The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 532 Mission Rewards

Chapter 532 Mission Rewards
Bless the Bronze Armored Corpse? !Does this work?

Silence's purification power can't even purify the curse of bad luck before, so how can it be possible to purify the wrath value of the corpse soul now?

But this is indeed feasible, because with Bai Rourou's lotus secret technique to suppress the curse talent of the bronze armored corpse, the silent purification power has the possibility of achieving the impossible.

hum!The power of purification was activated, and the scorching holy light wrapped the right hand of the bronze armored corpse, pouring into it like countless elves, and directly took the soul of the bronze armored corpse under the subtle control of Shen Mo.

I give you a blessing!

The soul of the bronze armored corpse trembled loudly, and the aura of rage gradually returned to calm under the baptism of the holy light. It looked around in astonishment but didn't know why it appeared here.

Just when the copper armored corpse didn't understand anything, Ye Li lost another shot, and the strong corpse turned into a sharp sword, pierced into the copper armored corpse's soul and strangled for a while, and the latter turned into a The powder disappeared.

Ye Li lost the soul of the copper-armored corpse and didn't dare to be too happy, because she still had the most important thing to do, which was to occupy the magpie's nest and use her own soul to seize the sea of ​​consciousness of the copper-armored corpse.

Although this is easier than killing the soul of the bronze armored corpse, it is also extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. Ye Lilo needs to use his own soul to soak the corpse of the copper armored corpse to complete the final dove occupying the magpie's nest.

Time flies, the sun sets and the moon rises.

Ye Li's lost soul has reached the final critical moment, silently restraining himself, not daring to be careless, because often the most dangerous moment is the most critical moment.

Just when Yeli Lost was about to succeed, the nightmare Freddy who imprisoned Zhuge Kongping and the best in the world let out a scream, followed by the hypnotist penguin who flew upside down into the room.

The dream space they jointly created was broken by Zhuge Kongping with great perseverance at the most critical moment. Zhuge Kongping regained his sanity and became more enlightened, and his Taoism actually made a breakthrough in a crisis, and his powerful true energy surged like a tide. Rolling like a turbulence, Freddy the Nightmare was seriously injured, and the penguin was knocked into the air with a beam of lightsaber, and a wound with a deep bearing was cracked on his chest.

"I was confused by something that confused my Dao heart. It turned out to be an evil thing made of wood."

Zhuge Kongping had just broken through with overwhelming aura. With a glance, he immediately locked on to Ye Limi, who was channeling the bronze armored corpse. Based on his understanding of spiritism, he could tell at a glance that Ye Limi had reached the most critical moment. Interrupting the other party at this moment will inevitably cause Shen Mo and others to suffer heavy losses.

Now Zhuge Kongping no longer cared about the surprised and puzzled eyes of his junior sister, he even risked the consequences of turning against his junior sister to prevent Ye Li from losing his psychic bronze armor corpse.

"The Dao says the Ninth Five-Year Plan! Heaven and Kun use the law! The seven-star Daoguang kills no one!"

Zhuge Kongping recited the secret words of Dao Dao, and suddenly raised seven sword lights from behind, pointing directly at Ye Li lost and the bronze armored corpse.

Seven sword lights shot out, if they hit Ye Limi, it would definitely destroy everyone's hard work.

At this critical moment, Mo Mo raised one hand and called out in a low voice.

"Devil's Hand!"

boom!Like thunder and explosions came from under the feet, and the dark abyss-like demon energy gushed out, condensing into a ferocious claw under Zhuge Kongping's unbelievable eyes. Lost with Ye Li.

Zhuge Kongping turned pale with shock, and shouted loudly, "You are really not a good person with such evil methods! First you hurt my wife, then snatched my bronze armor corpse, and finally even my junior sister fell into your evil. Today, I Zhuge Kongping acted on behalf of the heavens and wiped out this evil cultivator like you."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth slightly raised. When Zhuge Kongping was speaking nonsense, he had already manipulated the hands of demons to spread a strong demon power around him. Now the otaku's courtyard has become the home of demons.

