Chapter 543
Facing the wolf-like eyes of the old man, the silent back couldn't help but shudder, he had never been stared at like this, especially the person staring at him was an old man with gray temples.

Shen Mo's heart trembled subconsciously. According to the information revealed by Queen Ouroboros, the old man in front of him was the king of vain life in the world of vain life and fruitless—the old man without fruit.

Although the old man Wuguo looks over eighty years old, his body is exceptionally tough, giving people the feeling of an immortal urchin, but in fact, the old man Wuguo is indeed an immortal urchin.

This can be seen from the unusual world view of the Wusheng Wuguo Realm. For example, the flying pig with jellyfish tentacles just now proves how free and easy the old man Guoguo is.

This free and easy character comes from the ability of the fruitless old man. His ability does not manipulate time like the Queen Ouroboros, creating an infinite loop of time, but a power to change the karma of things.

Karma is mysterious and mysterious, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

In particular, the fruitless old man's ability to manipulate the appearance of creatures at will is also a kind of karma.

"Young man, you seem to be a little scared when you see me. You have to know that your fear will bring retribution!"

The old man Wuguo teased playfully, as if the old man was about to play with you and doubted your life.

Mo Mo didn't dare to be careless, and quickly suppressed the fear in his heart, but it was obviously too late.

Seeing that the old man without fruit raised one hand, a mysterious ripple of law descended on Shen Mo's body, followed by an irresistible sense of oppression.

Shen Mo hastily exerted a purifying power on himself, and the milky white holy light swept over and wrapped Mo Mo, trying to resist the influence of that mysterious law.

It's a pity that it is impossible to eliminate the law of cause and effect of the fruitless old man with the power of purification, Shen Mo can only watch his body undergo tremendous changes.

His originally young and strong body was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye under the intervention of the fruitless old man. Wrinkles continued to appear on his face, his dry skin lost its luster, and his straight body gradually became bent. Then he became an old man.

Silence: I'll go, is this the power of cause and effect?
Just because he was afraid of the fruitless old man's ability, he was ripened into the old man's form by the other party? !This is too perverted!
What kind of existence is the power of cause and effect? !

Seeing that the silence turned into an old man, the fruitless old man didn't feel excited because of it, but was extremely puzzled, "It shouldn't be! Why are you getting old?"

The fruitless old man pinched his fingers and counted again, chanting bitter and difficult incantations, and after a long time, he suddenly realized and opened his mouth and said.

"So it turns out that you have been reincarnated in the time gap of ouroboros for too long, which has caused some dislocations and deviations in your body and soul..."

The old man Wuguo pondered for a moment, came up with a plan, and hurriedly muttered, "It's not good for you to do this, let me help you!"

The fruitless old man raised his hand again, summoning another mysterious law to cover Silence. The next moment, Silence's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he became a young spirited boy again.


Don't play with it like this!It also makes people experience life happily.

Having experienced the ups and downs of life in a short period of time, Silence can't help but give rise to a tasteless sense of disillusionment.

hum!The lucky cat on the waist trembled slightly, and Nan Nan's voice sounded in Shen Mo's mind, warning, "Boss, don't doubt life, you haven't seen through the world yet."

Silent and in a trance, he immediately realized that he was following the old man's path again.

It is the cause that he helped Shen Mo regain his youth, and it is the result that Mo Mo is boring to life.

The cycle of cause and effect, retribution is unhappy.

Fortunately, Nannan was on the sidelines to discern the reality, otherwise Silence would sink into the endless abyss of tastelessness and become a puppet without desire.

"Hey! Are you carrying other small things on your body? Quickly take them out and let the old man see them!"

Nannan: "It's over, this old man found me. Boss, save me!"

Mo Mo just wanted to take out his disaster battle ax to fight the fruitless old man for [-] rounds, but found that he had no way to attack the fruitless old man, because the previous cause had no results, so the retribution fell elsewhere, making him Silence cannot stand against the fruitless old man.

This feeling is really at your disposal!But there is nowhere to display it.

"I can't make a move..."

Moaning in a low voice, he tried his best to pull out the disaster battle axe, but he couldn't break this layer of cause and effect no matter what.

The fruitless old man smiled and said, "Young man, give up, you have got my cause, so naturally you have to keep my result, you can't do anything to me..."

Before the old man of Guoguo could finish his words, he saw Shen Mo twisting his arm fiercely, and his strong arm made a crackling sound of bones breaking instantly. Calamitas Axe.

"This kid..." the fruitless old man muttered in surprise.

"Your cause, I will pay back with a broken arm; if you dare to touch Nan Nan even a little bit, I will kill you, and end this layer of cause and effect for Nan Nan."

The momentum of silence was brewing, and the domineering arrogance of the sky and the earth was triggered at the same time, and for a while, he was like a god descending into the world, without anger and majesty.

The fruitless old man put away his playful look, and looked at the man in front of him very seriously.

"Tsk tsk! No wonder you can come out of ouroboros. It turns out that there is something extraordinary, interesting, and somewhat interesting."

The old man Wuguo waved his hand and replied, "Put down your weapon, I won't take your little things... It's just that the old man has stayed in this nine-storey shadow tower for thousands of years, it's really boring, how about You play with me, have fun, how about letting the old man let you go?"

Shen Mo put away the disaster battle ax in his hand. He didn't trust the old man without fruit, but he knew in his heart that it was impossible for the disaster battle ax to cause substantial harm to the old man without fruit. If he wanted to pass the old man without fruit, He could only play with the fruitless old man according to the other party's suggestion.

So here comes the question?playing what?How to play?
Although Shen Mo is not someone who can't afford to play, but facing the old monster of the underworld who has lived for thousands of years, it is still necessary to ask the opponent's game items and rules in advance.

"Okay, but I want to know, what do you want me to play with you?"

Seeing the silent agreement, the old man Wuguo immediately rejoiced and said, "It's great that you can agree, but don't worry, the old man is not a person who doesn't know how to measure, and he won't take someone's life so easily like the fourth child. I want it." Mainly yours..."

The fruitless old man pointed to his brain.

silence:? ? ?
you want my brain !This is absolutely impossible.

The old man Wuguo explained, "Although I like your brain, what I want is your brain!"

Brain hole! ?
Silence was stunned, not sure if the brain hole in the mouth of the fruitless old man was the brain hole he understood.

Old man Guoguo: "Don't doubt it, I just ingested the word brain hole from your memory. According to a more formal statement, it should be more appropriate."

The old man Wuguo muttered slowly, "I'm really bored here, I've run out of ideas for playing with everything, and I'm very interested in the ideas in your head, as long as you help me think of more good ideas, I'll let you go .”

Silence was a little dazed, not knowing what kind of ideas and ideas the fruitless old man wanted.

"Come on, give me the whole unique skill first!"

Silence: What unique skill? !
The old man Guoguo's tone became more and more modern, and he must have read part of the silent memory, "Aren't you very good at blessing? Come, give me a blessing."

Silence: Bless you, sir!
(End of this chapter)

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