Chapter 520
Mal: ()
Why are you looking at me like that.

what do you want to do to me?
Maer was hesitant, uneasy, and even tangled in her heart. She didn't know why Silence became like this, or maybe this was the original appearance of Silence.

ah!Don't come here!

Mal's inner cry didn't stop Silence, on the contrary, it accelerated Silence's attack on Mal.


The calamity battle ax drew a white light and hit Maer's body. With the sound of blood and flesh being torn and rubbed, a colic came from Maer's wrist.

Mal:? ? ?
She looked at her wrist in astonishment, blood spurted out like a fountain, fluttering in the air, and turned into blood cones following the extremely cold wind.

The blood cone manifested, and was slowly held up by Shen Mo's invisible palm condensed with fist energy, as if flying across the sky, mysterious and extraordinary.

hum!Mo Mo stepped to Mar's side, and slowly healed the wound on Mar with one shot, helping her recover from the injury. At the same time, with a thought, a fist exploded, controlling several blood cones to blast towards the snow monsters outside the wind and frost barrier .

Maer stared at Silence in puzzlement, and his gaze fell on the snow monsters along with the blood cones. He saw the blood cones entering their bodies, and the bodies of the snow monsters began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, like snow falling into flames. It turned into puddles of water and spread like a virus, and even the manic blizzard became quiet.

Everything was changing at an unimaginable speed for Silence and Mar... In just five or six minutes, the scenery in front of the two of them changed drastically.

The original endless snow has long since disappeared, replaced by a lush forest of flowers and plants; the wind stops, and the warm wind comes slowly; the snow monster melts, and everything sprouts, a scene of a prosperous warm spring.

At this moment, silence can't help expressing feelings, spring is here and the season of recovery of all things...

Maer looked around in astonishment, she couldn't believe that her blood had such a miraculous effect, it could calm the blizzard that was originally caused by the wind and snow into the current spring warm land.

What exactly is going on? !
Shen Mo knew in his heart that the truth was exactly the same as his illusion. It was not because of talent that Maer was favored by Tianshan's grandma. The main reason why she was able to become a candidate for Tianshan saintess was her blood.

There must be an unknown secret in her blood, and this secret must be related to the first Tianshan grandma in the Tianshan other courtyard.

Shen Mo had no intention of explaining to Mar, and said perfunctorily, "You must be very confused in your heart!"

Mal nodded. She was indeed puzzled, and more of it was fear. When a person knows that he is strange, the first reaction is often fear, not excitement.

"The answer you want to know must be there."

Silence pointed to the looming palaces and pavilions on the top of the mountain, which was exactly the other courtyard in Tianshan that the two were looking for.

Following her silent fingers, Maer also discovered the location of the Tianshan Bieyuan, and her mind was immediately attracted by the Tianshan Bieyuan, as if some invisible magic power was attracting her, guiding her, driving her, constantly heading towards the Tianshan Mountains. Move forward.

"I have to get there..."

Maer unconsciously murmured, like a puppet that lost its soul screaming silently.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and raised his hand to send a blessing, helping Maer recover from the unconscious state, and immediately warned, "Mal, you have to learn to control yourself."

Maer woke up suddenly, and her back was covered with cold sweat unknowingly. She seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying unconsciously, but she searched carefully, but found nothing.

"I seem to have seen something just now...but I can't remember it."

Silently replied, "If you can't remember it, then don't think about it. The answer is already very close to us, isn't it?"

Maer nodded, no matter what she saw, as long as she entered the Tianshan other courtyard, she would know everything.

Ever since, Shen Mo and Maer rushed to the other courtyard of Tianshan Mountain on the top of the mountain. Along the way, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, and the vegetation was quiet.

After about 15 minutes, the two finally arrived outside Tianshan Bieyuan.

The towering ten-meter Wujin Agarwood Gate makes Silence and Maer seem so insignificant. The mysterious runes carved on the gate are like vibrant calligraphy and paintings outlining the history buried in the long river of time. Reflected on the sky, the eyes of the two subconsciously stared together.

Is this the entrance to Tianshan Bieyuan? !

Silence looked around, but did not find any runes or signs related to the Tianshan School, and even the groove of the Tianshan Secret Order did not appear on the wooden door.

Mo Mo subconsciously reached out to touch the wooden door, but was suddenly blocked by a huge force, unable to touch the wooden door at all.

He looked at Mal again, his eyes becoming as crazy as before.

Maer was shocked, and quickly raised his hand to reach the wooden door, but the barrier that blocked the silence did not block Maer, allowing him to directly touch the wooden door, and the wooden door creaked.

Mal: "Don't move the ax yet, you see I can push open the wooden door."

