The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 528 The Bronze Armored Corpse's Talent

Chapter 528 The Bronze Armored Corpse's Talent
In a daze of silence, I immediately checked my attribute panel. I was surprised when I saw it. The luck value on the attribute panel actually changed to -999-
What is the concept of 999? !That's just bad luck!
I was hit by a car when I went out, choked to death when I drank water, and saw blood on my scalp. The key point was that I didn't bring an umbrella.

Shen Mo couldn't help but look at the XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse who was subdued by the Chicken Blood Nail. Under the perception of the power of the mind, the body of the Bronze Armored Corpse has undergone subtle changes.

Destiny is the innate ability of the XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse.

In the movie, after Zhuge Kongping subdued the XSBN bronze armor corpse, he was so unlucky that he failed in whatever he did and failed in whatever he did. If Zhuge Kongping’s junior sister Bai Rourou hadn’t helped him draw amulets to ward off evil spirits, Zhuge Kongping would have been unlucky until he died.

Now Shen Mo has become the one who subdued the XSBN bronze armored corpse, and naturally became the one who can't die for the bronze armored corpse.

But Mo Mo didn't panic at all, he patted the beckoning cat on his waist, called out the zashiki boy Nannan, and ordered, "Nannan, help me bless my luck."

Nan Nan responded, and raised a red light with her tender little hand to wrap the silence. Just before the red light merged with the silence, an evil corpse aura rose from the foot of the silence, and completely isolated the red light from the outside. .

Nannan:? ? ?
Boss, what did you provoke?My luck can't help you.

Mo Mo frowned, and pointed to the subdued bronze armored corpse, "This zombie made a monster, can you try to beat it?"

Nannan looked at the flesh-faced bronze-armored corpse with a serious expression. Under her demon eyes, the copper-armored corpse was filled with an extremely obscure and rotten aura, which was similar to the aura of prosperity of the Zashiki Doji clan Completely opposite and mutually exclusive.

"Boss, why did you catch a moldy corpse for yourself! Do you think your luck is too good?"

Shen Mo shrugged in embarrassment, he didn't want to see this bronze armored corpse, but looking at Ye Li Lost's appearance, he obviously liked the ability of this bronze armored corpse, if he could channel the bronze armored corpse, Ye Li Lost's Combat strength will skyrocket, coupled with the talent ability of the curse of bad luck, it can completely make up for Ye Li's lack of actual combat ability.

Ye Limisuo can control the Bronze Armored Corpse to fight against the enemy together, and can also use the bad luck curse to make the opponent unlucky.

Just thinking about it, Ye Li lost his temper a little bit!
"Nannan, just try to see if you can help me get rid of the curse of bad luck."

Nan Nan looked between Shen Mo and the Bronze Armor Corpse in embarrassment. After a long silence, he shook his head in difficulty, "I can't help it. Even a hair on its leg is trying to overwhelm you. No matter how lucky I am, it's useless." .”

Silence: `````
Even a hair on my leg is killing me? !This is too exaggerated!
In fact, it is not an exaggeration at all. The bad luck curse talent of XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse is to transform one's own body into the cursed person's fate, so as to achieve 100% death control, which cannot be solved by ordinary means at all.

Silent and helpless, he exerted a purification force on himself, and as the holy light was bounced away by the corpse, the purification power was helpless against the curse of bad luck.

Shen Mo wanted to get rid of the curse of bad luck, so it seemed that he could only release the bronze armored corpse and let others bear the curse for him.

"Why don't you let me try?"

Zhuge Kongping got up from the ground a long time ago. He quietly listened to the conversation between Shen Mo and Nan Nan, and he knew the predicament that Mo Mo was facing now.

"You?!" Shen Mo doubted Zhuge Kongping's ability. After all, Zhuge Kongping in the movie couldn't take care of himself after being overwhelmed by a bronze armor corpse. How could he be able to help Shen Mo resolve the curse of bad luck.

Zhuge Kongping glanced at the bronze armor corpse, swallowed subconsciously, "I can help you carry the curse."


Which side is cooler to play on!
Mo Mo really didn't have time to joke with Zhuge Kongping, the reason why he said that was not to get the bronze armored corpse.

The silence that sees through but doesn't tell the truth is naturally too lazy to talk to Zhuge Kongping.

"There is no way to contact the curse."

Ye Li lost his eyes on the bronze armored corpse, appreciating the quality of the bronze armored corpse as a member of the same family, "As long as I channel the bronze armored corpse, I can manipulate the bronze armored corpse to solve the curse of bad luck on you."

Mo Mo knew it in his heart, isn't this the way to crack it!

Mo Mo was just thinking about asking Zhuge Kongping to invite his junior sister Bai Rourou to help him draw amulets to exorcise evil spirits in the small room.

Now it seems that it is most appropriate to hand over this matter to Ye Limi.

"That's it! Let's go back to Zhuge Mansion first."

