The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 518 2 Yin Sha Corpse Refining Coffin

Chapter 518

For a walking corpse? !

A trace of surprise flashed across Dongfang Guoxing's face, and he questioned secretly, Jiang Siye, didn't you say that this armor-piercing corpse of yours has the extraordinary ability to sneak through the ground and dig through the ground?
Why did it suddenly fail!

Jiang Siye was also very puzzled in his heart!According to the soil quality he just explored, it is impossible to break the sharp claws of the armor-piercing corpse. Could it be that some special soil and rocks were encountered before, which seriously damaged the sharp claws of the armor-piercing corpse, so it was overwhelmed and collapsed on the spot.

Jiang Siye shook his head helplessly, now it's not about how the sharp claws were broken, the top priority should be to change to a more reliable walking corpse, let everyone break into the entrance of the secret realm as soon as possible, and take advantage of the chaos to send Dongfang Guoxing into the secret realm , Seize the secret of Tianshan.

hum!I saw Jiang Siye patted the pocket coffin pendant on his waist, and the armor-piercing corpse turned into a stream of light and sank into it, even the sharp claws that fell on the ground sank into it.

hum!Jiang Siye took another slap, and a stream of light jumped out of the pocket coffin pendant and landed in front of everyone.

Shen Mo frowned, hiding in the soil layer and using the power of mind and eye to carefully look at the newly appeared walking corpse.

This is a crooked corpse like a mole. Its eyes are sewn together with dense stitches, its nose is abnormally long, and it has many furry tentacles. Its front claws are sharper than the previous armor-piercing corpse. Obviously better at digging the ground.

"This mole corpse is my pastime... Bah! It is a walking corpse that I carefully refined, and its ground-planing skills are somewhat stronger than that walking corpse."

The young man behind Dongfang Guoxing couldn't help asking, "Then why didn't you take it out earlier? You want to use the armor-piercing corpse instead."

Jiang Siye smiled awkwardly, and he didn't think about it either. Although the mole corpse is powerful at digging, it is not as good as the armor-piercing corpse, that is, the tunnel it digs is too narrow. If the corpse comes to plan the road, then he has to walk on his stomach.

Why!Jiang Siye had no choice but to wrong everyone and left together.

Mole, plan me!

Jiang Siye gave an order, and the mole corpse began to plan crazily according to the previous path. In just a few breaths, a passage of one meter was dug out. The speed was indeed much faster than before, but it was a pity that the passage was skipped. The narrowness made Dongfang Guoxing a little embarrassed.

Jiang Siye saw everyone's thoughts, and persuaded, "It's a helpless act to wrong everyone."

Everyone understood, so they could only follow behind Jiang Siye, bowed their bodies and began to climb up the tunnel.

Mo Mo saw that they started to move towards the bronze gate again, and with a thought, he summoned another demon seed and threw it in front of the mole corpse.

Ding!Inspired by the power of the silent mind, the seeds of the demon world instantly turned into a diamond wooden wall, blocking the mole's path.

Steel!This time, the mole corpse's sharp claws were not broken by the iron wood, but made a piercing noise, which stopped their movements abruptly.

"What's wrong? Jiang Siye!"

Jiang Siye said embarrassingly, "It's nothing, it should be something hard."

Jiang Siye leaned forward and looked forward, and saw the iron-wood wall at a glance, and his brows could not help but knit together.

What kind of wood is this? It is actually harder than the sharp claws of a mole corpse.

hiss!Got the baby.

Jiang Siye frowned, and immediately crawled to the front next to the mole's corpse, touching Tiemu for a while.

hiss!It really is a treasure, with such hardness and quality, it is definitely a treasure!

Jiang Siye was overjoyed in his heart, he didn't expect that this trip would yield so much, he immediately dug along the earth, and put the large piece of iron wood into the coffin pendant on his waist, it seems that the coffin can not only accommodate walking corpses, but also Material.

"Jiang Siye, what did you find?"

"A top-quality piece of wood, as hard as a diamond."

Dongfang Guoxing said in a broken voice, "Don't delay the big event because of unexpected joy, dig quickly."


Jiang Siye was overjoyed by Tiemu, and immediately manipulated the mole corpse to continue digging.

Silence has been watching Jiang Siye's movements, but he wants to laugh in his heart. Tiemu is catalyzed by his aura, and it is a demon plant. It cannot last forever in the real world. After a while, the aura will collapse and dissipate into powder .

This kind of one-time prop was actually regarded as a treasure by Jiang Siye and put away.

Mo Mo rolled his eyes, and couldn't help but think of something.

He summoned an iron wood seed again, threw it in front of the mole corpse, and shifted its position slightly.

Ding!The mole found another piece of iron wood, and Jiang Siye put away the iron wood happily.

