The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 534 Corpse King Talent Stone

Chapter 534 Corpse King Talent Stone

Mo Mo took a closer look, and saw that Nannan was dragging a piece of props on the palms of her hands, one was scarlet thick blood-colored teardrops, and the other was strangely shaped goggles.

[Corpse King Talent Stone: A stone that condenses the essence and blood of the corpse king, which can make zombies awaken their own innate abilities. 】

[Yin-yang gossip mask: special glasses made by combining yin-yang gossip techniques with Western lenses, with the ability to see through the ghosts and monsters, and to dispel the charms and traces—from the world's number one treasure chest. 】

After reading the introductions of the two props, the silent brows frowned slightly, and read it again, finally confirming the value of the two props.

The corpse king talent stone can help zombies awaken their natural abilities, just like the bad luck curse of the XSBN bronze armor corpse, it is the power from the blood.

To put it bluntly, the yin-yang gossip mask is similar to the ability of yin-yang eyes, and it is the best treasure in the world to see through evil spirits.

These two props are of little value to Shen Mo, but they are of great value to people who are lost in Ye Li or who don't know the way.

Mo Mo took the talent stone and blindfold from Nan Nan, summoned Ye Limi, who was at the side, and handed her the corpse king talent stone.

"Lost, this corpse king talent stone is yours now."

Ye Limi was a little surprised, he didn't know what the function of the innate stone was, but the pure corpse energy faintly emanating from the innate stone made Ye Limi fascinated, and couldn't help but take it.

"What is this?"

Nannan: "Sister Lost, all the things that come out of the pocket jar are good things. The boss gave it to you, it must be a treasure that is good for you."

Nodding silently, "This is the corpse king's talent stone that can help you awaken the corpse king's talent."

Ye Limi lost the hand holding the talent stone trembling slightly, and after only a second of hesitation, he held the talent stone with both hands, and said very preciously, "Is this true?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"

Ye Limi shook her head slightly. Silence had never deceived her, so... this scarlet bloodstone is really a treasure that can awaken the corpse king's talent.

Although Ye Limi lost the essence of the corpse king and gained the power of the corpse king from her father, General Tatar, she is not a corpse king in essence. The most fundamental reason for this is that Ye Limi lost her own corpse king. talent.

Even an ugly guy like the XSBN Bronze Armored Corpse has awakened his talent as a corpse king, but Ye Li lost his desire for the talent of a corpse king.

The talent of the corpse king is the proof that she has become the corpse king.

Ye Li's lost eyes were full of gratitude for silence, she was silent for a moment, and thanked, "Thank you for your silence!"

Mo Mo smiled slightly, and pointed to Nan Nan beside him, "You should be grateful to Nan Nan. I'm just a mover."

Nannan: ヽ(▽)ノ

Puff!Ye Li lost his face and smiled lightly, under the silent self-deprecation and ridicule, he began to awaken the corpse king's talent.

I saw Ye Limi lost a light crush, crushing the corpse king talent stone in her hand, and the scarlet blood turned into a cloud of blood mist and poured into Lost's body. With Lost's groaning, her skin gradually emerged The scarlet texture is densely intertwined like intricate spider webs, and the ravines are shimmering with red light, flickering on and off, and the tyrannical corpse aura rises and falls, one after another like waves of air.

In Shen Mo's eyes, Ye Li Lost at this moment is full of magical beauty. This kind of beauty is not something that ordinary people can have, nor can ordinary people see and enjoy.

In Ye Li's lost perception, her body surged with obsessively powerful power following the stimulation of the bloodstone, constantly washing her flesh and blood, stimulating her power, and sealing the dust in the blood. wake.

Blood mist filled the air, turning blood into cocoons.

In an instant, Ye Li Lost became a blood-colored chrysalis, bursting out with a suffocating cold corpse air. From this point of view, it would take a while for Ye Li Lost's corpse king to awaken.

Ever since, Silence began to look at another prop.

Yin Yang gossip mask!
Shen Mo's first impression of this weird blindfold is like a child's aviator's toad glasses. If it weren't for the mysterious talismans engraved on the blindfold, Shen Mo really wanted to throw this blindfold away.

Putting on the blindfold tentatively, staring blankly, the world that Silence sees through the blindfold has changed.

Under the insight of the blindfold, the originally materialized world has become an abstract world filled with countless auras, and Nan Nan in front of him has suddenly become a human-shaped energy body condensed by monster energy, and Ye Lilo has also become the energy condensed by scarlet corpse energy Body, such an appearance is somewhat inferior to the power of silent mind and eyes.

