The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 533 Congratulations to Laifu Wood Carving

Chapter 533 Congratulations to Laifu Wood Carving
[Nightmare mission: XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse.The mission is completed and the rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check. 】

[1: Gold grenade, the gold grenade favorite of ammunition experts, its power is comparable to a miniature nuclear bomb, please be careful when using it without ammunition experts]

[2: Pocket Jar of XSBN Bronze Armor Corpse*1]

[3: The best pocket pot in the world*1]

【4: Puppet Spiritualism (Optimized Version)】

Sitting silently in the speeding Maserati, his thoughts were not distracted by Hua Yingjun's eloquence, but he devoted himself to checking the task rewards.

Ammo Expert's Golden Grenade?It has a lethality comparable to that of a miniature nuclear bomb!This is a prop that can be used as a hole card, keep it as a spare.

XSBN Pocket Jar of Bronze Armor Zombie!The best pocket jar in the world!Let Nan Nan open these two pocket jars!As for what kind of treasure to open, it depends on Nannan's operation.

Finally, the most curious reward for Silence [Puppet Spirituality (Optimized Version)]

What kind of reward is this?

Shen Mo put his mind into it, and the purpose and application method of puppet spiritism immediately appeared in his mind.

[Puppet psychic art: Separate the soul into a ray of spirit, use this spirit to fuse with the puppet to form a psychic technique, this technique is successful, you can summon the psychic puppet in the moment of extinction.Current psychic even number: 0]

After reading the introduction of Puppet Spiritualism, the excitement in Mo Mo's heart was beyond words. Ever since he obtained the sub-profession of Puppeteer, he has been thinking about forming an army of puppetry.

But as time went by, Shen Mo found that he could not store all the dolls he refined in his personal warehouse, and there were many restrictions when he wanted to use them together.

But as long as he has this doll psychic technique, Mo Mo will no longer worry about these problems. As long as he completes the psychic communication with the doll, no matter where the doll is, he can summon the army of dolls with just one thought, and win the future home field advantage.

Whether it's the Fengmen three puppets in Niutoushan, the Yamata no Orochi in Tokyo, or Liu Xiaoci from the Laifu woodcarving shop, as long as they have completed the puppet psychic art, no matter where Shen Mo is in the world, he can summon them to cooperate fight.

Therefore, puppet spiritism is really important.This wave of bronze-armored corpses did not suffer at all.

Hua Yingjun, who was driving the car, saw the excited silence through the rearview mirror, and mistakenly thought that the topic he just said attracted the silence, so he hurriedly said, "Brother, seeing you are so excited, you must agree to my proposal Don't worry, you know me well, and I will definitely take good care of Sister Xiaoci."

Silence: what?
Shen Mo came back to his senses, frowned slightly, wondering what Hua Yingjun wanted to do to Liu Xiaoci? !

hum!The lucky cat on Shen Mo's waist trembled slightly, and Zashiki-douji Nannan helped Mo Mo to clarify his doubts.

"Boss, you were distracted just now. Every time you end the mirror world, you will be distracted for a while. Hua Yingjun just said that he will take Liu Xiaoci back to the magic capital."

Take Liu Xiaoci back to the magic capital? !what? !

Nan Nan continued to explain, "It's not for inheriting the dozens of properties in Shanghai and the billions of dollars left by his father."


what's the situation?Shen Mo remembers that Hua Yingjun's father only has a son like Yingjun!According to common sense, shouldn't Hua Yingjun inherit all the inheritance?And why did he get involved with Liu Xiaoci?
Hua Yingjun saw that there was some hesitation in silence, and continued to fight, "Brother, you know me well, I don't really want to do anything to sister Xiaoci, I just want her to help me regain my inheritance, my second uncle I don’t know where I got a will, which clearly states that if I am single and unmarried, I will not get a penny of my father’s property.”

Shen Mo was quite surprised, Hua Yingjun, the second uncle who appeared suddenly, and that weird will really had a taste of a middle school idol drama, but all this really happened, and it happened to the people around Shen Mo.

This is really bloody.

Mo Mo suggested, "Since it is used as a daughter-in-law, I think Ruyan Liu is more suitable, isn't it?"

Hua Yingjun staggered, and almost threw the steering wheel, "Brother, I don't have that heavy taste... Sister Ruyan is obviously not suitable for me."

Nodding silently, Liu Ruyan, who has been Liu Xian'er for hundreds of years, is really not suitable for pretending to be a lover or a wife.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiaoci is really the only one suitable for this role in Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

Nodded silently, "Then go! Go and come back quickly, I have one more thing for you here."

