The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 541 Excuse me, my lady

Chapter 541 Excuse me, my lady
Mo Mo followed the gangsters, hanging them not far or near, and came to the field in a short while.

I saw that the ditch in the cultivated land had long been surrounded by a group of thugs, among them was a seductive snake girl with a snake tail and a human body. After a silent look, this snake girl could be someone else if it wasn't the peasant woman.

It's just that the peasant woman at this moment has lost her previous simple appearance, but has turned into an amazing snake girl, half human, half snake and even weird.

Silently frowned, the peasant woman who talked to her father-in-law was actually ouroboros? !

Why didn't he see it sooner? !
Shen Mo didn't have time to dwell on this issue, because the bandit trio had already come to Ouroboros and stared at her with extremely greedy eyes.

"Brother, it really is the snake girl, we have developed this time!"

"Yes! It is rumored that as long as you drink the blood of the snake girl, you will have the ability to control time. If the three of us have such abilities, we will let us have them."

"Then what are you waiting for, kill this snake girl and drink up her blood!"

A trace of fierceness flashed in the eyes of the black-robed leader. He was about to manipulate the iron wire to strangle the snake girl, but he only felt a murderous aura approaching from behind him. In desperation, he drew back to block it. When he saw the attack clearly, it was the second leader of the gangster. Iron Bone Fan.

"Second brother, what are you doing?"

The thin scholar sneered, and read viciously, "Brother, don't blame the younger brother for being cruel. You also know that the blood of this snake girl is only enough for one person to drink, and the younger brother also wants to obtain this ability."

"Second brother, how can you say that." The one-eyed bandit held up the nine-ringed golden knife, and pointed at the thin scholar cursingly.

"Third brother, don't be mad. Think about how big brother usually behaves. If he acquires this supernatural power, will the two of us have good results?"

The one-eyed bandit froze for a moment, as if recalling some bad memories, he couldn't help but twitched.

Seeing that the situation is not going well, the head of the black robe shouted sharply, "Third brother, don't listen to the second brother, he is very scheming, and he has turned against me now, and he will kill you next time."

After hearing what the elder brother said, the one-eyed bandit became more and more hesitant, not knowing what to do.

The thin scholar seemed to have expected such an ending a long time ago, and immediately muttered, "Third brother, as long as you help me kill the eldest brother, you will suck the blood of this snake girl, and the second brother will definitely assist you in taking this Ruoda country. "

The one-eyed thug was slightly taken aback, but his heart was a little moved. May I ask which of these thugs who licked blood would not want to stand above ten thousand people.

"Second brother, are you serious!?"


"That's it!"

The head of the black robe was furious, raised the iron wire on his arm, and killed all his eyes, "In that case, you two will die to me!"

For a while, the master in black robe was fighting with the thin scholar and the one-eyed thug. Although the three of them had different martial arts skills, they joined forces to fight evenly against the master in black robe. They can't take each other down.

But Mo Mo, who hid in a corner, quietly watched the internal strife between the three, but he was calculating his own plan in his heart.

It stands to reason that the three-person fight is the best time for Mo Mo to snatch the Snake Girl, but after Shen Mo's careful consideration, he does not plan to immediately rescue the Snake Girl.

Because although the three of them were fighting internally, they didn't hurt the root cause. If Shen Mo rushed out at this moment, he would definitely become the target of public criticism and become the target of the three people's siege.

Although Shen Mo already had the strength to kill the three of them one by one, but the three of them could not fight together.

Ever since, Silence can only stand aside, waiting for the opportunity.

During this period, the imprisoned Snake Girl also found Silence. She raised her beautiful eyes and hesitated to speak, but was told by Silence to wait and not to panic.

Although Mo Mo doesn't know why Snake Girl hides from him and pulls herself into an infinite cycle, but she still needs the power of Snake Girl to break this cycle.

After a while, the three people's swimming finally became clear. Under the joint attack of the thin scholar and the one-eyed bandit, the master in black robe finally couldn't do it. He was stabbed into the abdomen by the iron bone fan and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"You will not have good results!"

The thin and weak scholar sneered, looking down at the black-robed chief who fell to the ground and struggled, "Brother, people make money and birds die for food. Don't blame me when you get to hell."

"Hey, even if I turn into a ghost, I won't let you go..." The head of the black robe roared a few times, with a flash of determination in his eyes, "Since what I can't get, you Don't even think about it."

Puff!The head of the black robe shook his arms violently, and the blood-stained iron wires turned into powder and shot out, directly killing the snake girl.

"Not good! Stop him! If the snake girl is dead, her blood will be useless!"

The thin and weak scholar shouted loudly, but he didn't have time to unleash the life-threatening blow of the black-robed master.

Although the one-eyed bandit had the heart, he was powerless to go. With his speed, it was too late.

Just at the moment when Qian Jun shot, Shen Mo, who had been dormant nearby for a long time, turned into a phantom with his own agility talent and approached the snake girl.

He picked up a steel knife, set it up in the sky and barred it between the snake girl and the iron wire, and only heard the sound of several metal clashes. The silent body beat him into a sieve.

Normally, Silence would not block the fatal blow for Snake Girl, but in this world of infinite loops, the life and death of Silence is not important, what is important is how to break the infinite loop of time.

The sudden appearance of Shen Mo made the thugs look stunned. I don't know where this kid came from and saved the life of Snake Girl.

"Haha, big brother, you didn't expect it, even God is helping me. Little brother, thank you for saving the snake girl, I will love her well."

"Second brother, didn't you say to give me the blood of the snake girl?"

"Third brother, you heard me wrong, when did I say such a thing?"

"You lied to me!"

For a moment, the one-eyed gangster realized that he had been taken advantage of by the thin scholar.

"I want to avenge my brother!"

The one-eyed bandit rose up with a knife, and fought with the thin and weak scholar.

Silence only felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, and at the moment when he was about to die from dizziness due to excessive blood loss, a warm palm was pressed against his chest, and with the warmth pouring into his body, he His consciousness gradually began to recover, and his dusty power was gradually awakened...

【Ding!Obtain the Ouroboros Queen's Gift: The Time Loop. 】

[Time loop: It can create an infinite loop of time, and the creatures and substances pulled into this loop will get rid of the shackles of the long river of time.The number of uses remaining is 3. 】

Mo Mo suddenly opened his eyes, and found that he had returned to the first floor of the Nine-story Yin Tower, the holy light on his body was restored, and Nannan Jinai was beside him. Looking up, he saw a half-human, half-human The snake statue stands in the center, as if watching the silence with appreciative eyes.

She is the Queen Ouroboros, and she is the peasant woman in the infinite loop. Are all these tests set by her?
Mo Mo was puzzled, but judging from the current situation, he had already passed the test of Queen Ouroboros.

And Silence also received a gift from Queen Ouroboros: Time Loop.

Make big money!

Although this time loop has only three chances to use it, it is an extremely precious item for Shen Mo. With him, Mo Mo can defeat many enemies that cannot be defeated.

Silence held the pocket-sized statue of the Ouroboros Queen in his hands, and carefully put it into his personal storage.

Immediately, he looked towards the stair passage leading to the next floor, knowing that he had to continue walking if he wanted to find Lao Huang.

But in order to ensure his own safety, Mo Mo looked at Queen Ouroboros again, and asked in front of her statue, "Excuse me, my lady, I am looking for a man named Huang Ba, do you know where he is?"

Statue of the Ouroboros Queen: …

(End of this chapter)

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