The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 530 Junior Sister Bai Rourou

Chapter 530 Junior Sister Bai Rourou

The No. [-] Mao in the world was defeated by Ye Lilo!

This news spread rapidly at an extremely terrifying speed, resulting in a direct reduction of [-]% of the challengers outside the Zhuge Mansion. Those lucky people who questioned Shen Mo's strength had already realized the strength between Shen Mo and his corpse servants.

This directly caused Ye Li lost to become more relaxed, eager to continue to hone her actual combat ability, she could only squat outside Zhuge's mansion every day with a small horse, waiting for the challenger to come and challenge.

"Why hasn't anyone come to challenge today? I'm really idle!"

Just when Ye Li was lost in a trance, her eyes vaguely saw a graceful figure at the end of the narrow path, walking towards Zhuge Mansion from far and near.

"Huh? It's business!"

Ye Limi lost all of her spirits immediately, got up hastily from the pony pony, and beckoned to the visitor, saying obsequiously, "Girl, are you here to challenge Silence? A registration fee of one yuan, ten yuan for jumping in the queue, But you are the only challenger today, ten oceans is free, and one ocean is for you to fight against me directly, look, did you earn it?"

The woman called a girl by Ye Limi is wearing a light gauze gown, lotus boots on her feet, and a green luan tie around her waist. A few strands of blue silk hang down from her coiled hair, which falls on her very rhyme. On her face, her eyes were clear with a little pride, her nose bridge was slightly straight, and her thin red lips were extremely attractive, she was like a fairy girl who had fallen into the mortal world in nine days.

"You are that silent corpse servant?! Sure enough, you are a top-quality spirit corpse that gave birth to spiritual intelligence."

Ye Limi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized, "You are Bai Rourou?!"

"Exactly! I am here this time at the invitation of my senior brother, to help your master draw amulets to exorcise evil spirits."

Ye Li lost her lips, she thought that Bai Rourou was here to challenge, since she was here to help Shen Mo draw amulets to exorcise evil spirits, of course she couldn't delay.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time! Please don't mind the misunderstanding just now. I'll take you to see Silence. He's talking about you every day."

A trace of astonishment flashed across Bai Rourou's delicate and luxurious face. For women in this era, Ye Li's lost words are tantamount to crossing the line. What do you mean by chanting every day?That's an adjective that only exists between a lover and a daughter.

"You spirit corpse don't talk nonsense, I only have room for senior brother in my heart, other men are not qualified to talk about me every day."

Ye Li lost: (`)
Only then did she realize that she had forgotten the generation gap!
"Well, there is a generation gap between us, let's not mention this, it is important for us to do business."

Although Bai Rourou was surprised, she could understand it. After all, it was a zombie that had just begun to realize its intelligence, so there was no need to take it too seriously.

Ever since, Bai Rourou brought Ye Li lost directly into Zhuge's mansion. As soon as they passed through the front hall, they were seen by Zhuge Kongping's wife, Zhuge Wanghui. Go directly to the backyard to meet Shen Mo, instead of letting her go to see the long-lost senior brother first.

Just like that, Bai Rourou got lost in Zhuge Wanghui and Ye Li's shoving and came to the silent otaku's courtyard.

When they opened the door and entered, Shen Mo was playing three-person Doudizhu with Nan Nan and Ji Nai in the house, and the face of Shen Mo was already covered with notes. Nan's luck is really good, fighting the landlord with her is simply hell-level torture...

Silence is also helpless, who made him panic now, under the influence of the curse of bad luck, he may not even have the possibility of training, and can only pass the time with this purgatory-level game.

"King fried! A fried! K fried! Q fried... big spring!"

"Nannan, if you play like this again, you won't have any friends!"

Nannan: "Haha, you can't blame me. This kind of game is too difficult for Zashiki-douji to lose. Come on! Don't blame me, stick a note."

Bai Rourou: ````
Ye Li Lost:···

Zhuge Wanghui:····

Bai Rourou: Is this the famous genius boy in the world of spirits and illusions that you asked me to save? !This is a gambler!

Yeli Lost: You have to believe me, the previous silence was not like this, but the bad luck curse of the bronze armored corpse made him fall.

Degenerated into a middle-aged greasy gambler uncle? !
Shen Mo's face covered with notes could not help but look towards the door, and immediately found Bai Rourou with a look of disgust. He straightened his eyes and made sure that it was indeed the person he wanted to wait for.

So, with a flick of Shen Mo's wrist, a body talisman manifested and turned into a flash of yellow light, directly sweeping away the filth and slovenliness on his body.

In an instant, Shen Mo, who had regained her peerless beauty, stood in front of Bai Rourou.

