Chapter 524
Baby? !

what babyShouldn't it be the big baby? !

Ye Li lost his face slightly, staring straight at Shen Mo.

Mo Mo sat near the window of the engine room, and corrected solemnly, "It's really a baby, don't think too much about it."

Wow!In order to prove his innocence, Mo Mo directly took out the training coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas from his personal warehouse, and the palm-sized training coffin immediately attracted Ye Li's lost eyes as soon as he dropped his palm.

She blinked her big eyes, and the corpse king's intuition told her that the coffin in Shen Mo's hands exuded the pure corpse aura that she longed for, which was extremely beneficial to her cultivation.

"what is this?"

"Twelve Yin Sha training corpse coffins! The little baby I specially prepared for you."

Ye Li lost his smile like a flower, what women like most is unexpected surprises, and Ye Li lost, the dead king, is no exception.

"Thank you!"

Ye Limi lost as he said that he was about to take Shen Mo's coffin, but found that Mo Mo didn't intend to hand it to her.

Ye Li lost: (_?)
Shen Mo corrected again, "This baby is not for you to hold the land, but for you to wade in."

"Lie in?!"

Ye Limi was puzzled, how could such a small coffin lie in it? Could it be that this baby not only exudes pure corpse aura, but also has the ability to store corpses? !

That's right!This Twelve Yin Sha training corpse coffin can not only transform spiritual energy and sun and moon essence into pure corpse energy, the most important function is to restrain and nourish the corpse.

When Ye Limi found out about the function of training the coffin, his originally smiling face suddenly changed, and dark clouds rose suddenly.

silence:? ? ?
What's wrong? !Did I say something wrong?Why does Ye Limi look unhappy.

Ye Li lost: "Do you regret it?"

Silence: "What do I regret?"

"Regret what you promised me."

Silent was a little puzzled, "No!"

Ye Li was lost in disbelief, "Then why did you put me in this training coffin, if I go in, how will you fulfill your promise."

Silently, it turned out that Ye Limi was angry with himself because of this, and he didn't realize it at all!
Sure enough, there is a reason for being silent and single for 20 years.

cough cough!Mo Mo coughed twice to ease the embarrassment, and then explained, "I didn't let you stay in it all the time, it's for your cultivation."

Ye Li lost some of the stone hanging in his heart, and said afterward, "Then you give it to me, and I will naturally go in when I want to practice. Oh, right. Carrying it on the body is also useful!"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, although he was a little bit reluctant, he hesitated and handed it to Ye Limi.

"It's also useful to take it with you, but it feels better to go in. There are still ten walking corpses inside, you can check it yourself."

While talking silently, he lifted his recognition of the master of the coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas.

Seeing that Ye Li lost the training coffin happily, the stone in his heart was finally completely put down, and he squeezed out a drop of blood from his fingers to recognize the master of the training coffin.

【Ding!The coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas practiced has been lost by the zombie Ye Li and re-identified as its owner. 】

Shen Mo looked lost in Ye Li, whose mind sank into the coffin of the corpse, and shook his head slightly, only saying that it was a woman's heart, a needle in the sea.

Lean less!Ye Limi lost his eyes slowly, and said happily, "Silence, your little baby is really great, I like it very much, and those ten walking corpses are soulless corpses, as long as I refine it a little bit can become my servant."

"As long as you like it."

"Yeah! I want to go in and feel it now..."

Shaking his head silently, he replied in a low voice, "It's not convenient now, wait until we get off the plane!"

Ye Li lost her body and twisted a few times, looking eager to try. She also realized that she could not use the training coffin in the cabin, but she really wanted to experience it quickly, "It's not convenient here, let's go to the toilet !"

Silence: ==(●●|||)
Want to go to the toilet together? !

This is not suitable!

Yeli Lost: I don't mind if there is anything inappropriate, you are a big man, what are you tweaking.

While talking, Ye Li lost his voice and walked towards the toilet in the middle of the cabin.

The stewardess in the cabin naturally saw Shen Mo and Ye Limi, she just thought that Ye Limi was embarrassed to take Shen Mo to sit as an escort. This kind of situation also happened.

But what the stewardess didn't expect was that the couple squeezed into the toilet and locked the toilet door.

