Chapter 537 Yinshan
Standing silently outside the dense forest, facing the gloomy coercion, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back. He collected himself, patted the beckoning cat on his waist, and summoned Zashiki Doji Nannan, according to the current situation Look, finding Lao Huang as soon as possible to determine his life and death is the top priority.

"Nannan, can you find Lao Huang?"

The scarlet demon light on Nannan's body swept across, and he quickly responded, "The dark forest hinders my ability, but what I can be sure of is that Lao Huang is still alive, and the souls of his wife and children are still there. They are in that tower. within····"

Shen Mo frowned slightly. It seemed that if he wanted to find Lao Huang, he had to go through the dense forest to reach the high tower in the center of Huanglong Island. There is an alternative feeling that people are different, as if some dreadful and terrifying existence is imprisoned in it.

Mo Mo discussed with Nan Nan again, "Is there a way to reach the tower safely?"

Nan Nan shook his head and said helplessly, "The moment you step into the dark forest, you will have no chance of being safe."

There was silence for a while, and the gloomy jungle in front of me seemed even more frightening, and there was some kind of weird sound coming from it vaguely, lingering in my ears, and it was hard to disappear for a long time.

"However, I will try my best to keep you out of danger, and play by ear."

Nodding silently, he has always imagined Nannan, especially when it comes to gambling luck. As a zashiki boy, Nannan is a professional.

"Go! Let's go in!"

Shen Mo didn't call Ye Li Lost out of the corpse training coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas, because Ye Li Lost could not be allowed to encounter unknown dangers at this moment, and Mo Mo could escape with the help of the power of shrinking the ground into an inch when necessary. There is no way to save his life, so staying in the corpse coffin is the best choice.

Mo Mo calmed down, first found the title [Relentless Plant Controller] from his personal warehouse and wore the title on his body, Mo Mo had a mysterious connection with the gloomy forest in front of him.

This is a strange feeling of refusal and welcome, duplicity, as if the forest wanted to swallow Silence, but it took a fancy to Silence's body.

Shen Mo tried to use the power of the title to communicate with the dense forest, but the information he got was extremely confusing and weird, not like the feedback that normal plants should have. Obviously, the plants here have been manipulated and enslaved by some uncontrollable force. It is extremely difficult for this power to regain control of these plants.

The dove occupying the magpie's nest also pays attention to a first-come, first-served issue.

But the ruthless planter is not useless at all, it can at least let Silence know the dangers and traps hidden in the dense forest through feedback from the dense forest.

By reading the hidden information of the dense forest, Shen Mo found that the dense forest in front of him was more terrifying than imagined.

For example, under the transformation of unknown energy, the ordinary old poplar tree turned into a horrible corpse poplar that devours living things. Its hanging branches and vines will attack any living things that are close to its territory. It is delicious like silence. The living person is Shi Yang's favorite stutter.

With the help of the information feedback from the ruthless planter and the blessing of Nan Nan's luck, Mo Mo cautiously shuttled through the dense forest and kept approaching the high tower of Huanglong Island.

But the itinerary was not satisfactory. Even with the title and Nannan's help, Shen Mo couldn't escape all the crises, and now he was facing a new predicament.

I saw Shen Mo squatting in a mutated weed. The grass leaves were thick enough to cover Shen Mo's body. Through the gaps in the grass leaves, Mo Mo's eyes stared straight at a bright red bramble not far ahead. The thorns have terrifying mouthparts. The sharp thorns writhing and twisting are biting an unknown monster, melting and devouring every inch of the monster's flesh and blood, turning it into juice and absorbing it. Its thorny tentacles stretch for tens of meters , Blocking in front of Shen Mo, it is obviously impossible to cross the thorns and reach the rear.

Shen Mo first used the ground evasion technique, preparing to hide in the past, but he soon discovered that the roots of the thorns had already spread all over the ground, and any changes in the soil would cause the thorns to strangle.

Silence wants to get over the thorns, so it must find another way.

Kill it? !
Shaking his head silently, according to Nannan's information feedback, a huge ghost spider the size of a truck lurks a hundred meters behind him, a double-headed strange dog is dormant on a towering tree on the left, and a group of monsters gathers on the right. Grasshopper-like omnivorous monsters each have the size of a fist.

If Shen Mo makes too much noise right now, it will inevitably attract monsters around to attack, which will trigger a bigger chain reaction and cause more trouble. Therefore, he must think of a clever way to avoid being strangled by thorns.