"Bai Rourou, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Bai Rourou: (●●)
It was confirmed that the eyes were of a man she had never seen before.

Apart from her master, the only man Bai Rourou has ever met in her life is his senior brother Zhuge Kongping, so in Bai Rourou's heart, his senior brother is the most handsome man in the world.

But as Shen Mo, who possesses the blood of the Dragon God, appeared in front of her eyes, her view of love was being hit shatteringly.

Bai Rourou: How can there be such a beautiful man in this world...

silence:? ? ?
We are just drawing a symbol, you must not touch your true feelings.

If Bai Rourou can listen to the words of silence, there will be no conflicts between men and women in the world.

"Let's get down to business first!"

"Okay, please ask me how to call you." Bai Rourou asked knowingly.


"Bai Rourou, Bai is the white of the day, and Rou is soft. You see, our names match well."


Nannan: It's over, the boss has seduced another little girl.

Lost in Yeli: The nature of the dragon is originally silver!Human dragons are good at charms!You are really hopeless in this life.

Zhuge Wanghui: I seem to have done nothing, but I solved my rival in love?

Silent me, she is also very helpless!Is the power of the bloodline also my fault?

Otaku Bieyuan!

Ye Limi lost and others were protecting the Dharma outside the door, Shen Shen and Bai Rourou were alone in the house, and began to draw symbols to exorcise evil spirits.

According to what Bai Rourou said, the bad luck curse of the bronze armored corpse is as difficult to entangle as tarsal maggots. It is basically impossible to completely eliminate it by relying on the power of talismans. It can only rely on the power of talismans to temporarily suppress the bad luck curse and restore the ability to remain silent.

And Bai Rourou's Lotus Blessings Curse needs to fill her silent body with talismans with wolf howling pens. During this period, she must drink so that she cannot be interrupted by anything. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted, or she will go crazy, which is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, Shen Mo could only resist the Langhao brush walking on his body, gritted his teeth and endured the itching like ants attacking his body, and fully cooperated with Bai Rourou to complete the drawing to exorcise evil spirits.

"Your chest muscles are so strong!"


White girl!Can we make a good draw?What if all previous efforts are wasted?
"It's okay, we can stay longer that way, can't we?"

For the first time, Shen Mo felt that his Dragon God blood was a burden, and this ability to charm the opposite sex was really too troublesome.

It took about an incense stick, Bai Rourou had already painted talismans all over Shen Mo's body, and he could clearly feel that the bad luck curse from the bronze armored corpse became weaker and weaker as the talismans were added to his body, until the last touch of cinnabar was on the With a silent brow, the bad luck curse from the bronze armored corpse was suppressed impressively.

Silence's ability took over the high and low again, restoring his luck.

"Okay! The lotus avatar has been completed, and it is effective before it is transformed into amulet, but we must find a way to eradicate the curse of the bronze armored corpse as soon as possible... Otherwise, let's burn it!"

Silence: "Don't! This bronze armored corpse is still of great use."

Mo Mo said, he got up from the bed, put on his own clothes and prepared to match Ye Li's lost psychic bronze armor corpse.

"You men! You always like to get things that you know you shouldn't get." Although Bai Rourou criticizes the behavior of silence, she is very honest in her actions, "Anyway, I'm here, so let me help you subdue it !"

"Do you also understand the spiritism of human corpses?"

Bai Rourou shook her head, "I don't understand, but I know a lot about the Bronze Armored Corpse. If I want to refine it, my lotus secret technique can weaken its innate ability to the greatest extent. This will definitely help you."

Nodding silently, if Bai Rourou can restrain the curse talent of the Bronze Armored Corpse, then Nan Nan's blessing of luck will be effective, and Ye Li Lost's spiritism can be increased by [-]%.

"Okay! Without further ado, let's start now."

Silently pushed open the door and called Yeli Misty outside, "Missing, get ready, we will help you psychic the Bronze Armored Corpse."

During this period of time, Ye Li lost nothing but dealing with challengers every day, but he was congealing his soul, and he was ready to psychic the bronze armored corpse again.


Just as Ye Li lost his way to enter the room, Zhuge Kongping, who got the news of his junior sister Bai Rourou's arrival one step later, rushed over. He anxiously wanted to pass by Ye Li lost and meet his junior sister Bai Rourou, whom he had been thinking about day and night. .

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for my junior sister?"

Ye Li lost his smile and said, "Is it appropriate for you to come to look for your junior sister right after Mrs. Zhuge left?"

Zhuge Kongping said brokenly, "My junior sister and I are childhood sweethearts, if it's not... bah, you step aside, let me tell my junior sister first."

