Chapter 557

[Title: Fearless Brave with Huge Cards]

[The Fearless Brave with Huge Hollow Cards: In the face of a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated, you can always rely on the hidden hole cards to fight back against the enemy.This earns you the favor of this title. 】

[Special skills: 1 King of hole cards, wearing this title, you will greatly increase the chance of obtaining hole card props or skills. 】

[The strength is weak, the hole card is king.How can a generation of anti-killing masters have no cards. 】

[Special Skills: 2 Fearless Braves, your ignorance and fearlessness will definitely be rewarded.When facing an invincible enemy, your fearless attribute will bring you a certain increase in the four-dimensional attribute, and the increase rate depends on the strength of your fearlessness. 】

[Fearless Heart: Don't be cowardly, just do it. 】

[Special skills: 3 extreme anti-kill, you can mark three hole cards and strengthen their power, if the props or skills marked as hole cards successfully counter-kill enemies that cannot be defeated normally, you will get an extra pocket pot reward. 】

[Anti-Assassination Pocket Jar: This is the reward you deserve as the anti-assassination king. 】

After reading the ability effect of the new title, Mo Mo was shocked.

Never expected that there is such a wonderful and powerful title in this world.Wearing this title can not only increase your chances of obtaining hole cards, but also gain a certain increase in four-dimensional attributes when facing invincible enemies. What is even more powerful is that it can actually mark three hole cards, and after marking the hole cards to kill the enemy Get extra anti-kill pocket pot rewards.

This is simply a proper protagonist panel!
With this title by his side, Silence already has the possibility to fight against an invincible enemy.

He is a fan of this title.

So here comes the question, which item or skill should Silence mark as a trump card?
As soon as Mo Mo thought about it, he put on a new title, and in an instant, he felt a sense of fearlessness rising in his heart, as if he could pierce it through him this day.

This fearless state of mind is indeed a necessary state of mind when facing a powerful enemy.

But fearlessness does not mean arrogance, and sobriety is the important difference between the two.

After silently making a detailed comparison, the result was soon reached.

Calamity · Yamata no Orochi · Tomahawk is the first hole card, because the frequency of use of Calamity Tomahawk is extremely high, and the exclusive skill black hole also has strong lethality and destructive power. Facing some powerful enemies, it can really be used as Hole cards are used.

There's nothing wrong with that.

The second item is naturally the power of the Venus Heavenly Dragon mimicking the five-clawed Golden Dragon. The Venus Heavenly Dragon is Silence's strongest skill at the moment.

The third item is Shen Mo’s unused props hidden in his personal warehouse for a long time—the perfect potion of Yamata no Orochi. This does not mean that the ability of this potion is weak, on the contrary, this potion is extremely powerful, if there is only one chance to use it, Silence will not be cherished until now.

Ever since, the three marked hole cards have masters, and the rest is to use these three hole cards to fight against powerful enemies to get more rewards.

After checking the mission rewards this time, I am silent from the bottom of my heart, naturally I am very happy.

Crises are often accompanied by huge profits, and the ancients did not deceive others.

Silence withdrew his mind, and his eyes fell on the huge palace. Because of the attack of the calamity black hole, the throne that originally existed in the center of the palace had been annihilated and disappeared. In order to be heard by the tower guards for a while, he had to build a new throne.

hum!The silent consciousness sinks into the body, activates the mimicry ability, unlocks the form of the thousand-year-old Babel Willow, and uses the high plasticity of the Babel Vine to build a new vine throne for himself.

In a short while, the majestic new throne was completed. Silently smiling, he climbed up to his own throne step by step, sat down slowly, and looked down at the layers of pagodas under his feet.

The tower master is silent!Debut!
The King of Impermanence didn't let the silence wait for too long. Even though he had just obtained the ability to freely travel between various tower worlds, as the guardian of the fourth-story tower world, he was familiar with the nine-story Yin tower, and he was familiar with most of the tower worlds. Guardians are also intersecting.

Under the leadership of King Wuchang, the guardians of each tower world were brought into the main palace of the tower in turn.

The eighth layer is a golden-winged eagle, a different kind of beast, with a human body and a bird's head, with two wings on its back, the wings are so big that they can spread a hundred meters.It is rumored that it has the blood of the ancient mythical beast Dapeng Garuda, and controls the world of Qiongqi Tianta.

The seventh-level ghost general Zhang He, a general of the Tang Dynasty, died in battle. After his death, he merged with thousands of battle spirits, turned into a ghost general, and controlled the Heishui Tianta Realm.

The sixth layer is glazed white, foreign matter becomes essence, the prototype is glazed white jade qin, good at changing the rhythm, can control people's hearts, and control the world of the five-color sky tower.

The fifth floor Vladigil, a foreign race, lives on blood, is good at strange magic, and controls the bloodless sky tower world.

The king of impermanence on the fourth floor, the new envoy of the nine-story Yin Tower, controls the world of impermanence in life and death.

The Third Daughter of Thorns (Deceased)

The second level of the fruitless old man, the power of cause and effect, controls cause and effect, and controls the fruitless world of life in vain.

The first layer of ouroboros queen, the time is narrow, the cycle is endless, and the control of time is boundless.

Under the leadership of King Wuchang, the seven guardians all kneel under the silent throne.

They all examined the new tower master in their own way.

The golden-winged Qiongqi eagle has a free and easy nature, as long as it doesn't touch Qiongqitian's interests, he doesn't care who is the tower owner.

The ghost general Zhang He had a close personal relationship with the former pagoda master Mo Lou, and was extremely loyal. At this moment, Mo Lou died in battle. He should have rebelled, but it was normal, standing still and waiting for the opportunity.

Liulibai's foreign matter has become a essence, and he only likes the rhythm, which is similar to the attitude of the golden-winged Qiongqiongdiao.

Vladimir is very different. He is actually a blood clan who fled to China in the Middle Ages in Europe. In order to avoid something, he hid in the nine-storey Yin Tower and became a guard.Therefore, who is the tower owner has nothing to do with him, as long as he can continue to hide, he can do whatever he wants.

The King of Impermanence naturally agrees with the silent tower master.

The fruitless old man smiled knowingly, as if he had already guessed the cause and effect.

On the contrary, the Ouroboros Queen, who had no bounds in Yin Shi, knelt on the ground in astonishment. She should have been happy for Silence, but she never imagined that Silence could defeat the tower master, Demon Tower, and seize the ownership of the nine-story Yin Tower.

All this seemed dreamlike and made the Queen Ouroboros feel that it was not real enough. If she hadn't been sitting on the throne silently, exuding the majesty of being the tower master, she would not have believed her disappearance.

Sitting high on the throne, overlooking the guards, the power of his mind swept over them, carefully watching the details of the changes, and relying on Nan Nan's premonition of crisis, he knew the hostility of the ghost general Zhang He And disobedient heart.

Shen kept silent, unleashing the domineering aura of being the only one in the world, instantly enveloping everyone in the audience.

The incomparable coercion, combined with the majesty of the master of the nine-story Yin Tower, instantly shocked these guards on the spot. Even though some of them were as strong as silence, at this moment, they couldn't help but surrender from their hearts.

Silent eyes swept over everyone again, but saw that except for the ghost general Zhang He, the rest of the guards were obedient.

snort!Since you are not convinced, then follow the magic building!

Mo Mo gave a low shout, and gave an order, and the white tiger dog egg crawling at his feet made a move impressively.

(End of this chapter)

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