The professionalism of the stewardess immediately made her realize that the problem was a bit complicated, but in order not to appear abrupt and impolite, she could only go outside the toilet door and check the time. If the time was too long or there were abnormal noises inside, she had to Knock on the toilet door and ask the two people inside to come out.


The toilet on the plane is acceptable for one person, but it is a bit cramped to accommodate two people at the same time. In addition, Shen Mo's body is already strong and strong, so Mo Mo is almost standing close to Ye Li Lost's body in it.


Shen Mo can clearly perceive Ye Li Lost's breath, but what Ye Li Lost breathes out as a spirit corpse is not air, but a faint corpse breath, exuding a charming fragrance, which makes Shen Mo a little confused, he urged .

"Give me the training coffin, and I will hold it for you first."

Ye Limi let out a soft hum. In such a narrow and closed scene, she was also a little embarrassed, but her curiosity about the coffin overcame her inner shyness.

Ye Li lost the training coffin to Shen Shen, and then fled into the training coffin with a thought.

Shen Mo held the training coffin, quietly waiting for Ye Li to get lost.

Minutes and seconds passed, and Ye Limi lost still hadn't come out of the coffin. If the speed of normal people was used, the time for Mo Mo and Ye Limi to enter the toilet was definitely overtime.

The stewardess outside the toilet was also aware of this, but she didn't hear any strange sounds standing outside the door.

Did she think too much! ?No!For safety, she had to stand up and knock on the toilet door.

Boom boom boom!
"Sir, do you need help?"

Mo Mo naturally found the stewardess outside the door long ago, but he didn't expect that the other party would really knock on the toilet door. Now he doesn't know when Ye Limi will come out, so he can only perfunctory.

"It's okay. My girlfriend is not feeling well on the plane for the first time. I can just take care of her. If necessary, I will call you."

clap clap clap!
Shen Mo patted the lucky cat on his waist, and pulled out Nan Nan inside, forcing her to retch.

Nannan: (╬▔dish▔)
You two are good at playing, but you want to pull me to be the one who takes the blame. Is this really okay?

Silence: "I'll buy you a skin!"

"Okay! Vomit~~~~"

The stewardess outside the door heard the sound inside, and the guard in her heart finally dissipated, and she replied, "Okay, sir. I need you to speak."

call!Shen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, staring at the training coffin in his hand, muttering, lost!Why don't you come out yet?Are you taking a nap in there?

Ding!Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

Just after Shen Mo finished chanting, the training coffin in his hand trembled slightly, and Ye Li's lost figure manifested.

I saw Ye Li lost his face flushed, with a look of great enjoyment, and excitedly shouted, "It's great! The space inside is really great, this feeling is like lying in hot spring water as you often say. , I just stayed there for a while, and I felt that my corpse energy became more and more condensed."

Seeing that Ye Li lost his favor, Shen Mo echoed it a few times, and immediately urged, "We should go out, if we don't go out, we will be on the hot search tomorrow."

Ye Li was lost for a moment, and after thinking about it for a while, she understood the meaning of silence. She deliberately approached him and teased, "Then do you want to be on the hot search? You gave me such a good baby, I haven't had time to thank you And you."

Silence: (︵`)
What happened to the women around Silence?Why do you always want to kidnap the silent little friend!


Seeing the embarrassment of silence, Ye Limi let out a smirk like a silver bell, immediately turned the card lock, pushed the door out, "Look, I scared you, I'm teasing you, let's go, let's go out."

Silence: ヽ`ヽ(* ̄o ̄*)>ヽ`
Zombies can play like this too!
As soon as Ye Li lost the door, he happened to meet the stewardess just now. The latter saw Ye Li lost in joy and full of spring, and couldn't help frowning.

What's the matter?Is this uncomfortable person?This is the person who retched for a long time?play?

What the hell did they do in the toilet? !

The stewardess couldn't help but hurried a few steps, came to the door of the toilet, looked around, and happened to see a dejected silence.

Good guy!The man's mouth is indeed a deceiving ghost!This little couple can play!

Things are not what you think they are!

Stewardess: You don't need to explain, I've already seen through everything!
When Shen Mo returned to his seat, he was like a Buddha. If Ye Li Mimi hadn't looked so fresh, he would have hung her up and beat her long ago.

After Ye Limi lost experience of the benefits of training the corpse coffin with the twelve evil spirits, she closed her eyes and feigned sleep to refine her corpse energy.

