The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 550 The New Crisis

Chapter 550 The New Crisis
"Come on! Bro, it's my brother's fault that I don't have a chance to explain it to you. Now let me tell you the truth."

Lao Huang greeted Shen Mo to sit at the chess table where he just played against the white-clothed scholar, called his wife to prepare some desserts for Shen Mo, and began to tell the story.

It turns out that the paper-making man inherited by the Huang family is inherited, and only one person is passed down in each generation, and his generation is the eighth generation.

The Impermanence King of the Impermanence Realm of Life and Death is the first generation successor of the paper-making craft or the founder of the paper-making craft of the Huang family.

That scholar is the fourth generation descendant of the Huang family's paper figurine craft.

Lao Huang felt something in his heart at the Eight Immortals Steamed Bun Shop that day, and learned that his ancestors occupied a realm in the nine-storey Yin tower through the yin man's paper road, and the ancestors even had the ability to make ghosts survive like living people, so Lao Huang So he took the souls of his wife and children and used the ancestral secret technique to summon the nine-story Yin Tower to Huanglong Island, hoping to use the power of the ancestors to reproduce the happy family back then.

Now it seems that Lao Huang really has his wish.

Silently muttered to himself, it turns out that the King of Impermanence is the ancestor of the Huang family, and according to this relationship, he can be regarded as one of his own.

"I see," Shen Mo nodded, and continued, "Then, do you plan to go back?"

Lao Huang hesitated for a moment, looked at his wife and children, and replied, "Of course I have to go back, but I have to wait for ten years."

"Ten years?! Why?"

The King of Impermanence explained, "My ability is Impermanence of Life and Death, and I can control the cycle of life and death of creatures in the world of Impermanence. Every five years, I can use the vitality of a living person to switch Yin and Yang, exchange life for death, and steal the sky for the sun. "

Silently, it suddenly dawned on me that this King of Impermanence has such a strange and powerful ability that he can restore the lifespan of a person who has turned into a ghost.

"So, Brother Huang, you are going to use this method to revive sister-in-law and Xiao Huang."

Lao Huang nodded, and did not deny that although this method was not the right way, he would not care about other things in order to revive his wife and children.

As for Shen Mo, he has no opinion either. He is not a saint or a good old man. As long as the King of Impermanence doesn't trade his life for his life, it doesn't matter who he trades his life for.

"Well, if that's the case, then I don't have to worry about you."

Shen Mo knew about Lao Huang's plan, and didn't plan to persuade him, but only hoped that he could live well in this world of impermanence, and ten years later he would be a good man again.

But out of professional considerations, Mo Mo asked a lot, "Right now Huanglong Island is surrounded by mist, and the nine-story Yin Tower has come to guard this world. According to your statement, the nine-story Yin Tower has to stay here for ten years?"

Wuchang Wang was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's true, otherwise, after ten years, Lao Ba would not be able to return to the human world."

Mo Mo couldn't help hesitating, it's fine for you to use their vitality to exchange your life for your life, but you want to keep the Nine-Story Shadow Tower on Huanglong Island for ten years, the causal impact of this is naturally needless to say.

In just half a month, Huanglong Island has been covered by the mist of the nine-story Yin Tower and transformed into a gloomy forest. If it takes ten years, it is unknown what Huanglong Island will look like.

The King of Impermanence seemed to be aware of the concerns of silence, and explained, "Are you worried about the impact of the nine-storey shadow tower on the human world!?"

Shen Mo nodded, mainly because he had been to the Nine-story Yin Tower before, and if something went wrong in the future, he would have to do it again, and the crisis would be much more severe then than it is now.

"You can rest assured that the Nine-story Yin Tower has existed in the underworld for countless years, and its status in the underworld is prominent, but it doesn't look down on the current human world. Once ten years come, the Nine-story Yin Tower will return to the underworld and will not stay anymore , and although the impact on this island is there, it is negligible."

Faced with the impermanent king's promise, is there any other way for Mo Mo to choose to believe it temporarily?

After thinking about it, it seems that there is really no way to solve the incident of the nine-story Yin Tower in Huanglong Island. The only way to let the nine-story Yin Tower stay in Huanglong Island is to wait until the ten-year deadline is up.

If something happens in these ten years, Shen Mo will definitely come back to the Nine-story Yin Tower, and talk to the King of Impermanence well, in ten years, it is enough for Shen Mo to master the strength enough to overthrow the Nine-story Yin Tower.

Ever since, this matter has been happily settled, Shen Mo will naturally report to Ma Shisan about the situation of this area after returning to the super game, and Huanglong Island will be listed as a restricted area for ten years.

"Thank you Brother Shen, I, Lao Huang, will never forget your kindness."

Shen Mo waved his hand, "We are all our own people, don't say such unreasonable things, your matter is settled, and I should go back."

Lao Huang persuaded, "Don't go back in a hurry, stay in this world of impermanence for more time."

Shaking his head silently, there is nothing wrong with staying here,

But the King of Impermanence shouted, "If you are not in a hurry, you can stay longer in my Impermanence Mansion. I heard from Xiaobai that you have a dog demon soul on you. I can help it during this time." Return to Yang."

Mo Mo frowned, and the dog's balls on his waist trembled, it's still positive!
This is the dream that Goudan has dreamed of. Since he turned into a demon soul, Goudan eats and sleeps well, and he is free and happy when he is in the body of a demon. The strength will naturally be greatly improved, which is a great thing for Mo Mo and Goudan.

"Oh? How long does it take for Goudan to return to Yang?"

The Impermanence King said with a smile, "Humans and dogs have different souls. If it is a dog, it only takes one day."

"Okay, then I'll stay for one more day."

Ever since, the king of impermanence prepared a banquet and entertained the silence who came from afar, and everyone drank until late at night before going back to their houses to rest.

Lying on the bed, Shen Mo used the power of purification to get rid of his alcoholism, and muttered in a low voice, "I'm afraid I can't complete the side mission this time... Ugh, wait!"

Mo Mo was in a trance for a while, the request of the branch task was to let Mo Mo rescue the ghosts of Lao Huang and his wife and children, which meant that Lao Huang and his wife and children were in danger, but judging from the current situation, Lao Huang's family was not in any danger at all to speak of.

So, is there a mistake in the side mission, or something happened to Wuchangwang.

Shen Mo was puzzled, and immediately launched the power of the mind's eye to investigate the courtyard where the king of impermanence was located. After a while, the mind's eye projected the situation inside.

I saw the king of impermanence using his own ability to return the dog's egg to the sun, and the white-clothed scholar on the side was protecting him.

Judging from Wang Wuchang's means, he is indeed stronger than the guardians of the first three floors, and according to Nannan's feedback, Wang Wuchang has no malice towards them.

So what is the situation now?
Mo Mo couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and a moment of thinking allowed him to grasp an extremely serious problem.

The Nine-story Yin Tower is divided into nine floors, and each floor will have a guardian. The King of Impermanence is only the guardian of the fourth floor. He has no malice towards Silence and others. malicious.

Especially the person on the ninth floor of the Nine-story Yin Tower, in ten years, is he really willing to stay in his tower world and not set foot in the human world?
Anyone can't beat it!

That's why the side mission is to ask Mo Mo to rescue Lao Huang and his wife and children. Besides the Impermanence King, there are people who want to deal with them, and these people come from a higher level of the tower world.

Shen Mo realized that he would not be able to leave tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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