The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 547 Invisible Thorns

Chapter 547 Invisible Thorns
The girl of thorns' expression moved slightly, and countless vines were used by Shen Mo from all directions. Faced with such an attack, Shen Mo didn't swing the long sword in his hand, but used the sky-reaching vines to fight against the enemy on a whim.

The emerald green vines and thorn vines were intertwined and twisted together, like a snake's body blending creepily. Accompanied by the continuous friction sound, the face of the Daughter of Silence and Thorns showed a trace of solemnity.

Silence is the strength of the girl who fears the thorns. I have to work hard to hit her at the moment. If the opponent is murderous, I will definitely die if I don't use the causal props.

The daughter of thorns is afraid of the long sword in Shen Mo's hand. The more Mo Mo does not use the long sword, the more it proves the power of the long sword. Karma is like this. The stronger the cause, the more powerful the fruit will be.

After the first fight between vines, the two had their own fears in their hearts, but they didn't show it in their actions.

The girl of thorns sat on the flower bone and smiled charmingly, "Little brother can really hold his breath, isn't the long sword in your hand trying to bluff my sister?"

Silence replied with a smile, "Don't bluff, do you want to give it a try?"

The girl of thorns was silent for a moment, twisted her body into a more charming posture, then hooked her fingers and said with a smile, "Come on!"


"If you don't come, my sister will come."

Mo Mo's heart was hardened, and he immediately swung his sword and slashed, and shouted sharply, "The witch! Look at the sword!"

hum! 100% received by the white-edged sword with empty hands, a mysterious white light was emitted, instantly enveloping Silence and the Daughter of Thorns. The Daughter of Thorns sitting on the flower bone felt that her body was out of control again. Kneeling in front of the other party, her hands full of thorns tightly clamped the long sword of Silence, and her eyes were full of astonishment.

The Daughter of Thorns: ()
What kind of causal treasure is this?What is the purpose of doing this?
The daughter of thorns couldn't understand the reason why the fruitless old man made such a causal treasure, so she could only kneel there and complain helplessly.

Standing silently holding the sword, looking down on the Girl of Thorns from his angle can have a completely different experience of beautiful scenery, but he didn't bother to study these trivial matters, but held the long sword in his hand tightly and shouted sharply, "Senior, this sword is powerful , if this junior triggers the final restriction of this sword, you and I will both die here, or else you and I will each take a step back, you let me go, and I let you go."

The Girl of Thorns knelt on the ground and sneered, "You were called the Demon Girl just now, why are you calling me Senior now?"

Silence: "Senior, don't misunderstand, witch! Look at the sword! It is the secret spell that triggers this sword. I have no disrespect for senior."

The Daughter of Thorns was skeptical, playing with taste, "Then what is the secret spell that triggers the final prohibition of this sword?"

Silently smiled and said nothing, there is no secret spell, this 100% empty-handed sword can only be used to be picked up by others, and any final restraints are used by Silence to bluff the girl of thorns.

And judging from the reaction of the daughter of thorns, she should have been bluffed.

Seeing that Mo Mo didn't want to say anything, the girl of thorns didn't want to ask anymore, but responded to Mo Mo's request just now, "Since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask any more. As for your request, I will die because of you. I can agree."

"Thank you senior."

"Aren't you afraid of my repentance?"

"The younger generation believes in the character of the older generation."

With a silent thought, the power of cause and effect on the long sword dissipated, and he hid it just before the long sword was about to disappear, so as not to let the daughter of thorns find out.

Just when Shen Mo was about to say goodbye to the girl of thorns, the thorns in the hands of the girl of thorns exploded, strangling to Mo Mo at an extremely fast speed.

Silence: You backtrack!

Daughter of Thorns: Do you know why I am called Phantom Charm Formless?invisible!It is fickle!
Silence: "You fickle woman!"

The Daughter of Thorns doesn't think that silence is humiliating her, fickleness should be a compliment for her.

