Chapter 546
Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao, the old BJ cloth shoes can ignore the distance in space, as long as Shen Mo puts on this pair of old BJ cloth shoes, no matter when and where, as long as someone says the name of Cao Cao, and Shen Mo agrees, he can move Silence beckoned to her.

Just imagine that a person who knows the ability of silence encounters an extremely dangerous situation. He only needs to roar "Cao Cao" and silence will turn into a hero from heaven to save the crisis...

Therefore, when the old man Guoguo handed over the pair of old BJ cloth shoes to Shen Mo, he was very happy from the bottom of his heart.

Mo Mo looked happily at the causal props he got from the fruitless old man.

[You must pick up the soap when it hits the ground (causal prop): As long as you lock the target at the moment you throw it, the target will immediately pick up the soap. 】

[100% being caught empty-handed with a white-edged sword (causal prop): When you draw your sword and slash to lock on to the target, the target will definitely catch you empty-handed with a white-edged sword. 】

【Fixed Chopsticks (Causal Props): Whenever this chopstick is broken by someone, the person will fall into the infinite chopsticks mode until the number of chopsticks cannot be broken. 】

[Say Cao Cao Cao Cao to old BJ cloth shoes (karma prop): When the wearer is called by the name of Cao Cao, he can choose to appear beside the caller instantly, not affected by the space distance. 】

[Reminder: Karma props will become one-time props after leaving the world of vain life and fruitlessness, and will disappear after use. 】

The power of these four causal props is simply unimaginable for Silence.

Of course, such powerful props also have their flaws, that is, these causal props will become one-time props after leaving the world of vain life and fruitless.

This has to make Mo Mo cherish them, and naturally they will not use them lightly unless they are extremely critical.

After the fruitless old man gave the four pieces of causal props to Shen Mo, he waved his hands and urged Mo Mo, "Get out! Get out! I've given you all the old treasures, and you still have to go to the next floor."

Shen Mo smiled slightly, bowed to say goodbye to the fruitless old man, and climbed up the tower ladder on the next floor according to his wishes.

After Silence left, the old man Wuguo immediately started a new creation. He not only got a little bit of imagination from Silence's memory, but also had a lot of treasures that he hadn't had time to create.

"The young man has finally been sent away. The old man has fun again."

Let's say that Mo Mo climbed to the third floor of the nine-story Yin Tower, which is called the Phantom Charm Invisible Realm, which is in charge of the strange shapes of the underworld.

As far as Shen Mo is concerned, he doesn't know what a strange shape is, but he can guess the slightest of what the name suggests.

The so-called invisible illusion should be some kind of illusion, but it is a pity that Mo Mo left the hypnotist Penguin in the Laifu Wood Carving Shop. If it is worn on the body, it can also help or advise.

Mo Mo stepped forward, the scenery in front of him changed for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a dark abyss where he couldn't reach his fingers, surrounded by a quiet outer space, without the slightest gravity, he was just floating powerlessly In the darkness, I could only hear the sound of my own blood flow and heartbeat, and my breathing became extremely heavy here, as if every breath was a tear and torture to the lungs.

Shen Mo's heart trembled violently, and immediately applied a purification force to himself and slowly healed. With the enveloping and merging of the holy light, Mo Mo's discomfort finally eased a little.

But this can't eliminate the erosion of darkness to the silence, everything around is still as terrifying as before, like a wild beast waiting for the food to die quietly, and then eat his body.

Mo Mo immediately opened his mind power, wanting to explore the surrounding situation, but what surprised him was that the scenery obtained by the mind power was completely different from the scenery seen by his eyes.

In the projection of the mind's eye, Mo Mo is in endless thorns, countless branches and vines bind him tightly, and insert into his body, sucking his flesh and energy, not far away, a huge piranha blooms The jaw-droppingly gorgeous flower scene is breathtakingly beautiful.

Shen Mo knew that he had been tricked by the guardian of this world, and immediately took out the title of "Relentless Planter" from his personal warehouse, and used his mimicry ability to turn into a thousand-year-old willow.

Silence's body transformed into countless vines stretching out, and at the same time, he used the title of Ruthless Controller to contact this session of guardians.

"Senior, stop, my own people!"

The huge piranha trembled slightly, and the gorgeous flowers bloomed. From the center of the flower, an extremely coquettish woman slowly walked out. She had crimson waist-length hair, bright red eyes that were extremely dazzling, and a devil-like figure that made her feel ashamed. She is suffocating, and the thorns and vines entwining her body cooperate with her every move, showing an unforgettable and peerless beauty.

She is the master of the Phantom Phantom Invisible Realm—Phantom Phantom King. According to what Queen Ouroboros said, she is called the Daughter of Thorns.


The voice of the Daughter of Thorns sounded with a hint of doubt, and looked at the silence curiously.

Shen Mo shook his willow branch again and again, and responded, "Senior, it is indeed the Tongtian Willow. We are all our own people, don't be sucking my flesh and blood energy."

The Daughter of Thorns smiled gracefully, and said amusedly, "Isn't it easier for our own people to suck?"

hum!Countless vines squirmed, trying to completely restrain the silent form of the Tongtian Willow.

Silence didn't dare to be careless, the vine flicked and shot out a white light, "Senior, look at Zao!"

Swish!The pure white soap was thrown out in an instant, hit several vines and fell to the ground. The girl of thorns' face flashed a look of astonishment, and then disappeared and appeared next to the soap, and reluctantly picked up the soap on the ground.

At the same time, the offensive against Silence suddenly slowed down, giving him time to breathe.

You must pick up soap when you land!
The girl of thorns watched the pure white soap in her hand emit faint and mysterious ripples, and then dissipated into nothingness, a trace of surprise and puzzlement appeared on her face.

"Wuguo, that old rascal actually gave you his karma treasure?!"

Silently replied, "Yes. I offended senior by climbing the tower because I was going to the fourth floor of the Impermanence Realm of Life and Death to save my friend Huang Ba. I also asked senior to let the junior go up the tower."

The Daughter of Thorns shook her hand and muttered, "I want to go to the Realm of Impermanence to save your friend, didn't Sister Ouroboros tell you? There is only death in that realm."

Mo Mo said firmly, "This junior knows, but this junior is not afraid."

"Hmph, is this something to be afraid of or not? If you want to die with all your heart, it's better to take advantage of me than to take advantage of the old dog of impermanence. You and I are both planted and enlightened, and it happens that yin and yang can complement each other, which will be of great benefit."

Mo Mo said firmly again, "Senior, junior really has something to do, and I can't do what you want!"

"Hey, do you think you have a choice?"

After a moment of silence, he showed an ordinary long sword, pointed at the Thorn Girl, and said threateningly, "My sword is a gift from Senior Wuguo. Draw your swords and face each other."

The daughter of thorns froze for a moment, she knew that the power of karma of the fruitless old man was extremely terrifying. Although a king like her was extremely powerful, he was helpless when encountering unreasonable karma weapons. In the case of the prestige of the thorns, the daughter of the thorns had to think carefully.

After a long time, the Girl of Thorns twisted her body and slowly sat on the man-eating flower bone, staring at Mo Mo with great interest, "Tsk tsk, I really seem to have eaten you, but the sword in your hand makes me a little afraid I don't know if I should take the risk or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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