The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 559 Return My Wife’s Life

Chapter 559 Return My Wife’s Life
On the way back to Yancheng, Shen Mo reported the matter of Huanglong Island to Ma ShiSan.

Of course, Silence didn't mention the matter of the nine-storey Yin Tower, but explained the situation in each case while avoiding the important ones.

Ma Shisan didn't investigate this matter carefully either. After all, the crisis had been resolved, and Huanglong Island was left with only the later stage of logistical remedial work. Of course, there would be no problem in handing it over to Chaoju's logistical staff.

When Shen Mo returned to Yancheng again, it was already two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, Shen Mo did not stay at the airport, but took a night taxi back to the city.

Because Hua Yingjun and Liu Xiaoci went to Shanghai to deal with the inheritance and hadn't returned yet, naturally no one picked Shen Mo up.

Shen Shen sat in the back seat of the taxi, and he could see the driver's face clearly through the rearview mirror. He was probably in his early 30s, with a stubble beard, and the obesity caused by long-term sitting made his skin greasy and rough.

Along the way, the two of them didn't communicate too much. It wasn't until they were about to reach the destination that the driver said silently, "It's almost there. It's 39 yuan and 6 yuan in total. You can give me 40 yuan."

Shen Mo didn't bother with the 40 cents. He turned on his mobile phone and scanned for [-] for the driver. After all, the life of an adult is not easy.

When he was about to get off the car, Mo Mo took out a peach charm blessed by the Holy Light from the Yin Yang Eight Diagrams sword pouch, and handed it to the driver through the iron fence on the back seat.

"Take it, it will bring you good luck."

The driver was stunned, hesitated for a moment, reached out to take the silent peach talisman, thanked him casually, and threw the peach talisman into his car pocket, obviously he didn't care about the silent peach talisman.

Shen Mo didn't say much about this, because at the moment of taking the car, Shen Mo checked everything with the power of mind and eyes, and found that there was a group photo in the driver's wallet, which was a group photo of a happy family of six. It turned out that the driver had A father of four, he has a lot of pressure in his life and cannot fall down easily.

The reason why Shen Mo gave the peach charm to the other party was because Nan Nan sensed the man's aura. The man's recent luck has been very bad. A devastating blow to the family.

Mo Mo didn't need to take care of this kind of thing, and he couldn't take care of it if he wanted to, but since he met him, it was considered a fate, so he helped him casually.

Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

Penguin sensed the existence of Shen Mo early on, and when Shen Mo was standing at the entrance of the alley, he opened the store door for Shen Mo.

And Penguin also prepared a big gift for Shen Mo.

What gift? !

a man!Still looking for a man who is silent and seeking revenge.

Shen Mo's brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't know why an enemy would come to him. When he saw the man's attire clearly, he finally knew the identity of the man.

People taught by Tianyi!
"Bad coward! Give back my wife's life."

Although the man was tightly bound by the rope, after seeing Silence, he still cursed at the top of his voice, his aura was not empty at all.

Shen Mo shook his head helplessly, this day's teaching is like bullshit plaster, you can't get rid of it no matter how you shake it off, a couple of assassins just came a few days ago, and now there is a killer.

Wait, no!daughter in law?Where is the daughter-in-law from?

Shen Mo asked in surprise, "Cai Die is your wife?"

The man cursed repeatedly, "Caidie and Qingmen Zhuma are childhood sweethearts, we will stay together for the rest of our lives, we will live together and fly together, but it is because of you, a wicked coward, that you broke her body, and she committed suicide with hatred, separated from me in Huangquan, yin and yang. Hope... I, Amurpan, will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

"Stop it! If you become a ghost, you will no longer be my opponent."

Mo Mo pulled a chair and sat down, and explained patiently again, "I have already explained to you people of Tianyi Sect that Caidie's death has nothing to do with me, and the murderer must be someone else. Wait for the matter at hand After finishing my work, I will definitely go to Tianyijiao to prove my innocence. You have sent people to kill me every three days, but you still can't kill me, is that interesting?"

Amurpan was taken aback, and replied with some embarrassment, "I... I was not taught by Tianyi, I came here by myself."

"It's reasonable to come by yourself! Isn't this the thing?!"

Amulpan asked, "You said, you are not a murderer."

Before Shen Mo could speak, the beckoning cat on his waist, the thousand-year-old extreme ice and snow, and the corpse coffin of the twelve evil spirits trembled together. Nan Nan, Ji Nai, and Ye Li lost their faces and said in unison, "He's still a virgin, why? Maybe it has something to do with the butterfly? Young man, you must have been deceived."

Silence: ┴─┴︵╰(‵□′╰)

You go back to me!
Shen Mo blushed angrily, can this kind of thing be said casually?

Amurpan looked at Shen Mo's performance, and thought of all the doubts he had grasped, as well as Cai Die's character, and already believed that Cai Die's death had nothing to do with Shen Mo.

Then the question came, who killed the butterfly.

Silence: "You ask me, who should I ask? If you want to know the answer, go back and look it up yourself."

Amulpan struggled to get up from the ground, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Sorry, I misunderstood you. But can I ask you one thing?"

"No, no time, please go back."


"Listen to me first..."

"Time is tight, the task is heavy, and the benefits are poor. I will say goodbye and not send it."

Amulpan: (⊙﹏⊙)
Seeing the resolute silence, Amurpan could only shake his head helplessly. After being untied by the penguin, he chose to leave alone decadently.

The moment Amurpan was about to walk out of the Fumu Carving shop, he turned his head abruptly and pleaded again, "Boss, I will go and investigate and find the murderer to avenge Caidie...but if I die, please You must do me a favor and avenge Caidie and me."

Silently looked at Amurpan in front of him, this is an infatuated child, but he is not stupid, he knows that his trip is full of dangers, life and death are unpredictable.

Shen Mo knocked himself on the head, but still didn't wait for the side mission to appear. In desperation, he could only reply, "The person who can kill the saint in Tianyi Sect is definitely not an ordinary person. Your strength is mediocre. If you go It’s sending you to your death. Let’s go ahead, if you’re not in a hurry, you can wait for me in Yancheng, and we’ll go back to Tianyijiao together.”

Amur Panxi said, "I'm not in a hurry, I'd like to go back to Tianyijiao with you."

"Leave a phone number, eat and sleep by yourself, and I will contact you when I am done with the work at hand."

Amurpan quickly handed over his phone number to Penguin, and exited the woodcarving shop with thanks.

When Amurpan walked away, the penguin asked curiously, "Master, why did you help him? Is it someone who has taken a fancy to him?"

How could Shen Mo be that kind of person? The reason why he agreed to Amulpan was also for his own sake. Tianyi and his party will inevitably confront the murderer who killed Caidie. It is also valuable to take Amulpan as a guide.

Mo Mo took the penguin back to his personal warehouse. This doll has inherited his Pippi attribute, and he always likes to talk to bricks. When pinching the doll next time, he must make it a little more normal.

After complaining to myself, Mo Mo went to the bedroom on the second floor, ready to do a big job.

(End of this chapter)

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