Chapter 540 Ouroboros

The man called the second brother by the one-eyed gangster is a scholar with a cold appearance and a thin figure. He holds an iron bone fan in his hand and slowly swings it in front of him. His dark eyes look up and down at Silence, With a sneer, "Third brother, your nine-ringed golden saber is rusty, and you can't even win against such a small role?"

A hint of embarrassment and helplessness flashed across the face of the one-eyed bandit, and he begged, "Second brother, stop making fun of me, and get rid of this kid quickly, and go to elder brother."

The iron-bone fan in the thin scholar's hand trembled violently, and instantly fired three shadowless hidden weapons to kill Mo Mo.

Mo Mo had been on guard for a long time, his body flickered, dodged the scholar's hidden weapon, and was about to fight with a knife, but he only felt a sharp pain in his chest. The scholar had already come to him and stabbed his iron bone fan into Mo Mo's chest.

"you are too slow!"

A cold voice rang in Shen Mo's ears, his body collapsed weakly, and he lost consciousness again.

"Sir, drink tea!"

Silence re-entered the cycle of life and death. This time, he took the peasant woman's fragrant tea, poured a few bowls wildly, and threw the bowl away after drinking.


"Keep an eye on my hoe and wait for me to come back."

This time Shen Mo went straight to the big tile house, but did not enter the house, but closed the door outside the house, waiting for the arrival of the thugs.

"Wow, take my life!"

Silence couldn't help but to say, he drew back and went straight up, and within a few breaths, the first wave of bandits was dealt with.

Holding the steel knife, he waited for the arrival of the one-eyed bandit. After a while, the one-eyed bandit really came.

"I didn't expect there to be such a master in this small village!"

The one-eyed gangster showed his lines again, and he swung the nine-ringed golden knife to kill Shen Mo.

With previous combat experience, Shen Mo has already figured out the opponent's sword skills. Although the steel knife in his hand is not as good as the nine-ring gold knife, it relies on the ingenuity of the knife technique to kill the one-eyed bandit within ten rounds.

" did you know my nine-ring golden knife, who are you?"

Silence sneered, "Your uncle!"

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the one-eyed bandit, but he lost his last vitality.

Mo Mo avoided the nine-ringed golden sword of the one-eyed bandit, and waited for the thin scholar to arrive.

After the previous fights, Shen Mo knew that this scholar was a master who was good at using hidden weapons and had great agility. If he wanted to deal with such a master, he had to be on guard.

"Third brother?!"

The thin scholar's voice sounded, he looked at the corpses all over the ground and the corpses of the one-eyed bandit, and his face couldn't help becoming furious.

"Return my third brother's life!"

The Iron Bone Fan raised again and fired three hidden weapons to attack Silence's vitals.

This time, Mo Mo set up the nine-ring golden knife to block the hidden weapon that was coming, but also guarded against the close-up sneak attack of the thin and weak scholar.

I saw the hidden weapon hit the nine-ringed golden knife and made a loud metal clash, and fell to the ground with Shen Mo's ingenious unloading technique, and at the same time, the thin scholar appeared behind Shen Mo with his body unfolded, with The iron bone fan pierced into the back of Silence.

Just when the thin and weak scholar thought he was about to succeed, Shen Mo turned his feet, and the nine-ringed golden knife drew a traceless trajectory and swept out.


The thin scholar turned pale with fright, but his moves had already been completed, and it was impossible to withdraw his moves, so he could only pour in a little more strength and stab at Silence without any effort.


The iron bone fan pierced Shen Mo's upper shoulder, and blood spurted wildly. Looking at the thin and weak scholar, he was already cut to death by Mo Mo, life and death on the spot.

Mo Mo raised his saber, knocking back the scholar's remnant body, and immediately pressed the injured shoulder, panting heavily.

Although Shen Mo killed the thin and weak scholar, he was also wounded, and his combat strength dropped by more than [-]%. If he meets a formidable opponent again, he will definitely die by the opponent's hands.

And Shen Mo knew in his heart that there was still a big boss in this group of thugs who hadn't shown up, and the second and third bosses already had such powerful methods, so what about the big boss.

He gasped for a moment in silence, endured the pain and stood up, he had to use his injured body to see the means of the master.

Along the way, Shen Mo killed a few more thugs. At this moment, the quiet village has been reduced to a purgatory on earth, with broken corpses and red blood everywhere...

Mo Mo didn't search for long, and then met the so-called master, who was sitting in the village ancestral hall, waiting for the results of his subordinates.