Silence is also finally having free time to take a look at the refreshed daily tasks.

I participated in the supernatural exchange conference before, and the daily tasks after refreshing were not good, so Silence ignored it.

With the completion of side missions, new daily missions are also revealed.

[Simple Mission (Main World): Midnight Subway]

The No. 23 subway line under construction in Yanjing often makes strange noises at midnight recently. Those who are in charge are asked to check and solve the weirdness of the No. 23 subway line.

[Task reward: 500 aura points. 】

[General Mission (Main World): Revenge]

In the battle of Taibai Mountain, several masters from Yipintang and Guiwangzong were killed, and the secret realm of Tianshan Mountain they sought was also taken away by you. In order to avenge their hatred, they will launch a more terrifying revenge plan.And you will be the target of their revenge.

[Reminder: Accepting this task, you will be transported to the meeting place of Yipintang and Ghost King Zong, and face the masters of the two factions. 】

[Task reward: 5000 aura points.Avenger's Pocket Jar*1.Exorcist Exclusive Skill: Shikigami Xuanwu. 】

[Nightmare Mission (Mirror World): XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse]

The Zhuge family has always been a prominent family in the fantasy world. Zhuge Kongping, the No. 18 descendant of Zhuge Kongming, is proficient in astronomy and geography, and is even more fond of researching new methods of catching ghosts and treating corpses. A treasure zombie.

This time, Zhuge Kongping accidentally caught an XSBN bronze armored corpse that is famous in the world of spirits and illusions. He was not happy in the future, but a greater crisis was approaching him.

Please go to Baohe Village to find Zhuge Kongping and help him survive the catastrophe.

[Task Reward: To be determined. 】

[Warning: There are unknown variables in this mirror world, please choose carefully. 】

After reading the refreshed daily tasks, the silent brows could not help but raise their eyebrows.

Simple missions and general missions belong to the main world. Of course, he can't do Yanjing's subway secrets, so he can only wait for his colleagues in the super bureau to solve them.

As for the revenge mission between Yipintang and Ghost King Zong, Shen Mo and Ma Shisan have already talked privately about this matter, and Ma Shisan has already organized people to encircle and suppress these people. I am afraid that they will be led by Ma Shisan before they find Shen Mo To destroy myself.

Therefore, general tasks do not need to be considered.

Silence set his sights on the last nightmare mission again.

XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse!
He had never heard of this type of zombie, but he had heard of Zhuge Kongping.

Isn't this a supernatural film called Ghostbusters Family Carnival released in the 90s? !

Zhuge Kongping in the movie combined ancestral Taoism with Western machinery, and he really invented many interesting methods.And that XSBN bronze armor corpse can bring people bad luck is also impressive.

Shen Mo couldn't help looking at Ye Lilo, who was immersed in the coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas, beside him, he suddenly had a bold idea.

Take Yeli Lost to the mirror world for a stroll!
Mo Mo didn't know why, but felt that in the mirror world of the Ghost Catch Family Carnival, he and Ye Limi could gain some benefits after all.

Ever since, Shen Mo pushed Ye Li lost beside him.

"Huh?! What's wrong?"

Ye Li lost his big eyes in confusion, staring at Shen Mo curiously.

"Come with me!"


Silently and seriously, "Toilet!"

Lost Yeri: (oωo)
Silence, are you kidding me?It's not fun at all!

Shen Mo pushed the plug again, "Hurry up, I can't wait any longer, are you going?"

Ye Li's lost face instantly flushed, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he stood up resolutely and said firmly, "Go, I'll go with you."

Ever since, Shen Mo dragged Ye Limi to go to the toilet again.

The previous stewardess naturally also noticed the two of them. She stared at Shen Mo and Yeli Lost with strange eyes, and questioned them like thorns.

Stewardess: What on earth are you two trying to do!
Mo Mo noticed the stewardess' eyes and the other party's intention to block her, and said solemnly, "This time, I'm not feeling well!"

Stewardess: I believe you ghost!You men don't have a single word of truth out of your mouth.

But the stewardess is also helpless, she can't stop Shen Mo from using the toilet!
"Okay, sir, you have something to say!"

This sentence, the stewardess bit out almost word by word.

Silence is helpless!He is really not the kind of person she imagined!We went in for serious business!
(End of this chapter)

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