The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 519 Taibai Mountain Secret Realm

Chapter 519 Taibai Mountain Secret Realm

The silent thought moved slightly. The demon seeds buried at the top of the cave had not disappeared. They were originally used to deal with Yipintang and Ghost King Zong's backhands, but they became a sharp weapon against Zamaharza.

Bloom!Flower buds of the Demon Realm!
Shen Mo murmured in his heart, inspired by spiritual energy, countless demon seeds burst out with vigorous vitality, and turned into countless tentacles and branches spreading out from the top of the cave.

hiss!Such a change shocked everyone except Silence, especially Zamaharza, those tentacles and branches almost all went towards him.

"What is this?"

Zamaharza was stunned, but he only hesitated for a moment, and immediately reacted. He urged Tianshan's immortal skills to the extreme, and Tianlong Youxue steps made his speed increase sharply, trying to avoid the strangling of the tendrils.

But Zamaharza underestimated the horror of demonic plants too much. These demonic plants, strengthened and stimulated by silence, have vitality and aggressiveness far beyond their essence.

Zaha Marza tried his best, but he could only prevent himself from being easily strangled, but even so, it was only a matter of time before he was restrained by the tendrils.

Mo Mo cast a cold glance at Zaha Marza, took Mal's pink hand, turned around and walked towards the bronze door.

"Let's go!"

Although Maer didn't like to see this senior brother very much, but out of fellowship, he asked casually, "Senior brother..."

"It's okay, I have a sense of proportion, I can't die, at most seriously injured."

Mal nodded, and she was relieved.If Zaha Marzha fell into Shen Mo's hands, as a fellow student of Tianshan, if she didn't help, it would be extremely bad for her reputation as a saint.

Since Mo Mo said that she was measured, she didn't need to worry about it.

Ever since, Shen Mo took Maer's hand and walked towards the ancient bronze door step by step.

The snow-white gold-plated secret order gradually bloomed with dazzling brilliance in Shen Mo's hands, as if it had some kind of mysterious reaction with the bronze door, and the originally dead bronze door also stirred up waves of ripples, just like ripples on the calm water surface , taking the secret order groove as the center, continuously spreading around.

Mo Mo held the secret order in one hand and Mal in the other, and slowly inserted the secret order into the groove of the bronze door.

Ding!With the crisp sound of metal clashing, the snow-white secret order burst into extremely dazzling white light, covering Silence and Marr directly from near to far, accompanied by a slightly warm touch, the two of them just felt a whirl of heaven and earth, and disappeared impressively Outside the bronze door.

With the disappearance of Silence and Mar, Bai Guang also fell into a new silence. In the cave, only Ah Hu and Zaha Marza, who was only restrained by the tendrils, remained.

"They went in?!"

Ah Hu shook his huge tiger head, and the scorching white light just now made it feel extremely afraid, as if something was examining it through the white light.

Ah Hu was worried, and only hoped that Shen Mo could come back safely.

As for Zaha Marza, who was bound by the tendrils, Ah Hu would naturally take care of him and let him experience Ah Hu's happiness.

Let's talk about Silence and Mar being wrapped in white light, and following a burst of changes, they suddenly came to a brand new environment.

The piercing cold wind kept blowing from the front, directly reaching Silence's whole body, making him recover from the trance in an instant. He opened his eyes, and everything he saw was a piece of white snow. , In just a moment, his eyelashes were covered with frost, and the corners of his eyes were tingling, and his nose and lips were frozen with frost, and even his breathing became difficult.

Mo Mo was shocked, and quickly applied a purification force to himself to avoid the damage caused by the freezing effect to the body.

He rolled his eyes, and immediately saw Mar at the side. At this moment, Mar was more dangerous than the silent situation. Frost eroded her thin body, took away the temperature from her body, and wanted to turn her into a piece of clothing standing in the cold. Ice sculptures in the wind.

Mo Mo raised her hand to attack Maer, also to bless her with a purification power to eliminate the damage caused by the freezing effect.

But such an approach is obviously a temporary solution, not the root cause. If the surrounding cold wind continues, it is inevitable that they will suffer from the freezing effect again.

Silence had to do something to keep himself and Mal from dying in the ice.

Without hesitation, he directly hugged Maer, holding her tightly in his arms, and the warmth between them became the last bottom line to maintain their lives.