Hua Yingjun was overjoyed, and nodded again and again, "Thank you, brother, you promised me this matter, don't say one thing, I will help you with a hundred things."

"The Priest Foundation will be listed soon, and I need you to manage it."

Hua Yingjun:? ? ?

why me?No, to be precise, how can I, Hua Yingjun, He De, take on this important task? !
Shen Mo looked out of the car subconsciously. There was a lot of traffic outside. Ordinary people were still living ordinary lives. Some of them didn't know that this world was no longer the world they understood. The reason why they were safe and worry-free The main reason is that people like Shen Mo are sheltering them from the wind and rain and facing the crisis head-on.

"Don't stress, just go for it, there's no one here better suited to this role than you."


"Because you are not short of money."

Hua Yingjun: There is nothing wrong with this statement.

When Maserati was parked at the alley of Laifu Wood Carving Shop, Shen Mo, who had just got off the car, saw a human-shaped long queue from the store entrance to the alley, and people of all ages could be found inside, and none of them The exceptions are all requested by Laifu Woodcarving Shop.

Because of Liu Xiaoci's reputation during this time, some people who know the truth of the world began to trust Laifu woodcarving shop. In order to obtain a talisman or a blessing woodcarving, they were willing to queue up late at night and spend a lot of money to buy Laifu woodcarving treasures.

Mo Mo knew it in his heart, no wonder Liu Xiaoci asked him to mail a lot of talismans and blessing wood carvings when he was in America before, so the business in the shop was so booming.

Mo Mo stood at the door of his shop again, looking at the customers rushing past each other, he felt so refreshed in his heart. Compared with the empty house a few months ago, this is what Laifu woodcarving should look like at this moment.

"Since Miss Xiaoci's reputation spread, the business in the store has been getting better and better. The talismans and wood carvings you practice are in short supply... If it weren't for the fact that you are so busy, Miss Ci would have tied you back. Locked up in a small black room, you won't be allowed to come out until you have practiced enough [-] talismans and [-] wood carvings."

Silently smiled, he was locked up in a small black room to code and write in his previous life, and in this life he was locked up in a small black room to practice talisman carving. He really has an indissoluble bond with the small black room in this life.

"I will practice more talismans and wood carvings when I have time. As for this indiscriminate selling method, let's stop slowly. People who really need them should not get them through our hands."

Hua Yingjun was puzzled, "Then how should I sell it?"

"Hasn't Team Niu come to pick up the talisman during this time?"

"They have been coming all the time, and they have a great demand for talismans."

"Then give it to them. They will help us deliver the talismans and wood carvings to those who really need them."

Hua Yingjun suddenly realized, and looking at the customers queuing up to buy goods, most of them looked familiar, and some of them came to buy goods more than once. Obviously, they were not people who really needed talismans, but trustees, or scalpers.

Reselling Talismans!Reselling blessing woodcarvings!

Hua Yingjun saw through everything, and couldn't help but look at Shen Mo, admiring Shen Mo more and more in his heart. With just one glance, Shen Mo saw through the drawbacks of this farce and found a suitable solution.

Shen Mo's experience abroad has greatly improved his character and ability unconsciously.

Brother has become stronger again!
Hua Yingjun, who knew everything, trotted into the woodcarving shop and explained the reasons and disadvantages to Liu Xiaoci. After a while, Hua Yingjun pulled down the iron gate of the woodcarving shop and closed the business early.

"Today, there is something in the store that will close early, everyone please go back!"

Although the customers who lined up were somewhat reluctant, they didn't dare to make trouble here, so they could only disperse hastily.

Moment's power of mind and eye was activated, locked onto a thin man in the crowd, and winked at Ye Limi, "Follow him."

Ye Li lost his way and followed the man silently, disappearing with the crowd.

Shen Mo watched Ye Li lost and left, and then returned to Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

Liu Xiaoci and the others had already been waiting inside for a long time.

"Boss, long time no see!"

The employees in the Laifu woodcarving shop greeted Shen Mo one after another, but Mo Mo himself sat directly behind the bar counter. He took out his recent account book, checked the information in it, and soon he locked on a person's name.

Zhang Erquan!A common but very special name.

"Xiaoci, do you have any impression of this person?"

Although Liu Xiaoci was surprised, he replied truthfully, "Yes, this person used to come here often and was the one who bought the most goods, but recently he is rarely seen."

