The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 525 Human Corpse Spiritualism

Chapter 525 Human Corpse Spiritualism

Shen Mo and Ye Li lost their way into the toilet again, and the latter entered directly into the coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas at Shen Mo's request.

Although Yeli Lost was very curious, where did Shen Mo want to take her?I don't understand where the two of them can go on the plane?

But Ye Li lost her trust in Shen Mo, so she turned into a streamer and sank into the coffin.

Seeing that Ye Li got lost in the training coffin, Shen Mo put the training coffin into his personal warehouse, then sank his mind into his mind, opened the daily tasks, and chose the last nightmare task XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse.

【Ding!Task selection: XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse. 】

Following a burst of dizziness and the hazy feeling of breaking through a certain membrane, Silence has disappeared in place, appearing in Ling Fang's world.

chirp?Cha Cha!
There was a crisp bird song in Shen Mo's ears. He opened his eyes and looked around, and found himself standing on a sheep farm path. Looking along the path, he could clearly see an ancient town. Judging from the architectural style of the town, It should be in modern times, quite similar to the Jiuquan town that Shen Mo had been to before.

Mo Mo instinctively opened up the power of mind and eye, ready to explore the ancient town and investigate the situation of the ancient town.

But as soon as he poked his mind and eyes out three or four meters away, he saw a small gold pistol falling on the dirt road in front of him.

Silently, he was overjoyed, he didn't expect that he would be so lucky without Zashiki Doji Nannan's help.

He came to the small golden pistol in three steps at a time, raised his finger, and his fist turned into an invisible palm to pick up the small golden pistol.

The small pistol was quite heavy to hold, and the gold was extremely dazzling under the sunlight.

Shen Mo was about to examine the small golden pistol in detail, when there was a scolding sound not far away.

"Little brat! What did you pick up just now? I'll hand it over to the young master!"

I saw two vulgar hooligans posing and pointing at Shen Mo walking over. They saw Shen Mo picking up the small gold pistol, relying on the strength of the number of people, and seeing Mo Mo's appearance as a literati who was easy to bully. Speak out and grab.

Shen Mo glanced at the two of them, and the dusty memories gradually emerged in his mind. Aren't these two hooligans the unlucky ones who were caught and shot by the warlords in the movie?

I didn't expect that I came to the very beginning of the mirror world this time.

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth, facing the ridicule of the two, he directly raised the small golden pistol in his hand, "Don't move! If you move again, I'm going to shoot!"

Rogue Hooligan: Golden Pistol! ! !

The two of them were low-level thieves. They had never seen such a posture before, and they were frightened and raised their hands to surrender.

"Master, I'm sorry, we don't know Mount Tai..."

Mo Mo ignored the daily confession terminology of hooligans, but forced to ask, "Did you go to fortune-telling just now?"

The two were stunned, looked at the black muzzle of the gun, and quickly nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes! We are indeed going to tell the fortune, and the fortune teller also said that we will find gold... You see, the gold in your hand is ours. Picked up... Bah! The gold belongs to your uncle..."

The two sang together, and suddenly realized that the little fortune teller's comment on the two was really accurate.

"Hey! The fortune teller is really accurate. She said that I can pick up gold and lose gold. You see, I was picked up by this uncle just as soon as I saw it...haha, doesn't that mean that my boss is going to be picked up today? People are flat!"

"Hey, what did you say kid? Who dares to hit me!"

Silence interrupted the quarrel between the two and asked. "Where is the fortune teller?"

"It's not far ahead, you can see it by walking along the path."

Nodding silently, he put away the small golden pistol, and then ignored the two people's feet, turning into a stream of light and disappearing.

With an agility of more than 300 in silence, coupled with the talent bonus of vigorous and vigorous, his speed in the eyes of ordinary people is even stronger than the peerless masters in martial arts novels.

Looking at the back where the silence disappeared, the two opened their mouths wide in astonishment, and exclaimed again and again, "A master! That young master just now is definitely a master!"

One of the thieves complained, "Is it said that high-level people also love money? Have high-level people started playing with small pistols? It's really an eye-opener."

"Who just said the little pistol!?"

Before the two could speak, they were surrounded by a group of armed guards behind them, and it was Marshal Han who had lost his small golden pistol.

The fate of the two did not change because of Shen Mo's appearance. After asking about Mo Mo's itinerary, Dashuai Han still rewarded them with two peanuts.