Immediately, the Millennium Extreme Ice and Snow Pendant on Silence's waist floated into the sky, and a dazzling air wave broke out to isolate the surrounding cold wind. Huge ice bricks were formed in the air wave, and were built one by one by some strange force. In a few minutes, an ice castle is built.

call!The biting cold wind was cut off from the ice castle, Silence and Mal were finally able to keep the bottom line of life.

"We're safe for now."

Mo Mo looked up at the interior of the ice castle, very satisfied with the work of Snow Maiden Ji Nai.

Mar, who was hugged tightly in his arms, looked up at Silence, murmured in his heart, blushing, "Can you...can you let me go first?"

After a moment of silence, I realized that the current appearance of myself and Mal was a bit ambiguous, and I quickly let go of my hand to keep a certain distance from the other party. Unfortunately, the space of the ice castle is limited, and the distance between the two is still very close, and I can almost feel it. The other's breath.

I am most afraid of the sudden tranquility of the air!

Both of them are a little embarrassed at the moment, but they can understand each other's actions.

"Master, what are you doing?!"

Fortunately, Ji Nai, a clever little ghost, helped the two of them break through this embarrassment.

"Ahem, we're just thinking about life."

Nannan Budao from Lucky Cat said, "Are you thinking about life, or about strangers?"

cough cough!It doesn't matter, what matters is where are we?

Ji Nai used her sense of Xuenv's blood to know, "We should be in an extremely cold place. The temperature here is colder than the Xuenv Mountain where I live."

Maer added, "This is Tianshan Bieyuan."

According to the secret biography of Tianshan, Tianshan Bieyuan was built by the first Tianshan grandma.

"The records in the secret biography are exactly the same as the scene we just encountered."

Nodding silently, it seems that they did come to Tianshan Bieyuan, but unfortunately they did not directly reach the gate of Tianshan Bieyuan, but were transported to a frozen barren land.

Shen Mo instinctively wanted to open the power of the mind to investigate the surrounding situation, but found that his power of the mind could not spread in the frost at all. No useful information was found.

Shen Mo looked at Marr again, "Is there any record in the Tianshan Secret Biography how to get to the Tianshan Bieyuan or the location of the Tianshan Bieyuan?"

Mal shook his head and said helplessly, "No."

Mo Mo frowned slightly, and could only pin her hopes on Nan Nan.

"Nannan, it's your turn to show off."

Nannan manifested as a stream of light, the red light on his body was flickering, and he immediately started to investigate, and after a while, there was a result.

"According to my guess, the Tianshan Bieyuan you are looking for is at the top of the mountain. And we are at the foot of the mountain right now."

mountaintop?At the foot of the mountain? !
Shen Mo and Maer were surprised, the place they were in was already so cold, it was only at the foot of the mountain? !How terrifying the wind and temperature on the top of the mountain must be.

The two looked at each other, both aware of the horror and difficulty of this trip.This is more difficult than climbing Mount Everest!
However, Shen Mo and Maer must go to the top of the mountain to find the other courtyard in Tianshan, otherwise they will be trapped at the foot of the mountain, and sooner or later they will die.

"Jinai, as a snow girl, how do you generally deal with snowstorms?"

Ji Nai tilted her head and pondered for a while, then wondered, "I'm a snow girl, so I don't need to deal with the blizzard. On the contrary, the more violent the blizzard is, the happier I will be."

Shen Mo smiled awkwardly, this is the gap between races, look at the snow girl, she is not afraid of snowstorms at all, but Shen Mo and Maer can't even withstand a small snowstorm.

This can't be blamed on Shen Mo and Mar, who made the space here so strange that it has such a terrifying low temperature. If ordinary people come in, they will directly turn into ice sculptures.

It was not easy for Silence and Mar to survive.

Silently, he said solemnly, "Jinai, then what can you do to make us not afraid of the frost?"

Ji Nai pondered for a moment, then replied, "Of course there is."

Ji Nai waved her little hand and gestured, "I can use my ability to help you insulate you from the wind and snow outside, but you have to maintain your own body temperature."

Shen Mo nodded, as long as the wind and snow were cut off, it would not be difficult for him to keep his body temperature.

"Okay! Then I'll leave it to you."

Mo Mo was certain in her heart, and while calling Nan Nan, she pulled Ma Er and prepared to climb to the top of Tianshan Mountain.

I saw Ji Nai's demon body trembling slightly, and instantly formed a barrier with her as the center, not only shattering the previously built ice castle, but also directly isolating the wind and snow outside.