"Brother, don't come in."

The quarrel outside the door naturally fell into Bai Rourou's ears. In the past, she would have come to see her senior brother in a hurry, but now that there is a contrast of silence, how could Bai Rourou want to see her senior brother.

This is like eating radish and cabbage, and one day you suddenly taste the taste of meat, who would go back to eat radish and cabbage!
Zhuge Kongping was taken aback, "Junior Sister, I am your senior brother Kong Ping! Why don't you come out to see me? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Senior brother misses you very much..."

Bai Rourou: "Brother, let's go, we still have things to do, it's not convenient for you to come in."

inconvenient? !What's the inconvenience?
Zhuge Kongping was a little panicked, what did he faintly feel in his heart?My junior sister has fallen!

No!why? !Didn't they just meet?Why did the younger sister's attitude towards her change drastically?What had the silence done to her?
Shen Mo didn't do anything, he just communicated with Bai Rourou normally, he never expected that his Dragon God bloodline would have such a lethal power against Bai Rourou, who had never experienced anything in the world, plus Zhuge Kongping, a tonnage-level reference, was simply amazing. assists.

Shen Mo shook his head helplessly, but he couldn't help him.

Ye Li lost his head and nodded understandingly, comforting Zhuge Kongping to look away, what is not yours is not yours after all, what is yours will be yours after all, don't force everything, force will hinder everything!
Snapped!With the door of the silent room closed tightly, leaving Zhuge Kongping alone in the cold wind, he only needs a piece of music to express his painful heart at this moment.

He wanted to rush in and make gestures with Shen Mo, but his strength didn't allow it, and neither did Zhuge Wang Hui.

After a while, Zhuge Kongping with a dejected face turned around and left, went back to his room and took out a white paper crane from under the bed.

Zhuge Kongping hesitated, thinking of Ye Lilo, XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse, and Junior Sister Bai Rourou, the grievance in his heart became more and more overwhelming, and finally he gritted his teeth and dripped his blood on the paper crane, triggering the sound transmission of the paper crane Function.

"Number one in the world, I agree to what you mentioned earlier!"

Number one in the world? !

That's right, this paper crane is the sound-transmitting paper crane left behind by No. [-] Mao in the World after Ye Li lost his beating. The purpose is to have a secret talk with Zhuge Kongping, hoping to join forces with him to deal with Shen Mo.

Originally, there was Zhuge Kongping in the south of the psychic world, and No. [-] in the world in the north. Since Silence appeared, the psychic world no longer has basic respect for the two of them. Therefore, they will definitely choose to join forces to deal with Shen Mo and regain the former power. brilliant.

"My human corpse psychic technique combined with the best Taoism in the world will surely defeat Silence and take back the bronze armored corpse, as well as the spirit corpse, and my junior sister."

Zhuge Kongping's originally narrow heart gradually embarked on a road of no return under the multiple blows of Shen Mo.

At the same time, No. [-] in the world, who was dormant outside Zhuge's mansion, received Zhuge Kongping's paper crane sound transmission. A wicked smile flashed across his big face with glasses, realizing that he had finally come to the time of his shame.

Zhuge Kongping and No. [-] in the world have already reached an agreement, and plan to give them a bottom line when Shen Mo helps Ye Li lose his psychic bronze armor corpse.

About 10 minutes later, Zhuge Kongping arrived at No. [-] in the world, and the two agreed to specify their respective tasks and means.

And in the silent otaku's other courtyard, they have already started the psychic technique on the bronze armored corpse.

With the previous two psychic experiences, coupled with the changes and improvements Ye Limi lost during this period, the psychic experience was smoother than expected.

The Lotus Blossom Curse on Shen Mo's body restored the power of his mind and eyes, and allowed Ye Limi to regain his subtle control ability. At the same time, Bai Rourou's lotus flower secret technique really curbed the talent curse of the Bronze Armored Corpse, making Nannan's luck Blessing can be useful.

In the end, Ye Li lost control of his own soul to start the most critical soul psychic.

But at this moment, there was an urgent knock on the door outside the house.

Zhuge Kongping muttered eagerly, "The big thing is bad, and the number one in the world took advantage of your retreat to make trouble."

Mo Mo frowned, how could he be disturbed by others at such a critical moment, just as he was about to get up, a new notification sounded in his mind.

【Ding!Trigger the final main task: under the interference of Zhuge Kongping and No. [-] in the world, complete the psychic communication to the bronze armored corpse. After completing the task, you will leave the mirror world immediately. 】

silence:? ? ?
People like Zhuge Kongping have rebelled? !
(End of this chapter)

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