The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 552 I Will Not Betray

Chapter 552 I Will Not Betray

The Envoy of the Demon Tower stepped out of the crack, and saw that she had wings on her back like eagles, thorns on her forehead like horns, a pair of beautiful eyes as deep as an abyss, and her delicate cheeks were not alluring, but they were alluring.

After the Envoy of the Demon Tower arrived, he waved his wings and approached the Impermanence Mansion.

Silence and Lao Huang were shocked. The King of Impermanence had already gone to the top of the nine-storey Yin Tower to look for the tower master demon building.

But the truth of the matter was just as expected by Shen Mo and Lao Huang, the emissary of the Demon Tower exuded a terrifying murderous aura all over his body, pointing to slaughtering the Impermanence Mansion.

"Old Huang, protect your sister-in-law and Xiao Huang, and I will deal with her!"

Mo Mo shouted sharply, and showed his disaster battle axe. Up to now, it is already a must-fight situation.

Lao Huang responded, and hurriedly turned around to look for his wife and children, while the white-clothed scholar Huang Si also discovered the emissary of the Demon Tower, and rushed out to fight side by side with Shen Mo.

"Brother just went to look for the magic building, and his envoy came. Judging from this posture, it may be more dangerous. Brother Shen, be careful!"

Huang Siliang held out the white bone fracture fan in his hand, and his whole body was full of ghost energy. He was an adult ghost with extraordinary strength.

Silence nodded and replied, "Thank you, I have my own measure."

Between the two of them, the emissary from the Demon Tower had already arrived at the Mansion of Impermanence.

I saw the Envoy of the Demon Tower standing in the air, floating in the sky above the Mansion of Impermanence, and shouted sharply, "The king of Wuchang disobeyed Lord Demon Tower's will and was not loyal to the nine-storey Yin Tower, and the Mansion of Impermanence will be slaughtered."

hum!Lou Yidiao, the envoy of the Demon Tower, held it up with one hand, and a jet-black demon balloon like a black hole condensed and expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a black energy ball with a diameter of more than ten meters in an instant.


The pitch-black energy ball rolled down, tearing the surrounding air, as if even the space began to collapse, if such a heavy blow hit the Impermanence Mansion, let alone silence, everyone present would not be able to survive.

The white-clothed scholar Huang Si waved his fan and roared loudly, the ghost energy condensed and spun into a huge spider web in an instant, and under his urging, he rushed towards the black energy ball.

The white spider web and the jet-black energy ball collided together, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while. The net structure well dispersed the energy ball's gravity, abruptly blocking the opponent's attack.

But everything was only in an instant, and the beautiful eyes of the envoy of the Demon Tower Lou Yixi moved slightly, as if he had been prepared for a long time. With one finger, the black energy ball changed again, and it actually flowed like mercury, pouring down along the hollow of the spider web , but its power has not diminished.

The white-clothed scholar Huang Si's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly waved the bone fan, figures floated on the fan, one after another figure approached Quicksilver like a ghost, weaving a finer spider web again.

Shen Mo took a closer look, and found that these figures were paper figurines made out of paper piercing techniques. The extraordinary thing is that these paper figurines have been conceived by souls for countless years and have become extraordinary things.

The corners of Lou Yidrill's mouth raised, and he smiled charmingly, "You, Huang Si, have no way to practice the paper piercing technique of the King of Impermanence even if you get the true instruction. Dirty."

As soon as Lou Yidiao finished speaking, she saw that she changed the formula with one finger and read the secret method. The mercury-like energy began to devour the paper-wrapped people like a living thing, and it was swallowed up in just a moment.

The white bone fan in the hands of the white-clothed scholar Huang Si cracked instantly, and the figure on the fan disappeared.

Huang Si's paper-tying technique was broken.

"What a powerful Nine Yin Dirty Sha!"

Huang Silian muttered, "The Nine Yin Zangs are refined from the Yin Qi of nine Yin evil ghosts. They are specially used to defile people's magic weapons. My paper piercing skills are completely restrained by it."

Huang Si's purpose of saying these things was not for that Lou Yidrill, but for Shen Mo.

Silence accepted, and the disaster battle ax in his hand was withdrawn instantly. He didn't want his battle ax to be polluted by the opponent's nine yin filth.

Huang Si smiled knowingly, and continued, "To deal with these nine evils, we should use the power of yang, use yang to overcome yin, and use yang to destroy yin."

Lou Yidrill sneered, "So what if you know how to crack my Nine Yin Zangsha, the nine-storey Yin tower is filled with the power of the sun from where ghosts and ghosts come from."

Standing on the side silently smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I have the power of the sun."

Lou Yidrill:? ? ?

Huang Si, a white-clothed scholar: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and break her filth!"

Lou Yidrill's eyes fell on Shen Mo, she originally thought that Shen Mo was an unknown soldier of the Impermanence Mansion, and the weapon she used was also a rare and ordinary giant axe, maybe it was a guy who was not very useful, but she never expected that Mo Mo would It is a person in the world.

hum!Silence no longer procrastinated, and immediately ignited its own body of holy light, the holy light poured down instantly to wrap the silence, and the scorching air waves rolled over, just shining on Lou Yidrill's nine layers of filth began to evaporate and consume .

Such a powerful Sunshine Power!

Even Huang Si, a white-clothed scholar who had been prepared for a long time, did not expect that the power of Silence's Zhiyang is so hot. Judging from this posture, this Silence may still be in the body of Tong Yang, otherwise, he would not have this power.

"I didn't expect Brother Shen to still maintain the body of Tong Yang. The power of this sun is really extraordinary."

Silence: "I'll take it as if you're praising me!"

Shen Mo shouted loudly, and the Blue Fist Holy Envoy's thought drive was launched. Under the condensed fist energy, the holy light began to gather and form balls of holy light floating around Shen Mo.

go with!
Driven by silent thoughts, countless balls of holy light blasted towards Lou Yidrill's Jiuyin Zangsha. Under the burning of the power of the sun, the Jiuyin Zangsha was powerless to resist and began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lou Yidiao's face changed drastically. She never expected that there was such a terrifying opponent hidden in the mansion of King Wuchang, and this person's ability completely restrained her ability.

Just when Lou Yidrill was about to withdraw her Nine Yin Zangsha, she felt a chill down her spine, and a huge hammer of holy light that radiated holy light hung high above her head.

"If you move, my Hammer of Light will fall down."

Lou Yidrill's movements stopped abruptly, and she didn't dare to resist the silent warning, because the power of the holy light emanating from the giant hammer made her unable to resist at all.

"Say! Where is the King of Impermanence?"

asked silently.

Lou Yidrill replied truthfully, "The King of Impermanence has been imprisoned by Master Molou."

The king of impermanence is still alive, so there are two possibilities, either the magic building can't kill the king of impermanence for a while; or the king of impermanence is still useful.

Silence is more inclined to the former, because the Demon Tower has sent the Demon Tower envoy to slaughter the Wuchang Mansion, and there is an irreconcilable hatred between the two, and the character of the Wuchang King will not be used by the enemy if he disappears.

Silence continued to ask, "Tell me everything you know about the Demon Tower."

Lou Yidiao hesitated for a moment, then muttered in a cold voice, "I will not betray Master Molou."

hum!The Hammer of Holy Light trembled slightly, and the overflowing holy light landed on Lou Yidrill's body, burning him instantly and roaring.

Lou Yidrill: I say!Do not kill me!
(End of this chapter)

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