And the undiminished murderous Marshal Han rushed to the fortune-telling hall with his guards. The purpose was naturally to get back his small golden pistol, and by the way, deal with the blind little bastard Mo Mo.

As for the peerless master that the two hooligans spoke of, Dashuai Han didn't take it seriously at all, and regarded it as the dying struggle of two dying people.

In Dashuai Han's view, no matter how powerful the world is, no expert can withstand a round of bullets.

Let’s talk about Shen Mo’s rush along the Yangchang small road, and soon found the fortune-telling shop that the two ruffians were talking about. The fortune-telling shop run by Zhuge Kongping and his wife Zhuge Wanghui is very famous in Baohe Town and nearby towns, and the business is also very good. Well, after decades of management, Zhuge's family is well-off, with a lot of financial resources, and a private house is more luxurious than the mayor's mansion in Jiuquan Town.

Mo Mo came to the gate of Zhuge's mansion, and with a thought, he took out the corpse coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas in his personal warehouse, and as he called out, Ye Lilo turned into a ray of light and landed beside him.

Huh? !

Ye Li looked around in astonishment, and murmured in disbelief, "Silence, where is this? Weren't we in the toilet just now? Why did we come here all of a sudden?"

Mo Mo didn't explain but patted the beckoning cat on his waist, and the manifested Zashiki boy Nan Nan Bang Mo Mo answered Ye Li Lost's question, which Nan Nan had also narrated to Yuki Nai.

Nannan: so.

After Nan Nan's careful and thoughtful explanation, Ye Limi lost finally understood the current situation.

"Silence, no wonder you promised me to travel around the world and eat all over the world. It turns out that it is too easy for you to do these two things. Things that others may not necessarily do in a lifetime, you just need to enter the mirror image The world can do it."

Clap your hands in silence, "Be low-key, let's take a look at this mission first. Do you usually like to watch zombie movies?"

Ye Li lost his head and shook his head, "I don't like it, because I think the zombies inside are so stupid, they only know how to jump up and down, and scream when they see people, it's not real at all."

The corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought to himself, do you think everyone is a corpse like you, almost human?

"Okay! Then go in and don't talk too much and just follow me."

Ye Li lost his head and followed Shen Mo into Zhuge Mansion with curiosity and anticipation.

As soon as the two entered Zhuge's mansion, they saw a long human-shaped dragon, who lined up directly from the divination room to the front hall, and even the people in the queue consciously brought small horses or small benches to deal with this fiery dragon.

"So many people! His business is really booming. Are you going to give yourself a shot?"

Ye Limi asked curiously.


Mo Mo really wanted to give herself a divination, because from the plot of the movie, although Zhuge Kongping's wife Zhuge Wanghui was good at catching ghosts and surrendering corpses, her divination skills were extremely advanced, and she claimed to be fortune-telling by reading divination There are thousands of families, but her family's experience is very different.

Mo Mo would like to see how different Zhuge Wanghui's hexagram skills are.

Ever since, Shen Mo took Ye Limi to the back of the line, ready to make a divination for himself.

But Mo Mo and Ye Li lost a short time to wait, but there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside Zhuge Mansion.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and the power of his mind exploded, and he checked the movement outside the mansion in an instant.

With a gun? !It seems that the warlord who lost his small gold pistol came to the door.

Shen Mo had already realized this. The reason why he put away the small gold pistol in front of the two ruffians was to lure these warlords to his door.

【Ding!Trigger side mission: Golden Pistol. 】

[You picked up Marshal Han's small golden pistol, which brought you a fatal disaster. How should you deal with it?]

[Task Reward: To be determined. 】

Shen Mo was a little surprised, it was the first time he had received such an open side mission, and the pending reward of the mission aroused Shen Mo's curiosity, he was thinking about how to solve the current minor troubles so as to maximize the pending rewards.

"Grandma, what a bastard! Which bastard took Ben's pistol!"

The domineering Marshal Han stood at the door flaunting his might, scanning the people in the front hall with gangster eyes, and immediately locked on Shen Mo and Ye Li lost, because the clothes of the two were very surprising to ordinary people, plus the two The description of a hooligan is naturally not wrong.

"As expected, you are here. I didn't expect you to have accomplices! Someone, push them over me, I want... Huh?!"

Before Dashuai Han finished speaking, he saw Ye Li's lost beauty. As a corpse king-level spirit corpse, Ye Li's lost beauty needless to say, especially in this era of war and chaos, Ye Li's lost beauty is simply The goddess descends to the mortal world.

