The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 526 Zhuge Kongping

Chapter 526 Zhuge Kongping
Are you a word? !
Zhuge Wanghui looked at the five big characters written on the rice paper silently, and the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily, but when she saw the words on the rice paper clearly, her brows were furrowed together, and a chill appeared on her back.

Human Corpse Spiritualism!
Isn't this the secret technique studied by Zhuge Kongping, the husband of Zhuge Wanghui?This kind of secret technique is known only to Zhuge's family, how did the person in front of him know this technique?
Zhuge Wanghui's eyes looked at the man in front of him again under the shade of the sunglasses, and he divination the fate of this man according to his ancestral physiognomy.

I don't know if I don't know it, Zhuge Wang Hui was shocked by just one appearance.

Because the man in front of him was gushing with energy and blood, but he vaguely showed the appearance of premature death. According to the law of heaven, this man should have been buried in the ground long ago, so why is he still sitting in front of him.

Zhuge Wanghui was startled, and immediately used another hexagram method to divination Silence's soul.

After this hexagram, Zhuge Wanghui knew it clearly.


Zhuge Wanghui saw that Mo Mo was following him, but he became more and more afraid of Mo Mo, because the ordinary reincarnation of corpses violates the cycle of heaven, and the incompatibility of corpses and souls will lead to internal and external consumption of the resurgents. Dispersion is inevitable.

But looking at the person in front of him, not only did the corpse not stink, but the blood gushed out, and the soul not only did not dissipate, but also returned to the soul.

This humanity is absolutely unfathomable!Even her husband Zhuge Kongping couldn't catch up!
Such a person came to the door because of the spiritism of the human corpse, it is definitely more dangerous than good.

Zhuge Wanghui's first impression of Shen Mo was to look at Ye Li lost next to Mo Mo.

At this glance, Zhuge Wanghui's heart trembled violently, and he almost jumped up from his chair.


The best spirit corpse!

As a fellow in the fantasy world, although Zhuge Wanghui didn't understand Zhuge Kongping's exorcising dead bodies, he did understand them after so many years of getting along.

She saw that the species lost in Ye Li was a top-quality zombie that is rare in ten thousand years. This kind of zombie looks infinitely close to a living person in appearance, but in essence it is a zombie body. Corpse King class is also possible.

Although Zhuge Wanghui saw Ye Limi's true nature, she didn't see Ye Limi's true strength based on her morality, and thought that Ye Limi was just a corpse-level spirit corpse.

But even so, the XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse that has recently resounded in the fantasy world is seven points inferior to Ye Li's lost character.

Zhuge Wanghui finally understood the reason for Silence's visit. He came here for the Zhuge family's human corpse psychic art to conceive and raise spirit corpses.

"Fellow Daoist's fate is against the sky! Daoism is beyond ordinary! Zhuge Wanghui is really admirable!"

Shen Mo was puzzled when he heard these two criticisms. He didn't know what Zhuge Wanghui saw, and there were such high criticisms.

"How do you say this?"

Zhuge Wanghui was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Mo Mo was pretending to be confused and made things difficult for her on purpose.

"Fellow daoists are extremely skilled, don't embarrass women. If you came here for the psychic spell on the corpse, please wait a moment. My husband will be there soon."

Silence saw that Zhuge Wanghui didn't explain, but said that Zhuge Kongping would come soon.Although he came to find Zhuge Kongping, he was also very concerned about his future fate.

Da da!

Shen Mo tapped the words on the desktop with his fingers, and asked, "Of course, Fellow Daoist Zhuge wants to meet, but I care more about my future."

Zhuge Wanghui was taken aback for a moment, she was concerned about Shen Mo's intentions just now, and she didn't think about Mo Mo at all.

"Fellow Daoist, please wait a moment!"

Say it!Zhuge Wanghui once again used hexagrams, using ancestral hexagrams to predict the future of silence.

"The sky is the stem, and the earth is the branch. Yin and Yang and the five elements, the eight trigrams are in harmony, and I will use the Yin and Yang and the eight trigrams to calculate the future of fellow Taoists..."

Zhuge Wanghui recited the hexagrams silently in his heart, and deduced his future according to Shen Mo's soul and corpse.

I saw Zhuge Wang Hui getting more and more panicked, his six gods had no master, his seven orifices sank, a mouthful of red blood pulsated from his chest and went straight to his throat, and it was hard to stop it after a few breaths, instantly staining the table red.

"I can't figure it out..."

Zhuge Wanghui moaned half a sentence, his eyes blurred and he passed out.

Shen Mo frowned at this posture, and often heard that people who ask fortune tellers are spying on the secrets of heaven, and if they are not careful, they will be backlashed by heaven. From this point of view, Zhuge Wanghui was backlashed in order to calculate the future of Silence. As for this world It's unknown if there is a backlash from Heaven's Dao, or some other power.

