The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 539 Infinite Loop

Chapter 539 Infinite Loop
Facing the fragrant tea handed over by the peasant woman, a trace of vigilance flashed in his silent eyes. He wanted to open his power of mind, but found that his power of mind could not be used at all.

So he was about to contact Nan Nan in the Lucky Cat, but he found that Nan Nan was not around at all, and he was dressed as a farmer, so there was no sign of the Lucky Cat.

Mo Mo paused in his heart, and immediately displayed his own skills.

Weapon Blessing! ?The power of purification? !Devil's hand? !

Shen Mo realized in shock that his skills could not be used, as if some mysterious power blocked his perception of skills.

In this way, Mo Mo really became an unarmed farmer, no, he still had a plowing hoe in his hand.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The farmer noticed the strangeness of the silence, slowly lowered the hand that was holding the fragrant tea, and asked anxiously.

Silent, helpless, withdrew his mind and allowed himself to enter the role of a farmer as much as possible. Since he has become a farmer, he has a reason to be a farmer. This may be the way to solve the predicament, "I was just thinking about something."

"What is Xianggong thinking, can the slave family help you share your worries?"

The peasant woman handed over the fragrant tea again, and stared at Shen Mo with a smile, her eyes filled with love.

Mo Mo hesitated for a moment, held the hoe in one hand, took the fragrant tea in the other, and shook his head slightly, "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

A trace of sadness flashed across the face of the peasant woman, but she wanted to say something but her words stopped moving. She nodded silently, "Then, after drinking the fragrant tea, let the husband go home with the slave family. The slave family has already prepared meals for you, my child." They are waiting for you too."

children? !

Mo Mo was stunned. Not only did he find a daughter-in-law, he also picked up a bunch of children. Is this considered a profit?

Silent eyes sized up the peasant woman. Although she is a peasant woman, she is extremely lovely. In terms of beauty and figure, she is not inferior to modern beauties, especially her unique peasant temperament is unforgettable for a long time. .

What a cheap daughter-in-law.

But is the fragrant tea handed over by this cheap daughter-in-law drinkable? !

As the saying goes, dying under the skirt of a pomegranate is also romantic, but in reality, how many people are willing to die under the skirt of a pomegranate? !
Or so to say!There are many men in the world who are willing to give up the entire forest for a single tree.

Shen Mo didn't hesitate, and handed the fragrant tea in his hand to the peasant woman, muttering, "I'm not too thirsty, let's drink it, lady!"

Although the peasant woman was surprised why Shen Mo was not thirsty after doing farm work for so long, she politely took the fragrant tea and drank it in front of Shen Mo without any discomfort.

Even so, Shen Mo still didn't have the courage to taste the peasant woman's fragrant tea, but suggested, "I'm a little tired today, let's go home first!"

"Okay, my husband!"

The peasant woman nodded, and went home with her tea set in silence.

Along the way, Shen Mo met many farmers who plowed early and went home for dinner. They all knew Shen Mo and greeted him warmly, as if Mo Mo was the farmer who had lived here for decades.

"Silence, you're back!"

"Yo! Your wife brought you tea again? I really envy you, old Shen, for marrying such a good wife."

"Old Shen, come to my house for a drink when you have time!"

"Old Shen, your daughter is so handsome, how about giving it to my son of a bitch in a few years?"

Faced with the conversations of the farmers, Shen Mo coped with it as much as possible. Although they knew Shen Mo, Shen Mo really didn't know them!
The two walked on the farm path for about 20 minutes, and finally came to a big tile-roofed house. Several old hens were looking for food in the yard. The wooden horse in one corner was swinging up and down and creaking. There is also a kennel below, where a yellow-haired dog is sleeping soundly.

Mo Mo took a closer look, and immediately saw the children the peasant woman was talking about.

Nannan? !Gina! ?Are there dog eggs in the kennel? !

Shen Mo suppressed his inner thoughts, but saw that Nannan and Ji Nai did not look like before at all. They were dressed in plain peasant clothes, and their pink cheeks were flushed. Into the arms of silence, chanting.

"Daddy is back, play with us on the wooden horse!"


what is happening? !Nan Nan and Ji Nai apparently lost their abilities just like themselves, and at the same time they also lost their memories.

Shen Mo knew that he had broken into the Nine-story Yin Tower, but he never expected to become like this.

What kind of existence is the Nine-story Yin Tower, which made Silence the current situation.

Just when he was silent and in a trance, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps behind him.

Mo Mo turned around and saw several thugs with knives rushing towards the big tile house with murderous expressions on their faces, screaming frighteningly from their throats.

"Wow, take my life!"

"Hand over your food and money so that you don't die!"

Silently stunned, what kind of drama is this?
The peasant woman at the side immediately panicked when she heard the movement, she said in a panic, "My husband is not good, the bandits are here, please close the door."

