The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 535 The Butterfly Is Dead

Chapter 535 The Butterfly Is Dead
I am the only one in heaven and earth!

With the outbreak of domineering, the two people taught by Tianyi only felt their legs go limp and knelt down in front of Shen Mo. In the eyes of the two, Mo Mo suddenly became an unattainable giant with endless coercion and power. The pressure made the two of them almost suffocate and dizzy.

"What a terrifying aura! How could this silver have such a terrifying aura!"

"Ah! Calling a pig, I am going to die. I have failed your expectations."

In an instant, the two men, who were originally murderous, prostrated powerlessly on the ground, and their words were already in a daze. The long sticks in their hands fell to the ground and made a crisp sound, indicating that they had given up their last resistance.

With silent eyes, he asked.

"You are going to kill me?"

The two pondered for a while, not daring to look directly into Shen Mo's eyes, nor did they dare to answer Mo Mo's question.


With a burst of shouts, the two of them shook their heads, and one of them who was a little bit more timid stammered back, "Our leader asked us to kill you."

"Your teacher wants to kill me?! What about the colorful butterfly you taught, why doesn't she come?"

"The butterfly is dead!"

died? !Shen Mo was very surprised, he captured the Yin-Yang Thunder Ghost on the plane before, and then provoked Tianyi Sect. Resented back.

There seems to be some unspeakable misunderstanding between the two.

But never expected that Cai Die died mysteriously after not seeing her for several months?
Mo Mo became more and more puzzled, "Since the colorful butterflies are already dead, your leader still wants to kill me, for the sake of Yin Yang Thunder Ghost?"

The two looked at each other, and after listening to Shen Mo's words, they saw that Mo Mo didn't have any emotional fluctuations towards Cai Die's death, and only cared about his own life and death and the gains and losses of the Yin-Yang Thunder Sha Ghost, so he cursed in a low voice, "The men in this world are really It's a wolf-hearted dog who doesn't even care about the death of his lover, and only cares about himself and the outside world."

spouse? !ungrateful? !
Are you talking about me?
Mo Mo couldn't figure out the situation more and more. He and Cai Die just fought because of the violent potion, how did they become a couple, and how did they become a wolf-hearted heartless man?

"You don't even have the courage to admit it. It's a shame for Caidie to see a man like you."

"That's right, we feel worthless for Cai Die. If it wasn't for our lack of strength, we would definitely help her kill you, a heartless person."

Facing the bombardment and insults from the two, Shen Mo asked again, "Speak clearly! Don't insult people's innocence!"

Under the pressure of Shen Mo's heaven and earth dominance effect, the two truthfully told Shen Mo about Cai Die's affairs.

Shen Mo, who knew everything, finally realized that she was being used by Naichu.

It turned out that in the first battle that day, Caidie took this opportunity to lie that Shen Mo had captured her Shou Gongsha, and tried to join the three major sects of Tianyi Sect with a broken body, and then ascended to the throne of leader.

She never expected that Cai Die would die tragically in her boudoir shortly after her return. The cause of death is unknown.

The leader of Tianyi Sect claimed that Caidie died because of love, and it was Yancheng's silence that damaged her body, and she always abandoned her, which led to the tragedy. Therefore, Luo Shanu, the leader of Tianyi Sect, ordered two people to kill Shen Shen and bury Caidie with her. .

Shen Mo sneered, Cai Die was stealing chickens, she wanted to use herself to continue to participate in the three major schools, but she didn't want to die in an accident halfway in the house, and Shen Mo would also be her funeral.

Shen Mo explained again, "Let me tell you again, I have nothing to do with Cai Die. If you are aggressive, don't blame me for being rude."

The eyes of the two were full of contempt, "Aren't you willing to admit the matter now? The butterfly is gone now, how can you prove yourself when there is no proof."


How do you tell me to prove it? !How to prove this thing? !
Shen Mo thought for a while and found a solution, "I can't prove it, but I'm sure there is someone else who snatched Caidie Shougongsha, you should go back to Tianyijiao to search for it, instead of coming to Yancheng to question me as a victim .”

