Chapter 545
Do you have to pick up soap when you land? !

Silence held the white soap in his hand in astonishment, and ten thousand beasts roared past in his heart.

Is this what you call a causal prop? !Just don't be too nonsense, okay? !God doesn't dare to play like this, but you actually play like this?
Facing the new toy of old man Wuguo, Shen Mo was stunned even after trying all the complaints in his mind.

Karma!Such a powerful ability, but the old man didn't use it well, but used it to make this kind of thing. Isn't he ashamed?

The fruitless old man stared at Silence with a big laugh, and continued to joke, "What is shame? Young man, I tell you that the most worthless thing in this world is face. Compared with happiness, face is nothing worth mentioning. Come, come, let me show you my other treasures."

As the old man Wuguo said, he picked up the ordinary long sword.

Mo Mo turned his wrist, and the white soap in his hand was put into his personal storage, and then he pretended not to know anything and stared at the fruitless old man intently.

"Hey! Boy, don't think I didn't see it, give me back the soap!"

The long sword in the old man's hand slammed down, and a dazzling white light was drawn in the air. As the white light flickered, Mo Mo felt that his body was out of control again, and disappeared in place at a terrifying speed. When he reappeared, he was already Half-kneeling in front of the fruitless old man, he clamped the opponent's long sword tightly with both hands.

Silence: ==(●●|||)
This... Could this be the legendary 100% being picked up with nothing? !
There was a hint of ridicule in the eyes of the old man without fruit, and he sneered, "One second, he complained about the old props being unscrupulous, and the next second he abducted the old props, young man, you are duplicity!"

Holding the long sword between his hands, Mo Mo smiled awkwardly, and argued, "Senior, don't get me wrong, I didn't dare to throw away that piece of soap just now, so I had to put it away first. It's not because I just threw it out. , do you have to pick it up!"

"Oh!? Are you still doing it for me?"

"That's natural. The younger generation's admiration for the older generation is like the water of the Yellow River..."

"Okay, stop, don't flatter me... I gave you that piece of soap, what do you think of me being 100% empty-handed?"

Silence exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, "Senior, Cowhide!!"

Mo Mo is not an exaggeration at all, because this white-edged sword that was 100% caught empty-handed is simply too heaven-defying. When the sword is cut out, Mo Mo and the fruitless old man flashed at a distance of six or seven meters in an instant, uncontrollably Half kneeling on the ground, how can such a divine sword not be strong? !
As long as this sword is played well, no matter how strong the enemy is, he can make him kneel!

"Amazing! This sword is for you!"

Silent for a moment, he stared at the old man Wuguo in disbelief, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, it was completely different from the previous one.

"Thank you senior, this junior is so overwhelmed by your generosity, I can't help it..."

"Hoho, I told you that you don't need to flatter me, I'm not the kind of vain person..."

Mo Mo understood now that the old man Wuguo is the kind of person who likes to be flattered. After thinking about him for so many years, he naturally hopes that someone will praise him and his karma props.

The well-measured silence immediately launched a frantic offensive against the fruitless old man, using the most exaggerated words of praise he knew to flatter the fruitless old man.

"Haha, I'll show you this chopstick again, do you know what it is?"

Shen Mo stared at the only one chopstick in front of him, pretended to be lost in thought, and then tentatively asked, "100% fly chopsticks?!"

"No! Have you ever seen a chopstick catch a fly?"

"Then... 100% insert fly chopsticks?"

The old man Wuguo curled his lips, handed a chopstick to Shen Mo, and urged, "Try it yourself."

Mo Mo took the chopsticks, looked at the ordinary chopsticks in his hand, and really didn't know the cause and effect of it.

Whether it's shaking, swinging, shaking, throwing it away, dropping it, stepping on it... can't trigger any law of causality.

What is this chopstick for? !

Seeing Mo Mo's melancholy expression, the old man Wu Guo laughed and pointed out, "Try to break it."

break it? !

jump!The ordinary chopsticks broke at the sound, and the ensuing sense of mystery made Shen Mo realize that something was wrong, and his body changed uncontrollably again.

I saw that the chopsticks that had just been broken recovered as before and split into a pair of chopsticks. Holding the chopsticks silently, an uncontrollable desire rose in my heart—to break them!
jump!A pair of chopsticks was broken lightly, and immediately two pairs of chopsticks appeared in Shen Mo's hands. The strong desire continued to drive Shen Mo to break them off...
Ever since, it was repeated over and over again, until Mo Mo broke the chopsticks so much that he didn't even know how many chopsticks he had in his hand, so much that he couldn't stop breaking them with his strength, and then he recovered from the law of cause and effect.

Those countless chopsticks turned into an ordinary chopstick again.

"Haha! I didn't expect that your strength is so great, and it took so long to reach the limit."

The old man Wuguo continued to tease, "How about the chopsticks that are firmly in a group?"

Silence broke the voice again, "Senior, Cowhide!"

This firmly clustered chopsticks is simply a time-consuming and labor-intensive magic weapon. With it in hand, no enemy will die.

"The last old old BJ's, guess what it's for?"

Mo Mo really didn't know, even though the fruitless old man made these causal props with reference to his memory, Mo Mo couldn't think of any big karma for this pair of old BJ cloth shoes.

Old BJ cloth shoes? !Could it be that these cloth shoes are used to smoke people?

Silence sniffed tentatively, but there was no particularly surprising smell, and there was even a faint fragrance of cloth.

Is it used for running?
Mo Mo put on the old BJ cloth shoes tentatively. Although they fit perfectly, nothing unusual happened.

What are these old BJ cloth shoes for?

Shen Mo couldn't help looking at the old man without fruit, who was still staring at Shen Mo playfully, as if he was watching his joke.

"Senior, junior really can't figure it out."

The old man Wuguo motioned for Shen Mo to put on the old BJ cloth shoes again, and then let Shen Mo run far away, after a distance of about a kilometer, the old man Wu Guo shouted loudly to Shen Mo, "Cao Cao!"

hum!Silence only felt the old BJ cloth shoes throbbing under his feet, and a mysterious voice sounded in his mind at the same time.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. Do you answer Cao Cao's call from the fruitless old man?!"

Silence: Damn it!
This pair of old old BJ cloth shoes is actually a pair of cloth shoes that say "Cao Cao Cao Cao".As long as you wear these shoes and are called by the name of Cao Cao, you will be able to reach the calling side in an instant.

Shen Mo immediately responded, "Cao Cao is here!"

In an instant, Silence disappeared in place, and when it appeared here, it was already beside the fruitless old man.

"What is the effect of this pair of cloth shoes that say Cao Cao Cao Cao?"

Silence: "Senior, cowhide! Plath!"

(End of this chapter)

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