The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 527 XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse

Chapter 527 XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse

It never occurred to Zhuge Kongping that he was not the one who knew the most about the psychic art of human corpses, but this expert hermit who popped out of nowhere in front of him.

Through the powerful insight of the power of the mind and eyes, and the advanced thinking of modern people, Mo Mo pointed out the shortcomings of the spiritism of the human corpse.

Since then, Zhuge Kongping has started to study how to control the power of the Thunderbolt Yin-Yang Lingzi Device (resisting the card generator), and his attitude towards silence has also risen with respect to his predecessors.

And Shen Mo and Nan Nan also began to help Ye Li lost to practice corpse psychics.

The so-called corpse psychic technique is actually based on Zhuge Kongping's human corpse psychic technique, and the people inside are replaced with top-quality corpses that are almost close to humans. If Zhuge Kongping does this, Ye Li will be lost. It was scrapped.

But with silent and subtle operations, and the blessing of Nannan's luck, Yeli Lost has possibilities that adults cannot achieve.

Guest room in the other courtyard of Zhuge Mansion.

Shen Mo and Zashiki Boy Nannan separated and surrounded Ye Limi and the walking corpses she summoned from the coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas, and then Shen Mo opened his mind and eyes and gave her the soul of Ye Limi for a while. Subtle control.

The scarlet demon light flickering on Nan Nan's body wraps Ye Li Lost and the walking corpse into red lines that guide the best way to succeed.

"Lost, calm your mind, feel the power I give you, and then follow Nan Nan's guidance to activate the psychic power."

A slight flush appeared on Ye Li's lost face, she nodded in agreement, and began to use the psychic method taught by Zhuge Kongping.

In a trance, I saw mysterious scarlet lines emerging from the mole-like walking corpse summoned by Ye Li Lost, which was the psychic operation method that Nan Nan guided Ye Li Lost.

Ye Li lost his skills in this way, only felt that his corpse soul was split into two, and a stream of light submerged into the mole's corpse. Following the guidance of the red line, it reached the sea of ​​mole's corpse souls. After the soul rushed lightly, it was blown to the ground and vanished into thin air, and immediately the lost corpse soul in Yeli occupied the magpie's nest and took ownership of the mole's body.

Ye Li lost her heart and was overjoyed, she never thought that the corpse psychic spell would succeed so easily.

In fact, Ye Limi was able to succeed so easily, mainly because of the help of Shen Mo's power of mind, the blessing of Nannan's luck, and the fact that her corpse soul as the corpse king was highly compatible with the same source as the walking corpse, and this is why Let her succeed once and for all.

If Zhuge Kongping were to operate it, even with the help of Mo Mo and Nan Nan, it would not be possible to succeed in one go.

After completing the psychic psychic of the first walking corpse, Ye Limi was ecstatic. She excitedly manipulated the mole corpse to sit and do all kinds of wonderful movements,

According to Ye Li's lost feelings, she controls the walking corpse as if the walking corpse is her clone, sharing vision and perception, and being able to do one thing and two functions, and one plus one surpasses two existences.

But this spell also has its flaws. After completing the first walking dead psychic, Ye Li's lost corpse soul was obviously weakened a lot. If she wanted to perform this spell again, not only the success rate dropped sharply, but also the origin of her corpse soul. will suffer irreversible damage.

Therefore, the time and energy required for this spell to control thousands of corpses and generals with one's own power is simply incalculable.

Ye Li lost awareness of the disadvantages of spells, but he was also ignorant, "It's okay! You have the magical operation of the mirror world, and I have enough time and energy to nurture my own soul. It is not impossible to reach the realm of using one to control ten thousand." .”

Nodding silently, Ye Li lost his mind if he could think so, so he was relieved.

Mo Mo's side successfully completed the corpse psychic spell, but Zhuge Kongping encountered a new problem. He didn't know how to control electricity at all, so he couldn't talk about fine-grained control of electricity.

Zhuge Kongping's human corpse psychic art still remained in an embarrassing state where his strength accounted for [-]% and his luck accounted for [-]%.

In this regard, Shen Mo didn't help Zhuge Kongping again. After all, if he could help him once, he would not be able to help him for a lifetime.

Time flies, the sun rises and the moon sets.

Shen Mo and Ye Li lost just like that living in Zhuge Mansion, waiting for the arrival of the XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse.

According to his own memory, Shen Mo was just a scene in the movie, but in reality, Mo Mo lived in Zhuge Mansion for half a month before he got the news of XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse.

On this day, Shen Mo was exchanging in-depth with Ye Li lost in the subtle manipulation of corpse qi, but was interrupted by Zhuge Xiaoming who rushed over in a hurry, who was eagerly muttering.

"Senior Shen, a kingly man came to my father and heard that he met the XSBN bronze armor corpse!"