Mo Mo immediately raised his hand to close the door without hesitation, but was kicked away by the gangster who was rushing forward, and the whole person flew upside down like a kite, and fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, the bandit flew up into the air, piercing the cold steel knife directly into Shen Mo's chest, accompanied by a stir, Mo Mo could only feel a buzzing in his head, and bursts of screams and wailing in his ears, and he passed out like this ····
"Sir, drink tea!"

In a trance of silence, the voice of the peasant woman sounded in my ears again. When I opened my eyes, I saw the peasant woman standing in front of me again, handing a cup of fragrant tea from the aroma shop.

silence:? ? ?
what's the situation?Why is this picture so familiar?
He suddenly came back to his senses, and immediately remembered the previous events and the tragic situation when the gangsters attacked.Did he go back to the previous time?
"Sanggong, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Shen Mo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and quickly asked, "Are you here to ask me to go back to eat?"

The peasant woman nodded, "Yes, Mr. Xiang, it will be Xiangwu soon."

Shen Mo asked again, "Are there any bandits on the mountain?"

The peasant woman nodded again, "Why does Mr. Xiang ask this? There are indeed thugs on the mountain, but they generally don't invade the village, and the village security guards in the village will deal with them."

Mo Mo knew it in his heart, and immediately muttered, "Take me to see the village security guard."

The peasant woman was surprised and asked in confusion, "Sir, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

"I'll talk about it later, take me to see the village security first."

After Shen Mo finished speaking, he took the peasant woman to look for the village security guard. As soon as the two arrived at the door of the village security guard's house, they smelled a very strong smell of blood. When they opened the half-closed door, several village security guards fell on the ground In the pool of blood, there is no life left.


The peasant woman turned pale with fright, her face was anxious, and she said eagerly, "My child! Our child."

The peasant woman immediately got up from the ground and wanted to go home to look for her child, but just after she took two steps, a sharp arrow flew from the sky pierced her chest, and blood flowed down the sharp arrow continuously.

Silence's eyes were fixed, and a bandit not far away was drawing a bow and setting an arrow, aiming at him and shooting out.

Puff!In silence, he fell down on the cold ground again, looking at the empty eyes of the peasant woman, speechless.

"Sir, drink tea!"

Silence: !!!!=(òó)

Come again!Who dares to drink this tea?

Silently shouted loudly, "The bandit is here, run away!"

The peasant woman looked surprised and said puzzledly, "Don't panic, my husband. There are village security guards in the village, and those bandits dare not come."

Shen Mo sneered, "The village security guard is dead."

The fragrant tea in the peasant woman's hand fell in shock, and she said in surprise, "Sir, what you said is true."

Nodding silently, he grabbed the peasant woman's hand and picked up the hoe in her hand, "Come, come home with me."

This time, Shen Mo doesn't plan to rely on others, he has to rely on his own strength to deal with those thugs, although he has lost his own ability, but such a long time of combat experience is retained, as long as he believes in himself, it will not be easy killed.

Shen Mo took the peasant woman and ran all the way, and told many villagers about the bandits' attack along the way, but no one believed Mo Mo's words, they only thought Mo Mo was joking somewhere.

But when Shen Mo returned home, the moment he closed the door just now, the roar from outside sounded again.

"Wow, take my life!"

Shen Mo immediately urged the peasant woman to take Nannan Jinai and hide in the house, and don't come out, so she took a hoe and prepared to fight the gangsters to the death.

boom!The flimsy wooden door shattered, and several thugs rushed in. The steel knives in their hands could not be resisted by silent hoes.

But Shen Mo, who has two file reading experiences, is not afraid of them at all. She only picks up a hoe and is on guard against them.

The thugs were experienced, and soon surrounded Silence, they made eye contact, and shouted from all directions.

The steel knife pierced the sky and slashed at Silence fiercely.

I saw Shen Mo's feet connecting points, relying on his previous combat experience, he narrowly avoided a blow and slash, and the hoe in his hand slammed into the abdomen of a gangster, making a way out.

Mo Mo's heart swayed, he gave up his hoe, grabbed the steel knife from the gangster, and swept across the air, repelling the gangster who wanted to approach.

But at this moment, a gangster rushed into the house with a steel knife, forced the peasant woman and Nannan Jinai out, and shouted sharply, "Drop your weapon, or I will kill them."

Silence hesitated for a moment, and the steel knives of several thugs had pierced his body. Accompanied by a burst of cramping pain, he fell powerlessly to the ground, and the peasant woman and Nannan Jinai followed closely behind in a pool of blood.

"Sir, drink tea!"

Silence: mmp!

Shen Mo, who re-read the file, was heartbroken, took the fragrant tea handed over by the peasant woman, and drank it all in one gulp.