Ding!Mole found another one, and Jiang Siye picked up another one.

After so many repetitions, Silence slowly led them to another place unconsciously, which was the place where countless demon world seeds were sprinkled before Silence, the so-called trap.

When Jiang Siye put away the six pieces of iron wood, Dongfang Guoxing finally realized that something was wrong.

"Jiang Siye, our route is wrong!"

Jiang Siye:? ? ?

Jiang Siye, who was completely immersed in joy, realized that he seemed to be led astray by the mole.

However, Jiang Siye didn't take it seriously, "Don't panic, the problem is not big, we just need..."

Jiang Siye's voice hadn't finished yet, the passageway around the crowd suddenly throbbed, as if something terrible was about to emerge from the soil layer.

Jiang Siye panicked, he was the first to realize that something was wrong.

According to his theory, there are often strange beasts guarding the treasures in the world. He has collected so many treasures, so he must have provoked the treasure-protecting spirit beasts!
The Dongfang Guoxing and the others were even more flustered. Even though they had all kinds of abilities, in such a narrow passage, [-]% of their strength was the limit.

If there is an accident at this moment, they will be in danger!

But things always develop in a bad direction. Just when everyone was lucky, countless ferocious tendrils emerged from the soil layer, strangling and killing everyone like crazy.

The mole corpse was the first to bear the brunt. Under the strangulation of countless vines, the mole corpse turned into a cloud of black mist and disappeared on the spot after struggling for a few seconds.

Jiang Siye instantly lost his sense of the mole's corpse. He panicked and wanted to pat the pocket coffin on his waist, but suddenly found an arm protruding from the soil layer and snatched his pocket coffin away. Stay for a while!
not good!

Jiang Siye yelled, seeing this arm, he realized that he and others did not provoke the treasure-protecting spirit beast, but were plotted against!
And the person who schemes against them is definitely not a friend, but an enemy.

It's a pity that Jiang Siye knew it too late, countless vines strangled him, and everyone struggled for a few breaths before they died under the strangulation of the vines.

Under the triple effect of the right time, place and people, Jiang Siye and his party didn't even have the chance to show their hole cards, so they died aggrieved by the strangulation of the demon world's tentacles.

Silence lingered in the soil, watching everything that happened in the passage with his own eyes, and when he thought of it, he used the power of his mind and eyes to put away the remnants of several people.

Ding!Found Soul Fragment*4
Ding!Discovery of the Twelve Yin Sha Training Corpse Coffin*1
Needless to say, the soul fragments are exactly what Jiang Siye and others condensed after death.

And the coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas is exactly the pocket coffin pinned to Jiang Siye's waist.

[Twelve Yin Sha Practicing Corpse Coffins: This is a training coffin made of Twelve Yin Sha large formations combined with Nanyin ghost wood, stagnant water and sinking iron. It can accommodate twelve walking corpses at the same time, providing them with sufficient corpses. Qi, conceive and raise corpses.And comes with space storage capacity.The number of walking corpses currently accommodated is 10, and the available space is 2]

Mo Mo was overjoyed, this training coffin was a treasure from the gods for him, before he was entangled in how to take Ye Li lost to travel the world, the waves come and go, now that he has this treasure coffin, it is not the sky high enough to let him jump , The sea is wide and you can swim.

Shen Mo didn't have time to check the shape of the ten walking corpses, his thoughts were all on the secret order of Tianshan.

As the tentacles turned into powder due to the dissipation of the aura, the corpses of Jiang Siye and the others were also revealed. Mo Mo had long been used to such bloody scenes, and as soon as he thought about it, he locked the secret order of Tianshan.

A tendril pierced through the soil layer, hooking the snow-white and gilded secret order into Silence's hands.

Starting with the secret order, there is a kind of coolness and comfort that directly reaches the mind.

A new reminder sound immediately sounded in Silence's ears.

【Ding!Side mission [-]: Obtain the secret order of Tianshan.mission completed. 】

[Task Reward: Paladin's exclusive skill - Hammer of Repentance.Aura value: 10000.issued. 】

[Hammer of Repentance: Concentrate the sacred power to form the Hammer of Holy Light to bombard the enemy, causing a lot of light attribute damage to the enemy and making the enemy fall into a state of repentance. 】

[Confession status: Sinner!Repent of your sins!Let go of your mind and feel the baptism from the Holy Light! 】

Silence only glanced at his personal aura value, and his mind was attracted by the newly acquired skills.

With the acquisition of the skill, more methods and techniques on how to use the Hammer of Repentance immediately appeared in his mind, just like an old hammer master who has been immersed for many years, the use of this skill has reached perfection.

hiss!The rewarded skills are indeed more powerful than the skills I have cultivated!

