Chapter 522

I saw the soul power on Grandma Tianshan burst out, turning into two invisible slender palms and slowly supporting Mo Mo and Mar.

The next moment, Shen Mo felt that the brand of Saintess Ling in the palm of his hand became hotter and hotter, and the Tianshan Immortal Skill, which was dozens of times stronger than before, exploded, pouring into his body like a tsunami.

But what surprised Shen Mo was that this huge force didn't destroy his body, but began to strengthen and temper his muscles and muscles like Mal's immortality.

At the same time, the Saintess Token in Silence's hand released a stronger energy, rushing towards Mar's body at an even more frightening speed.

If the energy obtained by Silence is one, then the energy obtained by Mal is eight, or even nine.

Mo Mo knew in her heart that this was deliberately done by Grandma Tianshan, and it was Maer's special blood that enabled her to withstand the stronger energy of the Holy Maiden Order.

Mo Mo took a long breath. Judging from the current situation, his side missions are stable, and he has also obtained the benefits of the saint's order to strengthen his body's tendons because of a blessing in disguise.

Although this wave was a bit violent, it was not a loss.

Mo Mo slowly closed his eyes, feeling the strengthening of the Holy Maiden's order on the body, looking at the ever-increasing four-dimensional attributes, and feeling indescribably carefree and leisurely in his heart.

Time flies, and half an hour will pass in the blink of an eye.

The imprint of the Saintess Token in Silence's palm no longer flows energy, but has turned into a scarlet Saintess Token. As the soul power of Grandma Tianshan fell on Ma'er's chest, it directly merged into her body.

Silence has been strengthened by the Order of the Holy Maiden this time, and the four-dimensional attributes are all enhanced by more than ten points, which can be said to be quite rewarding.

And for Mar, who has obtained [-] to [-]% of the energy, her harvest is obviously more abundant than Silence.

hum!Maer's eyes opened slowly while she was dozing off, and a holy and vast power erupted from her body, unexpectedly forming a small tornado, sweeping around.

Perceived by the power of Shen Mo's mind and eyes, Mar's strength at this moment is dozens of times stronger than before, and the energy hidden in her blood is even more incalculable. If she can use all the power in her blood in her lifetime After discovering it, there are probably not many people in this world who will be her opponents.

In the inheritance of the Order of the Holy Maiden, Mar is obviously the biggest beneficiary.

Silently moved his eyes away from Mar, and then looked at Grandma Tianshan on the supreme throne. After the inheritance of the Holy Maiden Order, Grandma Tianshan's spiritual body became extremely weak, floating like a layer of tulle, and could have possibility of collapse.

Silence admired her in her heart. She wrongly blamed Grandma Tianshan. She was not a century-old spirit who took away the human body, but a selfless elder waiting for the bloodline inheritors. She was like a burning candle lighting herself up to offer everyone.

Such a good spirit is naturally getting better and better.

Mar, who had completed the inheritance of the Holy Maiden Order, slowly fell from midair. Her eyesight became sharper with the energy gushing out from her body. She could see the abnormality of Grandma Tianshan at a glance, and rushed to the seat of Grandma Tianshan.

"Grandma, your spirit body..."

The corner of Tianshan's grandma's mouth raised a smile, and she caressed Maer's bun very lovingly, "Silly boy, grandma will have such a day after all."

Maer's eyes were full of tears. The inheritance of the Holy Maiden's Order not only strengthened her strength, but also stimulated the memory in her blood. She understood why her grandma was waiting for her here, and the blood relationship between her and grandma, "Grandma, You'll be fine, I'll return the Holy Maiden Order to you right now."

Grandma Tianshan grabbed Ma'er's hand, shook her head and refused, "Son, it's useless. Grandma's soul was burnt to death by the holy fire at the moment when the Holy Maiden Order was triggered, and now there is only a wisp of remnant left, which cannot be saved." Live."

Grandma Tianshan looked at Maer dotingly, as if she had seen her youthful appearance, "Son, promise grandma that the blood of our Tianshan sect will be passed on from generation to generation."

Mal nodded again and again, "Mar promised you! I will definitely not let you down."

Grandma Tianshan nodded, and then looked at the silence under the throne.

"Bastard, although you are not from my Tianshan faction, you have been approved by the order of the saint. I will make the decision for you, and I will allow you to be Ma'er's husband, but come and kneel down to thank you."

Silence: (д.)
Is there such an operation?Century-old grandma, online marriage? !

Grandma Tianshan frowned slightly, and said angrily, "What? You don't want to."

