The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 521 Tianshan Grandma

Chapter 521 Tianshan Grandma
Mal, who was lying on the ground, was dazed.

Because she never expected that Mo Mo would be able to make a breakthrough by climbing the stairs, which is simply too refreshing.

For an ordinary person like her, every breakthrough is a quantitative accumulation and a qualitative mutation, but this kind of quantitative and qualitative change does not seem to exist in Shen Mo.

Simply climbing a flight of stairs, he broke through inexplicably, and the power he obtained was simply shocking. The nihilistic battle ax seemed to be able to crush everything into powder, and the terrifying coercion was like a king descending, majestic and majestic .

Could this be the so-called talent!

Mal had to succumb to Silent's talent and talent, such a man was simply unique in a thousand miles.

What Maer didn't know was that the simple ladder for her was a trial of life and death for Shen Mo. After going through the trial of life and death, wouldn't it be reasonable to have a breakthrough in strength?

I saw Shen Mo restraining his mind and momentum, facing the other palace in Tianshan, as if he was going to compete with the whole palace.

Maer subconsciously stood up, eyes full of admiration and admiration, she liked the man in front of her, even if this conflicted with her status as a saint, she still couldn't control her innermost desire .

Da da da!
Maer stepped to the side of Shen Mo, with a smile on his face, he congratulated, "Congratulations on your breakthrough."

Nodding silently, he didn't explain much, and he didn't care about Mal's strange gaze, but just signaled to Mal, "It's time for us to go in and take a look."

Maer's expression froze for a moment, as if she was a little disappointed, but she still understood, and took the initiative to reach out and push open the palace door that had been covered in dust for hundreds of years. As the wooden door creaked hollowly, the situation in the palace fell into the eyes of the two.

The situation in the Tianshan Palace can be seen clearly at a glance, because the furnishings and style inside are extremely simple and neat, except for the supreme throne in the center of the palace, there is nothing that can attract the attention of the two of them.

Silent eyes could not help falling on the throne, and saw a young girl sitting there quietly, her face was immature, flamboyant, her clothes were luxurious, extraordinary and refined, her pink palm was lightly placed on her dantian. Qingtuo supported a token that was shining with red flames, and wrote the order of the saint.

She is Grandma Tianshan!
This seven-year-old girl is actually the first Tianshan grandma!
Silence was a bit unexpected, but it was also expected, because only such a different kind of grandma would make such an uneven experience.

In layman's terms, those who have visions are either merciful or narrow-minded.

This Tianshan grandma obviously belongs to the latter.

Silently thought, he wanted to use the power of his mind to investigate the situation in the other palace in Tianshan. There was no accident. His power of mind and eye could not be used in the other palace at all. Like a quagmire in a swamp, the soul is tightly bound in it.

Mo Mo turned her head to look at Mar, who had already fallen into the previous trance after seeing Grandma Tianshan on the throne. Some kind of strange force wanted to pull it into the palace.

Shen Mo had already guarded against this, and his mental power exploded, and a cleansing power helped Maer recover from his absence.

The eyes of the latter were baptized with the holy light of the power of purification, and instantly regained their spirits, but after only a few blinks, they were replaced by panic and anxiety.

Mal said anxiously, "She's been waiting for me...she's been waiting for a long, long long that she even forgot why she was waiting for me."

Maer's eyes left two lines of tears unknowingly, and her body involuntarily wanted to walk towards Grandma Tianshan.

Shen Mo grabbed Mal's arm, stopped him, and reminded, "Mal, you have to calm down, first tell me what you saw?"

Maer instinctively wanted to break free from the shackles of silence, but her strength was simply not comparable to the silence with [-] strength points. She struggled for a moment but couldn't get rid of the silence, so she could only murmur weakly, "Let me go, let me in ...Although I have no way of being sure what I saw, my instinct tells me that I must go in and go to her side."

Silence frowned slightly. Although Mar's current state has been baptized by the power of purification, her mind has been irreversibly affected, and she cannot be persuaded.

The only thing Shen Mo can do at this moment is to let nature take its course, and to respond to all changes with the same. Take a look at what grandma Tianshan wants to do?

Swish!Silence let go of the hand that bound Mar, and the latter staggered and fell into the palace, falling to the ground with a dull sound.

But Maer ignored the pain in his body, struggled from the ground in a hurry, walked towards the supreme throne step by step, and kept approaching Grandma Tianshan.

Shen Mo didn't sit idly by, but followed closely, walked into the palace, stopped at the steps leading to the throne, and watched every move of Ma'er and Grandma Tianshan.