"Tune me the memory about him."

As soon as Mo Mo thought about it, he immediately probed into Liu Xiaoci's puppet body to look up information about Zhang Erquan.

This is a very ordinary man, as ordinary as his name, but silence is to see something different from the other person's eyes, that kind of thing is called desire.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this person?" Hua Yingjun asked puzzledly, "Where is Miss Lost?"

"She'll be back in a while, let's wait."

About half an hour later, someone knocked on the iron gate of Laifu Woodcarving Shop, and Hua Yingjun opened the door in response. Outside the door was Ye Limi, with a person in her hand.

Zhang Erquan!
Liu Xiaoci recognized that this person was Zhang Erquan whom Shen Mo asked just now, and she looked at Shen Mo in puzzlement, not knowing where Shen Mo lost Ye Li to find this guy.

"go in!"

Ye Li lost and threw Zhang Erquan directly into the store, and pulled down the iron gate, as if waiting for a silent performance.

I saw that Zhang Erquan was extremely afraid of Ye Li's loss, and there were many scars on his body, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Why do you arrest me? I'm going to sue you."

"What are you going to tell us?" Silence asked sharply.

Zhang Erquan was taken aback, his eyes rolled, and he immediately realized that Shen Mo was the leader of this group of people, "I sue you for illegal harm and imprisonment."

Mo Mo smiled, and asked back, "If you say that, I will sue you for slander!"

Zhang Erquan:? ? ?

"Which eye of yours saw us hit you?"

Zhang Erquan: "I see with both eyes..."

hum!The hypnosis master Penguin came online, and Zhang Erquan fell into a hypnotic state with one of his hypnotisms.

Silence asked sharply, "Tell me what you have done?"

Zhang Erquan was confused, and said slowly, "I saw that the talismans and woodcarvings in Laifu Woodcarving Shop are extremely precious but no one cares about them, so I thought about taking the opportunity to stock up on them, buying them at low prices and throwing them away at high prices, so as to make a fortune."

Everyone suddenly realized that Zhang Erquan was the man behind the farce. After discovering that the Laifu Wood Carving Shop was unusual, he took the opportunity to make money.

"What about those goods?"

"Some of them have already been sold, and some are in storage, waiting for a good price."

Silence sneered, there is no good price, and the rest should be confiscated.

"Handsome, contact the Niu team, this person is handed over to them."

"Okay. Where's the stuff?"

"Give it to the cattle team!"

When Hua Yingjun left with Zhang Erquan, Liu Xiaoci apologized to Shen Mo.

"Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen."

"It's nothing. Although you have my way of thinking, you don't know much about the world and don't understand the dangers of the human heart. Just be careful next time."


Shen Mo put down the account book in his hand, walked out from behind the bar, and introduced to everyone, "This is Ye Limi, the princess of the Yuan Dynasty, a corpse king-level spirit corpse, and she will follow me from now on."

Liu Xiaoci and Liu Ruyan glanced at each other, they both understood what the other was thinking, and when they met Ye Li, they began to cultivate the friendship between the sisters.

From Liu Xiaoci and Liu Ruyan's point of view, the person brought back by silence is a ghost!Monster!Zombies!We are all members of Laifu Woodcarving Shop, we are a family, so naturally we should love each other.

"Sister Lost, even though you are dozens of years older than me, I still have to call you little sister." Liu Ruyan muttered in a deep voice, "Because my sister has more experience than you."

Liu Xiaoci: "Although I am hundreds of years younger than you, as the body of a puppet and the first puppet made by the boss, it is not too much for me to call you sister."

Ye Li was a little confused, she had never seen this kind of posture before, and she only said yes again and again in the mixed doubles of the two.

Although Ye Liluo's spiritual intelligence is open, she has very little communication with the same sex. She is slowly adapting to the big circle of Laifu woodcarving shop.

In short, congratulations to Laifu Woodcarving Shop for the invitation of a princess from the Yuan Dynasty.

After finishing the mutual introduction, Shen Mo explained to Liu Xiaoci about going to Shanghai to help Hua Yingjun, and then took him to the bedroom on the second floor.

He asked Zashiki Warden Nannan to open the two pocket jars he just got.

"I don't know what kind of props will be released this time?"

Silence called out Nannan, and handed the pocket pot to Nannan according to the previous method.

As two dazzling red lights flashed, the pocket pot shattered in Nan Nan's hands, and the two props were displayed in front of Shen Mo one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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