With such a performance, let Shen Mo throw the yin and yang gossip mask into his personal warehouse and stop asking.

Such props are mostly useless.

After a while, the bloody chrysalis cocoon of Ye Li Lost finally changed. The blood mist coiled around Ye Li Lost as the center and converged inward. With a low sonic boom, Ye Li Lost reappeared before Shen Mo's eyes.

Ye Li lost his own awakened corpse king talent.

She slowly opened her eyes, those clear pupils gleamed with a pleasing light, her skirt swayed and danced with the body breath, her hair hanging by her ears floated in the air, her vermilion lips The bright red tip of the tongue flicked slightly, showing the evil charm of the corpse king.

What kind of corpse king talent did Ye Li lost awaken?Is it a status-type talent like the Bronze Armored Corpse?
Silence looked at Yeli Lost curiously, and asked, "Misty, what kind of talent have you awakened?"

"Is it my talent?"

Ye Limi lost her hand slowly, and the immature palm raised a scarlet blood mist, and it turned into a ball of blood with her control.

blood cell? !This is Ye Li's lost corpse king talent? !

What is this ball for?

Shen Mo looked at it curiously, even with the power of mind and eye, he couldn't detect the purpose of the ball, that is, the purpose of the blood cell.

Seeing that Shen Mo was puzzled, Ye Li lost his hand, and hit the blood cell on Shen Mo's body. The blood cell hit the body without any sense of impact. Instead, it directly sank into Shen Mo's body, as if being blown by a breeze, taking away a trace of it. temperature.

Silence was surprised, he didn't know what the blood cells did after entering his body, just when he wanted to ask a question, he felt an unstoppable burst of force from himself.

Silence's four-dimensional attributes increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, a full increase of [-] or [-] points of attribute value. At the same time, Silence's spirit was as excited as if it had been injected with chicken blood, as if a berserker had entered a state of berserk, and there was an explosion in his mind. Crushing everything, Lao Tzu's idea of ​​being invincible.

The corpse king went berserk!

This is Ye Li's lost corpse king talent!The blood cells she condensed can not only put herself into a berserk state, but also can make other creatures enter a berserk state. After entering the berserk state, the berserker will not only get a short-term attribute increase, but also get mental rage, allowing The berserkers are fearless of pain and injuries, outputting crazily like a fighting machine.


Ye Li lost such a fresh and pleasant spirit corpse to actually awaken such a manic corpse king talent? !

Mo Mo applied the power of purification to himself, but found that his power of purification could not remove the effect of berserk, because berserk is not a negative state, but a positive state of blessing.

He could only rely on powerful spiritual strength to suppress the mania in his heart, and replied in a low voice, "The ability to become mad is indeed very good, coupled with your Twelve Yin Sha training corpse coffin, you can become a very qualified corpse training people."

Ye Li lost his head, and was naturally very happy in his heart. This was not only because he was satisfied with his talent as a corpse king, but also because his talent as a corpse king matched his current methods.

Ye Limi seemed to have seen her own path. With the body of the corpse king, she psychically psychicized thousands of corpses, and crushed all enemies who blocked her footsteps with her mad talent.

Ending the talent awakening, Ye Limi lost the ability to research her new talent.

Silence is to take a cold shower for himself. Although this has no effect on the state of madness, it is better than nothing after all.

About half an hour later, Gou finally regained his senses after waiting on the bed to cool down.

He vowed that in the future, unless it was absolutely necessary, he would never let Ye Limi lose his madness. This thing is too evil, and it is impossible for ordinary people to live with it.

Mo Mo glanced at Ye Lilo, she was still studying how the corpse king's talent was applied to psychic zombies.

Nannan had already been playing their alliance competition with Ji Naigou at the computer desk, and Queen Ashe killed the Quartet with sparks and lightning.

At first glance, it seems that there are only Silence and Goudan doing nothing.

Shen Mo got up from the bed, put on his slippers and walked towards Nan Nan and Ji Nai. The two of them saw Mo Mo, they didn't say anything, they were still playing the game wholeheartedly.

Silence is also not to disturb the two of them. With a thought, he used his mimicry ability to sink his consciousness into the main box, and followed the network cable to his own server with ease.

The server that Shen Mo bought is still there, and Lin Linger is also constantly transforming the server, shaping the world they imagined.