Shen Mo let out a long sigh, only saying that his future is really unfathomable!

As soon as Shen Mo finished talking, Zhuge Kongping and others who came from the backyard saw the scene of Zhuge Wang Hui spurting blood and fainting. In his panic, he only thought that Shen Mo, the apprentice, had hurt his wife.

"Xiaoming, Xiaohua." Zhuge Kongping's eyes flashed a hint of sternness and ruthlessness, and he squeezed the magic art to draw his sword and rushed towards Silence, while Zhuge Kongping's sons and daughters Zhuge Xiaoming and Zhuge Xiaohua followed closely to check Zhuge Wanghui's injury.

Shen Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that he was misunderstood by Zhuge Kongping, but since the other party had already made a move, he took this opportunity to try Zhuge Kongping's skills.

hum!I saw silent thought, sat on the chair and didn't get up, but flicked his sleeves, and a white light flashed impressively.

Tianshan Road 36 Ice Spike!Throwing proficiency!
The ice as fine as a cow's hair pierced through the mouth and shot straight at Zhuge Kongping's chest. Just before it was about to penetrate his body, a dazzling golden light flashed, and the golden Taoist robe on Zhuge Kongping's body automatically blocked it. 36 Lu Han icicles.

ah!Zhuge Kongping was shocked. He only saw Shen Mo waving his sleeves, but he didn't see any talismans or hidden weapons. At first he thought that Mo Mo was playing tricks, but when his body-protecting Taoist robe aroused the magic circle, he realized that Mo Mo used extremely Concealed hidden weapon.

He realized that the opponent's hidden weapon was extremely tricky, so he didn't dare to be careless. With a ruthless heart, he immediately bit his fingertips to ooze blood from his fingertips. Yu Jian, and under the urging of Zhuge Kongping, turned into a seven-handed dao lightsaber to fly across the sky, protect the body with three swords, and control the enemy with four swords. It can be defended and attacked, very powerful.

The seven stars are running, and the Big Dipper is killing!disease!
Zhuge Kongping urged the seven-star light sword to directly use the most powerful Beidou sword move to directly attack the vital point of silence.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's power of mind and eyes, it is natural to see that this technique refers to the theory of the Big Dipper, but it is a pity that Shen Mo knows very little about the Big Dipper technique, and only heard some superficial explanations from Uncle Lame.

But this didn't bother Shen Mo, because Zhuge Kongping's seven-star light sword hadn't been cultivated to the extreme. Although it looked decisive, it still had flaws.

With a thought in silence, he made friends with Zashiki Doji Nannan on his waist.

"Nannan! Where is the flaw?"

Nannan: "I don't know either, but if I were you, I would stab his stomach with a sword. It's not because his stomach is fat, but because the luck value is the highest there."

Shen Mo didn't hesitate at all, picked up a writing brush on the table and directly poked Zhuge Kongping's stomach. The latter had just used his ultimate move, but before the sword light came, he was stabbed in the stomach by the brush. It was running smoothly His sword move was directly interrupted by this stroke, his blood was surging, it was difficult to calm down, and the sword light trembled accordingly, dissipating into nothingness.

Zhuge Kongping:? ? ?
The seven-star dao lightsaber he had cultivated for more than ten years was broken like this? !Is the ancestral sword move he is proud of so good? !

No!Zhuge Kongping couldn't help but looked at the man in front of him, just as Zhuge Xiaohua said, an expert came to the front yard.

This person is really an expert, he actually saw the flaw of his lightsaber at a glance, and used a writing brush to break the strongest sword move.

This humanity is indeed unfathomable.

Zhuge Kongping panicked.

Silently looked at the guarded Zhuge Kongping, seeing that the other party had no intention of attacking again, he stood up directly and walked straight to Zhuge Wanghui, whom Zhuge Xiaoming and Xiaohua took the opportunity to save.

"What do you want to do?" Zhuge Kongping shouted sharply, seeing that Mo Mo was going to approach his wife again, how could he just sit idly by.


Zhuge Kongping: "Save people!?"

He remained silent without explaining, raised the milky white holy light on his palm, and supported Zhuge Wanghui's forehead in front of everyone. When the latter was unconscious, he felt a burst of relief under the baptism of the holy light. He recovered and groaned.

Silence had been expected and naturally there was no reaction.

Zhuge Kongping: What did you do to my wife?
Zhuge Xiaoming and Zhuge Xiaohua: (°ー°〃)
Zhuge Kongping bit the bullet and wanted to keep fighting with Shen Mo, but when he was about to do it, he saw his wife slowly opened her eyes and gradually recovered her complexion.

alright!Zhuge Wanghui actually stood up again, seemingly unharmed.

