536 Mist
"Sit still, lad! We're going into the mist soon."

The boatman Huang Ajiu reminded the silence with a low and hoarse voice, and a chilling hostility flashed in his dark eyes. He steered the small passenger boat slowly to Huanglong Island, which was wrapped in mist.

Shen Mo ignored Huang Ah Jiu, but opened his mind and eyes to explore the reality in the mist.

Under the perception of the power of the mind and eye, the thick fog formed a natural barrier to block Silence's exploration of the unknown, and those fogs frantically wanted to pour into his body like a living elf.

If Shen Mo hadn't been using the power of purification to eliminate the influence of the fog on himself, he might have already become a prey in the fog.

Looking at the boatman Huang Ajiu again, he is also in the mist, but he is not affected by the mist at all. On the contrary, he feels like a fish entering the sea. There is some unknown force in his body that is producing some unknown force with the mist. The echo of the source is like the ferryman calling for the ghosts in the endless sea of ​​darkness, as the boat moves slowly to push away layers of fog and ripples.

Nannan issued an extremely dangerous warning in Lucky Cat, and she said anxiously, "Boss, get out of this ship."

Shen Mo also wanted to leave the ship earlier, but seeing the surrounding area was shrouded in fog, where could he go after leaving the ship? !

Nan Nan urged anxiously, "Wherever you go, it's much safer than taking it on board."

Nodding silently, gritted his silver teeth fiercely, and jumped into the icy sea water while the boatman Huang Ah Jiu was not paying attention.

The sea water is as cold as bone, as thick as mercury, making it extremely difficult for Silence to breathe, which is unimaginable for Silence who has the blood of the Dragon God.

Since possessing the blood of the Dragon God, Silence can freely travel through rivers, lakes and seas even with a human body, and can breathe freely underwater, but when he falls into the sea under the mist, he only feels icy cold The sea water enveloped his whole body, oppressing his lung cavity, making even breathing become a luxury for him.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that Silence's power of mind clearly perceives something in the water. Countless unknowable creatures wandering underwater have discovered Silence falling into the water. They have a strong sense of territory and a frightening desire to hunt , approaching silence at an extremely fast speed.

"Quick! Find a way! Otherwise, you will die!"

With a silent drink, he immediately activated his mimicry ability to transform himself into the form of a five-clawed golden dragon. The golden dragon manifested, bursting with endless golden light, resisting the erosion and restraint of the cold water for a while, and gave Silence a chance to breathe.

He seized this fleeting opportunity and urged a ground-to-inch talisman, which continuously communicated with the world with its talisman power, wrapped the five-clawed golden dragon, broke some kind of restriction, and took it away from the cold sea water.

Silence only felt a trance and dizziness. When he opened his dragon eyes again, he was already stranded on the edge of a shallow beach. The wind was blowing and ghostly, and a scene of hell like a purgatory Shura was imprinted in front of his eyes.

Shocked in Shen Mo's heart, he immediately lifted the five-clawed golden dragon's mimicry, transformed into a human form, and cast the earth escaping technique to sink into the damp beach.

Just when Shen Mo had just disappeared, Huang Ah Jiu's passenger ship slowly approached from far to near, and stopped at the place where Shen Mo was hiding.

Plop!Huang Ah Jiu jumped from the bow of the boat with a rusty harpoon and landed on the soft and cold beach. His appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes. The original human figure has faded away, revealing a hideous hellish appearance with protruding nostrils facing the sky He could faintly see flames while breathing, his copper bell-sized pupils had no eyelids, only vertical pupils like lizards, his skin was moist and pitted, inhabited by countless marine parasites wriggling and twisting with his breathing.

Shen Mo hides underground, observing Huang Ah Jiu's every move through the power of his mind and eyes, and is shocked by his appearance. He doesn't know whether he is like this in the first place, or whether he is affected by the fog.

Although Shen Mo didn't know this kind of creature, his Ring of Investigators played the most crucial role.

As the investigator's ring burst out with a white light, without Huang Ah Jiu noticing it, he found out the other party's details.

[Sea Yaksha: A non-human, non-ghost, non-demon Shura that lives on the edge of the Styx River. It likes to ferry strangers or souls and eat them. 】

Mo Mo was stunned, no wonder he saw Huang Ajiu's hostility. It turned out that this aura came from his Shura nature, and the reason why Mo Mo didn't see through Huang Ajiu's real body at a glance was probably closely related to this mist .

The mist not only allowed Huang Ah Jiu to manifest her real body, but also allowed Huang Ah Jiu to hide her identity as a Shura and hide among humans...
and many more!

Shen Mo realized that he had overlooked something. Didn't Huang Ah Jiu say that he is an aborigine of Huanglong Island and has lived in this sea area since he was a child?Has he been like this since he was a child? !Or is it because of the fog that caused the acquired mutation.

Shen Mo was puzzled, but he couldn't get any answer, so he could only stay on the beach and stare at Huang Ah Jiu closely.

The latter searched for a long time on the beach, but could not find any trace of silence. Huang Ajiu, who was so energetic, raised his nose and let out a low growl angrily. He jumped back to the passenger ship, sailed away from the beach again, and disappeared into the mist after a while. .

After the other party left and it was confirmed that Huang Ah Jiu would not return, Mo Mo slowly poked his head out from the ground.

Although Mo Mo has the ability to kill Huang Ajiu, he does not plan to do that, because it is easy to kill Huang Ajiu, but it is difficult to leave Huanglong Island!
Shen Mo couldn't help but think back to those creatures in the cold sea water. If he hadn't turned into a five-clawed golden dragon in time, he might have been eaten by those creatures.

And killing Huang Ah Jiu on the beach, if there is too much noise, it will inevitably cause trouble.

Mo Mo still wants to sneak into Huanglong Island, and find Lao Huang first before making plans.

After silently contemplating for a while, his eyes fell on the entire Huanglong Island. He found that he was on an empty beach. There were scattered shells and conch shells scattered on the beach. The dense forest spreads eeriely to the top of Huanglong Island, where a tall tower with a very ancient charm can be vaguely seen, like a heavenly palace in the sea of ​​clouds, straight into the misty clouds.

Mo Mo wanted to use the power of mind and eye to investigate the tower, but was blocked by dense forests, making it difficult to see clearly.

He looked again, and saw traces of previous human life in the forest. Although those collapsed houses and concrete ruins were swallowed up by the forest, they were hidden corners, which made Silence feel heavy.

Huanglong Island was not like this originally, but what kind of accident happened to make it look like it is now.

What the hell is going on here?What does Lao Huang have to do with what happened here? !

(End of this chapter)

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