Silently lowered the calamity battle ax in Shen Mo's hands, signaling to Mar to continue to exert force without stopping.

The latter comprehended, raised his other hand, and pushed the wooden door vigorously. The originally heavy wooden door was slowly opened under Ma'er's push, revealing a stone ladder leading straight to the sky, reaching a majestic palace.

boom!The Wujin Chenxiang door burst open, and Mal stepped forward, directly breaking through the barrier and entering the door.

And when Silence was about to step forward, the invisible barrier appeared again, isolating Silence.

Even though they are one step away from Mar, they are separated by an invisible barrier, as if they are thousands of miles away.

silence:! ! !
Mal:? ? ?
The two stared at each other for a long time, both were speechless.

Ji Nai sang that familiar ballad again, most afraid of the sudden silence of the air...
Silence: You come out first.

Mal: (= ̄ω ̄=)
Silence: I won't kill you, let's think of other ways.

Mal: ╮(ω)╭

Shen Mo snorted coldly, and showed the secret order of Tianshan Mountain in his hand: If you don't come out now, you will still have to come out when you get the Holy Maiden Order and beg me to take you out.

Mal: (*/ω\*)
Maer's complexion was complicated, he hesitated for a moment, and could only walk out of the door helplessly, "You said you'd better not cut me off."


The moment Maer stepped out of the silent disaster battle axe, it cut through her palm, leaving a bloodstain on the ax blade.

Maer turned pale with shock, "Didn't you not kill me!"

"I didn't cut it, I used it this time."

Mal: (ΘoΘ)
Silence ignored Maar's dead fish eyes, but raised the blood-stained disaster ax high, and launched the mountain-collapsing strike skill to slash at the invisible barrier.

Puff!After an ear-piercing buzzing sound, the barrier blocking Silence's way turned into dust and dissipated.

Shen Mo stepped forward and walked into the door without hindrance.

He's in!It's quite spacious inside!It's a little warmer than outside!The air is also a little humid!

Mal snorted coldly behind his back, clutching his wound and catching up with Shen Mo, "Can you heal me!"

Silently healed slowly to help Maer recover from his injury, not mentioning the beheading just now. After all, the life of an adult is not easy, and it is meaningless to dwell on such details.

"Come on, let's go inside and have a look."

Mo Mo looked up at the palace at the top of the ladder, and really wanted to take a look at the universe in the palace.

He first probed the past with the power of his mind, and found that his power of mind could not spread up the ladder at all, and he was repelled and isolated back into his body by some strange force before he was two meters away.

Silence can only rely on the most primitive way to explore the secrets of Tianshan other courtyard.

Da da da!
Shen Mo climbed up the ladder step by step, and as he walked more and more steps, he gradually found that his body began to undergo some changes, no, to be precise, some changes occurred in the surrounding space.

His body became heavier and heavier, like a survivor trapped in a quagmire struggling to break free from the shackles of the quagmire, yearning for the vague vitality, the space around him became extremely viscous, entangled with the silent body all the time, It made it difficult for him to walk, and he walked like climbing to the sky.

Silence's forehead was soaked with sweat unknowingly, and every step forward was a great test of his body and energy. Every cell in his body was enduring this kind of training, and he screamed and moaned in it.

"What’s wrong with you?!"

Compared to Silence's difficulty, looking at Mar's situation is a bit jaw-dropping.

I saw Maer leisurely walking in the garden, walking on the ladder like a horse watching flowers. Every step of her was so light and cheerful, as if she was helped by God, and she seemed to be a little bit difficult.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, Grandma Tianshan didn't play like this!This discriminatory treatment is too obvious.

From entering the secret realm of the Tianshan Mountains to reaching the ladder, every step is prepared for people with blood like Mal, and for people with no bloodline like Mo Mo, it is simply a purgatory-level test.

If Shen Mo hadn't brought Maer along, he would have squatted in the group of snow monsters and sung conquest long ago.

Mo Mo suddenly wanted to thank the first Tianshan grandma.wish her ***
hum!Blessing a few times with a weapon blessing, the pressure on Shen Mo's body suddenly dropped a lot, and he stepped forward again, climbing to the next step.

"I'm fine, keep going!"

Mo Mo replied firmly, pouring energy into his feet, trying to keep up with Mal's speed as much as possible.

step!Two steps!Three steps!
Every step of silence is a test of sweat and strength.

Every step of Mal's was a taunt of blood.