"Ma'am, what are you..." Zhuge Kongping asked in disbelief.

Zhuge Wanghui was also puzzled, she only knew that she was counting the future fate of Silence, the more she tried to calculate, the more deeply she fell into it, and in the end she only felt a powerful force coming down, causing her serious injuries and falling into a coma.

Originally, this kind of backlash would take months at least and years to recover, but Zhuge Wanghui only felt a warm current flowing into her body, waking her up directly. Also get cured.

Simply amazing!
"Thank you for your help!"

Zhuge Wanghui bowed to thank Shen Mo, and told Zhuge Kongping why he vomited blood. It will also hurt yourself by eight hundred.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding. I'm really sorry for offending Fellow Daoist just now."

Zhuge Kongping tried to resolve the misunderstanding just now with his wife's words, and continued to ask.

"Fellow Daoists are extraordinary in their Taoism. I really admire you. I don't know why you come to my Zhuge Mansion."

Just as Shen Mo was about to answer, a new prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding!Side Quest: Golden Pistol.mission completed. 】

[Task rewards will be issued together after the main mission is completed. 】

【Ding!Main task: Find Zhuge Kongping.mission completed】

[Trigger follow-up task: Help Zhuge Kongping capture the XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse. 】

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and immediately changed what he wanted to say, and said, "I'm here to exchange and learn with Fellow Daoist Zhuge."

Zhuge Kongping: "???"

How about an exchange learning method? !
Zhuge Wanghui explained in a low voice, "Human corpse psychic art."

oh!I see!He came here based on the human corpse psychic technique, which is a secret technique passed down from his ancestors, combined with the western thunder grain yin and yang magic device bought with a lot of money, and jointly developed a new secret technique. It is also reasonable to spy on people who come to the same way.

It's just... huh? !Oh ho!

Zhuge Kongping's eyes couldn't help falling on Ye Limi's body, and Ye Limi's eyes were instantly attracted by him.

Zhuge Kongping's Taoism is not as superficial as Zhuge Wanghui's, so it is natural to see at a glance that Ye Limi has a terrifying corpse aura at the level of a corpse king, and her species is also a top-quality spirit corpse that is rare in ten thousand years. Look Her flabbily skin, look at her pink and delicate hands... are simply superb!

"Brother Dao, did you change hands with this spirit corpse!?"


Ye Li Lost:····

Both of them were speechless for a while, because why did Zhuge Kongping's words sound so familiar?Why is it that every mortician who sees Ye Limi is attracted to Ye Limi, just because the variety of Yelimi is too rare?

I can see that you all have bad intentions for Yeli Milo!

Before Shen Mo and Ye Li lost their mouths, Zhuge Wanghui slapped Zhuge Kongping on the back of the head, making him regain his sanity.

"You know what you're going to say? Please maintain your basic respect for Dao brothers!"

Zhuge Kongping was startled, and muttered to himself, he was really covered in lard, such a top-quality spirit corpse would be a treasure in anyone's hands, how could he change hands so easily, even if he wanted it again, he couldn't bring it up so abruptly, Coupled with Shen Mo's unfathomable strength, he is completely playing with fire!

Fortunately, Zhuge Wanghui woke up Zhuge Kongping in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"I'm sorry, I offended you! Since fellow daoists want to communicate with me, let's go to the backyard! My psychic skills on human corpses are not perfect, so it would be great if fellow daoists have some insights."

Nodding silently, since he wanted to help Zhuge Kongping subdue the XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse, he naturally had to wait for Zhuge until the XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse appeared, and learning from each other was the best excuse.

Although the ability to be silent is not to learn from each other at all, but to be silent and not ashamed to ask, but when people are guests, it is natural to talk about the art of language.

As a result, Shen Mo and Ye Li lost temporarily lived in Zhuge Mansion.

Zhuge Kongping immediately showed Shen Mo his corpse psychic art. Although there were many secret spells and talismans that he did not tell, Mo Mo had already understood the human corpse psychic art through the power of his mind.

The so-called human corpse spiritism is actually using the power of lightning to achieve a short-term spiritual resonance between the human soul and the zombie, so as to achieve the purpose of manipulating the zombie.

It's a pity that the "resist" brand generator that Zhuge Kongping bought from Western missionaries is really too low!
The lack of subtle manipulation of electricity made it difficult for him to achieve great success in necromancy on human corpses.

Shen Mo didn't like this spiritism of human corpses, but Ye Limi was very curious about this magic, because if the Twelve Yin Sha training corpse coffin in her hand could use this method to control other walking corpses better .

Therefore, Shen Mo and Zashiki Douzi Nan Nan started to help Ye Li lost to practice corpse spiritism!
(End of this chapter)

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