The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 556 Rewards arrive

Chapter 556 Rewards arrive
Lou Yidrill knelt down!
She knelt on the ground and was at a loss. She originally thought that the tower master Mo Lou would personally solve Shen Mo and give her freedom, but she never thought that Mo Lou not only did not kill Mo Lou, but was killed by Mo Lou instead.

How should this be done? !Could she also be killed by silence?If she knew this earlier, she shouldn't have sold her silence so early. Wouldn't it be good to be double-faced for a while?

Just when Lou Yidiao thought he was finished, Shen Mo had already completed the inheritance of the Nine-story Yin Tower.

It turned out that inheriting the nine-story Yin Tower required extremely complicated steps and time for the sacrifice, but after the systematic opening and hanging behavior, this step and time were obviously shortened infinitely.

After owning the nine-storey Yin Tower, Shen Mo couldn't help but cast his gaze on Lou Yidiao. Should the emissary under the Demon Tower stay or not?

The calamity battle ax that had not yet been put away slammed towards Lou Yidrill. Before Lao Huang and others could react, Lou Yidrill had already lost its vitality.

kill!Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.What's more, it is not uncommon for such a grass-like subordinate to be silent at all. They stay wasted and killed to the point of cleanliness.

"Since you are so loyal to the Demon Tower, then follow the Demon Tower."

Silently cast the flames of the chakra secret technique, and incinerated Lou Yidrill's body in just a few breaths.

Looking at the corpse of the demon building, although his demon soul had been crushed by the power of the dragon god Ni Linshang, his demon king's body was unscathed. Such a treasure is really an excellent material for refining dolls.

【Ding!Obtain the corpse of the Demon King Molou*1. It can be used as a material for refining dolls. 】

Without further ado, Mo Lou directly put the corpse of the demon building into his personal warehouse, and when he had good ingredients, he would naturally have to refine a new doll.

After finishing everything, Shen Mo set his eyes on the Nine-story Yin Tower, and with a thought, the imprisoned King Wuchang appeared in the palace.

At this moment, the King of Impermanence is already dying. It seems that when he fights against the Demon Tower, the scene must be quite tragic.

Motivated by the spiritual power of silence, a blessing of holy light was blessed on King Wuchang. The blessing of holy light transformed by the fruitless old man has been able to bless and heal the spirit body.

Within a few breaths, Wuchang Wang's injuries recovered a little, and his spirit body also condensed, not so illusory anymore.

"Big brother!"

Old Huang was naturally very excited when he saw Wuchang Wang. Wuchang Wang was very kind to Lao Huang.

"How did you..." Wuchang Wang was stunned, and after a moment of trance, he finally understood the ins and outs of the matter, "You actually defeated the magic building?!"

The King of Impermanence is really hard to believe. In his opinion, Mo Lou's strength is impossible to defeat Molou, even if there are ten or hundreds of Molou, it is impossible to be Molou's opponent.

But the reality is so unexpected, Shen Mo really defeated the Demon Tower, and even took the nine-storey Yin Tower from the Demon Tower.

The King of Impermanence had to admire the strength of Mo Mo, and praised, "It seems that I misjudged the person, you are stronger than I imagined."

King Wuchang knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands in respect, and said, "The guard on the fourth floor of the Nine-story Yin Tower, Huang Wuchang, paid his respects to the tower owner and remained silent."

Shen Mo nodded with a smile, signaled the King of Impermanence to get up, and then continued, "I just got the nine-story Yin Tower, and I am not familiar with each tower world. From today, you are the new Yin Tower Envoy."

Shen Mo's mind moved slightly, part of the authority of the nine-story Yin Tower had been released to the King of Impermanence, and the King of Impermanence, who had obtained more authority, replaced Lou Yidrill's position and became the new envoy of the Yin Tower.

In Shen Mo's view, the King of Impermanence can definitely take on this important task, and assist Shen Mo in managing the nine-storey Yin Tower.

"Thank you, Tower Master, impermanence is not a disgrace to the mission."

Shen Mo nodded, indicating that the King of Impermanence should call the guardians of the various tower realms now, and let them come to meet Mo Mo, the new tower owner.

Impermanence took the lead, the figure flickered, and immediately opened a gap and disappeared in place.

With the departure of the King of Impermanence, a new notification sounded in Shen Mo's mind, obviously this time the side mission rewards had arrived.

【Ding!Side mission: Nine-story Yin Tower, the mission is completed. 】


The task reward this time really surprised Shen Mo.

It is simply a bumper harvest!
Leaving aside the [-] aura points, the exclusive skills and new titles obtained are enough to prove the high gold content of this reward.

[Exorcist's exclusive skill: Shikigami White Tiger, summoning the Shikigami White Tiger of the sky to assist him in combat.The white tiger dominates gold and commands hundreds of troops.Possesses the exclusive skill White Tiger Killing Order. 】

[Reminder: You can choose to contract the white tiger of the god sky or give the demon dog the power of the protein tiger. 】

Mo Mo didn't hesitate, and decisively chose to let Goudan obtain the power of the white tiger. Instead of contracting a shikigami white tiger that he doesn't understand, it is better to give Goudan stronger power.

This is the so-called one person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven!

hum!The demon dog Goudan has reached some kind of mysterious contract agreement with Shen Mo in the dark, and a crimson-white white tiger power suddenly descended from the void, instantly wrapping the dog egg, the original yellow hair faded, and replaced it She is covered in snow-white hair, and the unique tiger stripes of the Tiger God gradually emerge.

Shikigami White Tiger—Dog Dan!debut.

Roar!Goudan, who had gained new power, let out a roar that shook the sky, and the aura of the king of beasts was not angry and majestic, creeping down at Shen Mo's feet.

Looking at the transformed Goudan, Mo Mo felt that he should give Goudan a name. How could such a mighty and domineering white tiger be called Goudan by such a middle school name.

But Goudan doesn't want Silence to change his life for him, because Goudan thinks its name sounds nice, and he's used to hearing it, but changing it will make him unfamiliar.

Therefore, Silence had no choice but to give up and follow Goudan's wishes.

Since then, when Shen Mo sat down, there was this mighty and majestic white tiger - Goudan.

And Goudan's ability has also undergone earth-shaking changes. On the basis of retaining the original Goudan card's self-walking back to blue function, Goudan also gained new abilities.

[The power of the white tiger: The white tiger dominates gold, and the sharpness of gold.The white tiger family has extremely terrifying attack power, which is reflected in their tiger claws. The sharp tiger claws can easily tear the target and cause bleeding effect. 】

[White Tiger Slaying Order: The White Tiger can command hundreds of troops, and Huwei holds the secret killing order, and can call thousands of troops to assist the White Tiger in fighting. 】

[Thousands of troops and horses: Soldiers and horses formed by the sharpness of gold. 】

After reading Goudan's new ability, Mo Mo felt very comfortable in his heart.

There is a kind of momentum that a few people can command thousands of troops with a dog egg in their hands.

Looking at the perfect pocket pot of the magic building, it is naturally left to Nan Nan to krypton luck, and see if he can open another magic weapon.

Needless to say, the nine-storey Yin Pagoda, its value can only be manifested after returning to the Laifu Wood Carving Shop and merging with the heart of the server.

Finally, there is the newly obtained title: the fearless brave man with a lot of cards.

What kind of title is this?

(End of this chapter)

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