[The heart of the server (the current integrity is 9%), the priest who keeps pace with the times!Your wit and opportunity create new worlds.This is the heart of the world born in the server, as long as you control it, you can control the world. 】【Ding!The spiritual body Lin Ling'er has been continuously refining the server's heart, and has been fed back by the server's heart, and the spiritual body has become more condensed and pure. 】

Mo Mo was a little surprised, Lin Ling'er had actually increased the integrity of the server's heart to [-]%, and only needed to increase it by [-]%, Mo Mo could complete the first aura infinite task and obtain [The lowest-level main god of the stench] ] Title, able to create the first dungeon world, and get [Random Lucky Player Extractor (repeat permanent props)] Pull people in this world into the world of infinite aura, and extract the aura you need from them or task rewards .

The day when Shen Mo becomes the mastermind behind the scenes is really getting closer.

Mo Mo wanted to thank Lin Linger, but the latter was concentrating on refining the server, so he didn't disturb the other party, but silently let go of his mind, opened his own demon world to help Lin Linger refine together.

With her beautiful eyes closed, Lin Linger sensed the existence of silence, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she watched the silence for a while, and then restrained her mind to refine the server again.

Their efforts are about to bear fruit.

The moon sets and the sun rises, the time in the server will always pass faster than imagined.

Mo Mo and Lin Ling'er fought hard all night and did not complete the one percent. In desperation, Mo Mo had to withdraw from the server first and continue the fierce battle until night.

After a night of research, Ye Limi had initially completed the application of the madness talent to the psychic corpse, and his strength soared several times in an instant.

Nan Nan and Ji Nai played games all night, and they are still sleeping soundly in the den.

Shen Mo got up and washed up briefly before going downstairs.

Liu Xiaoci and Hua Yingjun opened the door of the Laifu woodcarving shop early on, and the two are going to Shanghai to deal with Hua Yingjun's inheritance today.

So Hua Yingjun prepared breakfast for Shen Mo in advance, and after Shen Mo had finished eating, he took Liu Xiaoci and left the wood carving shop.

Ruoda's woodcarving shop was silent for a while looking at the shop.

Yesterday Ye Limi lost Zhang Erquan, and today the business in the store plummeted. No one came to line up to buy talismans or wood carvings, and the silence was quiet. He was alone behind the bar, seemingly in a daze, but in fact he was taking an opportunity Practice the skills of the next generalist.

At about noon, the first customer finally came to the store.

Jingle Bell!
The welcome bell made a crisp sound as the store door was pushed, and silently raised its head to look at the customers who walked into the store.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but after looking at it, Mo Mo immediately cheered up.

Because the visitors are very special, they are wearing very distinctive ethnic costumes, bright red skirts swaying, close-fitting waistbands to take advantage of their waist curves, red and black right lapel bulges are very eye-catching, coiled up Her long black hair was covered with all kinds of silver ornaments, which looked classical and luxurious, with extraordinary charm.

Such a shape has been seen once before.

Tianyi taught the saint!Butterfly? !
Are they people taught by Tianyi? !

Silence counted the time, and now it is indeed time for the three major sects taught by Tianyi.But what I didn't expect was that it was not Caidie who came to the door, but the same family of Caidie.

Mo Mo stood up, he had long wanted to teach Cai Die a lesson to Tian Yijiao, because of his limited strength, he did not provoke Tian Yijiao before, but now Shen Mo is not what it used to be, so naturally he will not be afraid of them Tian Yijiao .

"Who are you looking for!"

The two members of Tianyijiao looked at Shen Mo, and replied in mandarin with a strong dialect flavor, "What are you pickling, are you in Zheli?"

Pickled into what? !

Mo Mo was surprised for a moment, and then realized what the two of them meant, Yan Cheng Mo Mo became pickled in their mouths.

"I'm just silent."

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in the eyes of the two of them, "What are you pickling!"

"Don't you learn Mandarin?"

The two ignored the silence at all. With a flick of their wrists, they showed a strangely shaped long stick weapon, and shouted sharply, "What are you marinating for? Animal food!"

If it weren't for the two people's long sticks hitting Silence's vitals, Silence wouldn't know what they wanted to do?
These two people can't even speak Mandarin clearly, and they started fighting when they disagreed, which completely refreshed Mo Mo's three views on Tianyijiao. Are you Tianyijiao unreasonable?
hum!As soon as the silent thought is moved, the effect of the only one in the sky and the earth is activated.

Domineering is used to deal with this kind of little guy.

(End of this chapter)

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