The two murmured along the silent words, "Since this is the case, you dare to return to Tianyijiao with us and confront the leader in front of us."

Silence waved his hand, "No time!"

"You still have ghosts in your heart!"

Silence: ヽ(`⌒メ)ノ

"Tell you the leader, I will go to Tianyi Sect to confront her, and let her wait for me in Liangshan."

Although the two did not want to let Shen Mo go alone, but considering that they were not Shen Mo's opponents, they had to settle for the next best thing and agreed to Shen Mo's request.

"We will pass on your words to the leader, and hope that you will not renege on your promise and become fat."

"I always keep my word in silence, get out!"

Watching the two people taught by Tianyi leave, Mo Mo feels a little aggrieved in his heart, he has been cheated by Cai Die a lot!Not only did he lose his reputation, but he was also dragged to be buried with him by the Tianyi Sect.

The clay figurine was still angry, not to mention silent.Therefore, he must go to Liangshan to settle the matter and restore his innocence.

The reason why Shen Mo didn't return with Tian Yijiao and the other two was because he still had one thing to do.

What's up? !
Old Huang's business!

Lao Huang from the Eight Immortals Steamed Bun Shop finally got news.

Ma Shisan sent the information collected by the Super Bureau's logistics department to Shen Mo through WeChat. Mo Mo finished reading it early in the morning, and he planned to take Lost and others to Huang's hometown after lunch.

According to information, Lao Huang’s hometown is Chuandao, an island town with two main islands and 26 small islands, mainly engaged in tourism and marine industries.

Lao Huang's hometown is on a small island called Huanglong Island, which is known as a paradise for its isolation from the world. If it weren't for the intelligence network of the Super Bureau Logistics Department spreading all over the world, it would be really difficult to find Lao Huang.

The reason why Shen Mo wanted to find Lao Huang in person was that the information was marked in red letters such as [life and death unknown] [logic personnel on the island have lost contact] [Huanglong Island has been surrounded by fog] and other weird information.

The combination of these pieces of information has already proved that Lao Huang's leaving without saying goodbye and losing contact for a long time is a big deal.

Now that the Chaoju has already set its sights on Huanglong Island, with the relationship between Shen Mo and Lao Huang, he must go to Huanglong Island for reasons.

After noon, Shen Mo had lunch and left the master hypnotist penguin at Laifu woodcarving shop to look after the shop. He took Ye Lilo, Goudan, Nan Nan, and Ji Nai and boarded the flight to Kawashima.

In the bottom of Shen Mo's heart, there was an ominous premonition, as if this trip to Huanglong Island would face an extremely dire crisis.

As for the silent puppet spiritism, since most of the puppets he refined are outside, he can only find another opportunity to practice puppet spiritism.

After a six-hour flight and another two-hour transfer to the passenger ship, Shen Shen finally arrived at Chuan Dao. To get to Huanglong Island, he still needed to board a small boat and drive for more than three hours.

Because Huanglong Island is surrounded by fog and there are many hidden reefs nearby, there are not many boatmen who dare to go to Huanglong Island. Even experienced boatmen are willing to send Mo Mo to the island after paying four times the price. .

This experienced boatman, surnamed Huang and named Ah Jiu, is an aborigine of Huanglong Island. He is over [-] years old and runs boats all the year round.

The reason why Shen Mo chose Huang Ah Jiu among the many boatmen was not only because Huang Ah Jiu was very familiar with the waters near Huanglong Island, but more importantly because Huang Ah Jiu had a faint dead air in her body.

This dead air was fully exposed under the power of Shen Mo's heart and eyes, coupled with Huang Ah Jiu's eyes flashing with the hostility of choosing and devouring, this made Shen Mo choose Huang Ah Jiu.

But in Huang Ah Jiu's heart, it was not silence that chose him, but he chose silence.

This is the transformation of the relationship between the prey and the hunter. Sometimes you think you are a hunter, but you become someone else's prey without knowing it.

Huanglao Island is really weird!
Mo Mo wants to see how weird it will be, what is the life and death of Lao Huang now, and where the boatman Huang Ajiu will take him.

(End of this chapter)

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