Shen Mo frowned, secretly thinking that he finally got the XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse.

"Okay! This luck charm is yours!"

Shen Mo dropped it casually, and a fortune talisman fell into Zhuge Xiaoming's hands. The latter was very happy to see the fortune talisman, which is why he sent news to Shen Mo.

Silence is to use this transfer talisman to win over Zhuge Xiaoming. This kid has always memorized, what can't be done, and what can't be done. Looking at Dad, he became silent.

After Zhuge Xiaoming left, he silently said to Ye Limi, "Get ready, we should do it tonight!"

Ye Limi was also very curious about the famous XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse in the fantasy world, and wanted to have a look at the other party's breed.

"Okay, I just took it to try my necropsychics."

Shen Mo staggered as he just stood up, and reminded, "Lost, your corpse psychic spell only channeled a mole corpse. Digging tunnels is no problem, but there is still a gap in dealing with XSBN copper armor corpses."

Ye Li lost his head and explained, "I know, my consciousness is to see if it is possible to channel the XSBN bronze armored corpse, after all, with your help this month, my soul has recovered seven or eight times. Eight can barely give it a try."

Silence is not good for dampening Ye Lilo's enthusiasm, "If you like it then, I will help you take it down. Then Zhuge Kongping will definitely not be able to catch me."

"Thank you!"

Ye Li lost more and more joy in his heart, and he was preparing for tonight's action with the coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas.

With a thought in silence, he opened his eyes and looked into the living room in the front yard, and immediately found Zhuge Kongping and a wounded Taoist. Judging from the faint corpse aura emanating from the Taoist, it should be the kingly Taoist that Zhuge Xiaoming said .

The conversation between the two fell into the silent mind in every detail.

"XSBN bronze-armored corpses appeared in the mass grave in Chencun! Tonight is the best time to hunt corpses."

Mo Mo withdrew his power of mind and eyes, since the task is to let Mo Mo help Zhuge Kongping subdue the XSBN bronze armored corpse, let's go to the mass grave in Chencun with Zhuge Kongping in Zishi.

But Shen Mo was a little surprised, but it was also expected that Zhuge Kongping did not ask Shen Mo for help, but secretly took Zhuge Xiaoming to Chencun Mass Burial Mound without even eating dinner.

According to Shen Mo's understanding of Zhuge Kongping during this time, the fat man was afraid that Mo Mo would snatch his bronze armored corpse, so he was unwilling to invite Mo Mo to help.

Naturally, Shen Mo would not just sit still, he and Ye Limi lost also left Zhuge Mansion before dinner, and followed Zhuge Kongping all the way.

Around midnight, everyone finally arrived at the mass grave in Chencun.

In troubled times, there are wars and horses everywhere, so this mass grave becomes a place to collect corpses and bury the dead.

Before Shen Mo and others arrived, Wang Daoren who visited the door during the day, as well as Guo Huai from Qihuang Cave, the black sect lama Dani Cha had died tragically in the mouth of XSBN's bronze armored corpse.

Although these three people are practitioners, their minds are extremely narrow-minded. They can't understand Zhuge Kongping's reputation in the fantasy world, so they used the XSBN bronze armor corpse that the ancestor of Qihuang Cave took over to set up a trap for Zhuge Kongping. trap.

Not only that, these three people also used their secret techniques to enhance the ferocity of the XSBN bronze armored corpse, the five poisonous water from Qihuang Cave, the secret technique of exploding corpses from the Black Sect, and the blood essence of Wang Daoren and others... The already ferocious bronze armored corpse gained even more strength.

"There's a coffin over there!"

Zhuge Kongping and Zhuge Xiaoming, who were silent for a while, soon found an upright ancient coffin in the dense forest of Chencun Mass Burial Mound. Needless to say, the ancient coffin with such a shape in the middle of the night must be where the XSBN bronze armored corpse was. .

"Xiao Ming, don't be too close to me, let's go!"

"Okay! Dad!"

Zhuge Kongping circulated his strength, drew out the seven-star Dao sword, and walked towards the ancient coffin with the seven-star step to subdue the devil, while Zhuge Xiaoming followed his father closely, imitating his father, and his momentum was somewhat similar.

Shen Mo and Ye Li Lost were a hundred meters away from them, waiting for an opportunity across the dense forest.

"When they can't do it, we'll take another shot."

Ye Li lost:? ? ?
Shouldn't we just make a move?

Silence: If you shoot directly, how powerful is the XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse?It's hard to say what is attributable.

Ye Li was confused, and only thought whether it was ginger or old spicy, and the trick of silence, the mantis catching cicadas and the orioles, was really clever.

The timing didn't make Shen Mo and Ye Li lost long to wait. The roar of the corpse in front and Zhuge Xiaoming's screams had already told Shen Mo and Ye Li lost that it was time to act.