Silence's thought moved slightly, and he immediately found a solution. He turned his wrist, and a scarlet plant seed appeared in the palm of his hand. The plant seed with deep groove-like marks faintly exuded red light, and was nourished by Silence's spiritual energy. exuberant.

Silence's index finger and middle finger gently clamped the seeds, and used throwing proficiency to shoot out the seeds, drawing a straight trajectory in the air and hitting a vine of thorns.

Puff? !
The bright red thorn noticed the abnormality of the vines, and immediately squirmed a few vines to investigate the situation. It did not have human vision, and could only rely on a special sense of touch to perceive life. Soon it found the plant seed thrown by Silence.

After several trials, Thorn didn't notice the abnormality of the plant seeds, and felt that this kind of thing was nothing worth eating, so he discarded the seeds without taste.

Shen Mo's eyes lit up, and seeing that the bright red thorns were really fooled, he summoned a plant seed again, concocted it according to the law and shot at the thorns. After a while, dozens of plant seeds were densely covered around the bright red thorns. Light, but I don't know what use it is.

Silence, who was dormant in the grass, immediately triggered the aura when the time was ripe, awakening dozens of plant seeds.

Puff puff!
The plant seeds erupted one after another under the urging of the aura, and vines as thick as wrists spread out from the seeds crazily, like a bloodthirsty monster frantically strangling towards the bright red thorns. Before the thorns could react, countless vines squeezed it tightly Tightly entwined and restrained, the vines strengthened by the silent aura are not something that the thorns can resist. In just a few breaths, the originally bright red thorns were parasitized by the vines, and immediately devoured and became weak.

Devil Plant|——Bloodthirsty Vine.

Bloodthirsty vines not only have a strong desire to devour the blood of living things, but also have a strong desire for the juice of plants. When they can't hunt living things, they will devour the plants around them to survive.

Therefore, it is obviously very appropriate for Shen Mo to use the power of bloodthirsty vines to solve the bright red thorns blocking his way.

After the bright red thorns withered and dried, Shen Mo stretched out his body and fled the scene before other monsters noticed the change here. His goal was the nine-story tower, and he didn't want to be distracted by other monsters.

Silence continued on, bypassing several monsters and arriving at the foot of the mountain where the nine-story tower was located.

Just as Shen Mo was about to climb the mountain, Nan Nan at his waist issued an extremely dangerous warning.


Mo Mo's heart tightened, and he immediately cast the ground-to-inch talisman and disappeared in place. The next moment he was standing was pierced by a stone spike as thick as an arm.

Shen Mo took a breath. Although the spike was not thick, it was covered with dense barbs. If it pierced into Mo Mo's body, the damage would be incalculable.

"What is this?"

Shen Mo muttered in his heart, but saw that the mountain in front of him exuded a palpitating and terrifying aura, as if he had a life, and had a strong hostility towards Shen Mo.

The mountain is alive!

Shen Mo realized who his enemy was, and it was the giant mountain in front of him.

Never thought that the huge mountain under the nine-story tower is actually a living thing? !

Mo Mo couldn't help but think of Zhang Fugui whom he subdued before, isn't he the mountain god?
Shen Mo was on guard while communicating with Zhang Fugui in Tongtian Demon Realm.

"Fugui, can you see the heel of this mountain?"

Zhang Fugui, who was refined into a housekeeper by Shen Mo, looked at the giant mountain under the nine-story tower through the Tongtian Demon Realm. After just a few breaths, Zhang Fugui had the answer.

"Master, this thing is the Yin Mountain of the Yin-Yang Ghost Realm."

Yin Yang ghost world!Yinshan?
Zhang Fugui obviously knew what to do, but now is really not the time to elaborate on what to do, because the Yin Mountain launched another attack on Silence.

Numerous stone spikes protruded from the ground, constantly attacking Silence, trying to pierce him and kill him.

Mo Mo stretched out his figure and dodged again and again, thinking about how to deal with Yin Shan.

Zhang Fugui, the steward of the mountain god, suggested in Tongtian Demon Realm, "Young Master, this thing is a thing from the underworld, and you are most afraid of things from the yang world to the yang. You can use the things from the yang world to the yang to deal with it."

Silence: What is the most yang thing in the world? !You should be more specific.

Zhang Fugui: Boy urine is one of them.

Silence: (==)▄︻┻┳━·.`.`.`. Biubiubiu
I seem to have this...

(End of this chapter)

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