Chapter 548
Shen Mo very much suspected that there was something wrong with the way he opened the world of impermanence, because the scene in front of him was too different from the scene described by Ouroboros.

According to what Ouroboros said, the world of impermanence is a strange world with only death and killing. The creatures here are all living in dire straits, and it is a luxury to eat a bowl of noodles in peace.

But the scene in front of me is not to mention a bowl of noodles. The people here are all happy, with smiles on their faces. How could it be a strange world where death is always accompanied?

In the face of Shen Mo's self-doubt, there is no change in this area, even if Shen Mo does his best, he has to admit that everything in front of him is real.

With a skeptical attitude, he came to the ancient city silently and cautiously. He looked up at the gate of the ancient city, and there were three big characters [Impermanence City] written on it. A city guard or soldier in charge of guarding.

Silence just mixed in the crowd and swaggered into the city of impermanence. Everything here has the charm of the Tang Dynasty, as if it has restored the ancient charm of the Tang Dynasty. People wear all the costumes of the Tang Dynasty. The language is also the official dialect of the Tang Dynasty.

Mo Mo walked along the main road of Wuchang City like a horse watching flowers, and what he saw and felt gave him a sense of time travel through the Tang Dynasty. If it weren't for the people and ghosts nearby, he would have almost believed it.

After a while, Mo Mo stopped in front of a restaurant. This is a restaurant named Yingxianlou, which is the largest, most luxurious and busiest restaurant in Wuchang City.

Shen Mo wanted to find out some information, so he naturally wanted to sit in this restaurant.

He walked straight into the restaurant, and the waiter who was in charge of greeting greeted him warmly, "Guest officer, please come inside, are you going to eat or stay at the restaurant?"

Silently replied, "Eat first, then stay in the hotel."

Although the silent words were in Mandarin, they were extremely standard Mandarin in the mouth of the waiter.

The shop waiter habitually waved the white sweat towel in his hand, and shouted, "Okay! Please sit down, what do you want to eat?"

Shen Mo's eyes swept over, saw the signboard in the store, and ordered two side dishes for himself, a staple food, and a cup of shochu.

The shop waiter got the menu and trotted to the back kitchen to report the dishes, and Shen Mo took the opportunity to look at the boss, buddies and diners in the shop.

Yingxianlou is indeed the most prestigious restaurant in Wuchang City. The diners here are either rich or expensive, and they are by no means ordinary people or unknown people, especially the proprietress of this restaurant. Although she is over [-] years old, she is full of charm. The appearance is delicate and beautiful, and the temperament is excellent.

From the moment Shen Mo stepped into the restaurant for the first time, the proprietress of Yingxian Building noticed him, and the eyes of the two were still looking at each other for a moment, they both smiled without saying a word, thinking about themselves.

Silently restrained his mind, he used the power of his mind and eyes to probe into the conversations of the diners, and gradually grasped some special information.

"I heard that Yuanwai Chen from the south of the city is about to enter the Mansion of Impermanence."

"Really, that's really congratulations to Yuanwai Chen. Do you know whether Yuanwai Chen wants to live or die?"

"I don't know about this. But if it's me, I naturally want to live. Although I gave up the wealth and honor in this life, I can continue to live as a human being. If I hope to die and become a ghost, how can I enjoy family happiness?"

"Goodbye, brother."

Shen Mo was puzzled, not knowing what the two people meant by seeking survival and looking forward to death, but the Impermanence Mansion they were talking about must be the place where the King of Impermanence is located.

Just as Shen Mo was collecting information, the meal he had ordered earlier had already arrived, but not only the shop waiter, but also the proprietress of Yingxianlou came with the meal.

"Guest officer, what a face!"

The proprietress put Shen Shen's meals in stacks on the table, took advantage of the situation and sat opposite Shen Shen, and looked up and down Shen Shen with her scrutinizing eyes.

Mo Mo smiled slightly, picked up the chopsticks on the table, and ate food without any scruples. According to Nan Nan's deduction, there was no problem with these meals, and the problem was the proprietress in front of him.

Seeing Shen Mo silently eating food and ignoring her, the proprietress was not angry. Instead, she poured a glass of old wine for Shen Mo and complained with a smile, "Why does the guest officer ignore the slave family? Does the slave family not have this delicious food? Or not?" Is this wine good?"

Silence chuckled, in his eyes, although the proprietress in front of him was outstanding, but she was a ghost, or the kind of ghost king-level ghost that has become a weather, if the strength is placed in the real world, it can be an enemy People are but the number of hands.

Facing an opponent of this level, it is natural to be cautious.

"Miss Boss, you are joking. These meals, wine and meat can't compare to yours. It's just that I feel empty in my stomach, and I want to sacrifice to the Temple of the Five Viscera first."

The proprietress smiled and said, "So that's the case, the guest officer is an honest person, but I don't know where the guest officer came from. All the slaves in the Wuchang City know each other, but they have never seen you."

While eating the food and wine, Shen Mo replied, "Do you know all the thousands of people in this city of impermanence?"

The proprietress nodded with a smile.

"Then do you recognize the King of Impermanence?"

The whole restaurant fell silent in an instant, and everyone's eyes fell on Shen Mo. Even the proprietress's color changed dramatically, and she stared at Shen Mo with extremely fearful eyes, as if she wished she could shut Shen Mo's mouth back then.

Faced with such an abnormal state, Mo Mo stared at the proprietress quietly, waiting for her answer.

The proprietress was silent for a long time, and then she replied timidly, "Guest officer, you must never read that lord's name in this impermanent city."

Silently puzzled, "Why?"

"will die!"

The proprietress left a word, and panicked away from Shen Mo, and those diners also fled the restaurant one after another. In just a few breaths, the originally bustling restaurant was empty, leaving only Shen Mo sitting in the seat.

Just when Shen Mo was surprised, a strong wind suddenly blew up outside the restaurant, and under the perception of the power of the mind and eye, an extremely powerful energy emerged.

he came!
King of Impermanence, here we come!

Shen Mo took a closer look, and saw an old gray dog ​​walking from the door, a pair of gray and white ghost pupils were unusual, the pale hair was as clean as snow, the exaggerated head of the dog was calm and majestic, and Xiong Jian's paws were fierce.

Is this an old dog? !Is it the king of impermanence in the realm of impermanence in life and death? !The King of Impermanence is a dog.

Before Shen Mo could react, the old dog stared at Shen Mo imposingly, bared its white fangs, roared and rushed towards Shen Mo, intending to bite him to death on the spot.

Mo Mo didn't dare to be careless, and immediately drew back to dodge, using the ground-to-inch talisman to avoid the fatal blow, and then muttered, "Senior Wuchang, don't do it yet."

Pale old dog: "Wow, woof!"


This bark bark bark was not translated, Mo Mo didn't know what the pale old dog said,
In desperation, Shen Mo called out the dog egg on his waist and ordered him to communicate with the pale old dog.

"Goudan, help me translate and translate."

Goudan: "Wow, woof, woof"

Pale old dog: "Wow woof woof"

Mo Mo asked anxiously, "God, what did it say?"

Goudan read back with his heart, "It says that anyone who dares to read the name of the King of Wuchang in the Mansion of Wuchang must die."

(End of this chapter)

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