Chapter 523

The phantoms of the props in the two treasure boxes appeared in front of Shen Mo one by one. He searched carefully for the props that were valuable to him, and he really found the treasure.

[Heaven and Earth Sovereign Suit: A venerable suit made of thousand-year-old ice iron and ten thousand-year snow silk. Wearing this suit can trigger the sky-and-underground Sovereign stunt. 】

[Heaven and Earth Sovereignty Special Skill: According to the mental power of the wearer, the special effect of Heaven and Earth Sovereignty is transformed. Triggering this special effect will cause huge spiritual damage to creatures within a certain range. Depending on the strength of the target creature's spiritual power, special effects such as dizziness, shock, and awe can be triggered. 】

After reading the effect of the only one in the sky and the earth, Mo Mo was so happy that he almost flew up.

This venerable suit that is so cool to the extreme is simply a magic weapon for pretending to be handsome and flirtatious in daily life.

If Shen Mo keeps this suit for several times, and encounters some small problems, it only takes one thought to make the other party kneel down and call Dad.

The special effects of the only one in the sky and the earth sound quite familiar...
That's right!Domineering color domineering!

Isn't the effect of the suit that is the only one in the sky and the earth is the overlord's look and arrogance?

Silence can't help but think of the domineering look of the pirate Wang Lufei, it is simply a clear stream in the world of pretending!

awesomeness!Everyone is dizzy!I am the only one in heaven and earth!

Mo Mo didn't hesitate to put on the Supremacy suit of Heaven and Earth without hesitation, and set it so that the suit is invisible, so as not to be seen by outsiders in his fancy and alternative suit of the Supremacy.

After all, it is the suit of the venerable hundreds of years ago. It looks a bit like a peacock court dress with chicken feathers, which really does not conform to the contemporary aesthetics and senses.

After finishing the outfit change, Silent's temperament has changed drastically, because the "Only One in Heaven and Underground" set not only has the effect of a set, but also has increased attributes and an extremely rare increase in charm.

I am the only one in heaven and earth: Strength +20, Constitution +20, Dexterity +23, Spirit +30, Charm +50.
Charisma +50!

Shen Mo thought he was wrong at first glance, and he dared not believe his eyes until he confirmed it again and again.This suit indeed added 50 points of charm, and the perfect combination of the soaring charm value and the silent dragon god's blood made his temperament burst instantly.

Mar, as the closest woman to Silence, was the first to notice the changes in Silence.

"You seem to be handsome again."

Mal stared at the silent face and whispered.

Ah Hu also raised his head and looked at Shen Mo, attracted by the blood of the Dragon God, his body shook, "Brother Shen, you seem to be a little different from just now, but I can't tell you exactly what is different, I always feel that you have changed." The closer you get, the closer you get!"

Shen Mo smiled slightly, and did not answer Maer and Ahu's words, but continued to check grandma's treasure chest in Tianshan.

In addition to the only one set in the sky and the earth, there are several treasures worthy of silent attention.

[Tianshan Road 36 Frost Spike*36: The ice spike made of thousand-year-old cold iron is as thin as a cow’s hair and as thin as a cicada’s wing. 】

Mo Mo frowned, these 36 ice thorns were perfect for his throwing proficiency.

As long as you play in silence, the No. 36 Ice Spike is more powerful than the Ice Soul Silver Needle blown by the cold wind.

[Wannian Ice Armor: Made of Wannian Ice, with special effects skills to freeze thousands of miles. 】

[Frozen Miles: Activate the power of ice in the Ten Thousand Years Ice Armor, which can cause a frozen effect in a certain range.This effect consumes 2000 aura points/time]

[Reminder: Mimetic five-clawed golden dragon, activating blizzard talent to trigger the ability to freeze thousands of miles does not consume aura. 】

This Wannian Ice Armor is also a very good piece of equipment for Silence in the form of a five-clawed golden dragon. When necessary, it can surprise and freeze opponents, which is really valuable.

The remaining props are not of high practical value for Shen Mo, so he can only store them in the treasure chest for the time being and use them when needed.

As for the elixir in the treasure chest, it is natural to find a time to mail it to Yuzihui in Niutoushan. Only in her hands can these elixirs play their greatest role and value.

After completing the distribution of side tasks, Shen Mo took his mind back.

Maer and Ahu are staring at Shen Mo with strange eyes.

"Brother Shen, what are you thinking about? So fascinated?"

"Silence, have you realized something again?"

Silence naturally wouldn't tell them the truth, waved his hands, and just perfunctory.

"Just be distracted, let's go! The Taibai Mountain matter is settled, I have to go back to Yanjing first."