As Maer kept getting closer to Tianshan's grandma, Tianshan's grandma, whose eyes were lightly closed, seemed to sense something, radiating some unbelievable vitality in a trance.

Silent for a while, he seemed to see Grandma Tianshan's eyelids twitching, but his intuition told him that the latter had been dead for hundreds of years and was definitely a lifeless corpse, impossible to come back to life.

But the development of the matter is gradually moving in a direction that is incomprehensible to silence. Just when Ma Er and grandma Tianshan are only an arm apart, grandma Tianshan's eyes suddenly opened, revealing her beautiful pupils, which are as clear as thousands of years of snow, Very holy.Her vermilion lips curled up and murmured in a low voice, "You are finally here! Grandma has been waiting for you for a long time."

Grandma Tianshan's voice was hollow and cold, with a tone that was completely different from her appearance. Although she was young, she had the voice of old age.

When Maer heard Grandma Tianshan's words, she bowed her head slightly, bowed her body, and saluted Tianshan, "Grandma, I'm late."

"Not too late! Not too late! Just come!"

Grandma Tianshan had a smile on her face, and she slowly raised her hand to touch Maer's cheek, the latter comprehended, leaned lower, leaned her cheek towards grandma, and met grandma's hand.

"Good boy!"

Grandma Tianshan's smile grew stronger, and she liked Maer more and more. Her Ling raised one of her palms to support the Holy Maiden Ling, ready to penetrate into Maer's body.

Silence: (ε)))Σ≡=─
He involuntarily turned into a ray of light, and suddenly appeared between Tianshan's grandma and Ma'er, and directly snatched the Holy Maiden's Token with one hand.

The Saintess Order was as hot as the scorching sun, and Mo Mo felt that he had got a piece of red iron, burning his palm all the time, and even his mind, directly branding three bloody characters on his palm.

hiss!Mo Mo endured the pain, and once again ignited an inch-shrinking talisman, and retreated directly outside the other palace in Tianshan Mountain. Looking down, the Holy Maiden Order had already turned into a ray of light and sank into his body.

According to common sense, the Holy Maiden Order has already surrendered to Shen, and has become a silent thing.

【Ding!You have entered the other courtyard of Tianshan Mountain and obtained the Order of the Holy Maiden. 】

【Ding!Side mission [-] completed.Rewards are being calculated. 】

【Ding!Sub-quest [-]: Help Tianshan Grandma complete the inheritance of the Holy Maiden Order.Mission Rewards: To be determined. 】

silence: o_o
Grandma Tianshan: ∠(д`)
Mal: ()
Silence: The way the plot unfolds is wrong!Shouldn't it be to successfully prevent the inheritance of Tianshan's grandma's order of the saint and help Maer escape from Tianshan's other courtyard?How did it become like this?
Grandma Tianshan: Bastard, look what you have done! ?

Mal: My Saintess Inheritance!
The corners of his mouth twitched in embarrassment in silence, and he subconsciously clasped the palm with the words "Holy Maiden Order" branded on it, and found that he couldn't get the Holy Maiden Order out of it at all, but the hot feeling from the Holy Maiden Order had already started to attack him from the palm of his hand. It spread all over his body, making him feel as if he had fallen into a furnace, and it was unbearably hot.

Grandma Tianshan noticed the abnormal silence, and shouted repeatedly, "You are not someone from Tianshan, and you have never practiced Tianshan Immortality. The Holy Maiden Order is harmful to you and has no benefit. The power of the Holy Maiden Order is eating away at your tendons. Vessels and qi and blood... Hey! You are looking for your own death!"

Mo Mo's heart trembled, he was also very helpless!The side mission he received was to obtain the Order of the Holy Maiden. Who knew that this thing would recognize its master as soon as it was touched, and those who did not practice Tianshan's Immortality would be backlashed by it.

If we had known this earlier, silence would not have robbed us.

The truth of the matter is that the Holy Maiden Token under normal conditions can be touched, but the Holy Maiden Token that was imprinted by Grandma Tianshan is for inheritance. If someone touches it, it will naturally be recognized as the Lord by default.

The only blame is to blame Shen Mo for not grabbing it sooner or later, but at the critical moment of inheritance.

Silence scolded, "Why didn't you say it earlier, an inheritance is so fussy and mysterious, I thought you wanted to take Shemar, if you don't stop you, why don't you just watch you show off... this It's done, finish me off."

Grandma Tianshan: (_)
Although Grandma Tianshan can't understand Mo Mo's words, she can understand Mo Mo's emotions.

