Chapter 544
How can a young man open his mouth to swear at people at such a young age? !
The old man Guoguo was not angry at the impolite attitude of silence, but became curious because of this jumpy way of speaking.

By reading the silent part of the memory, the old man Wuguo gradually realized that there is a magical place called the Internet in the current world, where there are brain holes and good ideas that make him dream, and it is definitely the best choice for him to pass the time .

Therefore, the fruitless old man urged, "Young man, hurry up, don't keep the old man waiting, you know my patience is limited."

Facing the half-begging and half-threatening urging of the fruitless old man, Mo Mo could only bite the bullet and send him a blessing.

hum!As the holy light of the weapon blessing shone on the fruitless old man, the latter was not purified by the holy light because he was a ghost, but waved his hands under the holy light of the weapon blessing, cheering like a child who discovered a new world General joy.

"Haha, it's interesting~ It's such an interesting feeling, this feeling is simply unforgettable for old people, it's so comfortable."

Mo Mo couldn't help complaining, "You are the only one who feels comfortable and interesting. Ordinary ghosts will lose their skin when they see my holy light."

The old man Wuguo was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head in displeasure and muttered, "That's impossible, such a wonderful feeling can't be enjoyed by only the old man, your blessing has to be changed."

Silently stunned, how can I change my blessing? !

hum!Seeing the palm of the fruitless old man raised, a law of cause and effect penetrated into Shen Mo's body, accompanied by an irresistible mysterious texture, a new reminder sounded again in Mo Mo's mind.

【Ding!Uncontrollable changes have taken place in the blessing of weapons, and skills and capabilities are being reorganized]

【Ding!Weapon Blessing skill reorganization completed, new ability: Holy Light Blessing】

[Holy Light Blessing: Summon Holy Light to bless the designated target.If the designated target is a negative attribute creature such as a ghost, you can choose Holy Light Blessing or Holy Light Burn. 】

A trace of astonishment flashed in Mo Mo's eyes. His weapon blessing had been reorganized and evolved under the causal ability of the fruitless old man, and it had the powerful ability to bless ghost creatures.

If the previous weapon blessing was applied to a ghost creature, it would only cause the opponent to suffer from the burning effect of the Holy Light, but after the modification of the fruitless old man, the blessing of silence can not only burn the ghost, but also heal the ghost.

This is simply a strong comparison!

Mo Mo couldn't help but think of Lin Ling'er, Ye Lilo, and Nan Nan Jinai Goudan and others. If they were blessed with the Holy Light, their abilities would definitely improve.

Silently looking at the old man Wuguo, his eyes couldn't help but become hot. This bad old man is not as bad as he looked just now!

The old man Guoguo seemed to know that his ability changed the ability of silence, and hurriedly urged, "Young man, hurry up, give them all your blessings."


The so-called they are naturally worthy of those strange creatures in the fruitless world. These creatures are the spirit bodies that the fruitless old man squeezed out with his own ability. As long as Silence blesses them with the purified holy light, they are comparable If the old man is much happier.

Mo Mo didn't hesitate, and directly mobilized his spiritual power to bless the spirits around him with holy light. Naturally, everything was to make the fruitless old man happy. Ability, why not do it.

Soon, the creatures in the world of vain life and fruitless were silently blessed all over. They cheered in this world like spirited guys who had been injected with chicken blood, how happy they were.

It wasn't until the effect of the Holy Light's blessing faded and the fruitless old man gradually recovered from his happiness that he continued to the next game.

"Boy, I mentioned a funny one, now it's your turn to mention a funny one."

Mo Mo rolled his eyes, and immediately thought, "Senior, why don't we make some causal props!"

Karma props? !What it is?
Silence explained, "It is a prop that runs through the law of cause and effect. As long as you use this prop, you will be affected by the power of cause and effect."

The old man Guoguo's eyes were slightly condensed, his expression was unclear, and he didn't reply for a long time.

Silence waited anxiously for the other party's answer. After a long time, the other party laughed and said, "Young man, you want to use my ability to create powerful props for you!"

Silence did not quibble, and said bluntly, "I do have such an idea, but this is also a very interesting thing, isn't it?"

"That's true."

The fruitless old man shook his head and stared at the silent head, "Then let me see what ideas you have in your head that are worthy of being made into causal props!"

Ding!Old Man Guoguo was reading part of Silence's memory. A strong man like him should have read all of Silence's memory, but there seemed to be some kind of energy hindering him from prying into all of Silence's memory. In desperation, he could only play around , Probe some irrelevant trivial memories.

This is also the reason why the old man Wu Guo is so curious about Silence. If the memory of Silence was easily read by the old man Wu Guo, he would have been completely cold by now.

After a while, the fruitless old man really found a lot of interesting things.

"Haha, the old man has found it."

The fruitless old man let out a smirk, then buried himself in hard work, busy for a while.

Shen Mo only saw the hands of the old man without fruit making gestures in front of his chest, but he didn't know what he was doing. With full of expectations, Shen Mo stared at the hands of the old man without fruit.

Ding!A burst of milky white brilliance flashed, and many treasures floated in front of the fruitless old man.

Shen Mo stared wide-eyed and looked at it. He didn't know if he didn't see it, but he almost flew up in place when he saw it.

What? !What? !What? !What are these? !
There were a piece of clean white soap, an ordinary long sword, an ordinary chopsticks, and a pair of old BJ cloth shoes placed in front of the fruitless old man.

Shen Mo looked confused, and couldn't tell what causal props the fruitless old man had made.

But out of respect for the senior, Shen Mo still raised his thumb and exclaimed, "Senior, good tricks! I don't know what kind of treasure you are practicing."

The old man Guoguo didn't say much. He picked up the piece of pure white soap and threw it away. The soap drew a beautiful trajectory in the air and fell to the ground without any accidents.

Most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, most afraid of such an embarrassing situation happening.

Mo Mo really didn't know why the fruitless old man threw away this piece of soap, and what was its significance?Do you want me to pick it up? !
hum!Suddenly Shen Mo's heart trembled, and immediately he could no longer control his body. Driven by some kind of mighty force, his body rushed towards the piece of soap uncontrollably, and picked up the soap on the ground at lightning speed. .

silence:? ? ?
who I am?what am i doing !Why should I do this?
The old man Wuguo laughed loudly and said, "Young man, what is the effect of the old man who must pick up soap when he lands?"

(End of this chapter)

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