Silence suppressed the urge to hammer it out, since he checked the refreshed side task two.

【Ding!Sub-task [-]: Enter the other courtyard of Tianshan Mountain and obtain the Holy Maiden Order. 】

[Task Reward: To be determined! 】

[Warning: Second side mission is extremely dangerous, please choose carefully. 】

[Promote: For your safety, you may be able to bring Maer into the Tianshan Courtyard together. This woman may have other uses. 】

Shen Mo frowned, the truth was as expected.

The reason why Maer was chosen by Grandma Tianshan is definitely not as simple as her outstanding talent. There must be some unknown secret about her, and this secret is the key to obtaining the Order of the Holy Maiden.

In order to complete the second sub-quest, Mo Mo must take Maer into the Tianshan Other Courtyard.

As for Zamaharza, let him stay where he is cool!
hum!Shen Mo made up his mind, and immediately controlled the escaping technique to swim towards the cave. After a dozen breaths, Shen Mo returned to the cave and fell down along the stalactites.

At this moment, Ah Hu and the others were staring at the entrance of the cave intently on guard, completely unaware that the enemy had already been wiped out by Silence.

"Brother Shen, where did you go just now?"

Ah Hu noticed the silence, and asked immediately.

"Go and solve a few guys who don't know what to do."

Zamaharza was taken aback for a moment, as if he had sensed something, "Commander Shen has discovered the enemy."

Shen Shen shook his head, "I not only found them, but also got rid of them."

Ok? !

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and some didn't quite believe Shen Mo's words. After all, it didn't take long for Mo Mo to come back from leaving. It would be unbelievable that the enemy could be found and eliminated in such a short period of time!

The members of Yipintang and Guiwangzong were not vegetarians, so how could they be wiped out so easily.

Silence didn't explain much, and directly took out the secret order of Tianshan Mountain. Under the brilliance of the snow-white gilded secret order, everyone had to believe this fact.

Silence really spotted the enemies and took them out with ease,

Ah Hu was overjoyed, feeling happy and excited about being silent.

Mal is also full of joy, because she and Shen Mo belong to a cooperative relationship.

Only Zamaharza looked complicated and dignified.

"Brother Shen, you are so awesome that you actually snatched back the secret decree of Tianshan Mountain. Well, send me another blessing to celebrate."

Mo Mo smiled, and casually threw a blessing to Ah Hu, not just to celebrate, but to prove to Ah Hu that he is himself.

Ahu was bathed in the holy light, feeling the long-lost pleasure, and the stone hanging in his heart was finally completely let go.

"Brother Shen, I, Ah Hu, will never obey anyone in my life, so I will obey you."

Maer: "Commander Shen, you really did not disappoint me."

Zamaharza: "Commander Shen, please hand over the Tianshan secret order!"

Silence, Ah Hu, and Mal couldn't help but look at Zamaharza, and there was no shame on the other side's face.

"The secret order of Tianshan is originally something of the Tianshan sect. Although you discovered it first, it must belong to my sect. Please read the name of grandma in Tianshan and return the secret order of Tianshan to me."

Shen Mo sneered, seeing that Zamaharza was not pleasing to the eye, "What kind of reputation does Grandma Tianshan have? Tell me."

Zamaharza's face darkened, "Commander Shen, don't you ruin the relationship between Chaoju and Tianshan faction because of your own selfish desires."

"Hey!" Mo Mo curled his lips, "My Mo Mo's selfish desire has something to do with Chaoju."

Silence shook Zamaharza coldly, then walked straight to Mal, stretched out his hand, and invited, "Miss Mal, are you willing to enter the secret realm of Tianshan Mountain with me?"

Mal: ヾ(●▽'●)ノ

I would.

Shen Mo took Ma'er's hand, and said confidently, "Miss Ma'er has accepted my invitation on behalf of Tianshan, and we are about to enter the other courtyard of Tianshan together, so please trouble Zama to wait for us outside."

Zamaharza frowned and burst into anger. Although he and Mal belonged to the same lineage of Tianshan Mountain, as Zama who grew up in Tianshan Mountain and was regarded as an idol by most of his peers, his attitude towards Mal Not friendly.He even didn't want Mar to become the new saint.

Zamaharza has hated countless times, if he was a woman...

She will surely become the new saintess.

It's a pity that fate always likes to play tricks on others, and he happens to be a man.

Filled with resentment, Zamaharza continued to argue, "So what, you are not from Tianshan, and you are not qualified to enter Tianshan's other courtyard. The only ones present who have the right to enter Tianshan's other courtyard are me and Mar."

Shen Mo narrowed his eyes and stared at Zamaharza, as if a real murderous aura burst out in an instant.

Give you a little face, you really think of yourself as a character.

(End of this chapter)

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