The scented tea entered his throat, and nothing abnormal happened. Silence felt helpless. It seemed that this time cycle had nothing to do with the scented tea. He kept muttering, "Lady, the bandits are here. You hide here and don't run around. I'll save the child." us."

The peasant woman was surprised, "Master, there is a village security guard in the village, how could it attract bandits..."

"Save the hammer!"

Silence couldn't help but pick up the hoe and rush home.He must find a way to break this hateful time loop, otherwise, he will die here sooner or later.

Shen Mo rushed back to the big tile house alone, where the children were playing with the wooden horse. Seeing Mo Mo coming back alone, he asked in confusion, "Daddy, where is mother?"

He muttered silently, "Nannan, Ji Nai, haven't you recovered your memory yet?"

Nan Nan and Ji Nai looked confused, not knowing what their father was talking about.

In desperation, Shen Mo could only stuff the two of them back into the house and hide them in the closet. When everything was arranged properly, those thugs rushed over.

Silence couldn't help but pick up the hoe and kill.

These thugs are not ordinary people, they are all equipped with martial arts, and their sword skills are extremely fierce, and their moves are deadly. This is also the reason why Mo Mo was defeated before.

Although Shen Mo has a new fighting fist close by, but without the motivation of his mind, the power of the new fighting fist is really not as powerful as a steel knife.

Mo Mo restrained his mind, while fighting against the gangsters, he memorized their sword and body skills, and then suffered some minor injuries, but beheaded several gangsters under the sword.

Silently dealt with the enemy who broke into the house, just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, another gangster walked in.

This gangster is extremely tough, he only has one eye, and he uses a nine-ring steel knife that is several kilograms heavier than ordinary gangsters.

The one-eyed gangster glanced at the corpses all over the floor, and snorted coldly, "I didn't expect there to be such an expert as you in this small village."

Mo Mo's heart tightened, the other party was obviously not a good person, at least he was at the level of a leader.

The one-eyed bandit danced with the nine-ring steel knife in his hand, and immediately shouted, "Come on, let Ben San take a look at your skills."

I saw the one-eyed gangster's feet connecting points, turning into a whirlwind that approached Silence, and the nine-ring steel knife in his hand was thrown back, and a saber aura shot out.

Mo Mo made a horizontal knife, and the knife qi cut off the blade directly, and flew him out, slapping him heavily on the wall.

hiss!Such a domineering sword spirit.

Silence let out a cry of shock, his eyes blurred, but he had already died under the knife of the one-eyed bandit.

"Sir, drink tea."

Silence: Come, two more bowls.

Mo Mo poured two bowls of fragrant tea, put away the hoe in his hand, ignored the peasant woman and went straight to the big tile house.

"Sir, you are..."

"Don't wander around, wait for me here."

Shen Mo ran all the way to the big tiled house, and also settled Nan Nan and Ji Nai, and stood alone outside the door, waiting for the arrival of the thugs.

"Wow, take my life!"

Silence: "You are here!"

Gangster:? ? ?
what do you mean?
Silence: Nothing interesting!
Silently tapped his feet, and immediately approached one person, grabbed the steel knife in his hand, and killed the first wave of bandits in just a few minutes.

Not long after, the one-eyed bandit appeared again, and shouted silently and sharply, "Come, let me see the saber spirit of the third master."

The one-eyed bandit was taken aback, and looked at the corpses all over the ground, all of them were deadly with a single blow, which shows the sharpness and ruthlessness of the silent method, "You know me? Who are you?"

"The one who kills you!"

Silently drew his sword and charged forward, with the experience of last time, he no longer directly received the sword energy of the one-eyed bandit, but used his agility talent to start roaming and defeat the enemy. After a while, the one-eyed bandit's body was covered with There were knife marks.

"Damn it, you annoying loach, how dare you stab me straight in the face."

Silence sneered, "Don't dare!"

One-eyed bandit:! ! !
He knew that he was in a tight spot. Hearing the sounds of beatings and killings in the village, he couldn't help but think of retreating. He was going to find a chance to slip away. Let the eldest brother or the second brother deal with such an enemy.

Just as the one-eyed bandit was plotting, Silence's knife struck again and wrestled with him.

Silence's knife became sharper and sharper, and his knife intent was constantly brewing.

The one-eyed bandit only felt that he was getting more and more difficult, and the opponent in front of him seemed to be getting more and more difficult. His sword skills seemed to be seen through by the opponent, and there was no secret at all.

Just when Shen Mo was about to kill the one-eyed bandit, a cold voice came from the side.

"Third brother, I thought you were looking for that little lady, but it turned out to be here, kill him quickly, brother is calling you."

The one-eyed bandit was overjoyed and said anxiously, "Second brother, this man has strange sword skills, come and help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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