"Bastard, you disturbed my sect's inheritance and blamed grandma. Let grandma take action. As long as you kill you, the saint's order will become ownerless, and the saint's inheritance can still continue."

When Grandma Tianshan finished speaking, a terrifying soul force erupted in the entire palace, like a tsunami that was unstoppable.

Silently, it suddenly dawned on her that the Tianshan grandma she saw was not a physical body at all, but a soul form, but her soul power was so powerful that it seemed to be real, making it difficult to distinguish and see through the essence.

Shen Mo's heart was solemn, he had to resist the erosion of the Holy Maiden's order, and at the same time face the soul attack of Grandma Tianshan, the difficulty can be imagined here.

Just when the fight between Shen Mo and Grandma Tianshan was on the verge of breaking out, Mar, who had been absent for a moment, finally came back to her senses. She hurriedly knelt in front of Grandma Tianshan and begged.

"Grandma, please let go of the silence!"

Grandma Tianshan's soul power was stagnant, and she asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Mal continued to plead, "Grandma, if it wasn't for his help, I wouldn't have come to your side, and the reason why he did this was to protect me... I can't just watch him die. "

Mo Mo's heart was slightly warm, and this little girl was somewhat grateful.

Grandma Tianshan's brows were tightly furrowed, revealing a trace of anger and anger. Her eyes wandered between Shen Mo and Marr, and she cursed after a while, "Even if I don't kill him, he will be killed by the power of the Holy Maiden Order." To die, instead of wasting the power of the Saintess Order, it is better to let grandma kill him for you."

Maer repeatedly replied, "Grandma, if he dies, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life when I receive the inheritance of the Order of the Holy Maiden."

"As the descendant of grandma's bloodline, you are putting yourself in a cocoon. This man's life and death have nothing to do with us. He is to blame for it."

Mal: "Grandma, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I beg you to take action and save his life!"

Grandma Tianshan was so angry that she shook her head angrily, "I can't save him, he must die!"

Maer looked dignified, less contemplative, and suddenly rushed towards Silence.

Grandma Tianshan suddenly turned her head, as if she had realized something, she was about to stop her, but she saw that the Tianshan Immortal Kungfu on Mar's body had collapsed, turning into countless snow-white ice crystals floating out of her body and falling towards Shen Mo.

"Stupid child! Why are you doing this!"

Grandma Tianshan recited a few words, and could only witness with her own eyes that Mar's power of immortality that had dissipated for more than ten years was transmitted into Shen Mo's body.

Mo Mo, who was being eroded by the power of the Holy Maiden Order, was unable to resist the encroachment of hundreds of years of skill, and even the power of purification could not eliminate the damage to the body of the Holy Maiden Order.

And Maer's Tianshan Immortality skill is like a god's aid, instantly turning the tide of the battle, flowing in Shen Mo's body with a certain mysterious trajectory, not only stopping the flames of the Holy Maiden's Order, but actually arousing the skill in it, and began to continuously temper Silence body, strengthen his tendons, and promote his blood.

Feeling the continuous transmission of immortal skills from the Order of the Holy Maiden, as well as the slowly increasing four-dimensional attributes, Mo Mo had mixed feelings in his heart, mixed joy and sorrow.

The joy is naturally the increase in one's own strength, and the worry is naturally one's side missions.

If he gets the inheritance of the Holy Maiden Order, it will count as helping Tianshan grandma to complete the inheritance of the Holy Maiden Order.

The answer is obvious. Judging from Tianshan’s grandma’s attitude, Silence’s acquisition of the power in the Holy Maiden’s Token definitely does not belong to completing the inheritance. Only making Mar inherit the Holy Maiden’s Token is the only way to complete the side mission.

Therefore, if Silence wants to complete the side mission, it must stop the current inheritance.

Silence: "Mar, stop, stop quickly! Don't do this!"

Grandma Tianshan rolled her eyes: (¬¬)?
Mal: "No! Only in this way can you live!"

Silence is painful!What a nice girl, but I really can't stand you playing like this, you will finish the side missions if you play like this.

"Mar, my life is not important, but your inheritance is important. You should understand why we have worked so hard to come here? You have to use your skills to inspire the power of the Holy Maiden Order for me. Find a way Dig out the Holy Maiden Order, it should belong to you."

Grandma Tianshan frowned, her expression moved slightly, showing a hint of appreciation: (oωo)
This bastard has a good character!

No matter!No matter!Then it will be fulfilled for you!

(End of this chapter)

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