Maer's delicate body trembled, and she immediately remembered what Mo Mo had agreed with a zombie named Ye Limi when she left Yanjing. Is it?"

Shen Mo didn't deny it, "Yes! I promised her after all, so naturally I won't break my promise."

"There will be no result between you and her."

Silence: (─.─||)

Ah Hu: Who? !Who did my Big Brother Shen not get results with? !

The gossip soul in Ah Hu's heart awakened, shaking his head and asking non-stop.

Mal said sourly, "A corpse king-level spirit corpse."

Ah Hu: (= ̄ω ̄=)
"Brother Shen, is that the one you caught in the tomb of the Yuan Dynasty? Hohohoho! I'll just bet handsome brother, there must be something wrong between you two, now it's a real hammer! Handsome brother will lose to me!" Tons of cat food."

cough cough!Mo Mo coughed twice, interrupting the gossip between Ma Er and Ah Hu, and stuffed the secret order of Tianshan into Ma Er's hands.

"When did the two of you reach a united front? Don't gossip and be realistic. Mar, take the Tianshan secret order and go back to Tianshan. The Tianshan faction is still waiting for you to inherit the position of saint. Hu, you I will tell Ma Shisan and Hua Yingjun about the cat food, just wait for the delivery."

Maer Buyi wanted to refute, but she suddenly noticed an extremely powerful coercion erupting from Shen Mo's body, like a king descending into the world, domineering and majestic.

The words she just came to her mouth were suppressed back, and even her thoughts were a little stagnant, and the image of silence in her eyes was infinitely magnified, like a leader who is calm and pretentious.

I am the only one in heaven and earth!

The Silent Heaven and Earth Supremacy set effect was activated, immediately making Marr surrender to his domineering side leakage.

And Ah Hu, who is a monster, was crushed by the domineering effect and crawled on the ground, not daring to speak.

The unconscious Zamaharza shivered for a while, and became more dizzy.

The Super Bureau logistics personnel in charge of treating Zamaharza were dizzy and unconscious on the spot.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and it was the first time to trigger the special effect of the only one in the sky and the earth. He didn't grasp the scale and scale. He originally wanted to deter Maer, but he didn't expect to affect other people.

However, the effect of the suit really satisfied Mo Mo, and in the future, as long as the proportion and scale are properly used, the effect will be better.

Mo Mo screamed up to the sky, waved his arms, and walked away.

Only the people in the cave were left looking at his back in awe.

Mar of the Tianshan faction took the unconscious Zamaharza and left early in a helicopter.

Shen Mo chatted with Ah Hu for a while, and waited for the helicopter back to Beijing. After saying goodbye to Ah Hu, Shen Mo left in the plane.

By the time Shen Mo returned to Yanjing, it was already the morning of the next day.

Because of the chaos between Yipintang and Ghost King Sect, the supernatural exchange meeting had to be hastily ended, and the venue of Tiandi Jingjing Equestrian Club was also withdrawn from the meeting.

Ye Limi lost no choice but to go back to her courtyard with Ma Shisan and wait for silence.

After getting off the plane in silence, Ma Sicheng's Hongqi commercial vehicle had been waiting for a long time.As soon as he got into the car, Ma Sicheng told Shen Mo the good news, "Brother Shen, we made a hundred million!"

"What did you earn?!"

While driving, Ma Sicheng happily said, "Of course it's our handicap!"

Silence was quite surprised. Didn't the exchange meeting end unexpectedly?How can I still make money?

"Brother Shen, you don't know! Although the conference ended early, the competition was not over. Everyone continued the competition in private based on the concept that everyone came, and idleness is idleness."

The silence was a bit of a joke, the conference announced the end of the game, but the players continued the game spontaneously, and even finished the game with a small number of players.

This is really scorpion shit - the only one.

Silence joked, "Who won in the end?"

"The big black horse Demon Capital Ji Quan!"

Mo Mo didn't have a deep impression of this person, he only remembered that his opponent was Duan Feiwen, a sword repairman.

Ma Sicheng continued to explain, "After you forfeited the match, Zhuge Dali had a bye. In the remaining three matches, Miss Lost defeated Hanlongmen Lengfengfeng, Ji Quan defeated Jianxiu Duan Feiwen, and Chuncheng Tan Yulan defeated Bajiquan Ningda."

"In the semi-finals, Miss Lost lost to Ji Quan, and Zhuge Dali defeated Tan Yulan."

"In the final, the power of Modu Ji defeated Zhuge Dali and won the final victory of the competition."

