Chapter 551

The next day, dawn.

The King of Impermanence came to the silent courtyard early, and what he brought with him was naturally a reborn dog egg.

Looking at Goudan who regained his demon body, Shen Mo was happy for Goudan from the bottom of his heart. Back then, when the ignorant and selfless Goudan was killed under a tree by several female students, he had promised Goudan to take good care of him. Now it seems that Goudan's dog life is getting better and better.

I saw Goudan wagging his tail happily and excitedly after getting the demon body. The way he shook his head looked like a child in his 70s.

Although Goudan has regained the demon body, its self-propelled mana recovery function has not been abolished because of this. On the contrary, it has become more efficient because of the blessing of the demon body. It used to take ten rounds to recover mana, but now it only takes six. Hair can solve the problem, and Goudan can recondense the monster power, and the future achievements will be even more limitless.

For this reason, Silence is naturally happy for Goudan.

Having said that, Shen Mo had to face up to another problem. Who on the Nine-Story Yin Tower wants to use this coming to cause trouble? !
According to Silence's speculation, the guardians of the first four floors should have no problem. The crux of the problem naturally lies in the guardians of the last five floors. Some of them want to make trouble, or all of them want to make trouble.

Shen Mo asked tentatively, "King of Impermanence, as the guardian of the fourth floor, do you have the right to let the nine-story Yin Tower stop on Huanglong Island for ten years?"

The King of Impermanence seemed to have expected that Shen Mo would ask this question, and replied with a smile, "Do you want to ask me about the movements of other guardians besides me? Does anyone among them have any thoughts about the human world?"

Nodding silently, acknowledging his intentions, talking to smart people is so easy.

The King of Impermanence pondered for a moment, and replied truthfully, "With my strength, I naturally cannot let the Nine-story Yin Tower stay in the human world for so long. The reason why it has become what it is today is of course that there are higher-level guardians who are contributing to this matter." .”


"The main demon building of the nine-story Yin Tower!"

"The magic building?! The guardian of the ninth floor is also the owner of the nine-story Yin tower, the magic building."

Even the king of impermanence has never seen the real face of the magic building, because he never shows his true face to others, and only gives various orders as the emissary of the magic building.

This time, the nine-storey Yin Tower descended on Huanglong Island, and it was only with the consent of the Demon Tower that it could be smoothly facilitated.

Shen Mo couldn't help asking, "What is the attitude of the Demon Tower towards the human world?"

Wang Wuchang shook his head, saying that he did not know what Molou was thinking.

"You don't know, you still assured me that the nine-storey Yin Tower will not affect the human world?! Although you don't know how to make a move, if the Demon Tower makes a move, the degree of crisis is much higher than yours."

The King of Impermanence was silent for a moment, looked towards the top of the tower, and muttered in a low voice, "Although I cannot know the will of the Demon Tower, he should not come out of the Yin Tower within ten years. The only power he can drive is the Envoy of the Demon Tower, and other The strength of the tower... He was seriously injured in that battle."

Shen Mo thought carefully about the words of the King of Impermanence, combined with the hints of the side missions, and immediately came up with a way to kill two birds with one stone.

"These are just your guesses. To be on the safe side, I have a good idea. It won't affect Lao Huang's affairs, and I won't worry about the rebirth of the Nine-story Yin Tower."

The King of Impermanence said curiously, "Let's hear it."

"You can pass on the paper-making craft to me, and when the ten-year deadline expires, I will use the paper-making craft to summon you again, and the Nine-story Yin Tower will return to the world."

Wang Wuchang was taken aback. It's not like he hadn't thought about such a method, but the inheritance of paper-making people has always been passed down to Huang's males, and it has been passed down from generation to generation to Huang Ba's place. This is the eighth generation. If it is abolished from him again, it is really unreasonable.

But looking at the silent and firm eyes, Wuchang Wang knew that if he did not agree, he would never give up.

"I can't teach you the inheritance of the Paper Man, but I can give you the method of calling me."

As the King of Impermanence spoke, he took out a palm-sized white paper figurine with the imprint of the King of Impermanence engraved on it.

"Ten years later, as long as you call me with this talisman, I will be able to perceive it."

Nodding silently, took the talisman paper, and continued, "In this case, you should tell the news to Mo Lou first, and see his attitude?"

Shen Mo's intuition told him that the impermanent king was definitely destroying the plan of the magic building. In this way, the magic building was bound to turn his back on it, which was also the result of the side mission of Silence.

Someone is bound to pose a threat to Shen Mo and the others, and this person is likely to be the tower master Demon Tower.

When Wuchang Wang left, Shen Mo hurried to the courtyard where Huang Ba was, and he told him what he knew.

"What!? You mean that the master of the Nine-story Yin Tower harmed us?"

Huang Ba asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Impermanence has already gone to the magic building. This variable life, the magic building is bound to attack us."

Huang Ba shouted, "Brother Shen, why did you do this?"

Silently asked, "If I don't do this, do I have to watch Zhonglou plan for ten years in the human world? You have to be clear, even if I don't do this, within ten years Chonglou will attack you and the human world." of."

Huang Ba was in a trance for a while, what he said silently was indeed reasonable, he remembered his feelings when he had a whim, and realized that he had been used from the very beginning.

Using his connection with the King of Wuchang, Mo Lou used Huang Ba's inheritance of the paper man to bring the Nine-Story Yin Tower to the human world. Is it really as simple as wanting to help Huang Ba?

Obviously, the Demon Tower has a deeper plot, but Huang Ba has been unwilling to accept this fact.He was afraid that if he admitted this problem, his wife and children would not be able to be resurrected, and they would be separated from him forever.

Shen Mo shouted sharply, "Old Huang, Wuchang is not the only one who can bring my sister-in-law and Xiao Huang back to life, and I am also capable of doing it now."

"You!?" Huang Ba's eyes widened, and he looked at Silence in astonishment.

"It seems that I can't hide my identity as a puppet master. Well, I have a showdown. As long as I have enough materials, I can refine their own dolls for my sister-in-law and Xiao Huang, and the dolls are almost the same as strangers. No difference."

Huang Ba didn't believe in Silence at first, but as Silence showed the puppet appearance of Liu Xiaoci and others, Huang Ba was already convinced.

Since Shen Mo has such a magical ability, there is absolutely no need for Huang Ba to wait ten years in the Impermanence Mansion, he only needs to follow Shen Mo to complete the matter.

And at the moment when the two agreed to complete it, the entire Impermanence Realm suddenly began to vibrate.

The two went out of the house to look, and saw a gap burst open at the top of the tower, and a figure stepped out of it.

The Messenger of the Demon Tower—— Lou Yidrill!

(End of this chapter)

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