Shen Mo and Ye Li lost their joy in their hearts, Zhuge Kongping looked at the bronze armored corpse with a downcast expression, such a superb product finally fell into the hands of Shen Mo!
Mo Mo didn't even give Zhuge Kongping the right to fight alone.

Why!Daosheng is slim!
Let’s say that Ye Li lost just put the bronze armor corpse into the coffin of the Twelve Yin Sha training corpses, and when Shen Mo took a step, he stepped on a sharp stone and knocked his thumb hard. Although it didn’t hurt too much, it really proved that Silence’s bad luck had begun .

"Lost, don't put the bronze-armored corpse in the training coffin. It's better to suppress this thing before there is no psychic."

Ye Li lost his mind, and quickly took out the bronze armored corpse, and then put it on his shoulder very sturdyly, "Then I will carry it!"

"Be careful of the chicken blood nail falling!" Silent reminded in time.

Puff!Ye Limi lost another chicken blood nail and ruthlessly inserted it into the body of the bronze armored corpse.

"Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion."

Sunrise, dawn.

Mo Mo and the others returned to Zhuge Mansion at dawn, and after a short rest, Mo Mo started the psychic spell on the Bronze Armor Corpse.

The reason why I was so anxious was because Silence couldn't stand it anymore.He was so unlucky.

Along the way, Shen Mo doesn't remember how many trips he has stumbled, how many pits he has fallen into, and how many crimes he has suffered... If it weren't for his strong physique and excellent blood, he might have been lying in bed and unable to take care of himself.

Patriarch Qihuang, who took the bronze armored corpse back then, broke his hand in three days, broke his leg in five days, and was paralyzed in bed within a month.

It is already beyond ordinary people's performance that silence can be intact.

"Silence, Nannan, help me to psychic!"

After Ye Limi lost her previous experience of psychic mole corpses, she was very confident in her corpse psychic skills. She murmured, restrained her corpse energy, and summoned Shen Mo and Nan Nan to protect her.

Shen Mo turned on the power of her mind's eye and projected it towards Ye Li, wanting to help her strengthen her insight into subtle manipulation.

But to everyone's surprise, something went wrong with Silence's power of mind. Under the curse of the bad luck of the bronze armor corpse, although Silence's power of mind could be triggered, it couldn't give Ye Lilo lost a strong insight.

This made Ye Li's lost heart tremble and panicked.

"Silence, without your insight and control, can Nannan and I complete the spiritism of corpses?"

Ye Limi blinked her big eyes and asked about silence, more than half of her self-confidence just now had disappeared.

Silently patted Ye Li Lost on the shoulder, and cheered up, "Lost, you have to believe in yourself, you can do it, let go and do it."

"Yes! Lost sister, I will do my best to help you."

Nan Nan also echoed from the sidelines.

After silence and Nannan's encouragement, Ye Limi lost finally had the confidence to perform corpse psychics.

Ever since, Ye Li lost reference to his previous successful experience, and began to communicate with Nan Nan about the Bronze Armor Corpse.

After a little pouring, the channeling ends.

Ye Li lost his face and looked at Shen Mo with a dejected expression, while Nan Nan shook his head helplessly.

They failed!
This is somewhat unexpected, but it is also expected, because without the help of Silence, Ye Li lost his ability to manipulate corpse energy to the subtle level of spiritism, coupled with Nan Nan's luck and the bronze armor corpse's Misfortune and bad luck made it ten times and a hundred times more difficult for Ye Li to get lost in the psychic bronze armor corpse than ordinary zombies.

Mo Mo patted Ye Li's lost face, and comforted, "It's okay, failure is the mother of success. We will definitely find a way to channel the bronze armored corpse."

Ye Li lost his voice and murmured, "What way?"

Looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle in silence, a graceful figure flashed in his eyes, "Look for foreign aid!"

foreign aid! ?
The foreign aid Shen Mo said was naturally Zhuge Kongping's junior sister Bai Rourou. As the only person in the movie who can suppress the bad luck curse of the Bronze Armored Corpse, she is the key figure in helping Shen Mo get rid of the curse temporarily and help Ye Li Lost complete the psychic spell.

Therefore, Mo Mo couldn't escape the fate of entering a small room to hide and draw amulets after all.

After Shen Mo took over the bronze armored corpse, he did not receive a new main task, but just threw him a sentence [main task to be triggered]

Ling Mo didn't know what would happen next.

In line with the basic principles of soldiers coming to block, water coming to cover, and the code of conduct to plan ahead, Mo Mo decided to obtain the Bairou painting talisman as soon as possible, complete the psychic, and lift the curse.

Ever since, Shen Mo found Zhuge Kongping, who looked disheartened, didn't think about tea, didn't want to eat, and was about to lose thirty catties.