Ma Sicheng's face was full of smiles, "No one thought that Miss Lost was so strong that she could defeat Leng Fengchui. This round made us 4000 million yuan. There is also the match between Ji Quan and Zhuge Dali. Unexpectedly, Zhuge’s family’s Marquis Wu’s mental arithmetic can’t calculate Ji’s yin and yang arithmetic, tsk tsk, this unpopularity made us another 5000 million. After cost and expenses, we made a net profit of [-] million!”

Silently smiled, he didn't care about the result of the game, and the [-] million he earned was not a big amount for him now.

But for Ma Sicheng, it is the pinnacle of life.

"Brother, I'll transfer the money to you later. According to the previous agreement, you will be seven and three."

Nodding silently, he sent his bank card information to Ma Sicheng.

Although this amount of money is not too much, it is still 7000 million. Putting aside the previous silence, even if I was killed, I would never have thought that I would have a day when I would make 7000 million.

Riding Ma Sicheng's Hongqi commercial vehicle, when Mo Mo came to the entrance of Majia Hutong again, Ye Limi had already been waiting at the entrance of the alley for a long time, looking eagerly looking forward to her husband's return.

"Silence, you are finally back!"

Ye Limi was very happy to see Shen Mo. For the past two days, she would either be cultivating corpse energy in the house, or she would sit at the entrance of the alley with a ponytail and wait for Shen Mo to come back. After going back and forth, the entire Ma family knew that there was a dog behind Mo Mo. A little zombie looking forward to his return.

"Hey! You seem to be handsome again!"

As a zombie, Ye Li lost at a glance the changes in Silence's bloodline, the evolved Dragon God's bloodline, and the soaring charm value could no longer conceal the charm of Silence.

Shen Mo smiled slightly, "I kept you waiting for a long time. After I report the task to Ma Shisan, we can leave."

Ye Li lost: go?where to go
Silence: Of course I will take you out to play, eat, and hang out!

Ye Li lost more and more joy, because the words of silence are her dream, she has imagined the scene in front of her countless times, but she was never so excited and excited.

"Great! I can finally go out to play! You don't know, since I left the Yuan Tomb, I first studied academics at Yenching University, and then worked and clocked in at Shisanqun Sub-district Office. I was so boring. It's great to have you take me out to play now!"

Shen Mo smiled shyly. The reason why he chose to bring Ye Li Mimi was not only because Ye Li Mimi had the combat power of a corpse king, but more importantly, Mo Mo had promised her before.

A man's face is sometimes more important than interests.

Horse House Alley.

Ma Shisan knew the news of Shen Mo's entry into the Bronze Gate for a long time, and also knew that there was a secret relationship between Shen Mo and Mar when Shen Mo returned. The biggest beneficiary of the secret realm, Mar is just a small follower brought by Shen Mo, who has obtained the most useless saint's order.

In other words, Mo Mo holds most of the treasures in the secret realm of Taibai Mountain.

"Silence, Taibai Mountain and your party have gained a lot!"

Nodding silently, without denying, "I have indeed gained something."

Ma Shisan waved his hand, "Don't worry, what you get will always be yours, I won't call your attention, I just want to remind you, the news that you got the treasure from the secret realm of Taibai Mountain will spread all over China soon , be careful during this time."

Mo Mo was a little helpless, the biggest beneficiary of this trip to the secret realm was obviously Tianshan Maer, how did Ma Shisan say that he became the biggest beneficiary, besides the system rewards and recognized props, Mo Mo got something else!Nothing!
This is probably the worst side mission ever!
Although Mo Mo was upset in his heart, he said perfunctorily, "I understand, I will take Ye Li Lost back to Yancheng in a while. I am really too busy recently, and I should take a good rest."

Ma Shisan nodded, remained silent for a moment, and added, "I have announced the establishment of the Priestess Foundation. The headquarters of the foundation is temporarily managed by Hua Yingjun. If you are not satisfied when you go back, you can arrange someone."

"I have no objection. Hua Yingjun has grown rapidly during this period of time, and entrusting him with the management of the Priest Foundation is another kind of experience. The most important thing is to let the rich second generation who is not short of money take care of the money, don't worry. "

Ma Shisan chuckled, "I thought you didn't like Hua Yingjun at all."

"Don't talk nonsense, I only like women!"

"Do you like me?"

Silence: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

Master Ma Qun, don't fight the fire!
Amidst Ma Shisan's silly laughter, Shen Mo left Ma's alley with Ye Lilo.

On the flight back to Yancheng, the first thing Shen Mo and Ye Li Mimi did was to let her take a look at the little baby Shen Mo had just obtained.

(End of this chapter)

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