I saw that the head of the family was wrapped in a black robe, and there was a hideous scar on his red face. He sat there like a dormant beast, exuding a terrifying aura that made people palpitate.

Scarface naturally found Silence, but he didn't intend to do anything to Silence. Instead, he winked and ordered the two thugs beside him to resolve Silence.


Two streaks of blood shot up. Although Mo Mo was wounded, he had the strength to deal with ordinary bandits.

Seeing this, Scarface sneered, "So you are a master, but you have been injured, I don't want to take advantage of others."

Scarface revealed an arm from the black robe, it was a thick arm bound with gold wire, "Come!"

Obviously, Scarface wanted to fight Silence with one arm.

Shen Mo's eyes narrowed, he clicked on his feet, raised his knife and rushed towards Scar's face, but just as Shen Mo's knife was about to strike at Scar's face, he was directly stopped by the opponent's iron arm.

"Nine-ring golden knife? You killed my third brother?"

Silently shouted, "Not only did I kill your third brother, I also killed your second brother."

There was a flash of astonishment in Scarface's eyes, and at close range, he finally noticed that Silence's shoulder injury was caused by the Iron Bone Fan.

In this way, his second and third younger brothers really died at the hands of this person.

"Hmph! Let's be buried with my two younger brothers!"

Scarface yelled loudly, and the iron wire in his hand rolled and twisted under the urging force, and spread up along the nine-ringed golden knife, trying to tear Silence's arm apart.

Shen Mo's face changed drastically, and he immediately threw away his knife and pulled away, but those iron wires pursued him as if they had life, and when Shen Mo had no way to retreat, they wrapped it tightly and tore it into countless pieces of meat.

"Sir, drink tea!"

Mo Mo was shocked, the master's method was really weird, those iron wires that looked like living things would actually search for the enemy in the void.

Silence confirmed that the opponent was not using sorcery or demon methods, but some kind of advanced martial arts, a special martial arts that can motivate the iron wire to kill the enemy.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Shen shook his head, signaling the peasant woman not to interrupt his thoughts, he was thinking about how to defeat the master with strange moves.

Seeing such a strange expression of silence, the peasant woman waited aside and dared not speak.

After waiting for a while, Shen Mo finally had a plan, so he picked up the hoe in his hand and went straight to the village ancestral hall. This time, he wanted to go straight to Huanglong to fight against the master.

Not long after, Shen Mo came to the ancestral hall, where the head was still waiting for the fruit of victory.

Shen Mo pretended to be an ordinary farmer, stepped into the ancestral hall and asked sharply, "Who are you, why are you sitting in the ancestral hall?"

The head of the family lightly closed his eyes, snorted coldly, and signaled his two men to resolve the silence.

But at the moment when his eyes were closed, a hoe flew from the sky and directly aimed at his face.

The dangerous warning made the big master's black robe stir, and countless iron wires raised to block the silent hoes.

"It turned out to be a master! You step back!"

The master stood up slowly, although he didn't take off his black robe, he was already manipulating countless wires to confront Silence.

Shen Mo took a closer look at the wires again. As he has the title of Shen Tentacle Mo, Shen Mo is an expert in using this type of weapon.

Compared with Silence's tentacles, these wires are like heaven and earth, and Silence's experience in using such weapons is enough to beat the head of a few streets.

If it wasn't for Shen Mo's injury before, and being caught by surprise by the other party, how could Mo Mo lose so easily.

I saw Shen Mo pouring energy into his legs, and the whole person was like a cunning rabbit running through the ancestral hall, making it extremely difficult for those wires to restrain Shen Mo.

What Shen Mo needs to do is to consume a great deal of the master's strength. Manipulating these wires is not as easy as performing a knife technique. If you want to use this secret method for a long time, it requires extremely high mental strength and strength of the user.

After only a dozen or so rounds, the iron wire controlled by the master began to slow down, but Mo Mo didn't rush to do it, but approached the opponent again, forcing the opponent to continue using the iron wire.

The head of the family quickly saw through Silence's intentions, he took off his black robe, put away the iron wire, opened and closed, and wanted to fight with Silence.

The boxing technique used by the master is extremely fierce, extremely domineering, and his moves are deadly.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Mo Mo's agility talent showed great value. With his own agility, he often avoided the master's ultimate move and wasted continuously with the opponent.

"You naughty little thief, do you dare to punch me?"