Silence: "I don't want to!"

Grandma Tianshan:····

Grandma Tianshan said angrily, "Bastard, do you know the power of my Tianshan faction, if you become the husband-in-law of the Tianshan saint, you will be an existence under one person and above ten thousand people."

Silence: "I'm not interested."

Grandma Tianshan: "What did you say..."

For a moment, the atmosphere between Grandma Tianshan and Silence became solemn.

Maer saw Mo Mo's reluctance, and dissuaded him disappointedly, "Grandma, you don't have to force Mo Mo, Ma Ma didn't save him for anything."

Shen Mo raised his brows, as if he was saying to Grandma Tianshan [Listen, your Mardo is sensible, she is obviously not trying to draw on my body, she is looking at my talent]

Grandma Tianshan doesn't care about that much, when her soul is about to dissipate, she only thinks about everything coming true.

Nine out of ten unsatisfactory things happen in life.She didn't want to have anything to do before she died.

"Mar, you don't have to speak for this little bastard, grandma, I'm about to disappear, so I will do something for you!"

Silence is puzzled, it's not good to be soft, is this a rhythm that is going to be hard?
Hehe, he really wanted to see how Grandma Tianshan was so tough.

Grandma Tianshan stared and said angrily, "I'll ask you again, yes? Or not!"

Silence: "No!"

hum!Grandma Tianshan's spiritual body once again burst into dazzling white light, obviously preparing to release some kind of restraint to deal with Silence.

As the saying goes, the first to attack is the strong, and the second to attack will suffer.

Silence, who had been prepared for a long time, directly threw the purification power and landed on the spirit body of Tianshan grandma, helping her to save some remnants of soul.

【Ding!Your power of purification transcended a remnant soul. 】

No matter what kind of restriction Grandma Tianshan plans to release, she has no chance to deal with silence, and can only follow the baptism of the holy light to go where she should go.

Maer looked at the disappearing Tianshan grandma, silent.

"Don't worry, I'm just helping her to escape and help her re-enter reincarnation. If you are lucky, you will see her in your lifetime."

Maer nodded slightly, stood up slowly, and looked directly at the silent eyes with complicated eyes.

Not to mention, a thick-skinned person like Mo Mo made Maer feel a little embarrassed to stare at him.

The two just stared at each other quietly, without speaking for a long time.

After a while, Maer broke the tranquility.

"I promised my grandma to help her inherit the Tianshan bloodline."

Nodding silently, he knew this, after all, he was there just now, and he listened very carefully.

Mal continued, "But I feel like I'm breaking my promise."

"Why?!" Silently puzzled.

"Because I have you in my heart, I can't tolerate other people anymore."

Silence: (°ー°〃)
Can the saintesses of Tianshan also speak earthy love stories? !
This is too exciting!

But Shen Mo really couldn't accept this matter. He savored every bit of his relationship with Ma Er, and determined that Ma Er was not his favorite dish.

If you have to force Shen Mo to submit, even if you get Shen Mo's body, you won't be able to get his soul.

Because he is a man with principles and bottom lines.

Mal smiled gently, although he didn't say anything in silence, but his expression already explained everything.

"You are not willing now, but one day in the future, you will definitely come to me. I will wait for you in Tianshan."

Silently surprised, are you so sure? !

Mal nodded, without saying anything more, as if he had already seen through the mystery.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and then began to count the treasures in the other courtyard of Tianshan Mountain.

Although the other palaces in Tianshan can be seen at a glance, there are quite a few treasures inside.

Just under the throne of grandma in Tianshan Mountain, there are four treasure chests, each of which contains valuable treasures.

"As agreed before, except for the order of the Holy Maiden, all the treasures in the Tianshan other courtyard are yours."

Mar said as he opened the treasure chests one by one.

【Ding!Discover the millennium Tianshan snow lotus*1]

【Ding!Discover the century-old Tianshan snow lotus*8]

【Ding!Discover Nine Extreme Frost Fruit*1]

【Ding!Discovering the Ten Thousand Years Ice Armor*1]

The four treasure chests not only contain precious medicinal materials, but also many magical weapons and precious treasures, which can be said to be all-encompassing and precious.

Mo Mo looked at the baby in front of him, although he wanted to have everything in his heart, but from the perspective of maximizing benefits, he still had a choice.

Precious medicinal materials, treasures of heaven and earth, I want it!

The magic weapon, the protective armor, I want it!

The secret biography of Tianshan, the secret book of treasures, dumped!