Zhuge Kongping didn't know his situation at all, and he was still arrogantly trying to kill his silent will from the moral high ground, which was simply unsightly.

disease!Zhuge Kongping used the method again, manipulating the seven sword lights to pass the demon's hands and strangle them towards Yeli Lost in a certain sword formation.

But just as the sword light was flying across, the dark abyss-like demon energy formed barriers to block the seven sword lights abruptly, and the sword light, which had exhausted its mana, was swallowed up by the devil's power.

At the same time, the devil's hand strangled out and grabbed Zhuge Kongping fiercely. No matter how his fat body struggled, he couldn't get rid of the shackles of the devil's hand.

In the blink of an eye, Zhuge Kongping's life and death depended on a silent thought. If he is allowed to live, he will live; if he is allowed to die, no one in this world can save his life.

boom!At the time of the fight, Ye Li lost her way through the final critical moment. Her soul had already merged into the body of the bronze armored corpse, and she completed the psychic spell of the bronze armored corpse. The talent of the corpse - the curse of bad luck.

Ye Li lost her senses, looked at Zhuge Kongping in the hands of the demon, and with a thought, she manipulated the bronze armored corpse to launch the curse of bad luck.

A jet of black corpse energy penetrated Zhuge Kongping's eyebrows, and the latter fainted with a scream.If Zhuge Kongping's four-dimensional attribute can be quantified, then his luck value at the moment should be -999.
"Silence, please let Senior Brother go!"

Bai Rourou has seen Zhuge Kongping's madness from the beginning to the end, so she no longer has any personal affection for Zhuge Kongping, and the only thing left is the last affection as a fellow student.

And Bai Rourou plans to use up the last bit of love to save Zhuge Kongping's life, which may be the only thing she can do to keep herself from regretting.

Shen Mo looked at Bai Rourou, he was not the one to kill, but those who provoked him would definitely have no good results.

Killing Zhuge Kongping was just a thought for Shen Mo, but would killing him make Shen Mo happy?
No!Let him live, let him live with -999 luck value, is the greatest happiness for others.

With a thought in silence, the devil's hand was revoked, leaving behind Zhuge Kongping's life, and what awaited him would be endless bad luck and hopelessness.

【Ding!You have completed the channeling of the Bronze Armored Corpse and are about to leave the mirror world. 】

Shen Mo only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he had already returned to the toilet of the plane in a trance, but Mo Mo, who forgot to put Ye Lilo and the bronze armor corpse in the coffin of the Twelve Yin Sha training corpses, encountered the most embarrassing situation ever.

Silent, Ye Li was lost, and the XSBN bronze armored corpse was stuffed together into the toilet that only had room for two people. They were entangled together, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Lost, take the bronze armor corpse first!"

Ye Li lost his way in response, picked up the training coffin and put the bronze armor corpse in it, and the space of the toilet instantly became spacious.

call!Mo Mo took a long breath, sorted out the messy clothes a little bit, and prepared to take Ye Li Lost away from the toilet.

But just when he opened the door, he saw the stewardess standing outside the door staring at him and Ye Limi with extremely complicated eyes.

Looking at the two people's still messy clothes, and thinking about the huge movement just now, the stewardess seemed to have seen through everything.

Silence: Things are not what you think they are.

Stewardess: Don't explain, please come with me after getting off the plane, and you can tell the security guard what you want to say next.

Silence: I need to make a call.

Stewardess: You can find your lawyer, that's your right.

When the plane landed, Shen Mo called Ma Shisan under the watchful eyes of several security guards.

"Hey! This is what happened to the owner of the horse group..."

When Shen Mo came out of the airport, although he was not glad that he went in for coffee because of the crime of disturbing public order, he also didn't want to bring up the embarrassing incident on the plane.

Silence swore that he would never go to the toilet on an airplane again.

After getting into the sports car driven by Hua Yingjun, Shen Mo began to check the rewards for this mission.

What will be the mission reward this time?

(End of this chapter)

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