Mo Mo was not distracted by the opponent, but tried his best to avoid the opponent's attack, and walked around behind the opponent's body.

hum!The iron wires rose again, wanting to strangle Shen Mo from behind, Mo Mo, who had been on guard for a long time, took the black robe of the master, wrapped the iron wires, and smashed the opponent's head fiercely.

There was only a loud bang, accompanied by the sound of the leader falling to the ground, and the silence consumed the enemy.

With the death of the head, Shen Mo didn't notice anything unusual, and he didn't know if the time loop was broken.

Shen Mo frowned, and hurried to the big tile house. When he arrived, Nan Nan and Ji Nai had already fallen in a pool of blood, and the second and third leaders were about to leave with their subordinates.

"Damn you!"

Silence couldn't help but pick up a steel knife and take the other party's life. It only took a few minutes to deal with these thugs.

But time is still flowing, and Silence still doesn't perceive any difference.

The cycle of time did not end because of the gangster's death, nor did his ability be restored.

Just when the silence was in a trance, the peasant woman returned home with the silent hoe.

"Child! My child!"

Looking at the dead body on the ground, the peasant woman cried with her head in her arms, unable to contain herself.

Silently looking at the peasant woman, he didn't say anything for a long time. He was thinking about how to break the time loop, but he found that he couldn't break the shackles of time no matter what. It seemed that time was playing a joke on him and wanted to trap him forever inside.

Shen Mo was speechless, he slowly picked up the nine-ringed golden knife on the ground, and walked towards the painful peasant woman step by step.

While in a trance, Mo Mo seemed to have discovered something, no matter how many times he died, he would start all over again, so try a different ending.

Puff!With the knife in hand, Shen Mo and the peasant woman both fell in a pool of blood.

The next moment, when Shen Mo opened his eyes again, everything started again.

"Sir, drink tea!"

Shen Mo put down the hoe in his hand, slowly took the scented tea, drank it down, and beckoned to the teapot to pour a bowl of scented tea for the peasant woman, and handed it to her.

"Miss, you have worked hard. Please drink tea."

The corner of the peasant woman's mouth raised slightly, she happily took the fragrant tea handed over by Shen Mo, covered her face and drank it, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr.

Shen Mo looked up at the sky helplessly, is he going to be trapped in a place of right and wrong forever?
Will all that he has worked so hard to gain become vanity?

Shen Mo couldn't help looking towards the direction of the village, where the ancestral hall of the village could be vaguely seen.

etc!What did Silence immediately think of?
Why do these gangsters attack the village? What is there in this ordinary village worth their plotting?
If it's for money, why does the head of the gangster wait in the ancestral hall?What is he waiting for?Is it really just waiting for the results of your subordinates?
Shen Mo realized that he had overlooked more important messages, and there must be something in this village that he had overlooked.

Mo Mo quickly asked the peasant woman, "Lady, are there any legends or secrets in our village?"

Although the peasant woman was surprised, she replied truthfully, "Master, have you forgotten? Didn't you say that our Weiwei Village has a legend since ancient times, saying that there is a spirit snake guarding the village, which protects the Weiwei Village from generation to generation? .”

Mo Mo suddenly realized in his heart, Osomnia Village?Spirit snake? !Could it be ouroboros? !

The so-called ouroboros is an infinite loop snake, implying an infinite loop of time or world.

Shen Mo finally understood why he was trapped in the time loop, and it turned out that the ouroboros was at fault.

And according to Shen Mo's speculation, these thugs were also looking for ouroboros, but they didn't know that they had been pulled into an infinite loop by ouroboros.

From this point of view, in order to break the infinite loop, we must find this Ouroboros.

Shen Mo immediately made a decision. He placed the peasant woman in the field, stretched his body and rushed straight to the village ancestral hall. This time, he didn't want to confront the bandits, but to use their strength to find the Ouroboros.

He quickly came to the ancestral hall, and took advantage of his agility to crouch on the wall of the backyard of the ancestral hall. From here, he could clearly see the situation in the front yard, so he could silently detect every move of these thugs.

After waiting in silence for about a stick of incense, the thin scholar and the one-eyed bandit both came to the ancestral hall and waited for something with the head of the family.

Everyone waited for a long time, and finally a thug came to report in a hurry, "The first master, the second master, and the third master, we have found it."

Mo Mo was overjoyed, it seemed that the gangsters had found Ouroboros, and now was the key to breaking the time loop.

"Go! Take us there!"

The head yelled loudly, urging his subordinates to rush to where the Ouroboros was.

Not to be outdone, Shen Mo followed closely behind them and headed for the fields outside the village.

(End of this chapter)

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