It's a pity that there was a sneer on the silent face, not only did not panic in the face of the vine strangulation, but was as stable as an old dog, "But, do you think that you are the only one who is fickle? The seemingly loyal man is also fickle!"

The calamity battle ax in Shen Mo's hand suddenly appeared, and the special effect skill black hole exploded crazily with the injection of spiritual energy. With such a close-range strangulation and devouring, even the mighty strength of the daughter of thorns could hardly resist such an abrupt killing move.

The Daughter of Thorns stared at the gradually exaggerated black hole in disbelief, only feeling a terrifying suction force coming from inside, devouring and tearing her thorns and vines without any hesitation.

The girl of thorns turned pale with fright, and immediately begged for mercy, "Brother, save me! Sister knows I'm wrong!"

How could Shen Mo listen to her rhetoric? From the moment the girl of thorns wanted to kill Shen Mo, the two of them were in an endless deadlock. Easily removed.

The black hole annihilates and devours everything.

Under the strangulation of the black hole, the huge body of the Girl of Thorns collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye. She stood silently behind the black hole, but was not affected by the black hole with the protection of the disaster battle axe.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the girl of thorns was swallowed up by the black hole. No, there was a palm-sized seed of the flower of thorns hidden in the extremely deep underground. It is also impossible to find the seed of this flower of thorns.

[Thousand Year Thorn Seed: The seed condensed by the essence of the Ten Thousand Year Thorn Daughter can grow the Demon King Thorn Daughter. 】

[Reminder: The reborn Daughter of Thorns is like a newborn, and will not have the memory and abilities of her previous life. 】

[Reminder: The ten-thousand-year thorn species can be grafted and parasitized on the thousand-year-old Tongtian willow, reborn with the help of the Tongtian willow's demon power, and achieve a symbiotic relationship. 】

Silence looked at the thorn seed in his palm, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes. With this thorn seed, he could use the demonic power of the Tongtian Willow to give birth to his own daughter of thorns. As for the ability of the daughter of thorns?Looking at the strength covering the entire Phantom Invisible Realm, one cannot guess how powerful she is.

If the Millennium Tongtian Willow is combined with the Ten Thousand Year Daughter of Thorns, it will definitely achieve a heaven-defying effect.

Mo Mo didn't say anything else, directly planted ten thousand year-old thorns into the demon body of Tongtian Yaoliu, and used its evil spirit to conceive the daughter of thorns. When the daughter of thorns was reborn, the strength of Tongtian Yaoliu would be multiplied exponentially.

The light red thorns are injected into Tongtianliu's demon body, which is a very mysterious feeling, like a tattoo of a seductive woman on the arm.

Shen Mo didn't study this feeling in detail, but turned his gaze down to the ladder leading to the next level, and then there was the world of impermanence of life and death where Huang Ba was trapped.

The King of Impermanence, the master of the realm of life and death, is an extremely dangerous existence that Queen Ouroboros has repeatedly told Shen Mo to be careful.

Life and death are impermanent—the king of impermanence!

Here comes the silence!

Da da!

Silence stepped forward, and the person had disappeared into the invisible phantom, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already come to the world of impermanence.

According to the previous experience of climbing the tower, Shen Mo immediately let go of his eyes and wanted to explore the reality of this world.

What did he see?
He actually saw an ancient city, an ancient city full of strangers and ghosts.

In this ancient city, strangers and ghosts live like ordinary people. They get along seamlessly without any conflict.

Mo Mo can see a woman holding a ghost in her arms and feeding it, seeing an elderly ghost playing with her grandson on the street, seeing a person and a ghost bragging at the wine table to relieve boredom, seeing ····
He saw too many scenery that he had never seen before, which shattered his three views.

Is this the so-called realm of impermanence? !The extremely dangerous world that Queen Ouroboros mentioned? !

But why are people here so happy?
Is there something wrong with the way silence opens up this world?
(End of this chapter)

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