This is a silent competition between the experiencer and the bloodline person. Although being the first to step on the top of the ladder and reach the palace outside the other palace in Tianshan Mountain, it seems to have become a silent agreement between the two.

hum!The blessing of the angels turned into the holy power of the unknown source to support the silent body so that it would not be crushed by the coercion. The mental power driven by the mind tempered the will of the silent and made him forget everything, only thinking about continuing to climb the ladder, the secret of the chakras It circulated in his body, providing scorching hot energy, washing his will again and again.

At this moment, Silence has mobilized all the power it can mobilize, with only one goal, to climb the ladder one step faster than the blood of Mar.

Da da da!
The silent footsteps resounded like thunder echoing in the sky, resounding all around.

Maer also gradually realized something. She subconsciously distanced herself from Shen Mo, feeling the terrifying power erupting from Mo Mo, and opened her mouth wide in astonishment.

She doesn't know what Silence is doing?Because she couldn't feel the coercion at all, in her view the ladder was just an ordinary step, but in Shen Mo's eyes, this was a trial of life and death of flesh and blood.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Shen Mo was getting closer and closer to the top of the ladder, and the pressure he had to bear was getting stronger and stronger, until the last step, he had to use all his strength to even move a finger.

If you want to take this last step, it seems impossible to do it with the current strength.

But Shen Mo is a person who refuses to admit defeat. What he has to do is to challenge the most extreme strength.

Roar!Silent let out a roar, the roar from the depths of his heart aroused some kind of power in his blood.

A certain prop in the personal warehouse seemed to sense the call of Silence's bloodline, and emitted a dazzling golden light, which projected on Shen Mo's body and entered his body.

[The remnant soul of the five-clawed golden dragon: This is the remnant soul of a five-clawed golden dragon. Absorbing this remnant soul can improve the strength and blood of the five-clawed golden dragon, and has a certain chance of obtaining new innate magical powers. 】

【Ding!You absorbed the remnant soul of the five-clawed golden dragon! 】

【Ding!Your Dragon God bloodline has been improved! 】

[Congratulations, you have awakened a new dragon god talent: Nine Heavens Dragon Divine Power (first heaven)]

[Nine Heavens Dragon Divine Power (first heaven): Yulong Nine Heavens, Dragon God descends.You who have evolved the blood of the dragon god have mastered a more powerful blood talent.You have obtained the first level of the Nine-Heaven Dragon God - the supernatural power of the Venus Heavenly Dragon. 】

hum!A sharp golden aura suddenly erupted from Shen Mo's body, like a tsunami overwhelming and unstoppable, like a magic sword that had been dusty for thousands of years finally revealed its sharpness, crushing everything with the intention of endlessly beheading.

As the person closest to Silence, Maer clearly sensed the changes in Silence. Although the slashing spirit was not aimed at her, it made her lose her mind for a moment. Her legs softened, and she fell off the ladder, lying on the steps. Dare to move an inch.

She raised her eyes in astonishment, looking at the aloof silence.

I saw Shen Mo's back was extremely firm, he stepped out suddenly, climbed the last ladder, and stood firmly outside the Tianshan Palace.

The sharp energy on his body immediately turned into a nothingness battle axe, and he slashed down in the air, as if some kind of barrier or restriction had been wiped out, causing the entire Tianshan Palace to tremble.

call!Mo Mo took a long breath, retracted the Void Battle Ax on his body, and focused the sharp power on his eyes, making his eyes so sharp that it was difficult for ordinary people to look directly at them.

Shen Mo glanced at the Dragon God talent he had just obtained, and then at the refreshed four-dimensional attributes, and thought to himself, this trial of the ladder has yielded a lot.

Level: Level 18 (Aura 44555/12000)

Power: [306] [Awakening: Nine Bulls and Two Tigers]

Physique: [312] [Awakening: Man of Steel]

Agility: [278] [Awakening: Vigorous and Resolute]

Spirit: [265] [Awakening: Mind Eyes]

With the awakening of the power of the bloodline, the four-dimensional attributes have been enhanced by at least 50 points and at most 70 points.

And the newly awakened Venus Dragon Divine Power is the metallic Dragon God Power, intended to be unstoppable and extremely sharp.

Coincidentally, it merged with the Silent Giant Axe to produce the Void Battle Ax, which represents the meaning of the metal axe.

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth and faced Tianshan Bieyuan directly, "Grandma Tianshan, you didn't let me come, I still came, I want to see what tricks you have hidden in this Tianshan Bieyuan."

 Ling Dang was in a panic now, and a close contact was taken away from the apartment in front of her house early in the morning.

  Bell I worked as an elevator for the apartment a few days ago, and I had contact with the boss several times...

  Advise everyone, don't go out, just stay at home.Because you don't know who is the carrier of the virus.

  If the bell is not updated one day, I am afraid it has been quarantined.

(End of this chapter)

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