The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 549 Goodbye Old Huang

Chapter 549 Goodbye Old Huang
Mo Mo knew in his heart that the white-haired old dog in front of him was indeed not the King of Impermanence, but an old dog under the throne of Impermanence, but judging from the old dog's momentum and energy, this old dog was really powerful, even if it was Silence himself would have to spend a lot of effort and time to defeat it.

Therefore, Mo Mo hurriedly said to Goudan, "Goudan, translate for me, I want to see the King of Impermanence."

Goudan nodded Goudan's head, and responded repeatedly, "Okay bark!"

"Wang, my master wants to see the King of Impermanence."

The white-haired old dog stood up with a vicious image, and roared viciously, "You dare to call your name directly. Although you and I belong to the dog clan, I can only kill you."

Goudan argued, "It's not impossible to kill us, but at least let us see the King of Impermanence."

The white-haired old dog: "It is an unforgivable crime for you to call out the name of an adult again. Die, dog."

Goudan's face darkened, and he replied to Shen Mo: "Master, we can't agree, this guy is just a stupid dog. The kind that doesn't eat oil and salt."

After Goudan finished speaking, he immediately turned into a stream of light and entered his kennel. He silently took a look, but saw that the white-haired old dog had already attacked again, and the white hairs on its body burst up like steel needles. Seeing it, the dog's body trembled, and it turned into countless hidden weapons and shot out.

Mo Mo had been on guard for a long time, and immediately activated the anti-injury scale of the dragon god's reverse scale armor, resisting these white-haired attacks, and counterattacked most of the damage to the white-haired old dog.

Wang? !

I heard the white-haired old dog screaming, and countless blood holes appeared on his body, and blood gushed out, instantly staining the ground red.

The white-haired old dog didn't know why his moves hurt him, but he didn't flinch because of it, but used his demon power again, wanting to launch another attack on Silence.

Wang!The mouth of the white-haired old dog opened suddenly, and a fist-sized whirlpool of monster power was generated, brewing might with a strong wind.

Mo Mo raised his eyebrows, the demon ball held in the mouth of the white-haired old dog, judging from its momentum, could it be the legendary Helix Pill? !

If this ball is really a spiral pill, then Silence and Extinction cannot be hard-wired, because the power of the spiral pill cannot be underestimated. Although a small spiral pill is randomly rubbed out, its strangling power after the explosion is enough to tear Silent defense.

Therefore, the moment before the white-haired old dog's demon ball was about to attack him, Silence ignited a ground-shrinking talisman, narrowly dodging the demon ball's attack.

The demon ball that lost its target slammed into the pillar of the restaurant, annihilating the pillar in an instant, and the powerful strangling force tore everything apart, forming a huge vacuum.

Shen Mo couldn't help frowning, this demon ball really has the same operating principle as the spiral pill, and its power is even stronger than the spiral pill.

Silent was no longer careless, he showed his calamity battle axe, pointed at the white-haired old dog, and shouted sharply, "I'll say it again, I want to see the King of Impermanence, if you stop me again, don't blame the battle ax in my hand. "

Faced with the threat of Silence, the white-haired old dog was not afraid at all, and was about to kill Silence on the spot.

Just when this person and dog were about to fight to the death, a majestic voice resounded from the distant sky.

"You want to meet me?"

Hearing this voice, the white-haired old dog immediately prostrated himself on the ground. The previous fierce appearance was gone, replaced by the loyalty and obedience of the domestic dog.

Silence followed the sound, and saw a wall of the restaurant disappear out of thin air, and a figure appeared faintly from the disappearing place, and landed slowly.

If you look closely, you can see that this person is in his early thirties, imposing and imposing, with dragon aura added to his body, and his gestures and gestures make people feel a sense of surrender.

This person is the king of impermanence in the realm of impermanence in life and death.

As for his name, even the Ouroboros Queen is unclear.

Silence saw the King of Impermanence, and hurriedly bowed and said, "This junior has seen the King of Impermanence."

The King of Impermanence sized Shen Mo up and down, and said with great interest, "You can come to this king's world through the experience of the first three levels, which shows that your strength and character are extraordinary, but you don't know where you are. What's the matter with the king?"

"Back to senior, this junior wants to find someone in your world."


"Huang Ba!"

The Impermanence King asked in surprise, "Why are you looking for him?"

Shen Mo replied truthfully, "He is my friend."

The Impermanence King was silent for a long time, his face changed suddenly, but he burst out laughing, "Haha, you are very interesting, very interesting, this king asks you, are you called Silence?"

He was silent for a moment, wondering how the king of impermanence knew his name, maybe he knew it from Lao Huang. In this way, Lao Huang must be in the mansion of impermanence.

Nodding silently, counted as an acknowledgment.

"Well, Lao Ba has made a good brother!"

silence:? ? ?
Old eight? !Wait, what old man, are you talking about old Huang, Huang Ba?
Wuchang Wang said immediately, "Old Ba once told me that sooner or later, a person named Silence will come to him. I didn't expect you to come quite early."

Silence became more and more confused, what kind of way to open it up.

The King of Wuchang continued to mutter, "You and I will go back to Wuchang Mansion first, and the old man is waiting for you."

Although Mo Mo was apprehensive, according to Nan Nan's feedback, the King of Impermanence did not lie or have any ill intentions towards him.

That being the case, let's take a trip with the King of Impermanence to see how this world unfolds and what kind of medicine Lao Huang is selling in the gourd.

Ever since, Mo Mo followed the King of Impermanence back to his Impermanence Mansion.

Just before arriving at the Mansion of Impermanence, Mo Mo was attracted by the formation outside the mansion, because the guards outside the Mansion of Impermanence are all puppets made of oiled paper. Mo Mo is familiar with this craft, this is not the old Huang's house Is the paper-making man handcrafted?

Could it be that the King of Impermanence really has a story that Lao Huang has to tell? !

Mo Mo followed Wuchang Wang into the mansion, walked straight all the way, and soon came to the other courtyard where Lao Huang was located. Although this place is not as grand as the main courtyard, it is also a different Tang Yun.

Silently pushed the door away, took a closer look, and saw Lao Huang playing chess with a white-clothed scholar. But it started such a leisurely and elegant life. Looking at the flower garden in the courtyard, a woman with knotted hair was playing with a six or seven-year-old child, very happy.

Silence naturally recognized the woman and child, isn't it Lao Huang's wife and child?It's just that the sister-in-law and Xiao Huang at this moment already have ghost bodies in this world of impermanence, so they can move freely without relying on the paper mannequin.

"Old Ba, look who is here."

The King of Impermanence changed from his previous majesty, but said with a bit of an elder brother's meaning.

Both Lao Huang and the white-clothed scholar looked towards the door, and immediately found silence.

I saw Lao Huang stood up impressively, his face was overjoyed, and he couldn't express his feelings, "Brother, I knew you would come."

Just a few words express the friendship and trust between Shen Mo and Lao Huang.

Silently looking at the happy Lao Huang's family, he finally let go of the stone in his heart. At first he thought that Lao Huang was suffering in this world of impermanence, but now it seems that he is very happy!
"Old Huang! You have to give me a perfect explanation."

(End of this chapter)

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