At the same time, a scarlet demon light emitted from Nannan's body, which turned into a huge arrow, pointing out the direction to go.

Ji Nai has completed her task, and the rest depends on Shen Mo.

hum!Chakra Mystery: Flames!
Silence triggers the exorcist's exclusive skill Chakra Secret Art, and the continuous aura turns into fire-attributed energy covering its body, making it directly turn into a large walking furnace.

Mar on the side felt the warmth from his palm, and subconsciously approached Silence. The closer he was, the more he could feel the warmth.

Chakra Mystery: Flames.

Enough to keep Silence and Marl at normal physiological temperatures until they reach the summit.

Ever since, Silence ignited a flame, hanging on Maer, leading Nannan and Ji Nai, and kept marching towards the top of the mountain.

Time passed by, and the flames ignited by Silence had been charged twice by Goudan, but they were still far away from the top of the mountain.

According to Nan Nan's prediction, they still have half the journey to go.

The reason why she stopped at this moment was mainly because Nan Nan sensed an inevitable crisis.

"Boss, they are here!"

Shen Mo straightened his expression and looked directly at the pale area in front of him. Soon, dozens of black shadows appeared from far and near, and along with the blizzard, they kept approaching Shen Mo and Mar.

Under the power of Shen Mo's mind, when they got close to the detectable range, they finally saw their appearance clearly.

Yeti! ?

This is a monster with thick white hair all over its body, a face like a thunder monkey, its arms over its knees, and it walks upright.

They also found Silence and Mar, and surrounded them with great hostility.


The snow monsters uttered a sky-shattering roar, which could still reach the ears of the silent two even through a strong snowstorm.

At the same time, the snow under Silence and Mal's feet became strange, like an elf that suddenly had life, and began to spread upwards along the soles of Silence and Mal's feet, trying to devour them.

With a silent thought, the power of the flames erupted, instantly melting the snow that had eroded his body, and then asked Ji Nai.

"Jinai, do you know this kind of monster?"

Ji Nai shook her head and explained, "No, this kind of monster doesn't belong to an island country. Maybe you should ask Mal."

Maer: "The Tianshan Snow Monster is a legendary monster that exists in a snowstorm. They like to attack humans or other animals in a snowstorm. They are extremely cruel and bloodthirsty monsters."

Mo Mo looked straight, "You mean, this kind of monster can be killed."

hum!The calamity battle ax was revealed, and the chakra flames were ignited, and Shen Mo decided to face these snow monsters.

"Kill, of course you can kill them, but the skin of the snow monsters is very thick, not ordinary weapons can hurt them..."

Ma'er's words hadn't finished yet, and the calamity battle ax in Shen Mo's hand raised a red-white ax light, which cut through the sky impressively, landed on a snow monster, and then bloomed a dazzling blood flower.

Mal: ()
This breaks the defense? !

Silence: Is it that difficult?
What he held in his hand was the calamity Yamata no Orochi and the battle axe. This was the divine weapon that broke out from Yamata no Orochi. How could this little snow monster be able to resist the lethality.

Coupled with the armor-piercing effect and bleeding effect of the giant axe, chopping up a snow monster is as simple as chopping vegetables.

As the first snow monster fell into a pool of blood, the rest of the snow monsters not only did not back down, but aroused their ferocity, rushing towards Silence one after another like a rampaging alien.

The light of the ax in Shen Mo's hand kept flickering, and the snow monsters fell down one after another. Their corpses melted into the snow under their feet along with the unfrozen blood, and turned into countless snowflakes that drifted away with the blizzard.

Just when the last snow monster was killed, the snow in front of the silence changed again. Countless snow accumulated from bottom to top and turned into new snow monsters, and the number was more than before double.

Perceived by Shen Mo's power of mind and eye, the breath of these snow monsters is exactly the same as before, as if they were completely reproduced.

So, there must be something tricky in it.

Silence stopped waving the disaster battle ax in his hand, and asked Marr beside him, "This thing is not only an immortal body, but can it also be copied?"

Maer looked solemn, saying that he didn't know.

Dozens of snow monsters rushed towards Silence and Mar like crazy, the purpose of which was naturally to drive them all to death.

This time, Silence did not swing the Calamity Tomahawk, because he already knew that doing so would be useless.

He had to think of another way to deal with these snow monsters.

Maybe, maybe, maybe... The silent eyes fell on Maer, and the eyes gradually became crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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