Shen Mo put the treasures he needed into his personal warehouse, and handed over all the unused esoteric tomes to Mar.

These secrets all need to be urged by Tianshan's old skills, which are of little significance to Shen Mo.

Maer didn't push anything, just accepted the secret books, and said, "We agreed that these secret books should be yours. Even if you don't want them, I won't take them for nothing. When I return to the Tianshan School, I will use things of equivalent value." Exchange it with you."

Silence shrugged and didn't say much, after all, most of Tianshan grandma's treasures were taken by him, even if Tianshan faction still had treasures, they would not be more precious than the present ones.

Although Silence didn't take Mal's words seriously, Mal himself took it very seriously.

The distribution of the treasures of the Tianshan Bieyuan is over, and it is time for Mo Mo and Mar to leave the Tianshan Bieyuan.

And the way to leave the Tianshan Bieyuan is very simple, just trigger the Tianshan secret order again, and the unknown magic circle on the Tianshan secret order will teleport the two back to the bronze gate.

Shen Mo and Maer looked at each other, but in desperation, they could only hold each other's hand again.

Although Mal's hand is still Mal's hand, subtle changes have taken place in the relationship between the two.

Therefore, before it was Shen Mo who was pulling on Marr forcefully, but now it was Marr who was twisting Mo Er forcefully.

Relationships between men and women are often so magical.

hum!After a burst of brilliance, Shen Mo and Mar had already returned to the bronze door.

When the two opened their eyes, they saw Ah Hu guarding the unconscious Zamaharza, whose whole body was wrapped in bandages, like a mummy in a pyramid.

Seeing Shen Mo, Ah Hu quickly stepped forward and asked, "Brother Shen, you are finally back."

Silently surprised, "How long have we been away?"

"one day one Night!"

one day one Night? !Shen Mo and Maer stayed in Tianshan Bieyuan for up to six hours, but the real world has passed a day and a night. It seems that Tianshan Bieyuan is more mysterious than Shen Mo imagined. It may not belong to this world, just like the demon world of the island country. , belonging to an independent space.

In this way, the Tianshan secret order in Mo Mo's hands is the only way to this space.If the bronze door behind him could be moved, it would be a paradise.

It's a pity that the bronze door weighs [-] tons, and Changli can't move it at all, which can only make this space a tasteless existence.

Ahu shook his head and asked eagerly, "Brother Shen, what is behind the bronze door?"

Shen Mo withdrew his mind, and replied mysteriously, "Guess!"

Ah Hu: o(=ェ=)m
I can't figure it out!
Silence: Use your imagination and guess hard.

Ah Hu: (ω)
I still can't figure it out!
Silent: Then forget about this question, isn’t cat food delicious?

Ah Hu suddenly realized that Shen Mo didn't plan to tell it.

Indeed, Mo Mo does not plan to tell anyone about the affairs in the other courtyard of Tianshan Mountain, because the money will not be exposed!How can there be any reason to show off everywhere.

As Silence left the bronze door, a new prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding!Complete the side task: help Tianshan grandma complete the inheritance of the Holy Maiden Order.The mission rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check them. 】

Shen Mo couldn't wait to check the rewards of the side missions here, it's okay not to look at it, but after looking at it, Shen Mo's blood pressure was a little high.

[Sub-quest: Obtain the Order of the Holy Maiden.Task Reward: Twelve Yin Sha Training Corpse Coffin*1 (With Walking Corpse*10)]

[Sub-task: Inheritance of the Order of the Holy Maiden.Mission Reward: Grandma’s Treasure Chest*3]

This shit is the reward for side missions? !It's just perfunctory silence!
Mo Mo looked at it several times, making sure that the mission reward this time is only so small.He suppressed the grievance in his heart and checked the reward items identified by the system, only to see some subtle changes in the previous information.


Grandma's Treasure Box in Tianshan*1 (Treasure Box of Tianshan Elixir)
Tianshan Grandma’s Treasure Chest*1 (Magic Weapon Treasure Chest)
Grandma's Treasure Chest*1 (Treasure Chest of Divine Armor and Armor)
The treasures in the three treasure chests have been re-identified and can be worn directly to increase the combat power of Silence.

Mo Mo realized at this moment that, except for disaster, Yamata no Orochi, battle axe, and Lady Luck's woolen suit, she has been dressed in vain until now.

Now is the time to change yourself into a cool outfit.

The silent mind immediately looked at the magic weapon and the magic armor treasure box, and the treasures inside were listed in front of his eyes one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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