Ever since, Shen Mo led Ye Li lost his feet and rushed to the battlefield.

Looking straight ahead, I saw an ancient corpse in a special national uniform chasing Zhuge Kongping and Xiao Ming fiercely, both of them were scarred, and all the magic weapons they brought were folded on the bronze armored corpse In his hand, even so, the bronze armor corpse was still unscathed.

Mo Mo's eyes must have fallen on the bronze armored corpse, and he only said that this bronze armored corpse is worthy of being a top-quality zombie famous in the world of spirits and illusions. Except that Zhang is a little ugly, other aspects are almost on par with Ye Li lost. A corpse with icy muscles and bones, a copper body and iron arms, and the corpse's aura tumbling like a substance, it is already a corpse king-level zombie.

Excellent!It really is the best zombie!

Seeing the silence, Zhuge Kongping was taken aback for a moment, and a little bit of injustice flashed in his heart, but seeing that he could not subdue the bronze armored corpse with all his strength, he could only put down his body and seek the way.

"Brother Dao, please help!"

Shen Mo had this intention long ago, he stopped Ye Lilo, who was eager to try, and stepped straight towards the bronze armored corpse.

hum!The power of purification raised and slapped the bronze armored corpse fiercely along with the fist.

The latter only froze for a moment, and then wiped out the power of purification with the thick corpse aura!
hiss!What an evil corpse!It actually flicked away the power of purification.

The power of silence's purification has always been beneficial, but it never expected that it would be deflated on the bronze armored corpse.

Silence did not dare to be careless, and he spread his body to avoid the ordinary attack of the copper armored corpse. Although this copper armored corpse is powerful, its attack methods are really low-level, just the most primitive flashing, scratching and biting. It can be seen that its spiritual wisdom has just awakened. , but without the wisdom of the corpse king.

Mo Mo's mind converges, triggering the power of his own holy light, and countless holy lights fall from the sky like a curtain of rain, covering Mo Mo completely, and guided by Mo Mo's spiritual power, countless holy lights condense and transform into forms, gradually forming Ruo Da Hammer of Light.

[Paladin Exclusive Skill: Hammer of Repentance! 】

[Bronze Armored Corpse!Under the baptism of the Holy Light, repent your sins! 】

boom!The Hammer of Repentance, which was as huge as an ancient clock, was slapped down fiercely, burning the body of the bronze armored corpse with scorching holy light. Remember the hammer.

With the support of Shen Mo's sacred body, the Hammer of Repentance he condensed with the holy light is not just one shot, but as long as he doesn't collapse his physical strength and can keep up with it, he can hammer infinitely.

As a result, the Hammer of Repentance fell on the bronze armor corpse like a madman, hammering its corpse on the ground continuously, gradually forming a huge pothole and sinking into it, life or death is unknown.

Zhuge Kongping and Zhuge Xiaoming stared at such a brutal hammering method, they were stunned for a long time and could not recover their senses. Such a method was something they had never heard of or seen before, and its power was unimaginably powerful.

Silence actually has such a terrifying supernatural power... Zhuge Kongping collapsed to the ground as if his spine had been pumped out, and he could no longer arouse any desire to compete for the bronze armored corpse.

The eyes are sure, this is the hammer that Zhuge Kongping can't afford to mess with!

Snapped!Hammer down the last hammer of repentance, and the holy light dissipates into nothingness.

The power of the silent mind penetrated into the big pit, and immediately locked on the unconscious bronze armored corpse. Under the crazily smashed by the hammer of repentance, although the bronze armored corpse's body was not harmed, its newly awakened intelligence was into a state of repentance.

The Bronze Armored Corpse was forced to repent!
Shen Mo was quite curious, how could it have a heart of repentance in a bronze armored corpse? !What is it confessing?Regret that you have become a superb zombie?
Naturally, this question could not be answered in silence, because he did not understand corpse language at all, and the bronze armored corpse had no possibility of explaining it to him.

Now that the bronze armor corpse was born by the suspected corpse of Silence Hammer, it naturally became the prey of Silence.

But Shen Mo knew that his hammer of repentance was only for a moment, and he couldn't suppress the bronze armor corpse for a long time at all. The only thing that could deal with this guy was the old rooster's blood of more than 50 years, and the willow nails of more than [-] years.

Mo Mo went straight to the coffin of the bronze armored corpse, pulled out sixteen heliotrope nails from above, and ruthlessly inserted them into the bronze armored corpse's body under the gaze of everyone to suppress its corpse aura.

But at this moment, Shen Mo only felt an irresistible strange corpse aura sweeping over his body, making his mind tremble.

【Ding!You subdued XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse. 】

【Ding!You have completed the task of helping Zhuge Kongping subdue the Bronze Armored Corpse. 】

[Warning, you have been cursed by the talent from XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse, your luck value has dropped to -999]

silence:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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