party would come with more people and send more ghosts.

Silently smiled, he opened his mind power and enveloped the entire cave, the purpose of which was naturally to guard against the enemy's sudden attack.

Such a wide range of scanning is enough to prevent most sneak attacks.

"Brother Shen, in fact, we don't have to worry too much. If they want to enter the cave, they can only pass through this cave entrance. Therefore, we only need to guard this cave entrance."

The hole in Ah Hu's mouth is naturally very narrow at first, then deepens, and suddenly opens up.

But for Silence, the enemy will never come in through this hole, they must have other methods.

For example... escaping from the ground!

Silence can't help but look around the cave. The naturally formed cave landform makes the surrounding environment complicated, and it is difficult to detect the whole picture with the naked eye.

This gave the enemy a great opportunity. If there is an existence among the enemies who is good at hiding and sneaking in, I am afraid that other than silence, others will not be able to find it at all.

"Ah Hu, don't take it lightly, the enemy will do everything possible to get close to the bronze gate, so don't be self-righteous."

"Brother Shen is right," Ah Hu said disapprovingly, "Would you like to send me another blessing before they come?"

I wish you a big tiger, why is your addiction to blessing so big.

Um? !While Shen Mo was chatting awkwardly with Ah Hu, several figures suddenly appeared in Shen Mo's mind-eye projection.

At 700 meters above the bronze gate, a monster covered in black scales kept digging the earth with its sharp claws, opening a tunnel leading to the bronze gate, followed by three men and a woman, Among them is Dongfang Guoxing of Yipintang, who is holding the gilded and snow-white Secret Order of Tianshan tightly in his hand.

Here they come!

Sure enough, they came here.

Silence's eyes were fixed. Except for him, Ahu, Zamaharza and Mar didn't notice the enemy's arrival, and they were still sticking to the narrow entrance of Chuji.

Silently patted Ah Hu on the head, "Ah Hu, you all guard the front door, I will come back as soon as I go."

Ah Hu:? ? ?
Brother Shen, what are you going to do?Is it fun, take me with you.

Ah Hu hadn't spoken yet, but Mo Mo's footsteps clicked, he jumped up to the top of the cave, and hung on a stalactite.

Everyone was puzzled, not knowing what Shen Mo wanted to do.

In the next moment, the sudden change in silence made people extremely surprised.

hum!Shen Mo chanted a mysterious mantra, and as the mantra continued to spread throughout his body, his body gradually merged into the stalactite, and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

Shen Mo learned the secret technique from Luantong in the world of Youyou Baishu, which can temporarily transform itself into earth attribute energy, and freely shuttle through the earth and rocks, which is very powerful.

Silence had never had the chance to use this secret technique before, but now when he meets a monster with black scales burrowing in the ground, he naturally wants to show it off.

Not only that, Shen Mo also wears the title [Relentless Plant Controller] in his personal warehouse, and plans to summon some playful demon plants to entertain friends from afar.

The ancients said, it is a joy to have friends from afar.

Isn't that the truth?

Shen Mo felt the sense of shuttling his body through the earth and rocks, like breaking through layers of unpredictable transparent films, and every time he swam, he was as happy as a fish in the water.

Moreover, for a feast for a while, he wandered all the way, scattering plant seeds summoned from the devil world, the purpose of which was naturally to increase the drama and entertainment of this feast.

These plant seeds summoned by Silence from the demon world, once rooted in the soil, are like time bombs hidden in the soil. As long as Silence's power of mind triggers them, they will let the enemy know what is called the friendship of the landlord.

Soon, Silence swam close to the enemy.

He observed the enemy's every move through the power of his mind, carefully sizing up the black-scaled monster that opened the way. It was not so much a monster as a dwarf in a pangolin shell, but those black scales were like long Average on it.

Mo Mo also detected an extremely strong corpse aura from the other party. Obviously, this is an armor-piercing corpse that was refined by Ghost King Zong to become the chief corpse.

With a thought in silence, he flicked it casually, and threw a demon seed into the earth and rocks not far in front of the armor-piercing corpse.

One second before the armor-piercing corpse was about to dig the seeds, the Eye of Silence was triggered, immediately causing the seeds to explode, and the vigorous vitality instantly turned the seeds into a rough wooden wall as tough as diamonds.

Demonic Plant - Ironwood!
With a hardness comparable to that of diamond, it is a plant that monsters like to use as armor.

Steel!A crisp sound!
A pair of sharp claws of the armor-piercing corpse ruthlessly planed on the iron wood, the former broke instantly, and thick black blood flowed out, making its movements froze abruptly, and it froze in place.

"Armor-piercing corpse! What's wrong?"

The skinny man in front of Dongfang Guoxing was the refiner of the armor-piercing corpse. He immediately discovered the abnormality of the armor-piercing corpse and asked quickly.


A few words stammered out of the armor-piercing corpse's mouth, obviously its intelligence is not high.

"The claw is broken?!"

The man was a little surprised, the armor-piercing corpse's sharp claws were notoriously sharp, how could it break?

The man squeezed to the side of the armor-piercing corpse, looked down, and saw that a few broken claws had really fallen on the ground, and black pus and blood flowed, making the already narrow passage extremely unpleasant.

"What's the situation, what did you dig?"

The man pulled out the black short stick pinned to his waist, and tentatively poked the soil and rocks in front of him, but only hit the extremely soft soil and rocks.

Because Silence had already removed the iron wood, creating an appearance of nothing.

"Just this soil can cut your sharp claws off?!" The man looked surprised.

Armor-piercing Corpse: o_O
The man thought, "Looks like it's time to refine another armor-piercing corpse, this one is probably useless."

Dongfang Guoxing: "Jiang Siye, what's the matter?"

Jiang Siye: "It's not a big problem, let me change to a walking corpse."

(End of this chapter)

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