Chapter 529

The best in the world!
He is a monk who has the same status as Zhuge Kongping in the spiritual fantasy world. Although both of them are ugly, the spiritual fantasy world calls them Zhuge Kongping in the south and No. [-] in the world in the north. It can be seen that the two are in the spiritual world The status and ability of the fantasy world.

As a result, the number one in the world and Zhuge Kongping often compete in Taoism, becoming competitors who are both enemies and friends.

In No. [-] Under Heaven, I learned that a kid named Silence suddenly appeared in the fantasy world and easily defeated Zhuge Kongping, and also subdued the famous XSBN bronze armored corpse in the fantasy world. Naturally, I couldn't suppress my inner anger and doubts , aggressively rushed to Zhuge Mansion, wanting to compete with Shen Mo.

It was only dawn on this day, and the gate of Zhuge's Mansion had not yet been opened. The No. [-] under heaven in a suit and leather shoes kicked open the gate of Zhuge's Mansion, threatening to challenge the silence at the top of his voice.

Gou's silence in the backyard is naturally unaware of this, he is just enjoying the happy life in the fat mansion during this time, and the challenge has long been handed over to Ye Limi.

So, after No. [-] under the sun yelled that voice, Ye Li lost and jumped out of the corpse coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas, ready to clock in for work.

"Yo! It's so early!"

Ye Li lost his waist and asked habitually, "What's your challenge number? Is it your turn?"

Number one in the world:? ? ?

What challenge number?Lao Tzu came to challenge because he could see silence!What else do you need?

Seeing No. [-] Mao in the world's expression of not knowing anything, Ye Li lost his lips and said, "I don't even have a challenge number! You still have the nerve to say that you are here for the challenge? Get out and sign up for a number."

No. [-] in the world: ( ̄▽ ̄")
You underestimated me!Isn't it just a challenge number?Isn't that just signing up?I am the newspaper, if you let Silence come out now, I will give him a hard lesson and let him know that I am the best in the world.

Lost in Yeli: The registration fee is an ocean!Cash only, no credit!
No. [-] Mao in the world was stunned, and angrily threw a big ocean out of his wallet, "Okay, let the silence come out."

Ye Li lost his way lazily, "Why are you in a hurry? You don't understand the rules at all? Let me see how many times you are ranked first?"

After a while, Ye Li lost the number and found the last number, "You are number 435, judging from the current speed, you can come and challenge in seven days!"

No. [-] in the world: Convex
Are you kidding me?I still have to wait seven days to challenge the majestic No. [-] in the world!

"It's okay if you don't want to wait, but..."

"But what?"

"But you have to pay more!"

No. [-] Under Heaven's wallet, which had not been put away, froze for a moment, almost gritted his teeth and popped out word by word, "How much!"

"Jump in line, ten oceans!"

Snapped!No. [-] in the world threw out the purse and said angrily, "It's exactly ten yuan here, let Shen Mo come out!"

Ye Li lost the money bag and counted it carefully. It was really ten yuan. "What are you in a hurry for? My master is still resting. You have to go through my test first."

The No. 11 Mao in the world is really angry now, and after spending [-] yuan on him over and over again, he can't even see the face of the master? !
"Little girl, you provoked me first, don't blame me for bullying girls."

Not too soft!This is going to be tough!

Ye Li Lost is not the best in the world at all. During this period of time, she competes with people every day. Although the strength of her opponents is uneven, the number of kneeling knees is extremely large, which has already improved Ye Li Lost's actual combat ability. .

hum!I saw Ye Li's lost consciousness erupted, and the corpse aura around him surged like a wave, one layer after another, and the power of the corpse was overwhelming.

hiss!No. [-] Mao in the world was shocked by such a sudden change. He originally thought that Ye Limi was a silent servant, but he didn't realize that Ye Limi was actually a spirit corpse!
This is not to say that No. [-] in the world is not capable enough, but that Ye Limi has been able to restrain her body energy, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see her true form when she does not do anything.

"You are actually a zombie!"

Ye Li lost his head and shook his head in disappointment, "It's only now that I see that your morality is so-so!"

The No. [-] under heaven sneered, "I was wrong just now, this time, I'll let you see what I'm capable of."

hum!The treasure bag on the waist of No. [-] Mao in the World trembled slightly, and his hands immediately conjured up two daggers. The daggers were engraved with yellow talismans, and emitted a faint light as his aura was stimulated.

Talisman dagger!The best special weapon in the world.

snort!Ye Limi let out a soft snort, judging from the faint light on the talisman daggers, the pair of daggers were nothing more than expensive items, probably not even able to break through her defense.

Just when Ye Li lost his mind, No. [-] under heaven suddenly stretched out another hand from his pocket, holding a matchlock gun in his hand, and directly spit out dazzling tongues of flames, imprinted with talismans and cinnabar bullets under the powerful propulsion of gunpowder. With all his strength, he cut through the sky and hit Ye Lilo's chest directly, knocking her to the ground.

"Hmph! Do you know how powerful I am?"

The number one mao in the world succeeded in one blow, blowing through the smoke of the matchlock gun, and sneered again and again.

"You actually sneaked up on me!"

Ye Limi's angry voice came faintly from the ground. She had also encountered despicable people during this time, but she was the first one like No. [-] in the world to attack and play tricks by taking advantage of the opportunity.

"You're messing with me."

Ye Li lost his voice and let out a burst of corpse energy all over his body in an instant, rushing towards No. [-] in the world with an unstoppable posture.

The zombie king-level Ye Limi lost and went berserk, how can he be the best in the world who can parry, especially in the recent period, Ye Limi lost a lot of attack methods from Xia Jiuliu, whose lethality matches the strength of zombies The physical body and sharp teeth and claws are even more powerful.

Continuous screams sounded from the front yard. No. [-] Mao in the world never thought in his life that he would lose to a zombie, or the kind of extremely good-looking zombie.

In just 3 minutes, he fell to his knees, clutching his crotch, in great pain and unsettled.

Ye Li lost his way to monkey picking peaches casually, and the powerful corpse aura shot out through the air made Mao No. [-] in the world regret not knowing what he had done.

And Shen Mo, who was lying in the backyard enjoying the happy life in the fat mansion, suddenly received a new notification from the system.

【Ding!You have received the side mission... Congratulations on defeating the best in the world!Mission rewards will be distributed after the end of the mirror world. 】

silence:? ? ?
What's the matter?Why fell asleep and fell asleep to complete a side task.

Silent immediately remembered Ye Limi, it must be that Lost defeated No. [-] in the world in the front yard.

Mo Mo lay on the bed happily and turned over, continued his happy life in the fat house, and murmured, "When will Bai Rourou come over?"

(End of this chapter)

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