"Grandmother! This little girl is so handsome! Someone, tie up the man and shoot him, and take the woman back to be my concubine."


Several guards took orders, loaded their spears, and went straight to Shen Mo and Ye Li lost.

Facing this scene, Shen Mo and Ye Li lost their faces, but the ordinary people in front of them had never seen such a posture before, they all stood up timidly, picked up the small stools under their buttocks, and were about to escape from Zhuge Mansion .

"Don't let anyone leave! Let me be the commander-in-chief. If anyone is disobedient, I will shoot him dead!"

Dashuai Han let out another burst of yelling, as if the earth emperor could do whatever he wanted.

Everyone who was about to leave froze in place, not daring to speak.

Soon, several guards came to Shen Shen and Ye Li lost. They pointed their spears at Shen Shen's chest and ordered, "Don't move!"

Shen Mo smiled slightly, and the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth set was activated instantly, and the effect of Sovereign of Me and the spiritual power instantly resonated, turning into ripples and bursting away with him as the center.

Having had the experience of releasing for the first time, Mo Mo has become quite proficient in manipulating Sovereign Domineering Qi this time, and directly used the Domineering Qi to crush Dashuai Han and the others.

In an instant, several guards who were close to Shen Mo fainted and fell powerlessly to the ground. The guards behind Marshal Han also lost consciousness and passed out on the spot. Only Marshal Han trembled under Shen Mo's domineering subtle control, and his legs softened and fell to his knees On the ground, fear and awe were written in his eyes.

"Peerless... master...?!"

At this moment, Dashuai Han finally understands what the two hooligans who were shot by him mean by peerless masters?
What he met this time was not a charlatan, but a real peerless master, the kind of peerless master who can make ordinary people dizzy with a single thought.

Dashuai Han is scared!He had never been so cowardly in his life.At the bottom of his heart, the silent appearance was infinitely magnified until it turned into a gigantic giant that was deeply imprinted in his heart, making him unable to resist at all.

Silently let out a low shout, which fell into Marshal Han's ears like thunder from nine heavens, directly shaking Marshal Han to the ground and causing smoke from his seven orifices, leaving him out of his wits.

Dashuai Han instantly feces and peeed like a dog, and ran out like a dog. He didn't care about his dizzy subordinates at all, he just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

As Marshal Han fled in embarrassment, those who came to tell the fortune-telling were not affected by the domineering silence, and they all had expressions of disbelief. They didn't know what happened?I don't know what kind of madness Dashuai Han and the others are possessed to end up like this.

These people did not dare to look directly at Shen Mo, they did not know who took the lead, they escaped from the Zhuge Mansion like a file, and they did not dare to stay for a moment.

In just a few minutes, there were only guards all over the floor in the bustling Zhuge Mansion, as well as Shen Mo and Ye Lilo.

And Zhuge Wanghui, who was sitting in the divination room, witnessed all this with her own eyes. She was not affected by Silence's arrogance, and stared at him in disbelief. She didn't know what method he used to make people so abnormal.

Zhuge Wanghui thought to himself, it is definitely not a good thing for such a person to come to her for divination.

She hastily called Zhuge Xiaohua, her daughter from the backyard, and asked Xiaohua to go to the next door to call Zhuge Kongping over, and said that a super-capable person had come to the front yard, and the enemy was unknown.

Ye Limi looked at the empty divination space, and laughed repeatedly, "Look, you're scaring the kids again!"

Shrugging silently, he had no choice but to control the range of domineering in order not to affect passers-by A, B, C, and D, but he didn't expect those divination people to run away in a hurry.

"It's good to run away, at least we don't have to queue up, don't we?"

Ever since, Shen Mo took Ye Li lost and went straight to the divination room, and as soon as he entered, he saw Zhuge Wanghui with a serious face.

Zhuge Wanghui wore dark sunglasses, looked up and down carefully for a while, and then said first, "Please sit down! Are you a large batch or a small batch?"

Silence is puzzled, because he doesn't know what a large batch and a small batch are.

"I'm here to figure out the future."

Zhuge Wanghui understood, "If you want to know the cause and effect in the future, the way to avoid fortune and misfortune is a large number of people. Then please write down your birth date."

Shen Mo shook his head, because he really didn't know how to calculate his birthday?Is it his own, or Zhou Laifu's.

Zhuge Wanghui frowned slightly, "Since you don't want to write, then just write a word!"

Nodding silently, holding a pen to write.

【Human Corpse Spiritualism】

(End of this chapter)

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