After Zhuge Kongping learned that Shen Mo wanted to use him to find his junior sister Bai Rourou to draw a talisman to exorcise evil spirits, his first reaction was very willing, and even a little excited after hearing his junior sister's name.

But he quickly calmed down, stared at Silence warily, and sighed, "Hey! I'm afraid this won't work. My wife won't allow me to contact my junior sister. Otherwise, I'll help you draw it! I also know a little bit about exorcism talismans. Son,"

Oh Te!

Mo Mo really wanted to show Zhuge Kongping a look on his face, this guy is a tracheitis with a heart but no guts, and he is very protective of food!

cough cough!Silently coughed twice, Zhou Xuan said, "Madam, I will explain."

Zhuge Kongping: "Junior Sister may be busy recently... let me do it for you."

hey-hey!Shen Mo sneered, and showed his big move, "The method of manipulating the thunder grain yin and yang spiritual child device in human corpse psychic art is actually very simple."

Zhuge Kongping's face straightened, "My junior sister listens to me the most in her life. As long as I open Jinkou, she will rush over no matter how busy she is... Let's talk about the power control of this spiritual sub-device first."

Mo Mo knew it in his heart, he had already guessed Zhuge Kongping's mind, in the heart of this kind of heart, wife comes first, junior sister comes second, if it's for psychic arts on human corpses, both can be discarded.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuge Kongping passed the letter to his junior sister Bai Rourou Feige through the secret method of the door.

【Urgent!Hurry up! 】

Although it is only four words, it shows the eagerness and restlessness in Zhuge Kongping's heart.

"My wife also asked Daoist Shen to come over."

Nodding silently, "That's natural."

After a while, Silence came out of Zhuge Wanghui's room.

He informed Zhuge Wanghui of his situation. Although the latter was reluctant, he could only admit it because Shen Mo was not easy to mess with.

According to Zhuge Wanghui's personality, although she didn't attack in front of the silent face, she used means to keep an eye on her husband, Zhuge Kongping, to prevent him from crossing the line with his junior sister.

Ever since, Silence began the happy life of an otaku.

Due to the influence of the bad luck and curse, he can no longer live a normal life, and can only rely on food to open his mouth and clothes to stretch out his hands to survive.

With the help of Ye Limi, Nan Nan, Ji Nai and Goudan, the silent happiness is unimaginable to most people.

As for the XSBN bronze armored corpse that Ye Li lost all the time and was imprisoned in his bedroom, with Zhuge Kongping's net of corpses, as long as no one deliberately destroyed it, there would never be any problems.

During the time when Shen Mo and the others waited behind closed doors for Bai Rourou, the spirit world outside exploded.

Everyone is rumored that a master hermit came to Zhuge's family, not only rescued Zhuge and his son from the XSBN bronze armored corpse, but also captured the XSBN bronze armored corpse alive.

According to the person involved, Zhuge Kongping, this high-ranking hermit named Silence is over the age of peach and plum. I don’t know which school of high-level people taught him. He used a huge golden hammer like a bronze bell to forcibly smash the copper armor The corpse is knocked out, the method is extremely cruel...

Once the rumors flowed out, they were strung together at an uncontrollable speed, and even the version that was finally passed back to Shen Mo's ears was a completely new version that had never been heard before.

[The silence of the young child's body resisted the peerless golden hammer, defeated Zhuge Kongping, stepped on the thousand-year-old bronze armor corpse, and threatened to beat the invincible hand in the fantasy world. 】

As the rumors and rumors became more and more evil, there was an endless stream of people visiting the door to make troubles during this period.

Before, they were not Zhuge Kongping's opponents, so they had to use other means to deal with Zhuge Kongping. Now Zhuge Kongping was defeated by a little fart, and they also subdued the Bronze Armored Corpse.

Anyone who thinks about it with their brains knows that the time to become famous has come. No matter who defeats the little boy Mo Mo, he will become a rookie leader in the fantasy world.

When the first provocative Taoist named him to challenge Shen Mo, Shen Mo didn't take it seriously, and knocked him back with a casual punch.

But as more and more challengers came to the door, Shen Mo realized that things were getting out of hand.

Most of these people are unknown people or low-level people who want to use silence to become famous. There are really few who can do it, but the trouble is that there are so many of them!
Hundreds of people jammed outside Zhuge's mansion all day long, shouting to defeat Silence, who is famous in the world of spirits and illusions, who can bear it.

In order to solve these troubles, Shen Mo thought of a solution that was not a solution.

A silent challenge is held publicly, and the entry fee is one ocean, which will be collected and managed by Zhuge Kongping in a unified manner.

Of course, their opponent is not the unlucky Shen Mo, but the idle and flustered Ye Li Lost.

Ye Limi lost the identity of Silent Corpse Servant and became the shield of Silence. At the same time, Ye Limi lost also rapidly improved his actual combat ability through this method.

Until one day, a bespectacled man named No. [-] in the world kicked open the gate of Zhuge Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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